
[GW2] Heart of Thorns - first expansion announced! Release date betting pool started!

GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
edited May 2015 in MMO Extravaganza

Welcome to the Penny Arcade Guild Wars 2 Community Thread!

Next Content Update: Heart of Thorns Expansion
  • Release Date: Unknown
  • Cost: Unknown
  • New Classes: Revenant, heavy armor focused on channeling past Guild Wars legendary characters
  • New Zones: The Heart of Maguuma, regions focused on verticality, open areas, and biomes
  • New Activities: Adventures, repeatable, on-demand challenges with leaderboards. New events/storylines. New boss battles.
  • New Group Content: Unknown exactly what, but said to contain challenging group content
  • New Progression System: Masteries, used to progress character past level 80 by pointing points in various tracks to unlock tiers and new abilities, like learning new languages, unlocking precursors, learning hang gliding, etc
  • New Traits: Specializations, a rework of the current traits that introduce a new Elite specialization for each progression that unlocks new weapons, traits, skills, and profession mechanics.
    • Ranger - Druid Elite Specialization (staff)
    • Necromancer - Unknown Elite Specialization (greatsword)
    • Mesmer - Chronomancer Elite Specialization (shield)
    • Engineer - Unknown Elite Specialization (hammer)
    • Guardian - Dragonhunter Elite Specialization (longbow)
    • Elementalist - Tempest Elite Specialization (unknown)
    • Thief - Unknown Elite Specialization (unknown)
    • Warrior - Unknown Elite Specialization (unknown)
    • Revenant - Unknown Elite Specialization (unknown)
  • New PvP Mode: Stronghold, evolution of classic Guild vs Guild gameplay, inspired by MOBA games
  • New WvW Map: New Borderland, where each keep has it's own distinct theme, and holding objectives gives abilities
  • New Guild Functionality: Guild Halls, guilds can claim and grow a hall where players can gather, organize, build, and progress

What A Nice Guild [NICE]

The Penny Arcade Community guild in Guild Wars 2 is called What A Nice Guild [NICE]. We plays on the Fort Aspenwood server, although guilds are cross-server and we have members who play on other servers. It is easiest to participate in guild activities if FA is your home server, but you can join in most activities via guesting (with the exception of World vs World pvp). To permanently switch servers, you have to pay for a transfer or delete all your characters. Fort Aspenwood is a North American server, but we have plenty of people from other regions including Australia and Europe playing with us on FA, so don’t let that dissuade you if you’re located in another region.

@Geod (Geod.5024, Geod)
@Ky13 (kyonethree.9814, Teldra)

@Draygo (Draygo.9473, Delarme)
@Enig (Ansatz.6498)
@Lagnar (Lagnar.9281, RichardRears)
@Leandriell (kalzana.3192, Leandriell)
@Kylindra (Kylindra.1794, Sage Persephone)
@mojojoeo (MojoGroove.8253, Mojojoeo)
@naengwen (Sharkey.9805, Sharkey)
@Psyfer (Psyfer.1026)
@TolerantZero (TolerantZero.4305)
@Vivixenne (Vivixenne.3465, Vivixenne)

To join the guild:
You can ask for an invite by posting your account name (<name>.####) in this thread, and one of the officers will invite you. Alternately, you’re welcome to whisper in game one of the leaders or officers above. Anyone from the PA community may join the guild, along with any friends and family. Being active on the forums is encouraged but not required. Guild policies are loosely based on the PA forum rules – don’t be a dick. If you have any issues with anyone, please contact a guild officer.

Guilds are limited to 500 members, so occasionally we have to cull inactive members. If you find yourself removed, just ask for an invite again.

Teamspeak 3 Server

The guild has a Teamspeak 3 server, thanks to Draygo. Download TS at http://www.teamspeak.com. Even if you don’t have a mic, just listening will help greatly for coordination.
Server IP:
Password: pa
Admins: Draygo, Enig, Geod, Teldra, Sage Persephone, Vivixenne, Lagnar, Mojojoeo, Psyfer

The below spoiler contains the Penny Arcade Guild Wars 2 Teamspeak FAQ, written by Draygo for everyone's convenience. Please refer to it for any queries regarding the GW2 PA TS3 setup. Server seats 100+ people and everything you want to know about it can be found below or by asking Draygo, as he put it together and has been hosting these servers for years.
Q) Where do I get it:

Download teamspeak here: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads
You can get teamspeak for windows, mac, and linux. As well as your Ithing and your android, if you so prefer.

Q) Cool, I installed it, now what?

Now you must connect to our totally awesome server. In order to do that you must first run teamspeak. Then hit Connections at the top. Select Connect.


