
[Hearthstone] Mean Streets of Gadgetzan arrives Dec 1st!

MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice ActorKirkland, WARegistered User regular
edited November 2016 in Games and Technology

THIS IS FOR: PC, Mac, iPad, Android and iPhone!

Add yourself to our ever growing friends list here!

Hearthstone New Player Guide:

1. Install Game
2. Play through intro stuff (Mage training)
3. Unlock every class by defeating them
4. Choose a class and level it up to 10 in any mode (You earn less XP against the AI, but will almost always win)
5. Do this with all the other classes (100 free gold!)
6. Go back and defeat all 9 Expert AI classes (100 free gold!)
7. Choose a class and level it up to 20 in any mode
8. Play an Arena run (it's free so don't worry about going 0-3)
9. Disenchant a card (typically a common 5 dust card) (95 free dust!)
10. Add some PA folks to your friends list and observe them winning a game (free pack!)
11. Find friends or relatives and play one game on an iPhone, iPad, Samsung phone, and Samsung Tablet (1 free pack per system!)
12. Spend accumulated Gold (or purchase for $25) to buy the wings of One Night in Karazhan (700 per wing)**
13. Complete Karazhan completely for 45 new cards
14. **OPTIONAL: Spend $5 for the Welcome Pack (10 packs + 1 Legendary)
15. Complete daily quests, and win any 3 games, to earn gold (in Casual or Constructed)
16. Try and reach as high a rank as possible each season, but at least aim for ranks 20, 15, 10, or 5. (Free cards/dust - see below)
17. Enter and win one Tavern Brawl each week (Free pack, but Wed-Sun only!)
18. Either spend Gold on packs of cards (100/pack - Classic for a long time) or Arena (150/run)
19. Repeat steps 15-19
** = You can save a lot of time by buying the Adventure modes for $25 each. Grinding 3500 gold will take a long time to acquire, but it is free.

Arena can earn more cards and Gold once you get good at playing it. You always get a pack of cards in Arena regardless of your record. Rewards increase as you get more wins. Therefore, earning 50 Gold will have you break even since you get a 100 Gold pack of cards automatically. 50 Gold is about 3-4 wins depending on your rewards luck. Anything more than that is pure profit. Remember, Arena rewards WotOG packs.

A special word from MncDover:

Hearthstone is a fantastic and addicting game to play. The learning curve isn't overly steep, but remembering all the cards is tough to do. BE PREPARED TO LOSE A LOT AT FIRST! If you're new to the game, there are people that have been playing for over a year and have most, if not every, card in the game. It sucks getting smashed by what seems like a legion of Legendary minions, but keep going. Eventually you'll have your own Epic and Legendary cards and can hang with anyone. Besides, Legendary cards don't always mean instant wins. In many cases, you can sub out other common/basic cards in their place.

One last note, never EVER feel bad about asking for help or netdecking popular decks. Everyone does it (I know I certainly do!) and there's no shame in it. Creating decks by yourself can be fun and inventive, but there are people out there that play professionally and spend months creating optimal decks. Not only will netdecking help you create optimal decks, but you'll start to understand why certain cards are good and find interactions you may not have previously thought of. Finally, netdecking will help you know what your opponent is playing too. When everyone is netdecking, you can much more easily predict what they have have left in their deck/hand. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

So yeah, ask for help here often and netdeck popular decks. :)

Daily Quests and Gold earning:

You can earn gold by completing a daily quest or by winning 3 games against a human opponent in either Casual or Ranked modes. Ironically, Casual mode is more difficult than Ranked because you aren't as readily matched up to someone of your rank. Other notes about earning gold:

1. When you win 3 games, you earn 10 gold. You can earn up to 100 gold/day this way.
2. If you get a quest you don't like, you can "reroll" it by hitting the red "X" button in the corner of the quest.
3. You can only reroll one quest per day.
4. You can reroll a previously rerolled quest.
5. Try to not have more than 3 active quests or you'll lose out on a new daily quest.
6. The "Win 7 games in any mode" quest is worth 100 gold. In addition, wins against the AI count.
7. The "Spectate" quest allows you to earn a free pack of Classic cards just by watching another person win. FREE CARDS WOOO!
8. You can complete multiple quests at the same time (ie. Win 2 games with Paladin/Rogue and Win 2 games with Paladin/Warrior both get credit if you win with Paladin)

Card rarity, identification, and dust values:

1. Look at the center of the card for a gem.
2. If the card has no gem, it is a "soulbound" card and cannot be crafted or dusted. Basically, it's a starting card.
3. If the gem is white, the card is common. These cards can be crafted for 40 dust or dusted for 5.
4. If the gem is blue, the card is rare. These cards can be crafted for 100 dust or dusted for 20.
5. If the gem is purple, the card is epic. These cards can be crafted for 400 dust or dusted for 100.
6. If the gem is orange, the card is legendary. These cards can be crafted for 1600 dust or dusted for 400.
7. Dusting a golden version of a card earns you the creation value. Example: A golden rare dusts for 100 instead of 20.
8. It's highly recommended you dust golden cards unless you don't have two copies of it already.

