
  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    I don't live in the UK, but the GAME thing is baffling to me. Their business is doing poorly, so the remedy for that is to screw over existing customers by cancelling pre-orders a week before release (especially when they were the only one carrying the Collector's Edition and much of the pre-order DLC, meaning a LOT of pre-orders were probably made there) and alienate future customers by not carrying (among other EA titles) what is likely to be one of the most popular games of the year? This all seems like terrible business strategy.

    From what I've read it's not that simple, it's an ongoing credit issue with publishers.

    EA probably decided that their games would sell no matter where they put them so they don't want to take the risk of lending to GAME when they are losing share prices all the time.

    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    jdarksun wrote: »
    Fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking Geth Destroyer flamethrower stunlock. "Oh hey, I'm rapidly draining your shields and health, and you constantly stumble when you try to run away. Good luck surviving, much less killing me!"
    Z (or whatever your "pause / squad powers" key is) -> Push, Lift, Overload, anything that stuns -> run away.
    Overload is an instant kill if their shields are down. Incinerate, too.

  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Unfortunately, that doesn't work if I just used Stasis on the Destroyer so I could deal with the Trooper next to it. Also, I turned on God Mode and punched the Colossus to death. Damn, that was satisfying.

  • DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Shen wrote: »
    Thank you for preordering Mass Effect 3 from GAME.co.uk

    We're contacting you with news that, unfortunately we are not in a position to supply you with your copy of Mass Effect 3. As dedicated gamers, we know how disappointing this will be for you, and we apologise sincerely for the inconvenience that this will cause.

    Your order will be cancelled and no money will be taken from your account for this item.

    We value you as a customer very highly and want to demonstrate that to you by giving you a voucher code worth £5 off your next purchase at GAME.co.uk*

    Your voucher code is *idonotcaraeforyourvouchers*

    We are very sorry for any disappointment and inconvenience this may have caused.

    For more information about Mass Effect 3 please visit www.GAME.co.uk/masseffect

    The Customer Service Team


    Yeah, I was pretty furious. Switched my pre-order to Play.com but that means I'm unlikely to get it day and date which GAME guaranteed (sometimes even a day earlier). Basically I won't be playing it for fully a week after 6th, which is horseshit.

    i've not preordered form play before but any other site i've preordered from (game, gameplay, amazon) i've always got the game the day before release. always.

    again not sure about their pre-orders but normally they are ok. the stores here usually ship just a bit early so you'll get it delivered on release day and not sure about your postal region but mine is pretty awesome.

    Deaderinred on
  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    I don't live in the UK, but the GAME thing is baffling to me. Their business is doing poorly, so the remedy for that is to screw over existing customers by cancelling pre-orders a week before release (especially when they were the only one carrying the Collector's Edition and much of the pre-order DLC, meaning a LOT of pre-orders were probably made there) and alienate future customers by not carrying (among other EA titles) what is likely to be one of the most popular games of the year? This all seems like terrible business strategy.

    From what I've read it's not that simple, it's an ongoing credit issue with publishers.

    EA probably decided that their games would sell no matter where they put them so they don't want to take the risk of lending to GAME when they are losing share prices all the time.

    I don't suspect it would be EA's decision since they were supporting GAME with exclusive pre-order bonuses (and exclusive sale of the CE) up to this point. The gist of what I've heard is that it involves sale volumes (as in, you must buy ____ copies per store, which is more than GAME wanted to buy). But I don't know the specifics so maybe that is wrong.

    Whatever the case, there is no way this is going to turn out good for GAME, whereas I don't see it really impacting EA at all. So no matter what, GAME is the loser here.

    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • KainyKainy Pimpin' and righteous Registered User regular
    Did anyone else read that canned response from GAME as "We value your business, but would never like to have it again because we just buttfucked you on almost no notice.

    Cause that's what it sounded like to me. Seriously, a place did that to me, I'd never fucking pre-order or even SHOP there again.

    If you're going to be fucking your customers over, could you at least give them enough notice that they can take their business elsewhere and not suffer delays?