Now you must enter the server details:

Server Address:
Nickname: Your forum or In Game Name
Password: pa


Q) What does the banner in the top right do?


The community thread banner when clicked on will open the most recent guild wars 2 thread on penny arcade.

Q) How do I add a class or race icon next to my name?

You do this by right clicking yourself, put your mouse over server group, then left click any of the categories named with the race or class you want to choose. You can uncheck them at any time to remove the icon.

Q) So is there a skin/theme for this?


Yes and you can download it from our lobby. Right click the lobby, and select open file browser. You will see the installer file at the top. Download and run that file to skin your client.


In order to activate the theme/skin you need to go to settings->options, and click design on the left.


Then select Theme and change it to PA Guild Wars 2.

Q) Who made the theme?

Draygo did.

Q) How do I change my name?

Right click yourself and select change nickname. You can do this at any time. Do not change your name to impersonate an admin.

Q) What rules can I expect?

Don't be a dick. No personal attacks except 'silly goose', forum rules apply. If it is not appropriate on the forums, it is also not appropriate in teamspeak.

Q) Someone is breaking the rules, or is being disruptive, but no server admins are online. How do I complain.

First, I hope you can all be nice and resolve disputes by yourselves. If someone is being a dick, you can fill out a complaint. Right click someone and click make a complaint. Do not abuse this feature. If 5 people complain about one person in a short amount time, that person will be temp banned from the server. Do not abuse this. Admins will see the complaints that lead to the temp banning and will be unhappy to fix it.

Q) Can I make my own channels?

Teamspeak is setup that you can make your own channels in any of the major channels (Except Admin HQ, Lobby, and Afk, for obvious reasons) First enter the channel you want to make the sub-channel in. Right click the parent channel and select, create sub channel. You can enter a name, even a password, as well as set any description you want. After you create the channel, make sure the Audio Codec selected is high enough audio quality.

Right click the channel you created and click edit channel. Click the audio tab and increase the Quality slider. Also decrease the latency slider to reduce lag time. Quality 7, latency 1 are the recommended settings.
These channels are temp only, when the last person leaves them they are automatically cleaned up.



The person who created the channel is the op of the channel and can kick people from the channel (not server). So if you created your own channel and want to remove someone, you can password protect it and remove the troublesome individual.

Q) Is there an overlay plugin?

Yes. There is a built in overlay plugin. To enable it, select settings then plugins. Check the teamspeak overlay plugin and then click settings on the bottom to configure it. Here you can configure any color of each of the elements, as well as transparency settings. I recommend you change the input settings to enable mouse polling, and change the initialization mode to minimal. Minimal mode only displays the one person who is talking, the other mode displays everyone in your channel even those that are talking.

Q) Does teamspeak work with my G15 keyboard.

Yes. There is a plugin for that. Pretty easy to configure again settings->plugins, and enable the G15 keyboard.

Q) I’m seeing graphical glitches when I use the overlay. How do I fix that?

Here's how to get the overlay working without graphical glitches:

1. Go to Settings->Plugins in TS3.
2. Select GW2.exe in the Profile dropdown.
3. Uncheck all the Direct3D options, except for Direct3D 9 (which is what GW2 uses).
4. Switch to Input tab
5. Check "Enable Mouse Poll" and "Use in-game" cursor
6. Switch to extended, and check "Used ID3DDevice:Present hook..." (This is what fixes the animations not showing in GW2)

Guild Schedule

The guild runs various activities together on a regular basis. A schedule can be seen below, and is also in the Guild Message of the Day (MOTD). All times are Pacific. WvW events are sometimes also held, but there’s no recurring event at the moment.

Guild Missions
Saturday 7pm PST; Sunday Noon PST
Guild Wars 2 has activities designed for large groups called Guild Missions. These missions include Bounty, Puzzle, Challenge, and Rush. Rewards for participation include commendations, rares, gold and chances at a precursor or other exotic items. Each night that we run guild missions, we’ll make one attempt at each mission type, although we don’t always win. You can earn personal credit (rewards) for participation once a week, so you only need to show up for one of the scheduled runs each week for maximum rewards. Credit resets every week on Saturday at daily reset time, so the Saturday night run is the most popular. Here’s a guide for missions written by Vivixenne.

Guild Competition Events
Occasionally, the guild will also host a guild competition for prizes. These events are scheduled by officers at various times, and have included jumping puzzle races, or scavenger hunts.

[NICE] Guild Resources

Guild Tumblr Blog
We use this thread for most of our coordination, but we also have a Tumblr site that Vivixenne created to post guild information, builds, and other guides. http://gw2nice.tumblr.com/

Guild Bank
Vivixenne manages the guild bank, and has the following rules for using it. If you have used, intend to use, or think you may be interested in using it, please read this section by Vivixenne all the way through.

