

Tha Doctor 17Tha Doctor 17 Registered User regular
edited January 2007 in Debate and/or Discourse
I don't understand how Christianity can possibly make any sense to people, "GOD" is supposed to be all powerful and merciful right? then why is it that they teach that just disbelief or ignorance of his existence causes people to go to Hell. What about people who live in countries that have never had "GOD" brought to them, should they just go to Hell entirely because they were born in the wrong place, or to the wrong parents, thats just not fair to them, if "GOD" is so great and merciful then he should at least forgive those who dont know of him, but NO according to what Pastors say and what the Bible says, if your born in a place that practices Buddhism your just fucked, well that just doesnt make any sense to me.

And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD", I don't know what I believe, but logically everything has to come from something else, and that means that the beggining is impossible, and in direct connection of that, so is existence in general, life is impossible if logic is correct, which means that logic is worthless, so then what is the reason for anyone to live?? someone please prove me wrong, this theory of mine is killing me, and i need someone to find an argument against it.

Tha Doctor 17 on


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    ThanatosThanatos Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Thanatos on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD"


    As far as everything else, well it depends on your dogma and what apologetics you prefer or inconsistencies you can overlook in regards to the greater overall message and such. Enjoy your next 10 pages.

    moniker on
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    Tha Doctor 17Tha Doctor 17 Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    thats the thing, overlooking the inconsistencies has led to tons of mistakes, the one im mainly thinking of is Communism, it'll never work because people will always rebel after a length of controlled government, they overlooked the inconsistency on people, when things dont make sense i get confused, and i need some kind of explanation

    Tha Doctor 17 on
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    LadyMLadyM Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    This isn't what all Christians believe, but here are some Catholic beliefs.
    I don't understand how Christianity can possibly make any sense to people, "GOD" is supposed to be all powerful and merciful right? then why is it that they teach that just disbelief or ignorance of his existence causes people to go to Hell.

    Catholism says that people themselves choose Hell, defined as a complete separation from God. Presumably turning away from relationship with God in life makes you more likely to do it when you're dead.
    What about people who live in countries that have never had "GOD" brought to them, should they just go to Hell entirely because they were born in the wrong place, or to the wrong parents, thats just not fair to them, if "GOD" is so great and merciful then he should at least forgive those who dont know of him, but NO according to what Pastors say and what the Bible says, if your born in a place that practices Buddhism your just fucked, well that just doesnt make any sense to me.

    People who have never been exposed to Christianity can get to Heaven though . . . shit, I forget what it's called. "Baptism of spirit" or something, I think. Not the same as an "official" Christian baptism with water, etc, but a spiritual acceptance of the Holy Spirit or something.

    Also, Catholism accepts that non-Christians can get into Heaven.
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD"

    Beats me!

    The explanations differ a lot between the different Christian denominations . . . There are some that believe that all non-Christians go to hell, etc.

    LadyM on
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    Gorilla SaladGorilla Salad Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    moniker wrote:
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD"

    So who the hell made Ultra-god?

    Gorilla Salad on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    thats the thing, overlooking the inconsistencies has led to tons of mistakes, the one im mainly thinking of is Communism, it'll never work because people will always rebel after a length of controlled government, they overlooked the inconsistency on people, when things dont make sense i get confused, and i need some kind of explanation

    All utopian views have faults. Chiefly the assumption that people simply exist rather than live. At least, the Modernist ones do. I'm not really aware of any PoMo utopians to know if they fall into the same traps. The leap from Christianity to Communism was a rather...interesting one.

    Oh, and to help milady I'll bring up Jeffe's old remarks. God being His own first start is just as logically inconsistent as thinking that the Universe is its own first start. Also, you're thinking of Purgatory.

    moniker on
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    Tha Doctor 17Tha Doctor 17 Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    People who have never been exposed to Christianity can get to Heaven though . . . shit, I forget what it's called. "Baptism of spirit" or something, I think. Not the same as an "official" Christian baptism with water, etc, but a spiritual acceptance of the Holy Spirit or something.

    but theres another thing, people do what they are taught, if someone was raised to believe something, they will most likely believe that, people who are brought up on the wrong side of the world and introduced to the "wrong religion" will believe that, and according to most Christian denominations, go to hell because of it
    Oh, and to help milady I'll bring up Jeffe's old remarks. God being His own first start is just as logically inconsistent as thinking that the Universe is its own first start.

