
[Dungeon Lords] Game 2 - Tayrun the Mighty Rules the Underworld!

blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly.Registered User regular
edited February 2012 in Critical Failures

They meet in a tavern. They quaff a few ales. Before the night is over, the strong warrior, the wily wizard, the commited priest and the sneaky thief form an inseparable party of adventurers, ready to rid the world of evil. And wouldn’t you know it? There just happens to be some evil within easy walking distance. A dark lord has filled a nearby hill with tunnels, traps, treasure, and trolls.

And so the next morning (or the next afternoon if too many ales were quaffed) the heroes set out to fight for Right, conquer the dungeon, and punish the wicked lord (by taking all his treasure, of course). It’s a classic scenario, and any veteran dungeon crawler will tell you that’s the way things ought to be.

But what about that dark lord? Does anyone ever think about his feelings? Those adventurers, who have never done an honest day’s work in their lives, can not begin to imagine how much effort goes into building a respectable dungeon. They have no idea how hard it is to tunnel through granite, how expensive good traps are these days, how diffi cult it is to find qualified imps, or how much food it takes to feed a troll. And the bureaucracy! Dungeons must meet rigid safety specifications, gold mining is subject to strict regulations, and taxes are due whenever the Ministry of Dungeons feels like it. And as soon as the dungeon is built, some band of do-gooders comes along and hacks everything up. Life is not easy for a dungeon lord.

This will be a Play-by-Post (although mostly done through PMed orders) game of Dungeon Lords for 4 players using the advanced rules and special events, but not the tricky items expansion. You take the role of a young aspiring dungeon lord (just 15 to 20 decades old) who is trying to get a dungeon lord license. The Ministry of Dungeons gives you a trial period during which you attempt to build a high-quality dungeon and protect it from adventurers. At the end of two years, your dungeon is visited by Ministry officials who give you points for your engineering and tactical achievements.

Essential reading:

The Rules (from which I stole most of this post)

Nonessential (but suggested) reading:

Game 1 Thread

blahmcblah on


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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Useful Information

    Game Structure:

    Draw 3 new Monsters and 2 Rooms. Discard any remaining from previous round.
    Except round 4, do the following.
    Draw 4 Adventurer tiles. Order from left to right, least to most powerful. Ties: retain drawn order. Replace last drawn if all of equal power.
    Turn up next round’s Event tile (and possibly Special Event card).


    Pay 1 Gold if “Hire Monsters” is first Order.
    Place Minion on Order card if no space left or the order is not carried out.
    PLAY ACTIONS - Left to right, top to bottom.
    Food, Improve Reputation, Hire Imps, Buy Traps – Cannot pay partial cost.
    Spy looks at one Combat card. In 2nd year get extra Trap card and discard any one of your Trap cards.
    Dig tunnels, Mine Gold – May use fewer Imps than specified. Must use Foreimps where specified. Trolls do not help dig or mine.
    New Tunnel must be adjacent to a previous Tunnel or Room. Cannot fill 2x2 blocks. One digger per tunnel.
    Each Imp can mine 1 Gold per unconquered Tunnel. One miner per Tunnel.
    Hire Monsters – Reverse order. Pay cost when hired.
    Build Rooms – Reverse order. Replace unconquered Tunnels. Two Rooms cannot be adjacent. 1st year Rooms must be built in specified areas.


    Use unused Imps and/or Troll tokens in Production rooms. In 1st year, use each once per round. In 2nd year, use each twice per round.
    Take back inaccessible Orders. Of the played Orders, take back the first played or one Order with a Minion. Move other two Orders up to Inaccessible Order spaces.


    Pay Day – Pay for each Monster or let go for 1 evil.
    Taxes – Pay 1 Gold per 2 dungeon tiles. Gain 1 Red mark (-3) for each unpaid Gold.
    Special Event – Follow text on Special Event card.


    Least powerful Adventurer goes to lowest on Evilmeter. Ties: closest to starting player is nicest.
    New Adventurers line up behind previous Adventurers. New Warriors to front. 6. END OF THE ROUND
    Return all Imps to Den.
    Except in fall, pass the Starting Player token left.