Supplemental Card Creation Guide:

1. Do not dust cards until you have more than 2 copies of a card
2. Unless you're committed to a class, it's better to craft neutral minions first (Sylvannas, Dr. Boom, Ragnaros, etc)
3. Dusting Gold cards earn lots more dust (unless you care about that bling look)
4. Try to only create Epic or Legendary (commons and rares will come via packs)
5. Ask us here before dusting something like a Legendary (see Legendary crafting link below)

Ranked Rewards

Each season lasts one month. At the end of the season, you'll earn a reward based on your highest rank you earned during the season. The rewards come in the form of golden cards and extra dust. For newer players, the golden cards can be dusted for a lot of dust (see dust list above) allowing you to create better cards. For pros, it's an opportunity to bling out the cards they want or stockpile dust for the next expansion. Because of this reward system, you should always try and get as high as possible each season. And don't worry about losing ranks, you still get the reward based on your best result and not your ending rank. The rewards by rank are in the spoiler below:
Rank 20 - 1 golden common card, 5 dust
Rank 19 - 1 golden common card, 10 dust
Rank 18 - 1 golden common card, 15 dust
Rank 17 - 1 golden common card, 20 dust
Rank 16 - 1 golden common card, 25 dust
Rank 15 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 14 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 13 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 12 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 11 - 1 golden common card, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 10 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 5 dust
Rank 9 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 10 dust
Rank 8 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 15 dust
Rank 7 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 20 dust
Rank 6 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden rare card, 25 dust
Rank 5 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 5 dust
Rank 4 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 10 dust
Rank 3 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 15 dust
Rank 2 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 20 dust
Rank 1 - 2 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card, 25 dust
Legendary - 3 golden common cards, 1 golden epic card

Important Turns to Learn:

As you play, you'll encounter a turn where your entire board of minions gets wiped out. At first you'll think this is unfair, until you realize that it isn't all that bad. Every class has Area of Effect (AoE) attacks to deal with lots of minions. Sometimes they are single cards, other times combos of cards. Either way, you need to learn when to expect these clears from happening.

The most common and widely known version of an AoE is Flamestrike from Mage. That spell does 4 damage to all minions for 7 mana. While that is a lot, and can easily swing the game in her favor, remember that it isn't unstoppable. On Turn 6, try not to play any additional minions that have less than 4 health. Or, put out minions that have deathrattles that spawn new minions (Piloted Shredder, Nurubian Egg, etc). That way, even if your board is mostly cleared, you still have minions to control and attack with.

Below is a list of very common board clear counts by class and mana. These are pretty important to remember and should be in the back of your mind every time you play. REMEMBER THAT THESE MANA COUNTS GO DOWN BY ONE IF YOUR OPPONENT IS GOING SECOND AND HASN'T USED THE COIN YET!
  • Warrior: Whirlwind [1 mana], Brawl [5 mana] (destroy all minions but one chosen randomly)
  • Paladin: Consecration [4 mana] (2 damage to all enemies), Equality [2 mana] (change the health of all minions to 1, often combined with Wild Pyromancer [2 mana] to clear the board), Avenging Wrath [6 mana] (deal 8 damage randomly to enemy characters)
  • Hunter: Explosive Trap [2 mana] (Secret, 2 damage to all enemies when your hero is attacked), Unleash the Hounds sort of (summon a 1/1 with Charge for each enemy minion)
  • Shaman: Lightning Storm [3 mana, then 2 mana next turn] (2-3 damage to all enemy minions)
  • Druid: Swipe [4 mana] (4 damage to one enemy, 1 damage to all other enemies), Starfall [5 mana] (5 damage to one enemy minion, or 2 damage to all enemy minions)
  • Rogue: Blade Flurry [4 mana] (destroy your weapon and deal its attack value to all enemies, often comboed with rogue hero power + deadly poison for a 3 damage sweep), Fan of Knives [3 mana] (deal 1 damage to all enemy minions, draw a card)
  • Priest: Holy Nova [5 mana] (2 damage to all enemies, 2 healing to all friendly characters), Auchenai Soulpriest [4 mana] + Circle of Healing [0 mana] (4 damage to all minions)
  • Mage: Arcane Explosion [2 mana] (1 damage to all enemy minions), Blizzard [6 mana] (2 damage and freeze to all enemy minions), Flamestrike [7 mana] (4 damage to all enemy minions)
  • Warlock: Hellfire [4 mana] (3 damage to all characters), Shadowflame [4 mana] (destroy a friendly minion and deal its attack value to all enemy minions)

Most agreed upon order for crafting Legendary cards:


Here's a cheat-sheet for all the Secrets in the game:

All secrets in one spot!

