
[Mass Effect Heroic Roleplaying] "This evidence is irrefutable!"



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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Entering Chora's Den, Urdnot Wrex, Krogan Battlemaster and bounty hunter, scans the bar and approaches an asari bartender. While she doesn't appear to be a dancer, she's wearing the same uniform as the dancers -using the word "uniform" in the loosest possible term, which is a fitting analogy actually now that he thinks about it-. Just looking at this place tells Wrex some things about Fist's character that would prove useful in killing him. While he doesn't see a human that matches Fist's picture, he does see plenty of "bouncers" whom would do a great job of sending a message. Now he just needs a sacrifice to volunteer themselves...


    "Something I can get you cutie?"

    "Gimme a ryncol. Large. No ice."

    "Sure thing honey."

    While the bartender is mixing the drink, Wrex notices that three of the bouncers had moved a little closer to him -two humans and a krogan-. They seem to just be keeping an eye on him, which makes sense, it's not every day that an 800lbs krogan walks in wearing full armor and not even the common decency to try conceal his shotgun. Each one seemed to be packing a predator pistol.

    "Here you go sweetie."

    Wrex downs the shot like a krogan and then looks the bartender right in the eye, putting his back to the bouncers, but speaking loud enough for them to hear, "Nice bar you got."

    "It's not my bar, I just work here."

    "Yeah? Who owns it?"

    "We're not supposed to talk about the owner, sorry babe."

    "You mean Fist. I already know. I was hoping to talk to him. You know where he is?"

    Flinching at hearing Fist's name, the bartender nervously glances at the bouncers who are now approaching Wrex from behind. Watching her reaction, he feels the barrel of a pistol placed against his armor, near one of his kidneys, Wrex stands perfectly still, not out of fear, but anticipation. Things were about to get fun!

    "Mr. Fist doesn't like it when people talk about him. It's time for you to leave."

    The bouncer pushes in on the pistol to emphasize the point. It's one of the humans, probably trying to look big by taking on the huge krogan. This tells Wrex that these bouncers are hired for the size of their quads and not their brains, because even if the shot could get past his armor, a kidney shot wouldn't even stun a baby krogan. The other krogan should know this, but his skullplate wasn't even fully formed, so he's just as ignorant as these humans are on fighting. It was about to get painful for all of them.

    "I don't like being threatened, human. You have one chance. Tell me where Fist is."

    "I don't think you heard me-"

    The human's words are choked off as Wrex quickly spins and knocking the pistol out of the humans hands. At the same time, Wrex grabs him by the neck and slams his face into bar. Wrex is gentle-ish, not because he cares if he kills the human, but he'd rather not have to deal with C-SEC again on killing people on the Citadel. At least, not until he completes his contract on Fist. Hurting people is fun too.

    The krogan bouncer charges in like an idiot. That tactic may work on the stupid idiots that normally cause a ruckus in Chora's Den, but not on a Krogan Battlemaster. Taking one step forward -and still holding the unconscious human by the neck- Wrex slams his head into the skullplate of the bouncer, shattering it and spraying blood all over the bar and floor. The krogan bouncer drops to the floor, howling in pain and holding his broken face and skullplate.

    The second human, like the stupid krogan, also rushes Wrex, but he at least has the brains to pull his gun. No matter, Wrex was done playing and now it was time to complete the message. Using his free hand, Wrex quickly pulls his shotgun and puts it right in the face of the human, stopping him dead in his tracks. Wrex looks around. The music stopped and all eyes are on him. No better time than now to start speaking.


    "Drop the weapon, human."

    Without hesitation, the last bouncer drops his pistol and freezes.

    "Smart move. Listen up people! I'm here for Fist. You better tell me where he is before I redecorate this pathetic excuse for a bar with your faces. You have three seconds to decide. One! ...TWO! ...Thr-!"

    The bar door flies open and four C-SEC officers burst in with guns drawn. They spread out and keep their distance, covering him from four different angles. Smart.

    "Wrex, drop it!"

    Looking at his shotgun and then the unconscious human, Wrex asks with a grin, "Which one?"

    "Both of them."

    "Heh, alright."

    Wrex drops the human on top of the other krogan and holsters his shotgun behind his back. He looks at the human C-SEC officer, challengingly. Wrex didn't drop his weapon, but that was as good as the human gonna get.

    "Good. Now, let's go. We're gonna have a little chat down at C-SEC."

