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Minor text color bug

fadingathedgesfadingathedges Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Attempting to [COLOR="rgb(173, 216, 230)"]recreate[/COLOR]: success.

I am in Chrome, if that matters.

The above result was achieved by:

1) typing the sentence and highlighting the first word I wanted to turn LightBlue - "Attempting".

2) selecting the color "LightBlue" from the color grid within the big "A" with the black bar under it in the tools.

3) highlighting the second word I wanted to turn LightBLue - "recreate"

4) Just clicking once on the big "A" with now LightBlue bar under it instead of black.

If you never fix it I'll still love you.

fadingathedges on


  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited September 2009
    affdsadsf fdafsdafsda

    Ramius on
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited September 2009
    works for me in Firefox 3.5.3

    Anyone else care to report? If it is isolated to Chrome, I ain't fixing it. That is one buggy browser.

    Ramius on
  • GrobianGrobian What's on sale? Pliers!Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    testing this

    works for me in Firefox 3.5.3 and Internet Explorer 8.something

    Grobian on
  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2009
    testing in [COLOR="rgb(0, 255, 255)"]chrome now[/COLOR]

    edit: hrmm. it breaks on cyan but works with the initial color black.

    sdasdas asdasdasd <-- worked with Lime?

    other color works with silver too

    more [COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]color[/COLOR] breaks on magenta

    testing red works with red

    white test works with white

    weird color purple works

    whole [COLOR="rgb(245, 222, 179)"]wheat color[/COLOR] wheat breaks

    edit: i thought it might be colors with a value of zero, but "wheat" throws that all for a loop

    FyreWulff on
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited September 2009
    I don't know where those rgb(x,y,z) values for the color attribute are coming from, but they are not supported in vBulletin's version of bbCode. My guess is that the Chrome is caching the compiled form of the javascript that runs when you click that button. So the first time, it does exactly as it is supposed to. But the second time, you are at the whim of what the compiler compiled it into. If acting on the DOM, "black" and rgb(0,0,0) are equivalent. But in this context we are working with strings and an upstream validator/parser (in vBulletin) which doesn't accept the rgb().

    Ramius on
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