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Episode 2 bugs

DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in Penny Arcade Games

Only one really jumped out at me. Occassionally (probably about 15-20 times during the full playthrough), I hit a key during a special attack and the game didn't register that I'd done so. Mildly annoying and in a couple cases cost me a bonus damage upgrade since the attack was fatal. It was fairly consistent in terms of happening repeatedly and after the first few times I took to pressing the keys really hard to make sure I wasn't just tapping them too lightly.

Alas, the program definately seemed to just fail to recognize the keypress from time to time.

The game also tended to have small freezes occasionally (Similar to games that required cd-rom loaded would freeze for a moment when the game needed to spin the cd back up again for one reason or another), and when this happened during a special attack, the time would elapse. In the case of the player or tycho's, this was almost surely a fail. When using gabe, it would just crunch everything together so it was still possible (although much more difficult) to complete the special attack mini-game.

No other bugs noticed from a full playthrough. Much less buggy than the first go around.

A+ this time Hothead. Well done.

Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
Darkwyndre on


  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I have a bug (possible spoilers)

    i have the third (blue) monkey key, but i cant enter the fight. i get a 2 second animation of everyone poping in and out of frame. and on my case log it says i haven't used the second key yet.

    schwal on
  • Mr. BananagrabberMr. Bananagrabber Registered User new member
    edited October 2008
    schwal wrote: »
    I have a bug (possible spoilers)

    i have the third (blue) monkey key, but i cant enter the fight. i get a 2 second animation of everyone poping in and out of frame. and on my case log it says i haven't used the second key yet.
    The exact same thing has happened to me. Is there any way around it?

    Mr. Bananagrabber on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    schwal wrote: »
    I have a bug (possible spoilers)

    i have the third (blue) monkey key, but i cant enter the fight. i get a 2 second animation of everyone poping in and out of frame. and on my case log it says i haven't used the second key yet.
    The exact same thing has happened to me. Is there any way around it?

    I go that too, and when I didn't find an answer here, I checked GameFAQs. Apparently, it's caused by using the first card after you get the second. Either wait for a patch, or restart.

    Ante on
  • DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    If that's what's causing the bug, expect a patch soon. Probably a bit of code that assumes something it shouldn't ... easy enough programming mistake, and easy to fix. Make sure to report this at the playgreenhouse site ... in fact, I'll go post a link to this thread to make sure they see it.

    Darkwyndre on
    Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Guys, what platform/version are you playing? It will help us track it down.

    HH Vlad on
  • DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I'm playing Windows from playgreenhouse ... there was another mention of my bug in an unrelated thread on your forums ... I'll see if I can find it again.

    Darkwyndre on
    Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
  • DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Darkwyndre wrote: »
    I'm playing Windows from playgreenhouse ... there was another mention of my bug in an unrelated thread on your forums ... I'll see if I can find it again.

    The 5th post in that thread, point #2, posted by somarilnos, appears to be the same problem I experienced.

    Darkwyndre on
    Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
  • Mr. BananagrabberMr. Bananagrabber Registered User new member
    edited October 2008
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    Guys, what platform/version are you playing? It will help us track it down.
    I'm playing the Xbox 360 version.

    Mr. Bananagrabber on
  • CybitCybit Merch Underling RedmondRegistered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Got the same bug, except I used the monkey after the first card, used the monkey after the second card too. :/

    Cybit on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    Guys, what platform/version are you playing? It will help us track it down.

    X360 version.

    Ante on
  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I have the xbox version. i also posted to the hothead forums.

    schwal on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    One other bug I've found, not such a big deal, but kind of weird:
    The first time in the monkey fighting arena, I didn't appear in the cutscenes. However, my hands appeared on Gabe's shoulders, which looked really weird. I didn't realise until the second time that I saw the movie that the hands on Gabe's shoulders were meant to be mine.

    Ante on
  • AlastarAlastar Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    I had a bug occur on the Xbox 360 version of this game. It was on the third level of the Brain Game. I was moving the selector around to chose another piece near the bottom right edge of the brain and it disappeared on me. I kept hitting the rotate piece button to see if it was still selected on a piece and I couldn't see the graphic for it, and no pieces moved. I could still however send a pulse out. I haven't played it again to see if it was a one time error or not though.