Adventure Modes and New Cards:

Hearthstone has been out for over a two years now and has seen a lot of new content. These come in the form of Adventure Modes (single player stuff) and Expansion packs (new cards!). All of this new content can be found below. PLEASE NOTE! There is no reason to bang your head against the wall to complete Heroic boss fights. Completing them is very hard and the only reward is a special card back. Come back to them later after getting more cards in your inventory.


League of Explorers pricing/cards/basic info:



Blackrock Mountain pricing/cards/basic info:



One Night in Karazhan/cards/basic info:


The Grand Tournament Gameplay


Whispers of the Old Gods Gameplay


Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Gameplay


General Game Information:

The game has FOUR play modes:
  • Play - Build a 30-card deck and fight people in ranked or unranked matches.
  • Solo Adventures - Practice against the AI or enter the Single Player themed adventures like The Curse of Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain.
  • Arena - Pay 150g, then pick a hero from a random selection of 3 heroes and draft a deck from a random pool of cards presented to you three at a time. Then battle other people who went through the same process to receive treasures!
  • Tavern Brawl - Free to enter after level 20. Rules change each week. Rewards a free pack after first victory.

Grobian's list of less intuitive facts:
  • Max handsize is 10 cards. Any card over that is drawn then immediately destroyed.
  • You can't have more than 7 minions on the board.
  • If you draw from an empty deck, each "card" you draw instead damages you, beginning at 1 damage and increasing by 1 damage each draw.
  • If multiple things happen at the same time (e.g. trigger at the end of the turn) they happen in the order their respective cards have been played.
  • There are hidden quests/achievements that award gold, notably: 100g for beating all Expert AIs, 100g for playing every class to level 10 and 300g for 100 wins total.
  • The Shaman hero power always calls one of the 4 totems that isn't out yet. If you get a totem bounced to your hand, you can play a second one, though.
  • The hunter spell Animal Companion just calls a random of the 3 possible minions.
  • The Warlock spell Sense Demons gives you 1/1 imps for 1 mana if you don't have (any more) demons in your deck.
  • Stealth overrides Taunt, not the other way around.
  • Stealth is only for the enemy, you can buff your stealthed minions.
  • Priest: Shadowform refreshes your hero power, so you can use it twice in a turn.
  • Druid: Wild Growth at 10 mana crystals awards you a spell "Excess Mana" which draws a card for 0.
  • More comprehensive list of oddities here

Hearthstone strategy and resource links
Easy intro to Hearthstone in an image.
Full daily quest list here.
TeamLiquid's new Hearthstone siteLiquidHearth
TeamLiquid's Hearthstone Article Portal, a collection of all articles they've done. A good place to start.
HearthHead - Best Arena draft practice, decklists, deck builder, card db
Hearthpwn - Practice Arena drafts, decklists, deck builder, card db. Same stuff different layout.
Chrome Hearthstone Card mouseover extension - Easily find out what all those cards people are talking about do without leaving the thread!
Trump's Neutral Common guide for Arena
A basic/starter guide site for our newer players.

Links to competitive deckslists and analysis


Here's a deck-tracking google spreadsheet made by our own Muffintron:


From Muffintron:

I've got it set-up so that I have a folder for each of the classes, and a spreadsheet for each deck, then I use individual sheets within that spreadsheet to keep track of the deck changes over time.

Just go File -> Make a copy to get a copy on to your google drive.

To use: put in the cards for the deck: Quantity, Mana cost, Name, Type (Spell, Weapon or Minion) and Rarity (Soulbound, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Naxxramas).

The sheet should take care of the rest.

Decent streamers/youtube clips to watch, to learn!

Here's a list of PA people who don't mind if you spectate while they play.
*PM me to get added to the list*
**This is not a friends list. That is located at the top of this post!**

mnc dover/mncdover#1994
Webber/Webber #1330
The Escape Goat/EscapeGoat#1913
Grunt's Ghosts/GruntsGhosts#1652

Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
MNC Dover on


  • Options
    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    Make Gadgetzan Great Again.