It is basically a guild storage for hard-to-find, useful items that people have generously donated to the Guild Bank instead of selling them. It is not a place for you to stick stuff (food) you’ve made but don’t want and can’t sell.

I cull stuff that is not meant to be there, keep the Bank tidy, and keep track of how often people withdraw as opposed to how often (and what) they deposit.

I don’t keep lists or databases. But if I check the log and see that you’ve withdrawn a lot of items and have not deposited anything within a few days after that, you may receive a message from me just as a friendly note that I HAVE MY EYE ON YOU.


Stuff that is appropriate to deposit are hard-to-find or useful items.
Hard-to-find is any piece of equipment that is
  • rare
  • exotic
  • legendary (if you are just MADE of money)

Useful is the following:
  • crafting materials
  • sigils (major+)
  • runes (major+)
  • potions (highest level potion only)
  • dyes
  • gold jewelry or better (for alts and just-turned 80s)

Please note that all Major Sigils or Major Runes will be stuck into the Mystic Forge to try to generate Superiors. We are no longer accepting Crests, Talismans, or Seals.
Useful is also any food containing the following buffs:
  • Gold Find
  • Magic Find
  • Karma Boost
  • Downed Health
  • Critical Chance or Damage


You are free to withdraw from the free-access parts of the Guild Bank (Deep Cave, Treasure Trove).
Stash items are by request only, but you will generally be able to get whatever you request from the Stash. This is purely to prevent people joining the guild and grabbing a bunch of stuff and bailing - not likely to happen, but a possibility I would like to avoid.

To withdraw something from the Stash, you will have to go through me - via /g, /w, or in-game mail. If I am not online and you absolutely NEED that item RIGHT NOW and it can’t wait until the next time I log, you may approach another officer.

Exceptions will be high-cost Superior Runes or Sigils (anything that costs more than 2g in the Trading Post). These will not just be given because you ask - you must request to buy them from the Guild at a discount. The price fluctuates every day, so when you ask for such an item I will reply letting you know how much you need to send me before I will give it to you. You are free to decline the offer.

Also note that in order to prevent compromised accounts from raiding the guild bank, anyone who has been gone from the game for an extended period will have their status set to “Inactive”. If you find yourself set to Inactive and you would like to be set back to Comrade, just ask an officer.


If you fill the Bank with trash that I have to tidy up, you will lose access to the Bank for as long as I think is appropriate - usually scaled to how annoyed I am at you.
If you withdraw something, you HAVE to be doing so to use it yourself - not to sell or pass on to a friend that is not in the guild. If you are caught, you will lose access to the Bank. Maybe worse, like a kick from the guild. I haven’t decided because this hasn’t happened yet - it may go to a case-by-case in consultation with the other officers.

Guild Custom sPvP Server
The guild funds and runs a structured PvP server. The server is administered by Teldra and Lagnar and is named “[NICE] Persephone Exists, Nothing is Sacred.” The server is used for running sPvP nights, as well as tournaments and events. It is also available at other times for dueling and casual play.

To enter the custom arena, bring up the PvP Browser interface, either by clicking the PvP icon in the upper-left-hand corner of your screen or by goingto the Heart of the Mists and looking for the NPC marked PvP Browser (the same NPC you talk to for hot join games). In the PvP Browser interface, use the Search Owner/Name bar on the left and type in Teldra. Once you find the arena, right click to mark it as a favorite so you can find it again later more easily.

Guild Wars 2 Resources

Guild Wars 2 Official Site
Guild Wars 2 Wiki
Patch Notes
Dulfy Guides
GW2 Subreddit

NICE Guild Links
NICE Tumblr
Guild Bounty Spreadsheet

Guild Mission Guide by Vivixenne
Making money guide by Sage Persephone
WvW Guide by Yougottawanna
Combo Field and Finishers by Vivixenne
Primer on Leveling Up by Vivixenne

Other Resources
Gw2spidy (Trading Post Data)
World Event Timers
Dynamic Crafting Guide
Dungeon Guide
WvW Matchups
Into the Mists (Build Guides)
Armor Gallery

Class Guides


What should I salvage and what should I sell?
Salvage most white, blues, and greens. Blues and greens give you luck, which can be consumed to increase your account magic find. Generally don’t salvage leather items, since leather is worth very little. Salvage any rares above lvl 68 for ecto with a master/mystic salvage kit, except for high-value weapons like greatswords and staves. Sell exotics on the TP, unless the sigil/rune on them is worth a lot of money, in which case you’d use a black lion salvage kit to remove the upgrade and sell it.