    "Yeah, right." Looking back at the remaining bouncer, still frozen in place, "Tell Fist, I'm coming for him." Glancing at the bartender, Wrex waves his omnitool at her and electronically tosses her five credits, "Thanks for the drink."

    Walking out the door, flanked by the C-SEC officers, Wrex contemplates Fist's reaction. He knows his type: the wannabe, hard core gangster. Fist will want to prove he's got a quad and go after Wrex. This will just make it all the easier to kill him. The best hunters, after all, have their prey come to them...

    Sorry this took a while. It's gonna be slow going for me. We just moved into this house, so we're unpacking all our stuff. Plus I have to do reintegration at work and I'm also spending time with my wife and kids. So I'm gonna be really busy.

    This is also my first Marvel game, so this is new to me. Still gonna be fun though :D

    Mild Confusion on

    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Well, she's got an omni-tool, and we all know how good she is with that, but I'm going to say no firearm.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    As soon as they had entered the clinic, Garrus had made an analysis almost without being conscious of it: Military, human Alliance, two women one man, some biotics. Based on the reports he had studied, these were Saren's accusers. Once the thugs were down and he actually had the chance to look, he realized that he even recognized Shepard from the news vids.

    "Perfect timing, Shepard. Gave me a clear shot at those bastards." and though humans probably couldn't read his facial expressions, the childlike glee in his voice was evident. "Garrus Vakarian, CSEC."
    I figure we should do intros first, but Garrus has a police scanner in his visor (I'm making up) so he was able to hear about the arrest of Wrex in Chora's Den and he can bring that up in a sec.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    If I walk away, it's just going to happen again... I need someone more familiar with the area, someone who might be slightly more friendly...

    Tali glances between the taurian and her batarian defender, and decides to stick around. She positions herself to flank the taurian, hoping to stay out of the melee but ready to offer what little help she can...

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular

    The human folds his arms and glares at Wrex.

    "This is the Citadel, Wrex, not the Terminus Systems. Stop threatening Fist."

    Wrex scoffs, waving his arm dismissively.

    "I don't take orders from you."

    He rolls his eyes.

    "This is your last warning. Next time we're not going to be so nice."

    Wrex eyes him levelly.

    "You should warn Fist. I will kill him."


    "Do you want me to arrest you?"

    Wrex laughs, deep in his chest.

    "I want you to try."

    The C-Sec officer throws up his hands.

    "To hell with this. We've warned you, Wrex. What happens next is your own damn fault. I'd say stay out of trouble, but why waste my breath?"

    Wrex walks away, deliberately shoving the two turians and the asari backing up the human.


    Despite his promising start, Vuggis is quickly knocked out, with three right hooks in a row from Jem. She rifles through his pockets, and manages to find a few credits.

    "Time to get you to Fist, kid."

    Tali looks at her, surprised. Not that Jem can tell from her expression, what with the visor, but she's no slouch at reading quarian body language.

    "What, you thought I was here by accident? Nah, I've been tracking you for hours. Let's go."

    Jem beckons, and Tali follows her, hoping this won't backfire.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    "Commander Shepard, Alliance. "

    They shake hands.

    Garrus turns to the doctor. "Dr. Michel, are you hurt?"

    "No, I'm all right thanks to you... um, all of you."

    "Those were Fist's men. It fits my intel so far. Doctor, what can you tell us about this Quarian?"

    "A few days ago, a Quarian came by my office. She'd been shot, but she wouldn't tell me who did it. I could tell she was scared, probably on the run. She asked me about the Shadow Broker. She wanted to trade information in exchange for a safe place to hide. I put her in contact with Fist, he's an agent for the Shadow Broker."

    Garrus listens to Dr. Michel's story, then faces Shepard. "Not any more. Now he works for Saren, and the Shadow Broker isn't too happy about it. There's a Krogan bounty hunter working for the Broker and gunning for Fist. CSEC had to bring the Krogan in." And that Krogan nearly started a single man brawl with the entire bar, Garrus didn't say, because what he was hearing from the police scanner was way too good a story to throw away on this quick debrief.

    Dr. Michel is appalled. "Fist betrayed the Shadow Broker?! That's stupid, even for him. Saren must have made him quite the offer."

    "That Quarian has something Saren wants. Something worth crossing the Shadow Broker to get."

    Shepard got a glint in her eye. "Evidence. Did the Quarian mention anything about Saren? Or the Geth?"

    "She did! The information she was going to trade. She said it had something to do with the Geth."