    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    I have a quest to play 15 demons. I shall accomplish this task on my stream right now. Tune in and make deck requests! Link in sig!

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • Options
    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    This set is actually pretty cool.

    The theme is neat, we're finally seeing the hearthstone designers explore some new areas, and you get to hit people with knuckles.

    What's not to like?

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    It might just be anecdotal, but Jesus Christ, the ridiculous rank 20 decks are out in full fucking force this season.

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    bsjezzbsjezz Registered User regular
    i certainly play some ridiculous decks at rank 20 but i don't think in the sense that you mean

    also, i've been eagerly eating up the discussion about new cards and what's 'playable', but bear in mind there are a lot of players like me that will end up playing 'unplayable' cards because the pool to draw from is limited when you're not dedicated enough to shell out continually for packs, bundles and expansions. i bought the welcome bundle and that will most likely be it for me. i will get and play new cards from arena packs, but not nearly enough that i can get into the meta and that's fine. for me when you take deckbuilding out of the strategy, hearthstone becomes gambling anyway

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    fortyforty Registered User regular
    I mean ridiculous in the sense that these are decks and players and luck that could easily be competing in the rank 5 area, but instead they are up at rank 20 ensuring people without top tier decks lose every other game and barely move anywhere.

  • Options
    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    dragon pally is fun! win streaking right now, been so long of just freeze mage and murloc and nzoth pally. this is quite a bit more active

    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
  • Options
    ShenShen Registered User regular
    Wow, Han'cho is remarkably boring next to Kazakus.

    Pint-Size Potion remains the card I'm most excited for thus far, with Grimestreet Pally what I'll likely slap together to kick things off.

    3DS: 2234-8122-8398 | Battle.net (EU): Ladi#2485
  • Options
    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Man, such good streaming games today. Renounced Darkness and MRGRGL Paladin FTW!

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • Options
    hippofanthippofant ティンク Registered User regular
    MNC Dover wrote: »
    *PM me, Roz, to get added to the list*

    Dover, are you okay? How are you feeling?

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    you think dover reads the OP?

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    kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    you think dover reads the OP?

    No one reads OPs

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • Options
    webberwebber Registered User regular
    Hancho + Brann and then Grom is a 20 damage burst. I don't know how likely that is though.

    This lucky penny is bullshit.
    Hearthstone - Webber #1330
    3DS: 0920-3235-4071
  • Options
    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    The OP has been de-Roz'd.

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    Variable wrote: »
    dragon pally is fun! win streaking right now, been so long of just freeze mage and murloc and nzoth pally. this is quite a bit more active

    Every slow Paladin game I play I end up with 8 cards in hand that are all the wrong answer.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Yilias wrote: »
    Variable wrote: »
    dragon pally is fun! win streaking right now, been so long of just freeze mage and murloc and nzoth pally. this is quite a bit more active

    Every slow Paladin game I play I end up with 8 cards in hand that are all the wrong answer.

    but what if all those cards...HAD +1/+1

  • Options
    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    as a reveal it's super lame
    You would think by now they would understand which cards they should be hyping up.
    not only that, they intentionally slowed down the reveal timer for him compared to other cards so that more people had to click the reveal button on the site

    sombra arg card when
    I would love for us to get Sombra'd, I want the damn Standard rotation.

  • Options
    DodgeBlanDodgeBlan PSN: dodgeblanRegistered User regular
    So I guess got a new computer and am getting back into this game-

    How does the new expansion economy work?

    Will we all just have a new type of pack to buy on release date?

    Also, I don't have a lot of shit. Which cards are going to be rotated out soonest?

    Read my blog about AMERICA and THE BAY AREA

  • Options
    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Coinage wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    as a reveal it's super lame
    You would think by now they would understand which cards they should be hyping up.
    not only that, they intentionally slowed down the reveal timer for him compared to other cards so that more people had to click the reveal button on the site

    sombra arg card when
    I would love for us to get Sombra'd, I want the damn Standard rotation.

    sombra hacks your game, takes control of your character, and plays the rest of the game for you

    she will then proceed to constantly shit talk your deck and your previous plays


    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    Dibby wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    as a reveal it's super lame
    You would think by now they would understand which cards they should be hyping up.
    not only that, they intentionally slowed down the reveal timer for him compared to other cards so that more people had to click the reveal button on the site

    sombra arg card when
    I would love for us to get Sombra'd, I want the damn Standard rotation.

    sombra hacks your game, takes control of your character, and plays the rest of the game for you

    she will then proceed to constantly shit talk your deck and your previous plays


    please keep your erotic fanfiction to the writing forum

  • Options
    fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    DodgeBlan wrote: »
    So I guess got a new computer and am getting back into this game-

    How does the new expansion economy work?

