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(For Gabe) PAX 2005 Rap Battle Tournament

Joey FusionJoey Fusion Registered User regular
edited March 2005 in PAX Archive
(suggested idea, let me know what you think)
PAX 2005; I'm going, you're going, your neighbors dog is going. It will be sweet, but it's missing something...

Enter the "2005 Penny Arcade Expo Nerd Rap Battle tournament!"
An amateur rap battle tournament designed to test the mettle of all of the Penny-Arcade readers that also tread on the M.C. side of things

The first few rounds could be in the game rooms with copies of "Get on da mic" / with a kareoke machine style set up with a couple of generic beats (Whichever would be easiest), the next few round could be in the smaller auditorium, and the final bitter duel could be on Saturday to open up the show!

Judges would be volunteers/ members of Optimus Rhyme, MC Chris's backing band, The Minibosses, MC Front's backing band/ whomever.

Prizes include ... haven't thought that far ahead

It would pretty much be run like a regular tournament, just with WAY more use of the line "I'm not kidding with these rhymes you see, cause All your base belongs to me"

Let me know if you're interested. Considering the large number of people attending and the large number of Nerd Rap superstars at the event this could be a really fun and oddly fitting distraction.

I made a topic about this a little bit ago at
and people seemed to be interested, it got 800 some views and 40 some replies in under a week and while naysayers existed in the topic; it seems like it would be enjoyed by most :)

Sorry about double posting this by the way, I figured that adding "For Gabe" in the topic line would give it a better chance of being spotted.

Joey Fusion on


  • GrathGrath I'm a much happier person these days Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2005

    Grath on
  • MrFisticuffsMrFisticuffs It's Easter, bitches. REJOICE. Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Man, why didn't you just edit the other topic

    And once again, this isn't a very good idea

    MrFisticuffs on
  • Joey FusionJoey Fusion Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    Sorry about that. I noticed the edit button, but I didn't realize you could edit titles until right after creating this topic :(

    I thought you were for it as long as it didn't involve "Get on da mic" Mr. Fisticuffs, did I misread or something?

    Joey Fusion on
  • MrFisticuffsMrFisticuffs It's Easter, bitches. REJOICE. Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    I thought it was more about hiphop music and less about two guys insulting each other with a bad karaoke game as the media

    MrFisticuffs on
  • GrathGrath I'm a much happier person these days Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2005
    as long as I may record all of it and everyone signs over rights of all material recorded to me to be used as I see fit I will submit a mystery prize. I have a plan for something involving pax and this may fit into the puzzle.

    edit: my plans do not involve making money sadly, just comedy gold.

    Grath on
  • Joey FusionJoey Fusion Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    I'd like it to be more about the hip-hop, but truthfully the first round or two will be much like how you described it. That's how almost all competitions open to the public are though, the first few rounds are horrible, but once you get into it and the talented people make it through than I see it becoming something that people would enjoy watching for the skill of the M.C.s rather than the "So bad it's good-ishness"

    I totally don't see anything wrong with you taping it, but you might want to offer up a cops style dot over head option for those that don't want to be taped.

    Joey Fusion on
  • Mister LongbaughMister Longbaugh Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    This is still a fucking stupid idea.

    Mister Longbaugh on
  • Joey FusionJoey Fusion Registered User regular
    edited March 2005
    This is still a fucking stupid idea.

    I'm sorry that you feel that way. If you have any suggestions to improve it I would be more than happy to consider your ideas :)

    Joey Fusion on
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