    Garrus was getting more excited now. His impossible assignment was becoming more possible by the second. "She must be able to link Saren with the Geth. There's no way the Council can ignore this!" The thought of the barefaced Council being forced to punish a criminal when their dearest wish had been to look the other way filled Garrus with schadenfreude.*

    "Time we paid Fist a visit."

    Garrus hesitated a moment. "I want to bring down Saren as much as you do. I'm coming with you." There weren't any regulations against working with Alliance on an investigation. But they might have their own regulations against working with cops, or with Turians. He didn't want to be shut out of this investigation right when it was getting good.
    *Translated into the appropriate Turian word of course. No one ever made up any Turian language for the games, I'm noticing. Yay universal translator.

    Wall of exposition lol. Wasn't sure what people's thoughts were on using dialog straight from the game, but this is mostly all Bioware script.

    Cambiata on
    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    "Well, right now the 'Investigation' is a way to kill time before a hearing where I'll probably lose what few tatters of a reputation the Alliance has left. Anything to reduce the chances of that, we'll take. Welcome aboard."
    Bit busy this morning. Will make more progress in about 5 hours. Sorry for the wait.

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    spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    I must be crazy to trust a Batarian, even as a guide...

    Tali follows warily, wondering what else she hasn't noticed....

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular

    As she sits by the stasis device, waiting for the geth to come, it's understandable that she would be on edge, her senses hyperactive. She hears a few footsteps, and bolts for a hiding place. Three troopers walk by shortly after one floor up, chirruping as they pass over her cubby. Liara's heart races, and she weighs her options. Obviously, it's going to get very dangerous in there soon -- but perhaps her biotic prowess could handle three footsoldiers, particularly with surprise on her side?
    Corehealer, you can do three things here: have Liara simply hide or activate the Prothean device, describe her fight with the geth, or start rolling dice.

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    "To hell with this. We've warned you, Wrex. What happens next is your own damn fault. I'd say stay out of trouble, but why waste my breath?"

    Wrex walks away, deliberately shoving the two turians and the asari backing up the human.

    Already bored with this bounty, Wrex leaves C-SEC and heads back towards the Wards. He wanted to take care of Fist sooner, rather than later. Fist should have heard about what happened in his bar by now and is hopefully making a "plan" for how to take Wrex out. Might as well make it easier for Fist to find him. And who knows, the human might even not be a total idiot and actually put up a decent fight. Wrex can barely recall the last time he was in a fight that would be worth having a drink over.

    Heh, maybe if Wrex was a bit younger, he'd take off all his armor and drop his weapons, then take on Fist. Maybe then he'd get a challenge out of it.


    On second though, maybe he'd have to be A LOT younger.

    Shame there are so few challenges left in the galaxy. Perhaps it was age or boredom speaking, but maybe it was time to do something greater with his life...

    Wrex shakes himself out of his ruminating -a true warrior doesn't get careless no matter how pathetic the prey- and refocuses himself on his task at hand: Getting back to Fist's territory and either luring him into attacking Wrex, or just busting back into his club and shoot his way through. Either way, someone's getting shot.

    Walking up towards a door, it automatically opens into a three-way intersection. At the same moment, a batarian followed by a quarian open the adjoining door and head towards the same exit that Wrex is moving towards.

    In no mood for courtesy, Wrex says, "You're in my way."


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Wrex and Tali

    Jem thinks furiously for a moment; it wouldn't do at all to get killed in a meaningless fight with this bruiser, and if he discovered what the quarian had things could get very messy.

    "Go right ahead," she invites him, taking a pointed step back.

    Wrex is slightly surprised, but only slightly; he's an imposing figure, and plenty of folks would much rather not fight him.

    As he passes through the door, he hears the batarian talking to the quarian.

    "See, Fist takes you seriously. He didn't send a thug to escort you. My job's to get you to him safely, not shoot everyone who gets in my way."

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    CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary The softer edge of the universe.Registered User regular
    Liara decides to wait and see if any more Geth arrive from above before engaging the three troopers that have made their way inside the Prothean structure. She readies her biotics in case she is discovered.

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular

    So far, it sounds like the troopers are alone on their patrol; the dig site is awfully large, after all, and the landing zone is another area entirely. If Liara stays relatively quiet and doesn't fling the geth far away, it should be fairly safe -- and if she only encounters a few at a time, she may be able to get through this whole debacle just fine.

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Hearing what the batarian said about working for Fist stops dead Wrex in his tracks. Normally, he'd already have a gun in her face, but the stupidity of actually hearing the batarian brag about working for a known criminal, with a bounty on his head, actually managed to physically stun the battlemaster for a brief moment. Was Fist so stupid as to hire people like this? Maybe he was overcharging the Shadow Broker and should give back some of the money once Fist was dead.