    Alastar on
  • SmorlockSmorlock Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Is there a way to turn down the graphics? On the options screen, the only option is "Normal", which begs the question why there is a graphics option. I have the Mac version, and the third stage of the Brain Game has been rendered unplayable because for some reason or another it is incredibly choppy and unresponsive to my clicks, and sometimes there is a thick blackness obscuring half the board.
    I've played through the first two stages at least three times now and they play fine.

    Smorlock on
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  • aBlankaBlank Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    ran into 2 (what I assume are) bugs in my first playthrough :( 360 version.

    1- I've upgraded all my weapons to max power. Tycho's weapon I did through his niece. The other 2 I completed via the machine in the last area. The achievement didn't pop after doing this, and I still have 600 some odd robot pieces left over. I didn't max overkills though, so maybe that's it? I dunno.

    2- I lost the final boss fight and upon reloading, I was stuck unable to do anything but access the menu on the screen just prior to the final boss fight
    watching a giant robot repeatedly fuck the fruit :P

    aBlank on
  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    aBlank wrote: »
    ran into 2 (what I assume are) bugs in my first playthrough :( 360 version.

    1- I've upgraded all my weapons to max power. Tycho's weapon I did through his niece. The other 2 I completed via the machine in the last area. The achievement didn't pop after doing this, and I still have 600 some odd robot pieces left over. I didn't max overkills though, so maybe that's it? I dunno.

    2- I lost the final boss fight and upon reloading, I was stuck unable to do anything but access the menu on the screen just prior to the final boss fight
    watching a giant robot repeatedly fuck the fruit :P
    For your first problem, the achievement details clearly state that you need all of the robot parts to be used.

    schwal on
  • erik909erik909 Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Great work guys, this game was hilarious and entertaining!

    I did find one critical bug, though; I also ran into schwal's second problem. Specifically:
    I lost the final boss fight, after the second giant robot comes in. Upon reloading, I was standing right in front of the final boss, but the battle wouldn't start. I was able to leave and come back via the department screen; upon re-entering the fight I found Claire's robot interface overlaid on the normal interface. When Claire actually showed up, the cutscene played, and then the screen went black and unresponsive. I'll test whether it works on reboot tomorrow and report back.
    (I'm playing on a 360.)

    erik909 on
  • tarvis79tarvis79 Registered User new member
    edited October 2008
    I don't notice anyone else having this problem...

    I am missing 3 robots' worth of parts from the sanitarium, and there is a bouncing trunk in the entrance screen (where the signs are). When I open it, no robots come out, but if I leave the sanitarium and return, that box is back. I have scoured the area, and can't find any others, so I think they're supposed to be in there and it's bugging on me.

    tarvis79 on
  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Erik909, it was aBlanks second problem, not mine.
    tarvis79, when you get further through the game you will unlock more of the sanatarium, the other robots are in there.

    I'm going to play fallout(1) until they fix this.

    schwal on
  • DarkwyndreDarkwyndre Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    tarvis79 wrote: »
    I don't notice anyone else having this problem...

    I am missing 3 robots' worth of parts from the sanitarium, and there is a bouncing trunk in the entrance screen (where the signs are). When I open it, no robots come out, but if I leave the sanitarium and return, that box is back. I have scoured the area, and can't find any others, so I think they're supposed to be in there and it's bugging on me.

    Well ...
    In the morgue (looks like a morgue to me), the cabinets open. There are some in there. There is also a flopping dead bird on the pathway leading up to the sanitarium a little further down from that box you mention.

    Darkwyndre on
    Playstation Network ID : EasySleeze
  • aBlankaBlank Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    schwal wrote: »
    aBlank wrote: »
    ran into 2 (what I assume are) bugs in my first playthrough :( 360 version.

    1- I've upgraded all my weapons to max power. Tycho's weapon I did through his niece. The other 2 I completed via the machine in the last area. The achievement didn't pop after doing this, and I still have 600 some odd robot pieces left over. I didn't max overkills though, so maybe that's it? I dunno.

    2- I lost the final boss fight and upon reloading, I was stuck unable to do anything but access the menu on the screen just prior to the final boss fight
    watching a giant robot repeatedly fuck the fruit :P
    For your first problem, the achievement details clearly state that you need all of the robot parts to be used.

    Okay... but how exactly would I use them when I've already upgraded all my weapons to their max power?

    aBlank on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited October 2008
    Fairly early bolt spoilers:
    I got a 14mm bolt from the collector, spoke to him again, asked if I wanted to trade, and I declined. I talked to Anne-Claire, and it was the right size but not gold. I gilded it, and the game asked me if I wanted to re-insert the 15mm bolt. When I took it back to Anne-Claire she said it was gold, but the wrong size.