    Each year has one Paladin.
    Moves to first player above Paladin’s level on Evilmeter.
    Moves immediately to another player if this player is at or above Paladin’s level and above current Paladin owner’s level. Ties: starting player is nicest.
    Paladin retains damage when moved during combat.


    Flip Progress board and deal Combat cards face-down in order.
    Play four rounds. Eliminated Adventurers go to your prison. Combat over if all Adventurers eliminated.

    1. PLANNING PHASE – Simultaneous.
    Mark unconquered tile closest to entrance with Minion (ties: player’s choice).
    In Tunnel play up to 1 Trap and 1 Monster.
    In Room play up to 1 Trap (pay 1 Gold) and 2 Monsters.
    Play any number of Ghosts.
    If no unconquered tiles, discard one imprisoned Adventurer instead of planning.


    3. BATTLE PHASE – In player order. Paladin still moves during battle phase.
    A. TRAPS STEP – Reveal and deal with effects. Thieves reduce damage by one per point of anti-trap. Adventurers in front first. Discard Trap card face-down.
    B. FAST SPELL – If on Combat card and party has enough magic points.
    C. MONSTERS – After attacking, Monster is knocked out (face-down) for rest of year.
    D. SLOW SPELL – If on Combat card and party has enough magic points.
    E. HEALING – If at least one Monster or Ghost attacked, then heal damage by one per point of healing. Adventurers in front first.
    Party takes fatigue damage shown on Combat card, starting in front.
    If at least one Adventurer remains, then party conquers the tile. Flip tile. Move down one on Evilmeter.


    Flip Progress board. Add 2nd year Combat cards. Discard 1st year Paladin. Place shuffled Events. Flip 1st year knocked out Monsters.
    New starting player.
    4P: one to right.
    3P: one to left.
    2P: not at all.


    Points for aspects of dungeons and Titles.
    Most Points wins – declared Underlord.
    All positive scores earn Dungeon Lord License.

    Monsters (and Ghosts):
    First Year

    2x of each:

    (Name - Cost - Attack - Other Ability)

    Ghost - 1 Evil - Attack anyone but 1st adventurer for 2 - Not a monster
    Goblin - 1 Food - Attack 1st adventurer for 2; if lethal, attack next in line for 1
    Slime - 1 Food - Choose one: Attack all for 1, or prevent conquering/fatigue
    Troll - 2 Food - Attack 1st adventurer for 3, or 4 if fed a food token - Troll token can work in production rooms
    Witch - 1 Food and 1 Evil - Choose one: Attack 1st adventurer for 4, or any two for 1 each
    Vampire - 2 Evil - Choose one: Attack anyone (except priests) for 3, or for 2 and return for next round

    Second Year

    1x of each 1st year monster and 2x of each:

    Demon - 1 Evil and 1 Monster (not Ghost) - Attack anyone for 7 and prevent conquering/fatigue
    Dragon - 2 Food and 2 Evil - Attack everyone for 2 and prevent healing
    Golem - 1 Gold and 1 Trap - Attack 1st adventurer for 4 and return for next round

    First Year

    (Name - Placement - Activation Cost - Benefit)

    Chicken Coop - Upper Half - 3 Imps - Gain 1 Food
    Magic Room - Center - 2 Imps and 1 Food - Gain 1 Imp
    Mint - Lower Half - 3 Imps - Gain 1 Gold
    Mushroom Bed - Lower Half - 3 Imps - Gain 1 Food
    Printing Press - Center - 3 Imps - Lose 1 Evil
    Souvenir Shop - Upper Half - 3 Imps - Gain 1 Gold
    Tool Shed - Outer Edge - 2 Imps - Dig 1 Tunnel
    Workshop - Outer Edge - 4 Imps - Draw 1 Trap

    Second Year

    (Name - Benefit)

    Anti-Magic Room - No Spells can be cast here
    Cafeteria - +1 point for each Goblin, Slime, Troll, and Witch
    Chapel - +2 points for each Ghost and Vampire
    Dark Room - +1 damage for each attack from Vampire or Witch here
    Hall of Fame - +2 points for each exclusive title
    Labyrinth - Can play 2 traps here for free, but only 1 monster
    Pandemonium - +2 points for each Demon, Dragon, and Golem
    Training Room - +1 damage for each attack from Goblin or Troll here