Guild boosts? What are those?
Every time you log on, or complete events are part of the guild, the guild gains influence. The influence is spent on guild missions, and also guild boosts. Guild boosts are guild-wide buffs that are given to everyone representing the guild and include karma boosts, magic find, reduced waypoint costs, and reduced repair costs, not to mention others. We typically run Magic Find and Gathering all week, and add Gold and Karma on the weekends.

Why do people keep saying I should make sure to log in once every two weeks?
The recent introduction of the Story Journal lets players have access to living world events they missed out on when they were current! So far, only the new season (Season 2) is available, but there is a possibility they may someday add support for replaying Season 1 as well. If you log in during the release window of a new chapter of content, you unlock it for FREE in the Story Journal! if you miss it completely, you can still get it, but it will cost a small gem fee. Gems can be purchased with either in-game gold or with real money. And don’t worry, the unlock is only for the story and the elite achievements. Everyone gets permanent access to all the open world additions, including new zones, events, and regular achievements!

What should I do after I get to level 80?
  • World Completion
  • Build your character how you want with armor/weapons/skills
  • Collect Wardrobe looks
  • Achievements
  • Dungeons
  • World Events
  • Legendary Weapon
  • Crafting
  • Personal Story and Living Story
  • sPvP
  • WvW
  • Jumping Puzzles
  • Make up your own goals - ie, get all dyes, get all minis
  • Create an alt
  • Have fun!

I see a lot of people in the guild with "Von Kraken" or "Copper" in their names. What's up with that?
We decided near launch of the game for some of our characters to be in the same "family." So Human Nobles will have their names with a von Kraken tag, like '<player name> Von Kraken.' Similarly, with Charr characters we've decided to form the Copper warband (cause copper, like in a penny. Get it?). Your Charr character can be named with Copper as the prefix or suffix of your name. For instance, 'Geod Copperstone' or 'Rysk Coppercrusher' or whatever you like. Feel free to join in with the naming fun if you'd like!

Geod on


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    GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Kylindra wrote: »
    So this got buried right away and I'm being told people haven't seen it, so here it is again!

    Heart of Thorns Betting Pool

    Two Pools:
    Official Release Date Pool (RETAIL release, not pre-order or other early access)
    Official Announcement Date Pool (First Announcement of Hard Release Date via an Official Channel)

    The choices will be in terms of weeks (Week of May 24th, etc).

    Cost: 1 gold per entry. You can enter up to 5 times (per pool) and you don't have to pick the same date for all your entries. So your buy-in can be anywhere between 1 and 10 gold, as you see fit.

    Winnings will be distributed proportionately to everyone who picked the correct weeks according to the number of entries received.
    (Example: If Guildie McNoPants and five other people pick the winning week, but Guildie did 5 entries for that date and everyone else did 1 each, then Guildie would get half of the prize money and the rest would be split evenly between the other 5 people).

    How to Enter:
    To enter, deposit your entry fee into the guild bank, and sign up on this spreadsheet here:

    Instructions are on the sheet.

    Contest is open to ALL members of NICE, including officers (no discretion regarding who wins, so no concerns about fairness).

    Sign-ups start RIGHT NOW and will end two weeks from today. (Barring any premature announcing on ANet's part, of course!)

    You can change your entries at any time during the next two weeks, but when they are closed, they are CLOSED and the sheet will be LOCKED. Also, all entry gold MUST be deposited by the closing date (Monday May 18th at 11:59PM EST) or you forfeit your choices and your right to enter.

    Let the guessing begin!!

    Geod on
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    GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Geod on
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    I don't think they're gonna kill the Pale Tree, or blow her up. That'd fuck up the starting instance for the Sylvari too much. It's one thing to nuke Lion's Arch and let people be confused at the Personal Story stuff in there; it's another thing to nuke a starting area.

    I GUESS they could kill off one of the other leaders, since you don't see as much of them (ESPECIALLY the Arcane Council). Might be interesting to kill Queen Jennah.

    Also, killing off Zojja would neatly solve the problem of not being able to get her VA back, ever >>;

    Idk guys. i mean, part of me wishes they could nuke the Pale Tree, but without being able to instance new Sylvari players into a "clean" version of the zone, I don't see it happening. Also, where would new Sylvari players even COME from then? I guess all Sylvari were born before Zhaitan was killed? arrrgh timey wimey ball

    See You Space Cowboy: a ttrpg about sad space bounty hunters
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    mojojoeomojojoeo A block off the park, living the dream.Registered User regular
    whatever it is itll be a cliff hanger as they are taking a break after this update.

    waiting til tuesday!

