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Early Access Key

aybaybay123aybaybay123 Registered User new member
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
I really wanted to go to the Penny Arcade Expo but I couldn't. I was wondering if anyone that went would happen to have a spare Dungeon Fighter Online Early Access Beta Key. I really want this Early Access key to play Dungeon Fighter because I have been waiting a long time for this game to come out.

aybaybay123 on


  • LittleMissGwenLittleMissGwen Registered User new member
    edited September 2009

    LittleMissGwen on
  • SuzakuSuzaku Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    If anyone else has a spare Early Access Key for DFO, I'd really, really appreciate it. I've been waiting for this game to get an English localization and release for years now, and am very eager to play it. Same goes for the Virtual Swag Codes.

    Really wish there were more events like this here in Texas. All we've got that I can think of is the Austin Game Developer's Conferance. Always bums me out that I've gotta miss stuff like PAX.

    Edit: Got an Early Access Key from the Nexon forum, so nevermind. :D

    Suzaku on
    Crying out from the Red Land came a man of darkness with evil bloody secrets. He knew the Black Pharaoh, servant to the Faceless Sphinx God. He gave me the book of the dead. Messenger to those who are detested, prepare a way for the Void and the Evil Ones.
  • FantasyMixFantasyMix Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Can someone spare me a key as well? Thanks in advance.

    FantasyMix on
  • TihshoTihsho Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Walked to my swag table and grabbed the last one. pm'd

    Tihsho on
    A PAX in every mall! Genius!
  • PotatoBanditPotatoBandit Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    I would also appreciate a spare key, if anyone has an extra by some chance or one they won't use.


    PotatoBandit on
  • DrakmathusDrakmathus Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I was getting ready to throw mine out as I have no interest in MMOs. First PM gets it (will be a few hours).

    edit: taken!

    Drakmathus on
  • SuzakuSuzaku Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Don't need a DFO access code or mabinogi code, I could use a Nexon Virtual Swag code if anyone doesn't want theirs.

    Suzaku on
    Crying out from the Red Land came a man of darkness with evil bloody secrets. He knew the Black Pharaoh, servant to the Faceless Sphinx God. He gave me the book of the dead. Messenger to those who are detested, prepare a way for the Void and the Evil Ones.
  • TitoslayerTitoslayer Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    would anyone be able to pm me one?
    i wasn't able to go to PAX... blah
    i was so pissed lol
    its kinda weird that nexon doesn't give their CB testers one...
    id appreciate it greatly.....

    Titoslayer on
  • disposablecompdisposablecomp Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I have a extra DFO code. First PM gets it.
    If any one has a extra MAG code I would appreciate it.

    disposablecomp on
  • PotatoBanditPotatoBandit Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Several sites appear to be giving out codes, among them 1up and gamespot.

    So uh, I don't need one anymore.

    PotatoBandit on
This discussion has been closed.