    I'm not saying that Science is correct either, im not saying that the Universe created itself, im saying that life, or existence whatever you call it is impossible, if you just use logic, so there must be some answer to what "this" is, oh and Communism was just an example of the reprecussions of overlooking inconsistencies

    Tha Doctor 17 on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Senor Fish wrote:
    moniker wrote:
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD"

    So who the hell made Ultra-god?

    Don't fuck with Ultra-God, buddy.

    moniker on
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    CorlisCorlis Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD", I don't know what I believe, but logically everything has to come from something else, and that means that the beggining is impossible, and in direct connection of that, so is existence in general, life is impossible if logic is correct, which means that logic is worthless, so then what is the reason for anyone to live?? someone please prove me wrong, this theory of mine is killing me, and i need someone to find an argument against it.
    That does not seem obvious to me. Why should everything come from something different, or be made by something else? It seems logically possible to me that there could be a Creator who has always existed and not been created, and he just decided one day to put the world in place. (not saying that necessarily is what happened, but it doesn't seem inherently impossible)

    Corlis on
    But I don't mind, as long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine,
    I'll be fine, just give me a minute, a man's got a limit, I can't get a life if my heart's not in it.
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    Sir Red of the MantiSir Red of the Manti Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    I believe existence can be summed up in a Möbius strip. Linear object warped into a continuous one sided object. If you look at time as a linear concept warped in a similar manner, events at the beginning can be triggered by events that happened at the end, and everything wraps up in a neat, non-linear package. After that, you can use religion or science to fill in the blanks to your liking.

    Sir Red of the Manti on
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    Tha Doctor 17Tha Doctor 17 Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Corlis wrote:
    And another thing, if "GOD" created the world, then who or what created "GOD", I don't know what I believe, but logically everything has to come from something else, and that means that the beggining is impossible, and in direct connection of that, so is existence in general, life is impossible if logic is correct, which means that logic is worthless, so then what is the reason for anyone to live?? someone please prove me wrong, this theory of mine is killing me, and i need someone to find an argument against it.
    That does not seem obvious to me. Why should everything come from something different, or be made by something else? It seems logically possible to me that there could be a Creator who has always existed and not been created, and he just decided one day to put the world in place. (not saying that necessarily is what happened, but it doesn't seem inherently impossible)

    ok, how can something have always existed, that makes no sense, then again, my opinion, or stand, is that infinity is impossible so if you really say that this greater being has always existed, and that the universe or at least something has, then that still leaves the rest of my argument, and if you believe that something can have always existed then the Big Bang is just as possible as there being a "GOD"

    Tha Doctor 17 on
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    I believe existence can be summed up in a Möbius strip. Linear object warped into a continuous one sided object. If you look at time as a linear concept warped in a similar manner, events at the beginning can be triggered by events that happened at the end, and everything wraps up in a neat, non-linear package. After that, you can use religion or science to fill in the blanks to your liking.

    Why not a Klein Bottle? It's the same concept, only with the benefit of being a bottle.

    moniker on
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    Tha Doctor 17Tha Doctor 17 Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    I believe existence can be summed up in a Möbius strip. Linear object warped into a continuous one sided object. If you look at time as a linear concept warped in a similar manner, events at the beginning can be triggered by events that happened at the end, and everything wraps up in a neat, non-linear package. After that, you can use religion or science to fill in the blanks to your liking.

    alright, let me get this straight, you're saying that either "GOD" or the universe exists simply because we exist/live and that causes that something must've created that so basically cause and effect just works both ways?

    Tha Doctor 17 on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2007
    Be less stupid.

    Irond Will on
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