    Chief Wiggum: "Ladies, please. All our founding fathers, astronauts, and World Series heroes have been either drunk or on cocaine."
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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    You know what's annoying? Going to EotM for a karma train and get the one friggin' commander who insists on defending our shit.

    It's like "Yeah, I know Thunder Hollow is a goddamn meat grinder, but if killing other players was what I was Wuving for, I'd go to EB."

    Foefaller on
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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    Aw, no Kasmeer's Staff this week.

    /keeps fingers crossed

    BTW, does anyone know when (as in what time) daily stuff resets?

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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    Aw, no Kasmeer's Staff this week.

    /keeps fingers crossed

    BTW, does anyone know when (as in what time) daily stuff resets?

    Dailies, rewards for dungeon paths, and time gated crafting all reset at Midnight GMT.

    ...which is about 7pm CDT, or 9 1/2 hours from now.

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    GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
    I'd expect older items to come back for the GW2 anniversary in a few weeks, as that's what they did last year if memory serves.

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    SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
    Geod wrote: »
    I'd expect older items to come back for the GW2 anniversary in a few weeks, as that's what they did last year if memory serves.

    Oh crap. are we really coming up on two years?

    Second birthday present time?

    Mostly just huntin' monsters.
    XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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    BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Miniature Pale Tree inc?

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
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    mccartmccart Registered User regular
    I just finally got around to starting to use the first round of birthday boosters! I really need to use my booster type things more often, I don't think I've ever used any repair canisters or revive orbs. Apparently I'm "saving" them for something important, who knows what.

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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Entaru wrote: »
    Geod wrote: »
    I'd expect older items to come back for the GW2 anniversary in a few weeks, as that's what they did last year if memory serves.

    Oh crap. are we really coming up on two years?

    Second birthday present time?

    Hmm, that might be the real reason for a break in the LS after next week's episode: the next Jubilee (or whatever event is a replacement for celebrating the game's anniversary.

    Foefaller on
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    SwashbucklerXXSwashbucklerXX Swashbucklin' Canuck Registered User regular
    Entaru wrote: »
    Geod wrote: »
    I'd expect older items to come back for the GW2 anniversary in a few weeks, as that's what they did last year if memory serves.

    Oh crap. are we really coming up on two years?

    Second birthday present time?

    Mini Logan Thackeray! If you take him out next to somebody's Mini Queen Jennah, he glomps her until she portals him away.

    Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
  • Options
    SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
    Mini-Treahern. Suddenly all the NPC's start talking to him instead of you.

    Mostly just huntin' monsters.
    XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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    BethrynBethryn Unhappiness is Mandatory Registered User regular
    Mini Logan Thackeray! If you take him out next to somebody's Mini Queen Jennah, he glomps her until she portals him away.
    Already exists. ^^

    ...and of course, as always, Kill Hitler.
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    GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
    Speaking of minis, I find it interesting that there are minis in the series 3 pack that aren't even represented in the game yet as NPCs.

    For instance, Tsuru Whitewing or Mystical Dragon.

    Tengu confirmed!

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    AngryAngry The glory I had witnessed was just a sleight of handRegistered User regular
    So I'm playing this again. Did a lot of sPvP last night.

    I'd say at least 3/4 arena games I ended up down 4v5. This isn't fun. That paired with the queue varying wildly, up to 16 minutes, I don't actually know if queuing for arena is any faster then simply doing hotjoin.

    Doing sPvP also let me know that I have done exactly 3 of the dungeons in the game, so I'd like to rectify that to open up some new paths.

  • Options
    AvynteAvynte Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Geod wrote: »
    Speaking of minis, I find it interesting that there are minis in the series 3 pack that aren't even represented in the game yet as NPCs.

    For instance, Tsuru Whitewing or Mystical Dragon.

    Tengu confirmed!

    Huh, and a mystical dragon look-a-like
    appears along with a bunch of other backgrounds/concept art.

    e; picture included now

    Avynte on
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    ArdorArdor Registered User regular
    Angry wrote: »
    So I'm playing this again. Did a lot of sPvP last night.

    I'd say at least 3/4 arena games I ended up down 4v5. This isn't fun. That paired with the queue varying wildly, up to 16 minutes, I don't actually know if queuing for arena is any faster then simply doing hotjoin.

    Doing sPvP also let me know that I have done exactly 3 of the dungeons in the game, so I'd like to rectify that to open up some new paths.

    Sorry to hear that. I did PvP for a few weeks after they released the reward tracks and maybe <5% of the time did I end up in an arena solo que match where one team ended up with 4 players. They do have a dishonorable buff though if you leave X matches (typically because you are rage quitting or your team is losing) which prevents you from joining any PvP matches for something like 2 days. I am unsure what X is.