    3x of each
    (Name - Effect)

    Anti-magic Dart - 1 damage to anyone; if wizard, no spells; if priest, no healing
    Cursed Ring - Pay 1 Gold to deal 1 damage to everyone and skip conquering/fatigue
    Fire Wall - 1 damage to all, 1 additional to last in line
    Kamikaze Imp - Pay 1 Imp to deal 3 damage to 1st adventurer and 1 to others
    Pendulum - Deal 3 damage (4 in 2nd year) to 2nd in line
    Poisoned Dart - Deal 1 damage to anyone; after conquering/fatigue, deal 2 more unpreventable to same target
    Poisoned Meal - Pay 1 Food (2 in 2nd year) to deal damage to 1st adventurer equal to remaining HP
    Rolling Stone - Deal 3 damage (4 in 2nd year) to 1st adventurer
    Trap Door - Deal 2 damage to 1st adventurer and skip conquering/fatigue

    Special Events:
    (Name - Effect)

    Danse Macabre - Each player gains 1 Evil for each monster (or ghost) he or she has
    Desertion - Each player loses all imps that did no work this round
    Earthquake - Each player must discard two unconquered tunnels or rooms. Dungeons must remain connected.
    Embezzlement - Each player loses half of his or her gold (rounded down).
    Extra Tax - Each player must, for each unconquered room, pay 1 gold or lose that room. (Lost rooms are replaced with tunnels)
    Rats - Each player loses half of his or her food (rounded down).
    Title Envy - Assign titles, as in final scoring (but don't score any points). Each player gains 1 Evil for each exclusive title he or she has.
    VIP Visit - Each player must pay 2 food or lose 3 VP for each food not paid.
    Witch Hunt - Each player must discard one monster (not a ghost) or gain 3 Evil. Players who discard a Witch lose 1 Evil.

    Combat Cards:
    (Name - Speed - Effect - Fatigue)

    First Year

    Detect Evil - Slow - Gain 2 Evil - 2 Fatigue
    Detect Treasure - Slow - Lose 1 Gold/Food/Trap in that order - 1 Fatigue
    Fireball - Fast - No Effect - 1 Fatigue
    Fist of Justice - Slow - Lose 1 Imp - 1 Fatigue
    Graffiti - Slow - Do not execute first order next year - 2 Fatigue
    Invisibility - Fast - Move wizards to back, can't be harmed - 0 Fatigue
    Magic Shield - Fast - Absorb first point of damage dealt to adventurer next dealt this round - 1 Fatigue
    Suggestion - Fast - Pay Cost for each monster or withdraw it - 2 Fatigue
    Word of Peace - Fast - Withdraw all monsters or pay 2 evil - 2 Fatigue

    Second Year

    Aura of Fear - Fast - Withdraw a monster - 2 Fatigue
    Blind Rage - Fast - “Attack Anyone”/“Attack Everyone” => “Attack Front” this turn - 3 Fatigue
    Create Food - Fast - Give first adventurer bonus hitpoint (food token) - 2 Fatigue
    Dimensional Gate - Slow - Lose 1 monster used this combat from the game - 3 Fatigue
    Illusion - Fast - Imp becomes 1hp first adventurer till killed - 3 Fatigue
    Magic Key - Slow - Discard a single captured adventurer - 2 Fatigue
    Metamorphosis - Fast - Sheep a monster. Sheep has only “Attack front for 1” - 3 Fatigue
    Regeneration - Slow - Heal every wounded adventurer 1hp - 1 Fatigue
    Song of Courage - Slow - 2x conquering step - 2 Fatigue

    Endgame scoring:
    Conquered Rooms/Tunnels (-2 each)
    Unpaid taxes (-3 each)
    Unconquered rooms (+2 each)
    Monsters (+1 each, ghosts do not count)
    Imprisoned Adventurers (+2 each)
    Imprisoned Paladins (+5 each)
    Cafeteria (+1 per troll, goblin, slime, witch)
    Chapel (+2 per vampire, ghost)
    Pandemonium (+2 per golem, dragon, demon)