    Heh, as if.

    Recovering from his momentary shock, Wrex spins and pulls his shotgun, pointing it in the batarians face.


    Just because the thought was amusing, Wrex asks,
    "Care to repeat that?"

    Not sure how the roll calculations work, but I'll use Menace Master D10, Heavy Shotgun D10 and (not sure if this counts, but I'll try) Renegade D6.

    Is there a website we use to roll? I saw links on the post-Reaper War thread.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    One thing to bear in mind when rolling: always use as many dice as you can get away with. Menace Master and Shotgun are both good, but you could easily justify Enhanced Strength being in there as well, and you should always have a Distinction, either at d8 or d4 (d4 is if being that way makes it harder for your character to do the action, and gives you a plot point; plot points can be spent to use additional dice for your total, or have multiple effect dice for different targets, and are generally nifty things to have. So you'd have d10 Renegade (PK's site says d6, but claiming Wrex is significantly more paragon than renegade is ludicrous), Menace Master, Shotgun, Krogan Berserker or Dark Humor (if you want to have him mock her as part of the process), and Enhanced Strength if his burliness is factoring into the action. Dice rolling is with Invisible Castle, or Orokos if IC is down.

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    CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary The softer edge of the universe.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah with my luck they'll be an armature behind me after I fling these Geth around some.

    This will be my first attempt at a roll so let me know if I miss anything Carrot.

    Liara takes a quick look around again. The three troopers have made their way to the far side of the Prothean structure, opposite the opening where the generators lie dormant. They have their backs to her, and are apparently scanning the interior of the tube. Liara decides now is the time to strike; if all else fails, the stasis field is a short run away. She emerges from her hiding place and begins to approach the Geth for an attack:

    Prothean Authority – Brilliant Asari – Benezia’s Daughter (Are any of these relevant?)

    Outlook: Paragon D8 – Renegade D8

    Specialties: Cosmic Master D10, Psych Expert D8, Science Expert D8 (Are any of these relevant?)

    Power Set: ASARI BIOTICS
    Biotic Mastery (Elemental Control: Telekinesis) D10 – Barrier (Enhanced Durability) D8 – Warp (Attack) D8
    SFX. Lift: Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting a biotic complication on a target.
    SFX. Unstable Warp: Double Warp for an attack and step up the stress die by +1. Add a D6 to the Doom Pool after the attack.
    SFX. Practiced Barrier: Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or trauma unless caused by biotic attacks.
    Limit. Exhausted: Shut down any ASARI BIOTICS power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by taking an action against the Doom Pool or during a transition scene.
    Limit. Dark Energy Interference: Gain +1 PP and shut down Barrier when you take physical stress caused by a biotic attack. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.

    Pistol (Attack) D6 (Apparently I found a gun; is this something I can use or?)
    Limit. Gear: Shut down STRANGELY WELL ARMED ARCHAEOLOGIST and gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool or during a Transition scene to recover.

    Roll any dice you deem relevant and walk me through this Carrot. Here's Liara's full character sheet for my and your reference.

    Corehealer on
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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Heavy Shotgun d10, Heavy Armor d8, Combat Master d10, Crime Expert d8, Menace Master d10, Renegade d10, and a PP on Dark Humor d8

    1d10=3, 1d8=4, 1d10=5, 1d8=2, 1d10=9, 1d10=3, 1d8=6

    Not sure if I did that right. Please let me know if there is a better way to do that and if it was posted right. Probably should have had someone else roll first lol.

    Should I make an account on that site?


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Dice, eh? Well, Liara's Distinctions aren't really helpful here, but you can use the scene's distinctions if yours don't work. I haven't specified them yet, but here they are: Excavated Ruins, Mining Complex. You could take Mining Complex, and decide that Liara's going to take advantage of, say, the frame of the elevator shaft. How she'll do that is unclear at this point, but it's a reasonable tactic. You could also decide that none of Liara's distinctions make this action easier to perform, and in fact one of them makes it harder, and use that distinction as a d4, gaining a plot point, which you could spend to use an additional power, distinction, or specialty, or enhance your results after rolling.

    Next, outlook. This could go either way: Liara's simply acting in self-defense, since if they saw her they'd be shooting, or she's ambushing them. Either way, a d8.

