Rock Band finally jumped the Shark with "Play the same 3 chords as a shitty faux punk band Rock Band"
Guitar Hero is over saturated. BUT they make money.
DJ Hero is also 50 kinds of awesome.
Dance Hero is next.
Anyone think some exec at Konami is contemplating suicide for not bringing Guitar Freaks/Beatmania west sooner?
YEAH Rock Revolution was a disaster but what if Konami did it in 2004?
They're a bit late to the table to get a piece of their own pie if you ask me.
"Oh I hear they're making a frequency game but with a guitar shaped controller... sounds weird..." :?
I LOVED Beatmania...Until I played DJ Hero.
The problem with Guitar Hero is since Harmonix Stopped doing it the note charts never seemed right. But DJ hero somehow gets this whole DJ thing and NAILS IT HARD And the atmosphere is great too.
The other thing Konami games have thing falling down but Rock Band/ Guitar Hero/DJ Hero the Notes and scrach thingies flow towards you so it feels more natural and easy to time.
You better belive Konami's music division is trying to think of something to steal some thunder from Activision and Harmonix. ESP with Dance Hero on the way.
Dance Hero is another attempt by Actiblizz's part to reinvigorate the slumping rhythm market. Who knows if their inevitable peripheral will be much different than a DDR mat or not; but I can assure you one thing: They'll be asking for at least $100 for "Dance Hero" when they finally release it.
Konami's already had their "Dance game" craze cake and eaten it too. They've already boarded, rode, and exited that gravy train. They still make DDR games because they sell in small moderate quantities over long periods of time and they're cheap to develop and produce. Maybe Actiblizz thinks they can reinvigorate this aspect of the music genre. Perhaps. I guess we'll see.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Yeah I am aware that sales of music games are slumping I WONDER WHY there are way too many. I will get Lego Rock band when it's cheap I'm F'n done with Guitar Hero Metallica disappointed the shit out of me. I don't who is in GH5 I'm DONE. and 2 months later Band Hero COME ON....
I WILL however say that historical inaccuracies aside and no "Yoko fucks up everything" mode Beatles Rock Band is great.
it is a shame DJ hero hasn't sold well becasue it is a solid game.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Other music games aren't selling well because the market is being oversaturated. Activision and Harmonix both have to slow the fuck down with releases (mainly Activision) or their going to crash the market.
Also, Band Hero and Lego Rock Band didn't sell well because they were poorly marketed, in the sense that the concept (more family friendly / child friendly rhythm games) wasn't really conveyed well.
The sales for Guitar Hero: Beatles and Lego Rock band are laughable.
The genre is.... not so strong. The specific games are super strong. They'll need a marketing and sales breakthough to make them long-term awesome though.
Well, you can do 2 player DJ'ing if you know someone else with the game to bring over his DJ table. Or you can buy anotehr table from the actiblizz website.
Also you can hook up a GH guitar and play the guitar stuff while someone is DJing
Unless that's what you mean by not really having local multiplayer...
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Really they just need to move to more of a DLC-based model
Reselling a slightly-revised game over and over is a pretty tough sell, especially when they seem to release a new version more frequently than madden
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
First, it's my understanding that you can only play the guitar on a handful of songs. There's also the issue of not really playing "with" each other so much as "next to" each other.
The main point is that $120 for one player with a peripheral that seems foreign to many people isn't exactly going to sell like hotcakes.
I know.
Also I agree with you.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
And because he's right... Adventure 2600RB
Also, yeah, DJ hero was.... well it was dumb. It was going from the "PEOPLE LIKE SPENDING MORE THAN REASONABLE AMOUNTS OF MONEY FOR PLASTIC INSTRUMENTS" theory of economy based on GH and RB being super awesome drunken party games and assumed that it was the tacky party instruments that made it work instead of the party game.
Beatles Rock Band Sold really well
Beatles Rock Band also shows Activision how it's done you buy a game with a Band's name in it you probably ONLY want to play that Band's songs. If I play Guitar Hero Metallica I do not want to play some foo fighter's song to get to Master of puppets........and War Ensamble was a nightmare.
You know what I'd like to see next out the gate from either Harmonix or Activision...another attemp at an orchestral game like Mad Mastro
Oh and somebody at INIS needs to get off their asses and greenlight Ouendan III and make damn sure it's not a region locked DSI only game...
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
In the past four years we've had 11 console Guitar Hero games, DJ Hero, and 3 DS Guitar Hero games.
In the past two and a half years we've had four console Rock Band games (plus one more coming next year), six expansion packs, and a Rock Band game for the PSP and iPhone.
That's too many fucking games.
GH.....WAY too many. Even having Tool didn't compell me to keep GH WT. Elliott Smith isn't enough to make me jump on GH5 either.
This. The game engines are fine. Now crank out the fucking content and let people lap it up. Start releasing DLC bundles, DLC-on-disc, and more DLC goddamnit without making us wait however many iterations to get Smells Like Teen Spirit.