    What I don't know, is if joining your solo que match when in a hotjoin match hurts you at all, other than not finishing the hotjoin match. You could consider putting yourself in the que then go hotjoin until it pops for you.

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    AngryAngry The glory I had witnessed was just a sleight of handRegistered User regular
    Leaving hotjoin servers definitely don't give any sort of punishment, so that is a good idea.

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    DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Man, I need to get back into doing some sPvP. Best part of the game to me.

    What is this I don't even.
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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    So, after all those questions about gear and skinning...


    How's she looking?

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    AngryAngry The glory I had witnessed was just a sleight of handRegistered User regular
    Sorry for being so salty in chat last night (liquid swords.)

    I'm trying to actively keep up with story this time around and I just hate the format they use to deliver it. Just let me go through the story, don't saddle me with npc characters I don't care about in super uninteresting scenarios.

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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    So, after all those questions about gear and skinning...


    How's she looking?

    Pretty nice :)

    Which reminds me of my own atheistic goals. Now that I've gotting my Engi Main in full ascended Celestial armor with the Magitech Armor skin (that had been sitting in my inventory since before Ascended armor was a thing IIRCC) Now I'm grinding money for the T3 heavy Sylvari cultural armor for my warrior, get that in place before I start working on an ascended set for her (which I probably won't even start full speed until I have gathered the silk for at least one or two insignias.)

    Will probably end up using the makeover kit I have on her before it's all through; Some parts of most Sylvari cultural armor set uses some of the skin and hair colors of your character, so to change those, you have to change you're character's colors.

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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    I outfitted my Engineer in the Forgeman coat, shoulders and gloves which look pretty spiffy. Gonna go for dungeon gear from AC to round it off the remaining slots since I could use a Healing Power boost for my Elixir Gun Kit and Healing Turret. Anyone know which are the easier path(s) to get AC-tokens from BTW? I ran with a AC-1 group yesterday but it didn't go so hot.

  • Options
    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    Foefaller wrote: »
    Will probably end up using the makeover kit I have on her before it's all through; Some parts of most Sylvari cultural armor set uses some of the skin and hair colors of your character, so to change those, you have to change you're character's colors.

    Thanks! And I actually rerolled the char about 3 times so I could go preview her in cultural armor...

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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Owenashi wrote: »
    I outfitted my Engineer in the Forgeman coat, shoulders and gloves which look pretty spiffy. Gonna go for dungeon gear from AC to round it off the remaining slots since I could use a Healing Power boost for my Elixir Gun Kit and Healing Turret. Anyone know which are the easier path(s) to get AC-tokens from BTW? I ran with a AC-1 group yesterday but it didn't go so hot.

    All of them are fairly easy, though path 3 is probably the easiest (baring so possible trouble with the last fight). It's not uncommon to see groups in LFG for doing all three in one go.

    I'm guessing your Path 1 group had the trouble at the part where you have to defend the guy in a small room while destroying graveling nests? There is actually a trick to that: If you completely ignore one of the nests that first spawn (other than to kill the gravelings that come out) and focus on the other, as well as any new ones that spawn. you'll eventually clear out all the nests in that "chain" leaving you with only having to deal with one nest at a time for rest of it.

    Foefaller on
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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    Yeah, I had to play defense (after getting a new person or two into the party due to said spots being vacated by frustrated players) and defend the NPC while the rest ran around to to clear the nests. Afterwords, I ended up being left behind in that passageway after dying to those Gravelings and the rest of the party fought the final boss without me while I tried and died a second time in said tunnels. At least I got tokens from the run but it was kinda annoying to pop outside dead and all.

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    TolerantZeroTolerantZero Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I'm really glad that I could get dungeon tokens from sPvP tracks because Arah is a bitch and I really want a pair of heavy leggings from that track for my (now 80) guardian.

    Speaking of which, he was the fastest I got a character to 80; in under 20 hours. This was between the level 20 scroll, EoTM, birthday and exp boosters, and crafting. Granted, I got to 400 for four of those crafting professions (Chef, Jewelcrafting, Huntsman and Tailoring) but the only reason I did Huntsman and Tailoring was because I needed those two for Master Craftsman. I was 4 levels away after crafting, and even though I could have used the tomes of knowledge I had sitting in my bank, I decided to save them for another alt down the line and just Edge'd the rest of them. Those last four levels took about...an hour and a half? Two hours? That's how quickly leveling there can be, under the right commander of course.