    You listed specialty next, so let's look at that. Cosmic should be Biotic, which should give you some ideas -- Liara's going to use her biotic abilities to defeat the geth, so that counts.

    Now for powers. Here the options are a lot more varied. Liara could use her biotic mastery to inflict a Complication on the geth; if it hits, she'll be able to add the effect die she rolls here to a future roll, potentially making it significantly more effective. She could also simply attack them, either pulling them around or warping them. The pistol could also be used for an attack, or you could decide that Liara doesn't have a gun and gain a plot point.

    Once you've assembled your dice pool, roll them on Invisible Castle. Discard any 1s, and combine two dice for your total, while a third will be your effect. It's important to note that you add the numbers that the dice rolled for the total, but the effect die is simply the number of sides a die has. For example, if you came up with Mining Complex, Paragon, Biotic Master, Telekinesis, and use the Lift SFX for the last and Gear for the gun, you'd have an additional pp and 2d10+2d8+d6 for your roll: 6, 9, 8, 4, 5. The highest total you can get there is 17, a pretty good total for regular mooks, so you could leave that there, and maybe spend a plot point to use two effect dice against two of the geth, a d10 and d8, upgrading to d12 and d10. If you wanted, you could even use two plot points to make sure all three geth were severely hampered from attacking you.

    Whichever geth you attacked would then roll to defend; a higher total for them would mean your attack just failed, while a lower or equal total would successfully inflict the complication, though if they managed a higher effect die then the complication would step down a notch.

    That make sense?

    http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.synirc.net&channel=#mecampaign if you need help. LockedOnTarget is frequently there, and can help even better than I.

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Heavy Shotgun d10, Heavy Armor d8, Combat Master d10, Crime Expert d8, Menace Master d10, Renegade d10, and a PP on Dark Humor d8

    1d10=3, 1d8=4, 1d10=5, 1d8=2, 1d10=9, 1d10=3, 1d8=6

    Not sure if I did that right. Please let me know if there is a better way to do that and if it was posted right. Probably should have had someone else roll first lol.

    Should I make an account on that site?
    Hmm, no, not quite. Forgot to mention that by default you can only use one Specialty and one power from each set in a roll, so you wouldn't be using Crime there at all, and either Combat or Menace depending on if you're full-on attacking Jem or just scaring her. You'd also need to justify using armor offensively, though that would be possible. I'll cut the Armor d8 and count the Combat d10 as a Biotics d10, and eliminate the Crime d8 as well, so you have 3, 5, 9, 3, 6 without spending a pp. You could go with a 15 d10 there, and I'll roll for Jem's defense.

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Jumped-Up Thug d8, Solo d8, Combat Expert d8, Blade Armor d10, Hegemony Training d8: 4d8+1d10=4, 5, 6, 2, 8. 14 d10, so you succeed.

    Wrex and Tali

    Jem's armor sprouts spikes, but since none of them are on her head that doesn't really make her feel much better.

    "Yeah, I work for Fist, so what?" she asks, hoping he's just misheard and will let her go.
    Lower Wards: Cramped Hallway, Seedy Alley

    Wrex: 1 pp, 0 xp
    Jem: d10 emotional stress
    Tali: 1 pp, 0 xp

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Heavy Shotgun d10, Heavy Armor d8, Combat Master d10, Crime Expert d8, Menace Master d10, Renegade d10, and a PP on Dark Humor d8

    1d10=3, 1d8=4, 1d10=5, 1d8=2, 1d10=9, 1d10=3, 1d8=6

    Not sure if I did that right. Please let me know if there is a better way to do that and if it was posted right. Probably should have had someone else roll first lol.

    Should I make an account on that site?
    Hmm, no, not quite. Forgot to mention that by default you can only use one Specialty and one power from each set in a roll, so you wouldn't be using Crime there at all, and either Combat or Menace depending on if you're full-on attacking Jem or just scaring her. You'd also need to justify using armor offensively, though that would be possible. I'll cut the Armor d8 and count the Combat d10 as a Biotics d10, and eliminate the Crime d8 as well, so you have 3, 5, 9, 3, 6 without spending a pp. You could go with a 15 d10 there, and I'll roll for Jem's defense.
    I'm trying to intimidate her, so the armor is part of that psychological attack. A krogan in armor is much harder to fight than a krogan without. Depending on how the conversation goes, I plan on having Wrex try to kill her once he gets all the info he wants.

    Basically, the only reason he hasn't killed her, is because he's amused. And if there are no cameras in the Ward corridor.