    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    There's anti-fuckery code in there now :) Sorry :)
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    Warlock82 wrote: »
    I don't live in the UK, but the GAME thing is baffling to me. Their business is doing poorly, so the remedy for that is to screw over existing customers by cancelling pre-orders a week before release (especially when they were the only one carrying the Collector's Edition and much of the pre-order DLC, meaning a LOT of pre-orders were probably made there) and alienate future customers by not carrying (among other EA titles) what is likely to be one of the most popular games of the year? This all seems like terrible business strategy.

    From what I've read it's not that simple, it's an ongoing credit issue with publishers.

    EA probably decided that their games would sell no matter where they put them so they don't want to take the risk of lending to GAME when they are losing share prices all the time.

    I don't suspect it would be EA's decision since they were supporting GAME with exclusive pre-order bonuses (and exclusive sale of the CE) up to this point. The gist of what I've heard is that it involves sale volumes (as in, you must buy ____ copies per store, which is more than GAME wanted to buy). But I don't know the specifics so maybe that is wrong.

    Whatever the case, there is no way this is going to turn out good for GAME, whereas I don't see it really impacting EA at all. So no matter what, GAME is the loser here.

    Yeah. From what I gathered. GAME is going through some financial problems at the moment and I guess they wanted EA to cut them a break out of goodwill. EA shot it down and I guess negotiations just broke down.

  • DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    you guys read this? from ign about side quests in me3.
    HappyPantsEd asks... From the limited things that I've seen and read, the entire universe is at odds with the Reapers. My question is, while trekking around each planet and area, how do side quests work out? Do they resolve around the Reaper threat in some way or do they seem to be more unrelated to the main quest?

    Colin answers... The game does indeed take place under the direst of circumstances. The Reapers aren't so mythical after all; they're preparing to do away with organic life in the Milky Way, as they purportedly do every 50,000 years.

    One of the more unfortunate aspects of Mass Effect 3, therefore, is that a lot of the game's side quest have very little to do with that larger Reaper threat, and have more to do with ancillary tasks. Some of these tasks -- such as N7 missions -- do connect to the game's main narrative, but there's enough disconnected from the main story that many things admittedly seem out of place.

    Things were bad in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, but not this bad. Why is Shepard therefore being asked to do fetch quests? If the Reapers win, everything is for naught, and the game would have felt a little more realistic and true to itself with more of a pinpoint focus on the Reapers only.

    There are other concerns I have with side quests. One concern centers on the sheer amount of random side quests earned when running through places like the Citadel. Overhearing random characters speaking triggered side quests in past Mass Effect games, but in Mass Effect 3, this is brought to an almost absurd level. You can earn multiple side quests within a minute of each other by running through a new area of the Citadel, for instance, without having known to listen to the actual conversations for context. And the codex does a poor job of explaining your actual task. All of this comes off as a bit sloppy and unnecessary.

    The other complaint pertains to side quest timing. I've failed several side quests because I didn't do them soon enough, but you're never given much of an explanation of timeliness, or given fair warning that time is even a threat. So take heed from my experience, and knock out side quests as soon as you earn them. Otherwise, you may eventually get cut off from them forever.

    sounds good to me, not sure why people are complaining about too many side quests in the game when they complained about too little in me2 but lol internet.

  • DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Kainy wrote: »
    Did anyone else read that canned response from GAME as "We value your business, but would never like to have it again because we just buttfucked you on almost no notice.

    Cause that's what it sounded like to me. Seriously, a place did that to me, I'd never fucking pre-order or even SHOP there again.

    If you're going to be fucking your customers over, could you at least give them enough notice that they can take their business elsewhere and not suffer delays?

    yeah this, im not ordering anything from there again. i wouldnt of minded if it was like a month or two before, but one fucking week? hell no.

    just glad they had it up on other sites pretty fast and i noticed quick enough to get collectors copy again.

    i figured something might happen when i checked a good few weeks again and they removed all listings for the collectors edition from their site..