    ...I've just realised that this probably isn't a bug and that the gold adds a millimetre to the bolt size. Haha, hopefully anyone else who thinks it's a bug will see this and not report it. :P

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • outstandingcoffeeoutstandingcoffee Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    I'm having the same issue with the monkey, it goes up for about a second then imeediatly goes back down. I'm totally stuck :(

    I'm using the 360 version

    outstandingcoffee on
  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    aBlank wrote: »
    Okay... but how exactly would I use them when I've already upgraded all my weapons to their max power?
    Play it again?

    schwal on
  • CaptBackfireCaptBackfire Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    erik909 wrote: »
    Great work guys, this game was hilarious and entertaining!

    I did find one critical bug, though; I also ran into schwal's second problem. Specifically:
    I lost the final boss fight, after the second giant robot comes in. Upon reloading, I was standing right in front of the final boss, but the battle wouldn't start. I was able to leave and come back via the department screen; upon re-entering the fight I found Claire's robot interface overlaid on the normal interface. When Claire actually showed up, the cutscene played, and then the screen went black and unresponsive. I'll test whether it works on reboot tomorrow and report back.
    (I'm playing on a 360.)

    I ran into the same problem, I'm on a 360. When I rebooted it worked fine. It took me back to the autosave that it did right before big fight.

    CaptBackfire on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    In the first monkey fight cutscene, I assume
    My character was supposed to put his hand on Gabe's shoulder to comfort him, and later drag him backward, right? All that appeared were my character's hands through the whole thing.

    I'm playing on the 360, with an altered character brought from Episode One.

    Also, when purchasing
    Div and the bracelet, my money count was completely wrong. I think it said I had $100 when I needed a million for the bracelet, and still allowed me to buy it. It then allowed me to buy Div, with maybe ten bucks? I don't know.

    I can only assume that the game knew I had the right amount, it was just the display that was wrong.

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Willeth wrote: »
    In the first monkey fight cutscene, I assume
    My character was supposed to put his hand on Gabe's shoulder to comfort him, and later drag him backward, right? All that appeared were my character's hands through the whole thing.

    I'm playing on the 360, with an altered character brought from Episode One.

    Also, when purchasing
    Div and the bracelet, my money count was completely wrong. I think it said I had $100 when I needed a million for the bracelet, and still allowed me to buy it. It then allowed me to buy Div, with maybe ten bucks? I don't know.

    I can only assume that the game knew I had the right amount, it was just the display that was wrong.
    I had the same thing, did you wear the monocle? When I did it again, with the monocle changed out for glasses, I could see me.
    The million you get counts as an inventory item, not cash, so you wouldn't see it in your cash display. Also, each note is worth around $10000, so you would have had much more than 10 bucks or so.

    It's not a bug, just a slightly confusing, inconsistent display.

    Ante on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I was wearing the mime outfit, no glasses.

    I'm also not able to enter the monkey fight for a third time. I used the first card before I got the second, and used the second before I got the third. Xbox 360.

    EDIT: Aha. My case log says that I haven't used the second card yet, but I have done and my inventory has it stamped 'used'. I also only have the cutscene available to view for the first card.

    Also regarding the secret achievement:
    I know it's called Pervert from looking at the various achievement views in the Dash - I answered all the questions in the test with boobs and I have Pervert marked on my chart, but no achievement. Is it something completely different or is this a bug?

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • LockeColeLockeCole Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I got to the 3rd level of the brain game and I swear to god that it was an unsolvable configuration. Are the pieces randomly generated?

    LockeCole on
  • Mr. BananagrabberMr. Bananagrabber Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    Willeth wrote: »
    I was wearing the mime outfit, no glasses.

    I'm also not able to enter the monkey fight for a third time. I used the first card before I got the second, and used the second before I got the third. Xbox 360.

    EDIT: Aha. My case log says that I haven't used the second card yet, but I have done and my inventory has it stamped 'used'. I also only have the cutscene available to view for the first card.

    Also regarding the secret achievement:
    I know it's called Pervert from looking at the various achievement views in the Dash - I answered all the questions in the test with boobs and I have Pervert marked on my chart, but no achievement. Is it something completely different or is this a bug?
    It's something completely different. This is how you get it:
    You get the achievement for checking the Rhino testicles five times at the office in the Sanitarium.