    Mild Confusion on

    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Keeping his shotgun leveled in Jem's face, Wrex eyes Tali suspiciously. Not yet sure what to make of the quarian, his curiosity overrides his normal tactic of antagonizing his prey. Still, he wants to keep them off balance and ensures that he doesn't give them a clue as to what his intentions are. Probably a good idea to scan the corridor for cameras too.

    Ignoring Jem's assertion, Wrex asks,
    "What's your story, quarian?"

    Mild Confusion on

    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary The softer edge of the universe.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Liara begins her attack and focuses first on the Geth trooper nearest to her hiding spot; because she is not presently able to use her environment to her advantage, she gains a D4 roll from just using Prothean Authority to denote the lower chance of a positive outcome and she gains one PP.

    Liara is sneaking up on her opponents, which is kinda Renegade, but regardless, she gets a D8 from Outlook.

    Because she's using her Biotics here, she gets Cosmic Mastery which adds a D10 for Specialty.

    Liara decides to do a Warp on the target (Liara is also for now abstaining from the pistol power as I am unarmed presently, which nets me another PP for later; I'll grab a gun when I get aboard the Normandy). I'm going to spend a SFX towards a double Warp on the trooper, in exchange for a D6 added to the Doom pool. So 2D8.

    Summary: 1D4; 1D8; 1D10; 2D8. I go over to the helpful Invisible Castle and see what I get:

    My roll: 2, 1, 6, 8, 5.

    I discard the 1 as a non action and run with 2, 6, 8 and 5. Carrot informs me this is a 14 D8.

    I direct that at one trooper and hope to the Goddess my behind is still intact when it's friends notice me.

    Liara targets the nearest Geth trooper while it's fellows are busy scanning, and with a mighty thrust, throws two consecutive Warp blasts in it's direction. She hopes she doesn't regret not having a proper weapon around to help.

    Corehealer on
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    3d6 Team, 1d8 Combat Expert, Nazara Cultist d8, Geth Rifle d6: 4d6+2d8=2, 1, 3, 1, 7, 5. 12 d6, so the attack is successful.


    The geth's body disintegrates under the massive onslaught of biotic energy, bits of circuitry falling to the grate forming the floor of the scaffolding, coursing with soft blue sparkles. Its companions seem to be taken aback by the action, only belatedly turning to aim at Liara.
    I'm going to say you can go again if you want.

    Liara: 3 pp, 0 xp

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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    Okay, less 5. Closer to ten. Sorry.

    "Chora's. Den."

    A second bar while on duty.

    Some days were better than others.

    Still, a lead was a lead. And if whoever was hiring thugs kept getting 'em this stupid, someone else would get a worse day than her.

    Good old combat knife.

    Shepard was on her way through the Wards when she heard it.

    There was a Krogan in between her and the target. An angry Krogan.

    The job just got complicated.

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Since Shepard is an infiltrator and Wrex is a bit busy with interrogating Jem and Tali and checking for cameras in case of emergency murder, he doesn't notice Shepard.

    So if she wants to be all sneaky and suprising, it'd work. Whatever she wants, I can tell she's a bit impulsive.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    21stCentury21stCentury Call me Pixel, or Pix for short! [They/Them]Registered User regular
    If, say, i wanted to use overload on Wrex' shotgun, would I need to roll for that or spend a PP or something like that?

    Also, did I spend a PP jamming the three thugs' guns using a group overload even though there was no roll?

    haha, listen to me, trying to jam all the guns. When you got a hammer, am i right?

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    You'd need to roll, yes, though technically that's Sabotage and not Overload in-game. You didn't spend a pp before, because that was all description. Not rolling means you can do stuff and not worry about mechanics, but there's no suspense.

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    If, say, i wanted to use overload on Wrex' shotgun, would I need to roll for that or spend a PP or something like that?

    Also, did I spend a PP jamming the three thugs' guns using a group overload even though there was no roll?

    haha, listen to me, trying to jam all the guns. When you got a hammer, am i right?
    No, Wrex doesn't have a hammer, though I suppose he could use his shotgun as a blunt instrument.

    Not that I would. I have... a different thing in mind.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    21stCentury21stCentury Call me Pixel, or Pix for short! [They/Them]Registered User regular
    Also, i just reviewed my milestones, should I get 1 xp for using my biotics to keep Doctor Michel down? Either way...

