So, Forza 3 came out today and I didn't see a thread about it, so here we are.
Forza 3 is a game where you drive cars with
ultra super realistic physics. There's a ton of cars, there's a ton of tracks, and there's a whole shit load of online stuff! You can even design cars and sell them for in game credits. Also, it's Xbox 360 only.
Racing sim games tend to not be very accessible, but Forza 3 has tried to break down the barrier a bit with a ton of optional assists, even going as far as letting you rewind a race at any time you want, as many times as you want to do better. But all that stuff is optional and you only you use it if you're totally gay.
Here's a trailer. I didn't bother watching it. had a great quicklook at this game. It's got just about everything you need to know about it.
So who of you picked this up today? Who thinks they're going to? Who thinks I should make a better OP?
And most importantly, who wants to smash cars together?
Send me your gamertags if you want to do some racing.
Marcus: Disco Burnout
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
For all you poor sons of bitches (like me) i still play forza 2, which is still a really good game.
Man, you guys are so lucky I don't have a 360.
I haven't owned a racing game since then.
What should I make of this Forza thingamajig?
HG: 5285 4128 5154
What spring does with the cherry trees.
I played the shit out of the original.
But I don't have a 360.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I bought nascar 06 with a bunch of other games for about $8 a while ago (for pc). I installed nascar long enough to get in the m&ms car and drive the wrong way around the track until i destroyed it then uninstalled it and pitched the disks
i basically play realistic racing games with the intent of making the biggest accident possible. this is also how I play gta4
Just spending an hour perfectly calibrating the suspension system of your Rally Car.
Running the same time trial over and over for a week until you had that one corner down completely perfected.
Just buying the frigging Escudo and taping down the A button and winning every race no matter what.
Those where certainly days.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
This is my iphone doing terrible things to me.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
not to completely derail this thread, because I love Forza, but I've noticed a lot of this. I guess it came out pretty late in the ps2's life cycle (well, the one relevant to people here anyway) and most people had moved on to the 360 by that point. I rented it, got up to the barbarian king and then had to take it back
I think this collection is a good idea specifically because of god of war 2
though I will sure as hell play through the first one again
Since I actually have an income now and I'm not a poor college student, I sprang for one of the leftover collector's editions. I'm downloading the two content codes that were included in the box right now. Holy crap the second code is like 500 mb and is taking forever to download. I thought it was just cars, what the hell is it?
EDIT: oh, it has a track in it. Neat.
|Xbox Live Tag: Omeks
|PSN Tag: Omeks_R7
|Rock Band: Profile|DLC Collection
A lot of cars?
HG: 5285 4128 5154
plus vip access which is neat but I'm not sure how it works
I really want the history of bathurst in there
that's like 6 long ass races but damned if it aint 6 long ass races I'd do
Which I love, but still,
There's a bunch of PS3 games I would love to play but I really cant afford the damn thing.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Well if you're into racing sims it's the best there is right now. GT5 may end up being better, but Forza 3 is a complete fucking package and it won't be easily beaten.
Basically you have awesome cars/racing etc. It's wonderful. But the game really shines with everything you do off the track. Tuning your cars is there, sure, and a very robust painting system. You can make vinyl prints, or a complete paint job. The real kicker is that you can sell pretty much anything you can create at an in game marketplace for credits. There's a lot of kickass stuff there too. It's real slick.
Oh, and there's an in car view (which looks cool but isn't very practical) and now cars will actually flip over sometimes. It looks real awesome.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Is it
This is my price range.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
I miss playing Ratchet and Clank so hard.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
Pretty much this. It's really easy to use, but it ain't easy to make a car look good. But I saw a photo realistic black and white picture of Chuck D on the hood of a car, so you can do anything with it.
I only ever used the first person view in Gran Turismo.
Like, I just could not play in the third person, I'd always be crashin into stuff, it was terrible.
This actually sounds really great though.
Its the off the track stuff that always sucks me in,
same thing with like, sports sims and RPG's and junk
I just like upgrading stuff.
This actually sounds good though,
Now I need to find someone to mooch it off of.
HG: 5285 4128 5154
HG: 5285 4128 5154
I know a buncha folks that worked on it, but I really don't care much for racing sim style games
so how is it
it is the best racing game ever. sim-wise, that is. the big draw for you I think would be the design mode. people make some crazy shit with that thing.
it's also really easy to get into, with all kinds of assists and lines on the road to show you when to brake and etc.
I mean maybe you don't want to buy it but I think if you know somebody who has it or are willing to rent it you'd see some pretty sweet shit
I'm hoping it's essentially the same game.
it's fun
I am so unused to realistic racing games, though
Anyway I'm really waiting for my racing wheel to arrive sometime later this week, but I'll definitely be playing the hell out of this once it gets here. The graphics are hugely improved over Forza 2, it's insane.
I've seen a couple screenshots that I could've sworn were actual photos.
assists in a racing sim
you should be ashamed
It has a feature where the game applies the brakes for you.