    Mr. Bananagrabber on
  • One Thousand CablesOne Thousand Cables An absence of thought Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    erik909 wrote: »
    Great work guys, this game was hilarious and entertaining!

    I did find one critical bug, though; I also ran into schwal's second problem. Specifically:
    I lost the final boss fight, after the second giant robot comes in. Upon reloading, I was standing right in front of the final boss, but the battle wouldn't start. I was able to leave and come back via the department screen; upon re-entering the fight I found Claire's robot interface overlaid on the normal interface. When Claire actually showed up, the cutscene played, and then the screen went black and unresponsive. I'll test whether it works on reboot tomorrow and report back.
    (I'm playing on a 360.)

    I had the except same problem--restarting the console and loading the game worked for me.

    One Thousand Cables on
  • outstandingcoffeeoutstandingcoffee Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    ok so here's what I found out on my own. I think the monkey bug (where you attempt to enter a third time but the screen comes up for 2 seconds then goes back down) is caused by the game failing to recognize that you did use the 2nd monkey card. I used the 2nd monkey card and got the cutscene where it showed the monkey at least attacking but then getting kicked. The game however shows that while the card is used, the cutscene is still locked from viewing in the movies section of the office. The case log also tells me to try the second card while the inventory shows that the 2nd card has been used. While I've tried everything from saving and loading and restarting and changing difficulty and dying and what not, I think it's safe to say that we'll have to start over as I don't see how this could be fixed in a patch (however I would love it if I was totally proved wrong)

    EDIT: I did try the monkey cards in order IE I got the first card, tried once, got the second card, tried again, and then am getting the glitch on the third try.

    EDIT AGAIN: also I'm on the XBLA version (still)

    outstandingcoffee on
  • Grug The JustGrug The Just Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    Ok here's my issue. I've beaten the game. I'm currently trying insane mode. Playing on the Xbox 360. Currently I've been skipping through text and such to complete it quicker. However, the problem that occurred twice thus far is that sometimes whilst skipping through text, cinematics, or audio dialogue the game resets and takes me back to the title screen. I'm terribly confused, though a seemingly simple remedy would be to slooooooow doooooooown, I suppose. Wondering if anyone else is having this issue?

    Grug The Just on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    ok so here's what I found out on my own. I think the monkey bug (where you attempt to enter a third time but the screen comes up for 2 seconds then goes back down) is caused by the game failing to recognize that you did use the 2nd monkey card. I used the 2nd monkey card and got the cutscene where it showed the monkey at least attacking but then getting kicked. The game however shows that while the card is used, the cutscene is still locked from viewing in the movies section of the office. The case log also tells me to try the second card while the inventory shows that the 2nd card has been used. While I've tried everything from saving and loading and restarting and changing difficulty and dying and what not, I think it's safe to say that we'll have to start over as I don't see how this could be fixed in a patch (however I would love it if I was totally proved wrong)

    EDIT: I did try the monkey cards in order IE I got the first card, tried once, got the second card, tried again, and then am getting the glitch on the third try.

    EDIT AGAIN: also I'm on the XBLA version (still)

    Yeah, I'm in the exact same situation.

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • schwalschwal Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    schwal on
  • LumenadducereLumenadducere Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Darkwyndre wrote: »

    Only one really jumped out at me. Occassionally (probably about 15-20 times during the full playthrough), I hit a key during a special attack and the game didn't register that I'd done so. Mildly annoying and in a couple cases cost me a bonus damage upgrade since the attack was fatal. It was fairly consistent in terms of happening repeatedly and after the first few times I took to pressing the keys really hard to make sure I wasn't just tapping them too lightly.

    Alas, the program definately seemed to just fail to recognize the keypress from time to time.

    The game also tended to have small freezes occasionally (Similar to games that required cd-rom loaded would freeze for a moment when the game needed to spin the cd back up again for one reason or another), and when this happened during a special attack, the time would elapse. In the case of the player or tycho's, this was almost surely a fail. When using gabe, it would just crunch everything together so it was still possible (although much more difficult) to complete the special attack mini-game.

    No other bugs noticed from a full playthrough. Much less buggy than the first go around.

    A+ this time Hothead. Well done.