    Kaidan scoped the bar and quickly noticed the Quarian... Next to a well-armed Krogan battlemaster. Knowing the commander's impulsive nature, he had to think of something. Sure, her combat knife and stealth cloaking got her out of a lot of hairy situations, but in cases like these, it would be a good idea to bring some support her way. Stealthily, Kaidan turned on his Omni-Tool. Sure, it was military hardware, but like all omni-tools, it had the basic civilian functionalities. Pretending to check the news, he readied up a little diversion. Just something to surprise the Krogan long enough for the commander to swoop in. Nothing too fancy, just sabotaging the Krogan's Omni-tool, making it short circuit, make sparks fly everywhere, perhaps fabricate a little trash.. Something unexpected. As soon as the Commander would get near, he'd activate it remotely. "it shouldn't be too hard for me", Kaidan thought.
    Okay, so i would use...

    Shepard at d10, because I'm working to help Shepard, Covert Operative at d8, because I'm doing it covertly, Omni-Tool at d8 because i'm using it, Tech Expert at d8 because i'm trying to sabotage Wrex's Omni-tool (He's got one, right? Everyone has one, right?) andfinally Paragon at d8 because i'm trying to make a peaceful distraction.

    I get 10, 7, 1, 1, 6 so i'll go with 17 and a d8 "Distraction" effect. That gives me 2 PP and makes the doom pool grow because of the 1s, right?

    Did i do it correctly?

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Close. First of all, we discarded the relationships, so there's no Shepard d10, but good thinking there. Second, you can't use two specialties unless you spend a pp. Third, you forgot to use a distinction. We'll go with what you did anyway. I'll give you 2 pp for those two 1s, and upgrade 2d6 in the doom pool to 2d8. You're creating an asset here for Shepard to use should she oppose Wrex, so that 17 d8 opposes the doom pool: 2d8+2d6=7, 1, 5, 1. Wow. Okay. 12 d4 (if you have no dice left after your total, then the effect is just d4). 17 beats 12 by 5 or more but less than 10, so the d8 goes up to d10. If Shepard decides to roll to make Wrex let Jem go, @chiasaur11 will have an extra d10 Distraction asset to use, and can describe that however.

    Oh, and you do get XP for Dr. Michel.

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    21stCentury21stCentury Call me Pixel, or Pix for short! [They/Them]Registered User regular
    Close. First of all, we discarded the relationships, so there's no Shepard d10, but good thinking there. Second, you can't use two specialties unless you spend a pp. Third, you forgot to use a distinction. We'll go with what you did anyway. I'll give you 2 pp for those two 1s, and upgrade 2d6 in the doom pool to 2d8. You're creating an asset here for Shepard to use should she oppose Wrex, so that 17 d8 opposes the doom pool: 2d8+2d6=7, 1, 5, 1. Wow. Okay. 12 d4 (if you have no dice left after your total, then the effect is just d4). 17 beats 12 by 5 or more but less than 10, so the d8 goes up to d10. If Shepard decides to roll to make Wrex let Jem go, @chiasaur11 will have an extra d10 Distraction asset to use, and can describe that however.

    Oh, and you do get XP for Dr. Michel.
    Covert Operative is a Distinction, not a specialty, actually. If we've discarded the relationships, do we go back to Solo/Duo/Team?

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Whoops. My bad for not checking Kaidan's sheet. You're good there, then. No, Outlook is replacing Affiliation. Looking back at what I ruled earlier, this would actually be a good place for rolling relationships, since Kaidan here is explicitly trying to give Shepard a hand.

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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    Just to be clear, I'm going to say it's up to @chiasaur11 and @Mild Confusion whether Shepard interferes here or continues on to Chora's Den. Dice will be optional for the room of goons, but not the encounter with Fist.

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    It's totally up to Shepard. Wrex doesn't notice any of them yet. He will notice if they try to interfere or walk past him though.

    Wrex is waiting on Tali's response right now (or if Jem does an action). So Shep could also wait to see what's going on or she could get involved or try to get past Wrex and continue on towards Chora's Den. Really up to her.


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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    CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary The softer edge of the universe.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Moved post, nothing to see here.

    Corehealer on
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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    Shepard cloaked and took a look at the situation.

    Quarian. Krogan. Batarian. Damn.

    If you were playing spot the criminals, that set didn't make it easy to tell. Well, the quarian was probably least guilty of the three. Maybe some data smuggling, or petty theft, or similar, but nothing worth bothering with. Maybe she even had intel on Saren. The krogan and the batarian? Both were in combat armor, both were armed, and it wasn't a safe bet to leave the quarian with either.