    My next goal now is to do Dungeon Master, which is two paths of Arah and one of Sorrow's Embrace that I just can't seem to find in LFG.

    EDIT: Also, to add, it looks like the chance to get Black Lion Claim Tickets from their chests has been doubled until the next episode, so now there's even more incentive to grind for those keys if the Permanent Hair Salonist kit wasn't tempting enough.

    TolerantZero on
    Steam | Raptr | 3DS - 2552-2106-0321
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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    I'm really glad that I could get dungeon tokens from sPvP tracks because Arah is a bitch and I really want a pair of heavy leggings from that track for my (now 80) guardian.

    Speaking of which, he was the fastest I got a character to 80; in under 20 hours. This was between the level 20 scroll, EoTM, birthday and exp boosters, and crafting. Granted, I got to 400 for four of those crafting professions (Chef, Jewelcrafting, Huntsman and Tailoring) but the only reason I did Huntsman and Tailoring was because I needed those two for Master Craftsman. I was 4 levels away after crafting, and even though I could have used the tomes of knowledge I had sitting in my bank, I decided to save them for another alt down the line and just Edge'd the rest of them. Those last four levels took about...an hour and a half? Two hours? That's how quickly leveling there can be, under the right commander of course.

    My next goal now is to do Dungeon Master, which is two paths of Arah and one of Sorrow's Embrace that I just can't seem to find in LFG.

    EDIT: Also, to add, it looks like the chance to get Black Lion Claim Tickets from their chests has been doubled until the next episode, so now there's even more incentive to grind for those keys if the Permanent Hair Salonist kit wasn't tempting enough.

    Out of curiosity, how much did it cost you to take all those trades to 400?

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    mccartmccart Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    gw2crafts.net pulls recent TP data to build you the cheapest method to level crafting. It shows the total cost at the top of each guide.

    mccart on
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    TolerantZeroTolerantZero Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I'm really glad that I could get dungeon tokens from sPvP tracks because Arah is a bitch and I really want a pair of heavy leggings from that track for my (now 80) guardian.

    Speaking of which, he was the fastest I got a character to 80; in under 20 hours. This was between the level 20 scroll, EoTM, birthday and exp boosters, and crafting. Granted, I got to 400 for four of those crafting professions (Chef, Jewelcrafting, Huntsman and Tailoring) but the only reason I did Huntsman and Tailoring was because I needed those two for Master Craftsman. I was 4 levels away after crafting, and even though I could have used the tomes of knowledge I had sitting in my bank, I decided to save them for another alt down the line and just Edge'd the rest of them. Those last four levels took about...an hour and a half? Two hours? That's how quickly leveling there can be, under the right commander of course.

    My next goal now is to do Dungeon Master, which is two paths of Arah and one of Sorrow's Embrace that I just can't seem to find in LFG.

    EDIT: Also, to add, it looks like the chance to get Black Lion Claim Tickets from their chests has been doubled until the next episode, so now there's even more incentive to grind for those keys if the Permanent Hair Salonist kit wasn't tempting enough.

    Out of curiosity, how much did it cost you to take all those trades to 400?

    Well, Chef's was dirt cheap because I had hearts completed and used karma instead of coin. At most, maybe 1 or 2 gold. Jewelcrafting was the same way.

    Huntsman and Tailoring, I had a lot of the basic resources and cost me around 10-15g total to make up for anything I didn't have, which was pretty good because the guide I used, coincedentally the one @mccart linked, said it would have costed around 30g. I would highly reccommend holding onto as much material as you can if you're considering using crafting as a supplement to leveling alts. You save yourself a lot later on by holding onto them, either from having to buy the mats again or, if you have extra, selling them on the TP when they may go up in price. If you do dungeon runs often enough, you'll run into the higher tier materials like Destroyer Cores and the like, which while are low in quantity for what you need, will cost a lot per piece.

    To answer your question, though, I would say roughly 20g for all four. Again, without most of the materials I had before hand I would have ended up paying much more.

    TolerantZero on
    Steam | Raptr | 3DS - 2552-2106-0321
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    FoefallerFoefaller Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I'm really glad that I could get dungeon tokens from sPvP tracks because Arah is a bitch and I really want a pair of heavy leggings from that track for my (now 80) guardian.

    Speaking of which, he was the fastest I got a character to 80; in under 20 hours. This was between the level 20 scroll, EoTM, birthday and exp boosters, and crafting. Granted, I got to 400 for four of those crafting professions (Chef, Jewelcrafting, Huntsman and Tailoring) but the only reason I did Huntsman and Tailoring was because I needed those two for Master Craftsman. I was 4 levels away after crafting, and even though I could have used the tomes of knowledge I had sitting in my bank, I decided to save them for another alt down the line and just Edge'd the rest of them. Those last four levels took about...an hour and a half? Two hours? That's how quickly leveling there can be, under the right commander of course.