    This is pretty much my exact experience. The problems with the special attack minigames are very annoying and I get frustrated when it costs me an Overkill bonus (which has happened quite a few times now). I noticed this to a smaller degree in Episode 1, but the mini-games weren't quite as stringent in terms of key accuracy so it wasn't a big deal to get the bonuses. Since the minigames now have tougher requirements it's gotten more noticeable. Part of the problem is that it's the only real flaw I've noticed that actually is significant enough to detract from the game, and the tiniest blemish on a pure and clean surface is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Still, I hope that it gets fixed in Episode 3.

    The only other complaint I have is that the block signals still need to be worked on. There are quite a few enemies in which it's gotten much better and that if you actually hit the block key right after it flashes it'll actually work, but there are some others (spiders and rich folks in the estates) where it's still off and you actually have to go before the block actually flashes.

    Those are the only two, and even the blocking isn't a big deal (though the lack of registering key presses on special attacks is). Overall I'm enjoying it much more and am definitely liking the small touches here and there. Great job Hothead and PA - I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

    Lumenadducere on
  • bigriffbigriff Registered User new member
    edited November 2008
    ok so here's what I found out on my own. I think the monkey bug (where you attempt to enter a third time but the screen comes up for 2 seconds then goes back down) is caused by the game failing to recognize that you did use the 2nd monkey card. I used the 2nd monkey card and got the cutscene where it showed the monkey at least attacking but then getting kicked. The game however shows that while the card is used, the cutscene is still locked from viewing in the movies section of the office. The case log also tells me to try the second card while the inventory shows that the 2nd card has been used. While I've tried everything from saving and loading and restarting and changing difficulty and dying and what not, I think it's safe to say that we'll have to start over as I don't see how this could be fixed in a patch (however I would love it if I was totally proved wrong)

    EDIT: I did try the monkey cards in order IE I got the first card, tried once, got the second card, tried again, and then am getting the glitch on the third try.

    EDIT AGAIN: also I'm on the XBLA version (still)

    After experimenting a bit, I think I've found a way to avoid this bug (in the 360 version, at least). Before using all three monkey cards, DO NOT get the golden bolt. I actually avoided even talking to the bolt guy until after the monkey fight subquest ended.

    On my first attempted playthrough, I made the mistake of giving the bolt to Anne before using the third card. After I tried using the third card and was prevented from entering the arena, I checked the case log and noticed that the "use the second card" objective had actually been un-crossed off. If you run into this bug, there appears to be nothing else you can do but give up and start a new game.

    On my subsequent two playthroughs (the second one was on Insane), I avoided the bolt subquest and had no problems making it through either time.

    bigriff on
  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Using the 360 controller on the PC version just causes the character to spasm around.

    agoaj on
  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    bigriff wrote: »
    ok so here's what I found out on my own. I think the monkey bug (where you attempt to enter a third time but the screen comes up for 2 seconds then goes back down) is caused by the game failing to recognize that you did use the 2nd monkey card. I used the 2nd monkey card and got the cutscene where it showed the monkey at least attacking but then getting kicked. The game however shows that while the card is used, the cutscene is still locked from viewing in the movies section of the office. The case log also tells me to try the second card while the inventory shows that the 2nd card has been used. While I've tried everything from saving and loading and restarting and changing difficulty and dying and what not, I think it's safe to say that we'll have to start over as I don't see how this could be fixed in a patch (however I would love it if I was totally proved wrong)

    EDIT: I did try the monkey cards in order IE I got the first card, tried once, got the second card, tried again, and then am getting the glitch on the third try.

    EDIT AGAIN: also I'm on the XBLA version (still)

    After experimenting a bit, I think I've found a way to avoid this bug (in the 360 version, at least). Before using all three monkey cards, DO NOT get the golden bolt. I actually avoided even talking to the bolt guy until after the monkey fight subquest ended.

    On my first attempted playthrough, I made the mistake of giving the bolt to Anne before using the third card. After I tried using the third card and was prevented from entering the arena, I checked the case log and noticed that the "use the second card" objective had actually been un-crossed off. If you run into this bug, there appears to be nothing else you can do but give up and start a new game.

    On my subsequent two playthroughs (the second one was on Insane), I avoided the bolt subquest and had no problems making it through either time.

    This sounds plausible. I'm going to wait for a patch rather than start again, though.

    Willeth on
    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
    @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
  • SeaneseorSeaneseor Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I downloaded the demo from Greenhouse, and the "View EULA" link from inside the demo is broken.

    I made a YouTube video showing the problem:

    Seaneseor on
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