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BYOC-GJ11 some help please.

G4MERG4MER Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
My ride was in a rush to get outta there on Sunday, so in the mad rush a couple small black bags were left behind. One had a small blk tee for my son. The other had a guild wars 2 art book with 5 signatures. Twink was sitting across from me, and I was told she may of picked them up while getting her stuff. I am hoping she did and will contact me to get them, of maybe turned them into some lost and found thing. If by any chance anyone saw my bags and has them and wants to do the right thing please contact me. Thanks.

G4MER on


  • Royale Wih CheeseRoyale Wih Cheese Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Recommend moving this to/posting in Lost & Found thread.

    Royale Wih Cheese on
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