This will have the side benefit of not tying good songs in with shitty ones, ie. Lego Rock Band where you can jump from Queen to Good Charlotte.
edit - also imagine just how much worse this genre would be with EA publishing games
Rock Band 2009.01
Rock Band 2009.02
Rock Band 2009.03
Rock Band 2009 First Quarter's Greatest Hits
Rock Band 2009:Casey Casum Counts Down The Top 40 Greatest Hits - Platinum Edition
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I could be wrong here, but it almost seems like Activision has just pumped out so many Hero games that people almost expect Harmonix to release fewer games to try to create some kind of balance. I think in a better world, where Guitar Hero either died after Harmonix left, or Activision at least had a more conservative release calendar, people would be a lot more comfortable with the number of RB releases.
I think EA just distributes the game sort of how they do with Valve games.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
The Foo Fighters and Alice in Chains have no business in a game called Guitar Hero Metallica. I can understand why say Am I evil is in the game becuase it is such a huge part of the Metallica Legacy
Beatles Rock Band shows Activision how it's done. 1 band that's it. I DO think however Solo tracks from the remaining Beatles would have Helped the game a little.
But 2 of the biggest bands ever already have their decicated games and it's only down hill unless Page and Plant feel comfortable giving Harmonix the Masters to their songs (I'm sure they'd have enough sense to say Hey GH metallica wasn't GH Metallica it was GH WT with a ton of Metallica in it Rock Band with the Who DLC would be what Guitar hero The WHO would be) and we get Led Zeppelin Rock Band.
I think everyone needs to slow down. I have a GH 2 Gibson, a GH III Les Paul, A Rock Band Bass 2 Rock band Fenders and the George harrison Gretch that's enough guitar for me. Plus drums I keep under my bed and keep stepping on so I don't even know if they still work. Come Chrismast I'll the DJ Hero Turntable.
maybe Harmonix should make a music game that won't take up so much space in muh room and Use the controller...
I would however be totally down for Namco brining more Taiko Drum Masters games to the states. I think I could find some room for faux taiko drums.
Guitar Hero 5 sold a little worse than BRB and a LOT worse than GHWT, despite the fact that they loudly gave away Guitar Hero: Sammy Who? free with every purchase.
Anyway, if Konami had hopped into the genre first... nah, I don't think it would have taken off like it did. The reason Guitar Hero/RB did so well is because the games are actually damn good. Rock Revolution ain't.
Yes, EA is just the distributor. They package and ready the Rock Band products and distribute them to retailers. That's all they do. They do not publish the game. MTV Games publishes Rock Band. EA makes no decisions regarding what gets made or what gets published or when.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
You know, nobody ever forced you to buy so many guitars when you could have just kept using the one(s) you had. * depending on which versions of the GH/RBs you own that is
You could go grab Frequency or Amplitude if you have a PS2 or assuming you have a BC PS3 that they work on. You could alternatively get Rock Band Unplugged if you have a PSP.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Remember the defective fenders when Rock Band first came out? Well I sent mine back after it stopped working EA sends me 2 back Then I started having more people over to play and didn't want to knock myself off line, I got GH III for the wireless guitar but that thing sucked. I ended up with a bass when I couldn't get a wireless guitar. My Cousin stupidly got me GH Aerosmith so I got that shit guitar then finally I got the last guitar the Gretch becuase I wanted a GOOD wireless guitar.
So if anyone wants some Guitar hero guitars maybe I can cut ya'll a deal....
Yeah I would love to get Frequencey and Aplitude Great games indeed I'm not really feeling Rock Band Unplugged though.
I really want to see more Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan too. Best music games on DS!
They fail completely then. What they need is less rather than more. People are getting tired of it, that's the problem. More games will not help.
which apparently is going to be pretty soon
so I don't think you have to worry about rock band: nickelback dropping anytime soon
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Some of it is good and all, but it wouldn't appeal to anyone here. They tried to localize the GF/DM cabinets, and it was probably a disaster. Rock Revolution was their attempt at making a GH style game, and failing miserably. It was terrible at what GH/RB did and had nothing that made GF/DM good.
As for DJ Hero/Beatmania, DJ Hero actually resembles DJing, had popular music, and actual marketing.
DJ Hero was able to hype Eminem, Daft Punk, Jay-Z, Run DMC, etc.
Beatmania US included, what, a Moby song and a cover of Celebration?
I still like Beatmania way more, but it's not really a DJ simulator, just keying music to falling notes.
I think DJ Hero doesn't have nearly enough techno or trance, but that's a personal preference. The club settings it has are neat.
Ech, and DDR? Don't get me started. It's been on a downward spiral since Supernova 2. The community abandoned it years ago. They're just feeding the casual gamers, because most of the original players could care less now.
At least Andamiro(Pump It Up) still know what they're doing.