I'm bringing this here, as I think it'd be an interesting dicussion. On another forum, on a web server far, far away, one member asked the question, "will the Wii be valid in 2 or 3 years?" This started a huge debate about graphics, gameplay, HD, etc etc etc. The question is, with the Wii's lower end hardware, do you think it will still be able to compete 2 to 3 years from now? Or, will the Wii simply be dead. Will the graphical difference bug people that much?
What do you think?
Oh, and a comparison that was posted there.
(I have to post the links, still jailed)
I'd post a link to the actual forum, but I'm not sure if that's allowed. If it is, let me know and I'll do so.
Anyway, if there's something I'm leaving out, I apologise. It's 6:19 AM, and because of Zelda I've yet to sleep.
I expect that Nintendo will be fine.
I don't need my games to look any better, especially if it means they can keep their budgets down and maybe take a few risks on more original ideas.
No seriously. I feel like we're on this roller coaster and it's only got one hill, and it's always going down. I could have lived with the Gamecube for another five years, so this system will be fine. Do we really need to talk about Nintendo failing every five minutes?
Wii Code: 1040-1320-0724-3613 :!!:
Oh, and it's been at least 15 minutes since we've had a "NINTENDOOMED" topic. :P
Anybody? Aaaaanybody??
Wii Code: 1040-1320-0724-3613 :!!:
I used to be on the software only bandwagon. I am so glad that never happened, because then I wouldn't have a Wii, and would never know the joy of waggle.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
Why are we still thinking this way?
Why can we not have competition?
McDonald's doesn't make Wendy's obsolete. I don't see fast food fanboys crying that one restaurant won't be financially or dietetically viable in a few years.
Have we ever had a situation where competing consoles are this graphically divergent before? DS vs. PSP springs to mind; and the PS2 certainly more than held its own against the Xbox. It's easy to be caught up in the cock-waving contest most gaming sites egg on, but it remains to be seen whether graphics play that huge a factor in a game's success. Would Madden sell as well if it were graphically a little behind? I think so.
In any event, once we start seeing games like Super Mario Galaxy, people will admit the Wii can put out some very nice looking stuff.
Oh, and Wii Sports beat Oblivion, Gears of War, Zelda, etc as Time Magazine's GOTY.
it's kind of irrelevant
Happy Centennial, Nintendo!
Seems odd that this thread is even happening... lets start an "Is sony going out of business??" thread...
Nintendo needs to get Clubhouse Games, but for the Wii... With Wi-Fi Chess, Go, Backgammon, Shogi, etc.
Forget competition... one of the reasons that the Wii is so sought-after is that it's being lusted over by the same people who would've never even given video games a second look a year ago.
Business-wise, Nintendo is going off into uncharted territories for video games. They may reap the spoils, they may be in for a rude awakening ... but the idea that any of us knows what we're talking about in this regard is a little absurd.
They've already got my money on the system, so as long as they keep bringing out exclusives like Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy, the Wii will be totally viable for me, and frankly that's all I really care about.
in short, Nintendo, as always, has focused only on gameplay and making a machine that is meant to play games. in an odd way, it's a conservative strategy, but one that also requires a lot of risk-taking and imagination. because of this focus, Nintendo has tried to put forth the argument that ultimately, gameplay trumps graphics, and i think that even with Wii Sports, they've demonstrated that. in short, the hardware doesn't matter because it's usable by everyone and the gameplay experiences possible on the Wii are fun to everyone. us "hardcore" gamers might wince at the dated graphics a bit, but we'll buy Nintendo anyways. Nintendo's looking at a wider audience than just us, though.
so in two years, we might see increased penetration of HDTVs and HD-ready PCs. i don't think it's going to reach the levels of mass-market penetration, though. there's simply too much confusion for the average consumer around DRM, resolution, and formats for HDTVs to really make a push. the equipment involved also looks to remain too expensive for most people. and after two years have gone by, i think internet downloads are going to trump current HDTV technologies anyways.
in short, hardware's not the problem. the Wii can be played anywhere AND provide quality gaming and fun even with lesser polygons and lower resolutions. the Wii has also already made Nintendo gobs of money. what will support the Wii's staying power is third-party support later on. it won't be a lack of HD support, because HD doesn't even really support itself.
edit: i'm curious about the original thread in the other forum you're talking about, Eteric...this debate's been done to death here before and in hundreds of other places, internet or not. it sounds as if these guys are fumbling over the idea for the very first time...