    TITLES (+3 exclusive, +2 shared)
    Lord of Dark Deeds (highest on evilometer)
    Lord of Halls (all rooms count)
    Tunnellord (all tunnels count)
    Monsterlord (ghosts do not count)
    Lord of Imps (troll tokens do not count)
    Lord of Riches (gold, food, unplayed traps)
    Battlelord (fewest conquered tiles)

    Hall of Fame (+2 per exclusive title, +1 in 2/3 players)

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    I've sent invites to 3 users who previously told me they were interested in playing, which means signups are open for 1-4 players depending on response. Extra spaces will be filled by semi-random draw (preference given to players who didn't play last time), with anyone who doesn't make it in added to my private signup list in case I ever do this again for some reason.

    blahmcblah on
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    CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    I'll be on the road a good bit tomorrow, but I'm still up for it!

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Hooray! In case it isn't clear, I'm no longer grudging you for that BSG game (you know what I mean). Or maybe I am, and this game is just an elaborate ruse created to torture you... muhuhahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Also, don't worry, I have no idea when this will actually start. I figure I'll give people until at least Tuesday to respond. I was just bored and this is easier(?) than doing something productive with my time.

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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    I'm in if you need a fourth really enjoyed this game.

    38thDoE on steam
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    I'd also be interested, but I understand that there are people who have been waiting longer and been around the forums longer than me, but at the very least I'd like to make the list for next time... If that's cool?

    E - Have played the game quite a bit in real life so am totally up to speed on the game rules.

    Cerberus on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    I only invited 3 people, and 1 already declined, so the remaining 2 spots are open for anyone, and like I said, will be filled by random draw. Although maybe I'll give priority to people who didn't play last time (sorry Doe!). I'm editing that into the other post, so now it has always been that way! Although you might get in by default if I don't get any other signups, so who knows. :P

    blahmcblah on
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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    edited December 2011
    Totally understandable, I was just posting in case you don't fill up. I'm fine with standing aside for people who haven't gotten to play yet.
    I'd buy the game myself but my board game group seems to have died off.

    38thDoe on
    38thDoE on steam
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    CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    Right, I've done the reading, and I think I'm ready to stomp some foolish adventurers.

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    Bumping in case anyone wants to sign up before this starts with everyone we've got (at some point tonight or tomorrow).

    blahmcblah on
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    artadiusartadius Registered User regular
    Have played this game once before with my boardgame group.


    Moderating BSG Game 25
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    So apparently the week between Christmas and New Year's is the worst possible time to attempt starting a new game. I absolutely will start this up in the near future, I just kinda need to remember how to do everything. But it will be soon!

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    CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
    blahmcblah wrote:
    So apparently the week between Christmas and New Year's is the worst possible time to attempt starting a new game. I absolutely will start this up in the near future, I just kinda need to remember how to do everything. But it will be soon!

    Completely understand. Whenever you're ready to start it up is fine with me.

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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    blahmcblah wrote:
    So apparently the week between Christmas and New Year's is the worst possible time to attempt starting a new game. I absolutely will start this up in the near future, I just kinda need to remember how to do everything. But it will be soon!

    Dude, you don't need to apologise, you are doing everyone a favour by running a game, so it is totally up to you when you kick things off, who with etc. People are just appreciative that you are hosting! Well I am... I assume the same is true for others.

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    artadiusartadius Registered User regular
    I'm actually going to retract my sign up for this game as I'm going to be running a BSG game here soon and will want to focus on that for the near future. Thanks though.

    Moderating BSG Game 25
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    Does that mean there aren't enough players? Or still too many based on previous sign ups?

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    We have enough, no worries. Just waiting on me to get my head out of my ass. :)

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    TayrunTayrun Registered User regular
    Can I sign up as a reserve incase someone has to drop out?

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    @Tayrun - you can sign up to actually play, if you like. If you'd rather just reserve up, that's cool too. Either way, I've got all my issues worked out, so I should finally be ready to start this tonight, so please let me know ASAP.