    My next goal now is to do Dungeon Master, which is two paths of Arah and one of Sorrow's Embrace that I just can't seem to find in LFG.

    EDIT: Also, to add, it looks like the chance to get Black Lion Claim Tickets from their chests has been doubled until the next episode, so now there's even more incentive to grind for those keys if the Permanent Hair Salonist kit wasn't tempting enough.

    I'm guessing the Sorrow's Embrace you can't ever find is Path 2? That is the one that takes forever, and ends with a couple of really tough fights (5 elite mining suits- the ones that summon help in the form of buffing Disaggregators and knockbacking Excavators, and the final boss, which has you bouncing between two golems that you have to kill pretty close to one another) Don't usually see it that often, and most people starting it haven't done it before.

    What are the Arah paths you need though? I still need all but Path 3 for my Dungeon Master chevo, as well as Path 3 of Honor of the Waves.

    Foefaller on
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    TolerantZeroTolerantZero Registered User regular
    Foefaller wrote: »
    I'm guessing the Sorrow's Embrace you can't ever find is Path 2? That is the one that takes forever, and ends with a couple of really tough fights (5 elite mining suits- the ones that summon help in the form of buffing Disaggregators and knockbacking Excavators, and the final boss, which has you bouncing between two golems that you have to kill pretty close to one another) Don't usually see it that often, and most people starting it haven't done it before.

    What are the Arah paths you need though? I still need all but Path 3 for my Dungeon Master chevo, as well as Path 3 of Honor of the Waves.

    I just got out of Path 2 for Arah, and yes P2 of Sorrow's Embrace is the group I never seem to find. Ironically, I only need path 3 for arah but I would be willing to help for HotW as I've done that dungeon countless times.

    Steam | Raptr | 3DS - 2552-2106-0321
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    BloodycowBloodycow Registered User regular
    Can I get a guild invite? Bloodycow.2369

    " I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet.”
    ― John Quincy Adams
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    GeodGeod swim, swim, hungryRegistered User regular
    Bloodycow wrote: »
    Can I get a guild invite? Bloodycow.2369

    Invite sent!

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    BloodycowBloodycow Registered User regular
    Thanks, I will hop on after work tomorrow. I haven't played GW2 in a long long time. Decided to hop on since I had 24 hour duty on Tuesday. Got my Necro from 40 to 56 and had fun. Sucks that no one runs dungeons unless they are level 80.

    Hoping this sucks me back in for awhile. Getting burned out on Hearthstone and don't really have any other games to play besides Diablo 3.

    " I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet.”
    ― John Quincy Adams
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    mojojoeomojojoeo A block off the park, living the dream.Registered User regular
    Angry wrote: »
    Sorry for being so salty in chat last night (liquid swords.)

    I'm trying to actively keep up with story this time around and I just hate the format they use to deliver it. Just let me go through the story, don't saddle me with npc characters I don't care about in super uninteresting scenarios.

    Its ok bro.

    Ima start a bad relationship gw2 support group.

    I love her but she doesnt treat me how i want.

    Chief Wiggum: "Ladies, please. All our founding fathers, astronauts, and World Series heroes have been either drunk or on cocaine."
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Last night I was taking my buddy and new recruit @Allandaros‌ around Lion's Arch. He's never played GW1, he literally got GW2 last month when it was on sale, and in fact he's never played any MMO before, period.

    It was interesting, because he'd just assumed that Lion's Arch had ALWAYS been this post-apocalyptic wasteland. He said that he thought it was due to some apocalypse from the first game. I was like, oh, no, the FIRST apocalypse here happened like, 100 years ago. The cinematic you saw upon entering the city? That happened in February."

    I ended up taking him around the city and explaining stuff. It's interesting because on the one hand, that means that for brand new players, there's really no cognitive dissonance from getting to those parts of the personal story in the ruined LA -- they literally don't know the difference. In fact, having the personal story instances take place in old LA might be confusing to them, since they might not even understand that LA is different unless they're wiki hounds! On the other, I'm very sad that new players have NO chance to experience the old LA -- that old map was GORGEOUS.

    With all that being said... it occurs to me that I'm apparently The Resident Guild Lore Expert. Are there any cities or locations or anything that people in the guild would like me to give an in-game a tour of? This could also be linked to any map completion anyone needs to do.

    See You Space Cowboy: a ttrpg about sad space bounty hunters
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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    So after looking at some things I noticed crafting goes to 500 now. Is that just for Ascended gear?

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