    Deaderinred on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Yeah I read that post.

    Really...it's a no win situation.

    You put in too many sidequests and people complain that your game is video-gamey and lacks focus.

    You don't have enough random stuff to do and people say your game is linear and restrictive.

    Honestly...I don't mind if video games are video-gamey so I'd rather have the former.

    Dragkonias on
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Puts the drawl in ya'll I think I'm in HellRegistered User regular
    I just hope that there's pauses in the main plot so you can go dick around with all the side quests and stuff without fucking up something later in the main plot (OLOLZ, You helped out a little league baseball team, but in the meantime, the Reapers ate the Volus homeworld.)

    Also, have they said when we can start preloading on Origin?

    Bless your heart.
  • Gaming-FreakGaming-Freak Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Yeah I read that post.

    Really...it's a no win situation.

    You put in too many sidequests and people complain that your game is video-gamey and lacks focus.

    You don't have enough random stuff to do and people say your game is linear and restrictive.

    Honestly...I don't mind if video games are video-gamey so I'd rather have the former.

    It makes sense to me, honestly. I mean, the Reapers are patient and thorough. Throughout most of the game, I'd say that most of them are still focused on Earth and any nearby colonies, so really, side-quests done in order to get resources to use in upcoming battles doesn't sound that silly to me.

    XBL: GamingFreak5514
    PSN: GamingFreak1234
  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    I just hope that there's pauses in the main plot so you can go dick around with all the side quests and stuff without fucking up something later in the main plot (OLOLZ, You helped out a little league baseball team, but in the meantime, the Reapers ate the Volus homeworld.)

    I don't know, that sense of urgency and the requirement to make choices over which objective to complete sounds pretty fucking boss to me. Given the situation heading into ME3 you really shouldn't be able to do gallivanting around assassinating a crime boss's rivals whenever you want to.

  • Blackbird SR-71CBlackbird SR-71C Registered User regular
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Yeah I read that post.

    Really...it's a no win situation.

    You put in too many sidequests and people complain that your game is video-gamey and lacks focus.

    You don't have enough random stuff to do and people say your game is linear and restrictive.

    Honestly...I don't mind if video games are video-gamey so I'd rather have the former.

    Agreed. I still think ME2 is overall a really good game, but character missions aside there were few side-quests. More side quests in Mass Effect 3? Yes please!

    Steam ID: 76561198021298113
    Origin ID: SR71C_Blackbird

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    TTODewback wrote: »
    I just hope that there's pauses in the main plot so you can go dick around with all the side quests and stuff without fucking up something later in the main plot (OLOLZ, You helped out a little league baseball team, but in the meantime, the Reapers ate the Volus homeworld.)=

    Yeah. I hate when they give you time constraints in RPGs.

    But I guess people did complaint that ME1 and ME2 didn't feel urgent enough. Soo...you get what you ask for and all that.

    Dragkonias on
  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Well Vigil did say that their extermination took a loooong time. I distinctly remember the phrase, "over the next decades". I think a few sidequests are reasonable.

  • Maz-Maz- 飛べ Registered User regular
    More side quests? Fantastic.

    That was basically one of my main concerns about ME 3..the fact that, you know, the Reapers are fucking destroying the galaxy would leave no time for buying fish for Krogan and other silly things.

    Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    I want to see how the new Citadel looks myself.

  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    well to be fair the specific situation you are in in ME2 makes it out to be incredibly urgent but you are able to keep plodding along at a super slow pace so I totally get the complaint but at the end of the day it's a video game and I'd rather have fun than being forced to keep to a schedule.

  • cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    I don't mind a little urgency as long as there is latitude. I like the way that Dawn of War 2 did it with "In 3 days you should complete this mission or you'll have to do a more pain in the ass mission later for the same area"

  • LilnoobsLilnoobs Alpha Queue Registered User regular
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.
    :\ lots of games have experimented with this, ME2 even did it (presidium fish quest)
    it's not that dumb really...

  • cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

    *shrug* Is it really that different from how a lot of the sidequests were gained in ME2. Overhear a Krogun yaking about fish. *click on said Krogun* *get sidequest* They just took out the click part.

  • wiltingwilting I had fun once and it was awful Registered User regular
    So take heed from my experience, and knock out side quests as soon as you earn them.

    This is standard operating procedure for me, so whatever.

  • manwiththemachinegunmanwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    I just hope that there's pauses in the main plot so you can go dick around with all the side quests and stuff without fucking up something later in the main plot (OLOLZ, You helped out a little league baseball team, but in the meantime, the Reapers ate the Volus homeworld.)=

    Yeah. I hate when they give you time constraints in RPGs.

    But I guess people did complaint that ME1 and ME2 didn't feel urgent enough. Soo...you get what you ask for and all that.

    This may be relevant for the completionist players. Not sure if it qualifies as spoilers but...
    Here's a Q&A from IGN's review in progress with whore Colin Moriarty.

    Tell us about the reputation system!

    Reputation got hella confusing. The Paragon and Renegade meters almost seem to be one in the same. You can earn Paragon, Renegade, and Reputation points. The game does nothing to explain it - best Colin can conclude is Paragon and Renegade work the same, and Reputation gives you "extra cachet" with character conversations.

    Weapons! Weapons! Are there lots?! Or only one or two good ones?

    There's not "dozens" of weapons like ME1 but there's more than ME2. There's a nice balance between too many and too few. For example, Colin currently has half a dozen assault rifles with half a dozen different mods.

    Customization! TELL US!

    Each type of weapon has unique mods. You cannot use assault rifle mods on a pistol. But you can, at any time, remove mods from a Predator and put them on a Phalanx (sounds like it's not like the MP where you get one mod and can use it on multiple weapons at a time). You can also purchase permanent upgrades that will affect base statistics and change the name of the weapon. This cannot be undone.

    I'm still mad BioWare gave us fewer squadmembers. Is there at least an increase in story for the squad?!

    There's more emphasis on personal stories within the existence of the Reaper threat. You'll definitely get a different feel for familiar characters and learn quickly about new ones. Spending time walking around and talking to anyone is still the best way to git'r'done.

    Tell us about 'dem 'dere homo gaiz!

    Colin won't spoil who is a romance and who is a same-sex romance, but says they are there for both males and females.

    I don't remember what I did in ME1 and ME2. Am I screwed?

    The game does nothing graphical or in video format, but it does give a list of bulletpoints letting you know who you saved, who you romanced, and other information. So don't worry!

    How do side quests work out? They all about DEM REAPAHS?!

    No. Colin says it's unfortunate and disconnecting and dumb, but many side quests are on a more personal level and have little to nothing to do with the impending doom of the galaxy. He also complains there's too many - you can gain a metric shit-ton just by walking through the Citadel. Furthermore, there's an "imaginary timer" on side-quests - if you progress too far, you may lose side-quests so moral: DO EVERYTHING YOU GET ASAP.

    LT RT, LEFT CLICK, RIGHT CLICK. Triggers still there?

    Yes. No change to that.

    manwiththemachinegun on
  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Vigilo ConfidoRegistered User regular
    Hardtarget wrote: »
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.
    :\ lots of games have experimented with this, ME2 even did it (presidium fish quest)
    it's not that dumb really...

    I mean...Skyrim, for fuck's sake.

  • PhillisherePhillishere Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

    Bioware's used that mechanic for years. It was in both Mass Effects and Dragon Ages. The Krogan fish one is an example. If you overheard the conversation, it gets added to your list. You can't just walk up and start it.

    Phillishere on
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular

    I don't think thats how turian anatomy works

  • DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    looks like tali's chest vampire is back.

  • Ad astraAd astra Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    I always enjoy sidequests, and it wouldn't feel like Mass Effect without them. I'm glad they kept them, even if they do feel a little out of place.

