
Lurker's portfolio dump thread (NSFW and image heavy)

MuseMuse Registered User regular
edited December 2008 in Artist's Corner
Usually I lurk these threads, but I finally summed up the courage to take pictures of my work and make an account

Here are my works ranging from the summer of 2007 to now; I'm going to the portfolio day in DC in two weeks so any comments and critiques as to what to improve and what to include in my portfolio will be greatly appreciated.

I've never created a portfolio either so tips on that would be good too














Muse on


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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    This is an interesting body of work, I am surprised that nobody has commented. I guess before I get too in depth on critiquing your work I would like to know what your goals are, and where you are at now (as far as school is concerned). I will say for now though that I think you have a good color sense.

    rts on
    skype: rtschutter
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    One thing I can't help but notice is that all of your works feel very ... fuzzy. I'd like to see some that are more cleaned up- not that they all have to be, but for varieties sake.

    Nappuccino on
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    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    earthwormadamearthwormadam ancient crust Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I'd say that the first five are very impressive. Also the second to last one. Those are just the ones that really stood out to me.

    earthwormadam on
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    desperaterobotsdesperaterobots perth, ausRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    This is a pretty awesome first post. Lots of nice painterly stuff in there, amongst the 'mixed media experimental highschool art the teacher said this shit was mandatory' stuff.

    desperaterobots on
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    MuseMuse Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    ha thanks

    @cakemikz-As far as my goals are concerned, I plan on going to an art school or a school with a good art program and I'm a junior in high school....I'm not sure if I'm answering your question though
    @Nappuccino- fuzzy in what way? should I clean up my edges and make them sharper?
    @desperaterobots-yeah I splurged on some prismacolor markers in the summer and went to town on those, hence some of the experimental ones

    Muse on
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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    What are your goals in art? Fine art? Illustration, graphic design, concept art, comic books etc.

    rts on
    skype: rtschutter
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    NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Well, i don't think fuzzy is always a problem. In fact your first 5 or so paintings look really nice even though the edges are soft. The ones that stick out to me the most are the fireman and the somewhat classical one two below the fireman.

    They both look...out of focus.

    I guess my suggestion was just try to have a more infocus look on some of them to show you can do both styles :)

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
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    MuseMuse Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    @Cakemikz- well so far all I have done is fine art, but I always have enjoyed looking at Illustration and concept art
    @Nappuccino- ha I'm not sure if the fuzzy style was intentional, but I'll definitely keep that in mind

    Muse on
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    IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited November 2008
    For a jr in highschool your doing pretty damn well. For portfolio advice, it often depends on the school. You sound like you want to go into fine arts I think you have a pretty solid portfolio here (honestly its fairly solid no matter what).

    I remember that when applying to Schools at the portfolio day in dc, though, they actually really enjoyed the more conceptual work. And by conceptual I dont mean just playing in different mediums, but also interesting ideas. These two jump out at me as less still life ish, which is an indicator of someone with ideas to develop.

    Um, Im not sure if what I just gave is advice, but nice work. What schools are you interested in? (If you dont know prioritize because those lines are bullshit at portfolio day and you wont want to stand in them all.)

    Iruka on
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    winter_combat_knightwinter_combat_knight Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I really like thes two the best!
    I like the scribbly style used on the dudes shirt and hands
    The skin tone and colours really brings this one to life.

    I couldn't possibly offer any crits/advice on your methods. Sorry. Awesome stuff!
    As for the portfolio day... you're planning on going to art school, but are there going to be clients/publishers there as well? If so, if you plan on handing out portfolios of your work, just make sure your re-productions really good quality and match your original. Good luck with it.

    winter_combat_knight on
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    MuseMuse Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    For a jr in highschool your doing pretty damn well. For portfolio advice, it often depends on the school. You sound like you want to go into fine arts I think you have a pretty solid portfolio here (honestly its fairly solid no matter what).

    I remember that when applying to Schools at the portfolio day in dc, though, they actually really enjoyed the more conceptual work. And by conceptual I dont mean just playing in different mediums, but also interesting ideas. These two jump out at me as less still life ish, which is an indicator of someone with ideas to develop.

    Um, Im not sure if what I just gave is advice, but nice work. What schools are you interested in? (If you dont know prioritize because those lines are bullshit at portfolio day and you wont want to stand in them all.)
    I really enjoyed RISD so I'm probably going to hit that line up, and probably Cornell....and if I have time maybe NYU, I've been told that you usually only get to see maybe three schools if you're lucky o_O
    ... you're planning on going to art school, but are there going to be clients/publishers there as well? If so, if you plan on handing out portfolios of your work, just make sure your re-productions really good quality and match your original. Good luck with it.
    my art teacher told me that sometimes the schools will offer scholarships on the spot to some kids, though I'm not exactly expecting anything :P
    the computer lab teacher was able to lend me a copy of photoshop so I can kind of muddle my way through making decent reproductions though I know very little about photoshop, and I think I'm allowed to bring a few of my best works with me, which I haven't totally decided on yet

    Muse on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    God dammit, lurkers are supposed to post art that makes me feel superior not.........whatever the opposite of superior is.

    Mustang on
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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    My recommendation would be to look at fine art schools like my own, rather than large degree programs. But since that is something you are extremely unlikely to do, I will say RISD wouldn't be a bad choice.

    Just remember, as a fine artist your degree isn't going to matter. And in the world of conceptual art (not concept art), it may even hurt you. So pick your school based on the quality of the program, not prestige. And you need to learn to draw, so I would pick a program with a great foundation in drawing.

    rts on
    skype: rtschutter
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    MuseMuse Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Well, I've been able to convince my parents that this was what I wanted to do, but part of the deal was that at least for undergrad I would have to pick a school with an art program rather than an art school, so I'm kinda limitied and I've been looking for schools with better art programs.... RISD and maybe PAFA now that I have researched it will be exceptions since PAFA is affiliated with University of Pennsylvania and RISD has that Duel degree program if you get accepted to Brown as well

    Also I've decided to add these two to my portfolio, though they're older than in my original post


    Muse on
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    rtsrts Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    I wouldn't even bother with studying art at a school like that. I would just study business or something else that might interest you and pursue art throughout, and after your degree.

    *edit* While it seems odd to me that I should dole out advice about such an important decision in someone's life with two sentences over the internet, I think you will find enough people on this forum who were disappointed with their education to be a supporting factor.

    rts on
    skype: rtschutter
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    VirumVirum Registered User regular
    edited December 2008
    Cake I would suggest he get his "real degree" and minor in art at his university - that way he gets the best of both worlds. My university has some good art professors - and some not so good ones - but I am very glad I have taken all the classes for the minor... they have helped me a lot.

    Now if only I hadn't done a film production major - I regret that a bit (though I have met some people that I never would have met otherwise so it was helpful there), so I definitely side with you in saying get a real, useful, degree that you can use to get a good job if the art thing doesn't pan out.

    Virum on
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