I had to lock out the forums for a few hours while the HomeLAN Tech fixed their hardware problem, rebooted our servers, and optimized/reindexed our databases.
With any luck we should be at or near the end of our recent bit of troubles. Then I will leave you completely at the whims of alpha. I've liked a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff that I've seen him do so far, and it looks like you guys have gotten some postcount reports and practical jokes out of him already, so I'd say with the exception of these hardware and network issues lately that things are exactly as I would've liked them to be.
RamiusJoined: July 19, 2000Administrator, ClubPAadmin
edited 2004 26
okay, guys. you can take that "first" "second" crap over to SE++. We keep it laid-back in here, but this isn't the appropriate place for stuff like that.
I'm glad to see it back up. I got to work tonight and the forums were down. That was only a half hour ago. I thought this shift was gonna be boring as all hell.
Texas Carnie Roadshow on
oderint dum metuant
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
edited 2004 26
Did the guys at HomeLan say what exactly was going on? In any case, glad that things are running smoothly now.
I had to lock out the forums for a few hours while the HomeLAN Tech fixed their hardware problem, rebooted our servers, and optimized/reindexed our databases.
Did they remember to wind the springs on the clocks.
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Not really. I have IE and Firefox on this machine and it's just the same on a 100Mbit connection...
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Yes, the forums are working fantastically well now!
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Yes, the forums are working fantastically well now!
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Yes, the forums are working fantastically well now!
They added more RAM, right? :P
150cc on
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
The forums are working better now for me than they have in ages. For a while even before the slowdown problems, I would have issues where pages wouldnt load all the way, or I would have to click links multiple times.
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Yes, the forums are working fantastically well now!
They ran just fine earlier, but now they're running a bit slow again.
But not like before.
I'm not complainin, I'm just making a note of it.
victor_c26 on
It's been so long since I've posted here, I've removed my signature since most of what I had here were broken links. Shows over, you can carry on to the next post.
god I hate aicn.
EDIT: yay ramius thanx for making forums come back.
p.s. This was the only real purposeless post I've ever made in RP.
I was having withdrawl symptoms!
Jarth-Undead Mage
MK:DS friend code: 201.923.105.361
Though I have changed my browser recently, that might have something to do with it.
Not really. I have IE and Firefox on this machine and it's just the same on a 100Mbit connection...
Yes, the forums are working fantastically well now!
They added more RAM, right? :P
Look, he's from G&T...
Keeping it on-topic, it's great to have the problem fixed. I enjoy the PA forums, and browsing was just getting too hard.
I'll be spending a bunch of quality time here tonight!
Seriously, I'm happy
But not like before.
I'm not complainin, I'm just making a note of it.
I don't like the people at TTB. They're dirty.