    Ad astra on
  • EmporiumEmporium Registered User regular
    Didn't several side quests come from elevator news broadcasts in ME1? This is hardly anything new, as long as a notice pops up on the screen that you got a new mission I don't see the problem.

    I hope that in addition to more sidequests in general, there are more sidequests in areas missions take place in. Tuchanka comes to mind, like finding the exhaust manifold and the scout while doing Mordin's loyalty mission. Though less "picking up dumb shit" and more "shit there's a unit pinned down out there, so save their asses" would be appropriate imo.

  • manwiththemachinegunmanwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

    Don't be a goose. No game is perfect. But that's not to say people shouldn't call bullshit on fan hysteria, which flows from Bioware fandumb like milk and honey.

    Y U NO CARE ABOUT FANS BIOWARE? And the like. Oh, and accusing devs of being filthy corporate liars always goes over well.

  • SkannerJATSkannerJAT Registered User regular
    I am kind of hoping for a more militarized, maybe war torn, look to everything. I enjoy the style of the overall universe but I hope they take advantage of the big war setting to give the setting a metaphorical black eye.

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

    Don't be a goose. No game is perfect. But that's not to say people shouldn't call bullshit on fan hysteria, which flows from Bioware fandumb like milk and honey.

    Y U NO CARE ABOUT FANS BIOWARE? And the like. Oh, and accusing devs of being filthy corporate liars always goes over well.

    Yeah. We don't mind negativity, we just don't like when people start ranting. Nor do we tend to have knee-jerk reactions to every little piece of info released.

    I mean if you want to have a hate-on there are plenty of other people on the internet willing to accommodate you.

    As for the over-hearing conversations. I really don't see how that's dumb. Saves you a lot of time. Also, who says whether or not you can't still talk to these people while you're doing them.

    Dragkonias on
  • lionheart_mlionheart_m Registered User regular
    Sidequest related...sort of.

    So I'm trying to finish up my Paragon run for ME3. I think I've done like 2 sidequests/n7 missions. Should I bother? I just need to do the Suicide Mission + Arrival.

    3DS: 5069-4122-2826 / WiiU: Lionheart-m / PSN: lionheart_m / Steam: lionheart_jg
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Lilnoobs wrote: »
    Randomly picking up sidequests through over-hearing conversations sounds pretty dumb. So I run through an area and collect sidequests because I hit some triggers while running around in shops?

    Oh wait, ME3 thread. Can't say anything negative.

    Bioware's used that mechanic for years. It was in both Mass Effects and Dragon Ages. The Krogan fish one is an example. If you overheard the conversation, it gets added to your list. You can't just walk up and start it.

    Yeah, they have.

    My only concern if there are more is how they impact your leveling. Bleeding up to a high level because I helped a lot of people find their lost balloons, etc instead of letting them resolve on their own is kind of meh.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • -Tal-Tal Registered User regular
    the "no time for sidequests when there's a war on!" is such a silly argument

    the game is spent preparing for war and a lot of that is, yes, optional stuff that you don't need to do

    just like in ME2, when you need to be somewhere RIGHT NOW the game will probably transport you there

  • Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Sidequest related...sort of.

    So I'm trying to finish up my Paragon run for ME3. I think I've done like 2 sidequests/n7 missions. Should I bother? I just need to do the Suicide Mission + Arrival.
    I think the prothean artifact and javelin missiles matter, but I don't know if there's anything else.

  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    One thing I liked from one of those videos is that you *minor spoiler*
    Seem to get a lot of credits.

    That was one thing I missed in ME1 compared to ME2.

    Dragkonias on
  • DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    SkannerJAT wrote: »
    I am kind of hoping for a more militarized, maybe war torn, look to everything. I enjoy the style of the overall universe but I hope they take advantage of the big war setting to give the setting a metaphorical black eye.

    i think this is the case, i got that feeling from watching the new normandy tour video
    wires dangling everything, piled boxes all over the place, everything seem crammed in and gave it that battlestar galactic on the run stuck in a war type feel.

This discussion has been closed.