Yeah i saw the PAX shirt on 1vs100 and just had to yell about someone stealing my shirt. I purposely didn't give all these codes out to people on my friends list just because I didn't want to see half of my friends list wearing a shirt for something they knew nothing about.
Down to three female rockband shirts, then I'm all out.
Xbox Live - Bob Jackass || Playstation - Cosby__Sweater || Steam - Bob Jackass
Still quite a few (Female) codes left
4 Female Beatles Rockband
5 Female PAX 09
1 Male Beatles Rockband
3 male PAX 09
I will continue to check back but for now its sleep time.
steam | xbox live: IGNORANT HARLOT | psn: MadRoll | nintendo network: spinach
3ds: 1504-5717-8252
:: Twitter :: Steam ::
Fallout Theme is gone Still some T-Shirts left though.
You have no idea how many times i have forgotten the R in shirts when I'm typing
PAX Prime Security Team Lead
PAX Dev Security Manager
One less Female PAX shirt left
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Down to three female rockband shirts, then I'm all out.