    Will we all just have a new type of pack to buy on release date?

    Also, I don't have a lot of shit. Which cards are going to be rotated out soonest?
    The Grand Tournament packs will be rotated out early next year. Blackrock Mountain and League of Explorers adventure cards will also be rotated out at the same time.

    Edit: At least by the current conventions. Something could change, but it's a fairly safe bet that money/gold spent on those will only get you a few more months of fun.

    forty on
  • Options
    The Escape GoatThe Escape Goat incorrigible ruminant they/themRegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    DodgeBlan wrote: »
    So I guess got a new computer and am getting back into this game-

    How does the new expansion economy work?

    Will we all just have a new type of pack to buy on release date?

    Also, I don't have a lot of shit. Which cards are going to be rotated out soonest?
    The Grand Tournament packs will be rotated out early next year. Blackrock Mountain and League of Explorers adventure cards will also be rotated out at the same time.

    Edit: At least by the current conventions. Something could change, but it's a fairly safe bet that money/gold spent on those will only get you a few more months of fun.

    (If you don't play wild.)

  • Options
    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    Even if you play Wild, TGT had by far the biggest worst ratio of garbage to playable cards.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    The Escape GoatThe Escape Goat incorrigible ruminant they/themRegistered User regular
    Yilias wrote: »
    Even if you play Wild, TGT had by far the biggest worst ratio of garbage to playable cards.

    blackrock and LoE are good, though, and that post also included them!

  • Options
    VariableVariable Mouth Congress Stroke Me Lady FameRegistered User regular
    spend like 10 turns waiting for a perfect bran opportunity, end up generating 4 dragons, all legendary game changers

    my opponent random rolls into bran via atesh, plays a bishop and suddenly there's so much damage on board that all my lovely late game dragons can't do shit but watch while I die


    BNet-Vari#1998 | Switch-SW 6960 6688 8388 | Steam | Twitch
  • Options
    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    pet peeve: people listing the themes of the gangs as "hand buffs, potion wizards, and ninjas and stuff"

    no you are wrong, the themes of the gangs are "prohibition-era gangsters, potion wizards, and ninjas and stuff"

    the mechanical identity of the gangs are "hand buffs, ??? (maybe effects that allow repeated use of singletons), ??? (maybe effects that work around having multiple minions)"

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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
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    3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »


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    YiliasYilias Registered User regular
    Lotus Clan seems to have a focus on cheating mana costs. They're also in the classes that use Overload, Innervate, Prep, and Coins.

    Steam - BNet: Yilias #1224 - Riot: Yilias #moc
  • Options
    The Escape GoatThe Escape Goat incorrigible ruminant they/themRegistered User regular
    Yilias wrote: »
    Lotus Clan seems to have a focus on cheating mana costs. They're also in the classes that use Overload, Innervate, Prep, and Coins.

    this inspired me (custom card alert):
    what could possibly go wrong?

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    Duke 2.0Duke 2.0 Time Trash Cat Registered User regular
    Their capstone legendary minion has Battlecry: Put an Innervate in your hand

    for Rogue and Shaman

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    only 20 wins away from gold Mage!
    i only wish it was good on either ladder :D

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    CoffeyCoffey Terre Haute, IndianaRegistered User regular
    Shen wrote: »
    Pint-Size Potion remains the card I'm most excited for thus far
    Mine is Counterfeit Coin. I really think people are sleeping on it.

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    my favourite card is the first unrevealed rare warlock creature

    watch this space it'll be baller

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    GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    Lucedes wrote: »
    only 20 wins away from gold Mage!
    i only wish it was good on either ladder :D

    All three of tempo, freeze and Reno are perfectly fine in standard imo. Freeze is viable in Wild and tempo is one of the top decks.

  • Options
    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    my favourite card is the first unrevealed rare warlock creature

    watch this space it'll be baller
    2 mana 2/3: whenever you discard a card, win the game.

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    DibbyDibby I'll do my best! Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Every week there's a post on the Hearthstone reddit containing the top 5 cards from /r/customhearthstone.

    This week's are pretty cool:


    This one is my absolute favorite though:


    Dibby on
    Battle.net Tag: Dibby#1582
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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    I will never play a more disgusting Doomguard in my life.

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    bwaniebwanie Posting into the void Registered User regular
    @Coinage What am i missing?

    Thats seven dmg on his 21 life, i guess since he dropped a wasted edwin means he doesnt have much spells but other thant that?

This discussion has been closed.