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Ok, so by "tonight," I obviously really meant "tomorrow night." So our players are @admanb, @Capfalcon, @Cerberus, and @Tayrun if he wants the slot, or @38thDoe if Tayrun declines. Any color preferences? Choices are blue, green, red, and yellow. And you may want to pick a character name, or a (probably embarrassing) name will be chosen for you.

    blahmcblah on
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    admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular

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    TayrunTayrun Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    I would like the slot please! Thanks!

    Tayrun the Mighty

    Tayrun on
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    I will take yellow... will think of a worthy name...

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    CapfalconCapfalcon Tunnel Snakes Rule Capital WastelandRegistered User regular
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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Good luck all!

    38thDoE on steam
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    I will be... The Yellow Dog

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Man, I have way too much stuff going on. Thought I'd get this started this past weekend, but between my wife's birthday and family in town, it didn't happen. But things should kick into full gear starting... now!

    Rolling for seating (a,ca,ce,t): 44, 20, 29, 7

    So the resolution order for Winter of Year 1 will be The Red Panda (admanb) - The Yellow Dog (Cerberus) - Green Grinch - Tayrun the Mighty (Tayrun)

    Choices for inaccessible orders have been sent.

    Oh, and does anyone have a suggestion for a good hosting color other than dark orange that isn't too similar to a player color? It seems like it's too close to goldenrod, which I prefer for yellow because actual yellow on the white background blinds me like the light of a thousand suns.

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    After looking over MrB's list of colors that work on both the new scheme and Ye Olde Style, I'm thinking either brown or chocolate. Thoughts?

    Edit: I think I've decided on brown.

    Edit #2: Switched to chocolate.

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    I'll be doing pictures instead of text after this (unless everyone really, really prefers text), but just a quick reminder of what everyone has to start:

    Gold : 3
    Food : 3
    Traps: 0
    Imps : 3
    Evil : 5
    Adventurers : none
    Monsters : none
    Prisoners : 0
    Unpaid Tax: 0
    (+ = tunnel)

    Edit: I should probably put that in the OP at some point, heh.

    blahmcblah on
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    38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Bolding the text helps a lot. Brown is legible.
    edit: beaten

    38thDoe on
    38thDoE on steam
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    This may be a stupid question, but why do we start with 3 tunnels, can't see that in the rules...
    (Sure you have covered this somewhere and its just me...)

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    It's in the setup section of the rules. Also, you should know there's an empty bottom row which I just edited into my text up there because apparently Vanilla turns five dashes into one long line.

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Ok, so I just realized that I never put the special events in the OP. I'll work on that in a bit. Hopefully it doesn't change anyone's inaccessible order choices when they're up (but if it does, let me know).

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    darkorange chocolate goldenrod coral indianred

    Edit: Didn't mean to actually post this, heh. Just color testing, nothing to see here.

    blahmcblah on
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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Ok, Special Events are now in the UI post. Please do let me know if you'd like to change your inaccessible orders based on that (or any other reason before we start the round). Just waiting on inaccessibles from Tayrun the Mighty.

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    TayrunTayrun Registered User regular
    Oops, my bad. PM apparently didn't send.

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    edited January 2012
    Year 1, Winter

    Progress Board:

    Main Board:

    The first event is a special one... Title Envy! When we get there (at the end of Spring), we'll assign titles, just like we would at the end of the second year; but oh no, the prize isn't Victory Points... it's just Evil (for exclusive titles)! Please be aware that Pay Day and Tax Day will both come up later in the year (ouch).

    Inaccessible orders:

    The Red Panda: Buy Traps, Hire Monster
    The Yellow Dog: Recruit Imps, Get Food
    Green Grinch: Build Room, Hire Monster
    Tayrun the Mighty: Dig Tunnels, Recruit Imps

    Please PM me your orders for the round in the sequence you desire and post here when finished.
    1. Improve Reputation
    2. Buy Traps
    3. Build Room

    Play order is as shown above.

    Good luck and have fun, you evil bastards!

    blahmcblah on
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    CerberusCerberus Registered User regular
    Orders Sent! (With a question)

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    blahmcblahblahmcblah You pick your side and you stick - you don't cut and run when things get ugly. Registered User regular
    Just need orders from @admanb and @Tayrun.

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