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
...seriously, it's really sad that this debate is being raged across the Internets everywhere. Especially when the PS2, by far the least capable hardware of the last generation, managed to outsell the competition by epic strides and perform the dark magicks needed to produce games that look as stunning as FF12 and Dragon Quest 8.
This is a bullshit question, especially on this forum, where we have many people rocking game consoles older than the median forumer age.
Do you know what has made this problem a very small problem?
2 things.
1)Innovation. If Nintendo can keep being innovative, and fun, than graphics can easily take a back seat.
2)Non-Gamers. I've talked to multiple people that aren't gamers, but are really interested in the Wii. If Nintendo really can get a large grasp on the market that doesn't normally game, than they will most likely not have a big problem with the graphics not being up to 360 or ps3.
You know why?
Because I think DS and Wii games look just great thankyouverymuch.
Oh they look good, but when I switch from Viva Pinata to Excite Truck or Wii Sports, both running in 480p, I very much notice a big difference in texture quality and lighting. Granted, I'm comparing a launch game to third-generation game, but it'd be nice to see the sheer detail and quality on the Wii that the 360 can do.
But I loves me some Wii.
Arguably, the reason behind that with the 'Cube was market share, the overwhelming success of the PS2 and the huge amount of shoddy ports. If the Wii can sustain high sales and give developers a reason to polish their games (a la the DS), then the hardware will be viable - it won't be the best, but it will be fully utilized and that will be good enough.
As for HD, I'd like to see sales numbers over the holidays. There was a HUGE push for 'em at retail, but I'm really wondering if the demand has grown even stronger after the past two exceptionally strong holidays. The Wii should be safe for the time being, but Nintendo better seriously consider HD for their next console or even an ability to upsample with a Wii revision down the road.
On the other hand, something like Excite Truck, depending on the setup that you're viewing it on, can range from fugly to acceptable.
I can't say I don't notice a difference between Viva Pinata/360 games and Wii software (I have a 360 too), but games like Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros, Monkeyball BB, Zelda TP, etc and even Animal Crossing aren't going to age that much because they're essentially cartoons. We're way beyond the point that most 3d games look like blurry blocky almost unplayable shit (as some PS1, Saturn, N64 and old PC games looked).
I must admit that Call of Duty 3 looks nasty on the Wii but I expect that was just a hurried port....
There was never a part in Zelda TP where I thought it looked anything less than amazing. On the other hand when I first ventured out on Oblivion 360 my first thought was "Shit, that is the most DISGUSTING pop up I've seen for years!" It took me ages to get over it...
However, debating the actual quality of the Wii visuals isn't one of them as it is clearly well behind the competition. I'm assuming Nintendo knows the hardware best and that Zelda game looks nasty as hell in wide open spaces.
It looks like Mario Galaxy will be the first Nintendo game to actually push the system a little bit.
i dont really agree with the Zelda being timeless in the same way but the overall point you make is right on. while style should not trump gameplay, story, etc the fact that nintendo is constantly able to produce decent looking games for the current generation while focusing on new types of gameplay and solid titles pretty much puts them over for me. tons of their games are keepers...but when play games i loved for the PSX on my PS2 i cant help but notice the flaws in them all around.
although, i will always love wipeout and wipeout xl.
Live Arcade and VC are like my "kid in candy-store" situation, but a limit of 256 MB available to the user pretty much means that we won't be seeing very much new content or add-ons. Someone mentioned new dungeons for Zelda on the Wii Shop, but it's not likely.
Yes, it would have increased the cost, but not much.