    Plus, it was a batarian. Shepard accepted that, in theory, a batarian could be something other than the scum of the galaxy. In practice, her philosophy tended more towards "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius". Either way, bad to get to murdering before you knew the score.

    She decloaked at the edge of the hallway, behind cover and drew her pistol. Easy to duck her head and reassess if this went wrong. If it didn't, might be worth talking. Corpses were notorious for their uncooperative stance in interrogations.

    Gun aimed at the batarian's skull. The krogan would be... trickier to intimidate.

    "Commander Shepard, Systems Alliance. I'm willing to bet at least one of you knows something about Saren Arterius. I've been assigned to escort that individual into protective custody until their information can be put to use, followed by appropriate fiscal compensation and any protective services required. I'm also willing to bet one of you wants to stop me. You, I'm going to kill. Nothing personal, but I've had a very bad day. "
    Menace Expert at d8+heavy pistol d8+Some People Just Need Killing d8+renegade d10+combat master d10

    My roll: 5,4,8,3 and a 1, giving Carrot one more die for the doom pool.

    Trying to get Tali out of the middle of the situation, and ideally, the batarian so scared I get everything I could want to know.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Hey guys just wanted to let you know I'm in training at work today so no laptop access for making RP posts. Garrus won't be able to weigh in until after 5p CST.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    Captain CarrotCaptain Carrot Alexandria, VARegistered User regular
    That was almost right, Corehealer, except you can't use Barrier offensively without a good justification, and you can't use two powers from the same set without an SFX specifying otherwise or spending a pp. If you want to keep the same pool and use Unstable Warp again, you could use those dice for a 12 d10 attack against a geth. You get 2 more pp for that roll, and I upgrade a third d6 to d8.
    Wrex and Tali
    Your dice are also almost right, chiasaur, except you can't use two specialties without spending a pp. You also didn't roll her emotional stress, so I think we're okay there. Let's see if Jem has any will to resist: the same 4d8+1d10 as before: 6, 6, 6, 7, 3. 13 d10, and the best you can do is also 13 d10, so tie goes to the attacker and she's now at d12 emotional stress. 1 pp for that one, and the doom pool is now 3d8+2d6.

    Everyone try to remember that rolling the dice is the penultimate step in the process; after you have those numbers, you need to give me a total and effect die to roll against.

    Jem gulps. "I, um, have had some indirect business dealings with him, but all I know is that he wanted some recording of himself talking to an asari matriarch. That's really all I can tell you."

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    Mild ConfusionMild Confusion Smash All Things Registered User regular
    Startled at being snuck upon, Wrex is caught completely unaware. He's heard of this Shepard, some kind of human soldier, famous for killing batarians or something. The fact that she snuck up on him speaks volumes on her skill, it's not easy to sneak up on a krogan, with their wide-set eyes, let alone a veteran like Wrex.

    But why does she want to know about Saren? He betrayed the Shadow Broker, which is why Fist had the contract out on him in the first place: Fist decided to join Saren over the Shadow Broker.

    Still, skilled warrior or not, Wrex wasn't about to let this Shepard get in the way of his bounty. She wanted the quarian, he wanted to fuck with Fist before killing him. Neither seemed to care about the batarian. This situation was getting complicated, with Jem in front and Shepard behind him, turning to face her would put Jem at his back and do little more than trade one back-shot for another. Well, if you lose the advantage in a situation, the best option is to either fall back or retake the initiative, since falling back wasn't an option...

    This is what it was all about, right here: Being a krogan. Constant danger and unknown outcomes. Sometimes the best choice is to just say screw it, start shooting things and not care if it works out. And if it doesn't? Take as many of them down with you as possible. Let's see how they handle a Krogan Battlemaster who doesn't give a shit!

    Dark energy shimmering around him, Wrex charges right into Jem's face, hitting her with the kinect energy of 800lbs of krogan moving at mass accelerated speeds, staggering her backwards and overloading her kinetic barriers with the sudden impact. Then lining up his shotgun on Jem's face, Wrex pulls the trigger...

    Renegade Action d10, Combat Master d10, Biotics (Telekinesis Mastery) d10, Heavy Shotgun d10, Wiles of the Ages d8, and Jem emotional stress d12. 4d10; 1d8; 1d12 = 5, 3, 7, 1, 6, 11. So, 18 d10.

    Do I get xp for,
    3xp when you charge into battle heedless of the danger.

    Spinning around to put what is left of Jem between Shepard and himself, Wrex, surveying what his actions have accomplished, states, "My day hasn't exactly been picnic. Now what's this about Saren?"


    Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
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