Sorry it's taken me so long to get this out here but we've got a few new names in the moderating/deputy mix and wanted to give them a shout. First of all Boddah has returned to raining terror down on SE++ with his nonchalant ribbing and lock-a-licious tentacle arm. Raijin has been recruited from the deputies to play with the big boys over in G+T, he's got good arm and can go the distance. We would've signed him for the twice the price, just don't tell him that.
This leaves a few slots open on the deputy side of things. Those have been filled by MA17 and Orthanc. Two good fellows that are pretty dissimilar to keep things unstable, just the way we like it.
On a related note you might have noticed the absence of Herr Duck. Well he's taking a bit of a hiatus, we think he will be back in a month or so. He's locked himself away in monastic isolation and I believe he is going to puzzle out our noob problem through deep meditation in the Rising Stick position. I could be making that last part up.
denihilist on
DynagripBreak me a million heartsHoustonRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited March 2004
I really think we should have waited to see what popped up on the free agent market.
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
edited March 2004
What Deni clearly fails to realise, it is the meek that are the problem.
Basiclly blessed is everyone with a vested interest in the status quo.
Orthanc on
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited March 2004
great. the coup has begun.
orthanc is gonna be admin in 6 months or less.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
denihilist, how do you think this new lineup will effect the ratings?
futility on
denihilistAncient and MightyRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited March 2004
I see ratings improvements on both ends of the age spectrum as well as exciting a jaded audience that desired a shakeup of some sort, but couldn't put their finger on exactly what it was. These disaffected viewers are our bread and butter. They are questing for instant gratification and a novel idea. I feel that our new lineup is going to deliver that in spades. I finally feel that we can take on Friday Night Television and actually come out ahead. I know "World's Funniest/Scariest/Most Exciting [insert sensational moment here]" will be hard to beat but I wouldn't be in it if I didn't believe we had a chance.
Ecoterrorism is actually the single largest terrorist threat at the moment. They don't usually kill people, but they blow up or set on fire very expensive things.
Sorry it's taken me so long to get this out here but we've got a few new names in the moderating/deputy mix and wanted to give them a shout. First of all Boddah has returned to raining terror down on SE++ with his nonchalant ribbing and lock-a-licious tentacle arm. Raijin has been recruited from the deputies to play with the big boys over in G+T, he's got good arm and can go the distance. We would've signed him for the twice the price, just don't tell him that.
This leaves a few slots open on the deputy side of things. Those have been filled by MA17 and Orthanc. Two good fellows that are pretty dissimilar to keep things unstable, just the way we like it.
On a related note you might have noticed the absence of Herr Duck. Well he's taking a bit of a hiatus, we think he will be back in a month or so. He's locked himself away in monastic isolation and I believe he is going to puzzle out our noob problem through deep meditation in the Rising Stick position. I could be making that last part up.
its a little b.
Bergy on
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
I see ratings improvements on both ends of the age spectrum as well as exciting a jaded audience that desired a shakeup of some sort, but couldn't put their finger on exactly what it was. These disaffected viewers are our bread and butter. They are questing for instant gratification and a novel idea. I feel that our new lineup is going to deliver that in spades. I finally feel that we can take on Friday Night Television and actually come out ahead. I know "World's Funniest/Scariest/Most Exciting [insert sensational moment here]" will be hard to beat but I wouldn't be in it if I didn't believe we had a chance.
So, y'know, Orthanc isn't in the line-up in the Deputies sticky. So if he were to jail me, could I claim some sort of unfair jailing due to him not being properly deputised? Or a prize?
So, y'know, Orthanc isn't in the line-up in the Deputies sticky. So if he were to jail me, could I claim some sort of unfair jailing due to him not being properly deputised? Or a prize?
Other than the large deputy badge that sits below his avatar.
Älphämönkëy on
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
So, y'know, Orthanc isn't in the line-up in the Deputies sticky. So if he were to jail me, could I claim some sort of unfair jailing due to him not being properly deputised? Or a prize?
Bring me the head of Jerry McGuire!
Basiclly blessed is everyone with a vested interest in the status quo.
orthanc is gonna be admin in 6 months or less.
Thank you for your concern.
*reaches for the clicker*
its a little b.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
The only new mod in there that;s an old mod is boddah, all the others are bonified new blood
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
There's nothing natural about that guy.
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
I'm like a shadow deputy