I want to be a Big Man(tm)!
Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here at Big Man(tm) Central we are keeping up with the cutting edge of exercise science to help YOU build muscle and lose weight! We can give you access to all the latest tips and tricks, plus expert advice from certified Big Men Big l, the wook, Bruce Lee and many more! Join our certified
Big Man Program to track your weight and lifts.
Big Man PRs!
This is for all you’se who want to wrestle a bear or lift a truck. Let us know your best lifts and we'll post 'em for motivation and mockery.
psyck0 - Deadlift: 340 lbs
Sunday_Assassin - Rack Pull: 165 kg
hectorse - Squat: 285 lbs, Bench: 175 lbs, Press: 140 lbs, Deadlift: 335 lbs
Dachshund - Squat: 255 lbs, Bench: 165 lbs, Press: 120 lbs, Deadlift: 330 lbs, Powerclean: 195 lbs
big l - Squat: 405 lbs
the wook - Deadlift: 515 lbs, Front Squat: 245
celandine - Deadlift: 245 lbs
If you’re trying to lose weight, I’ll point you over to the
Fitness Thread for excellent advice on cardio and diet.
Eating for a Big Man
If you wanna get Big, you gotta eat Big. If you’re a hard gainer and want to put on some pounds, a good rule of thumb is to eat as much as you think you should and then eat two more things, every meal. You’re aiming for about 500 excess calories a day. If you’re turning fat to muscle, try to consume as many calories as you’re burning every day. You should
never be hungry!
Your calories should come from a good mix of protein, fat, and carbs. Get 1.5 grams of protein for every lb of lean muscle weight, minimum. 2 is better. Fat is perfectly healthy for you as long as it’s not trans. Carbs should definitely not be the majority of your calories, and they should all be complex carbs- whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Cut all juices and pop! The sugar in those is killing you!
All right, now how many types of curls should I be doing to be a Big Man?
Curls are for girls (no offense, ladies!). If you don’t know what you’re doing, start with Starting Strength or CFWF in the list below and check out the form videos farther down the page to learn the exercise. If you’ve never looked at your form before, watch these videos! I’ll bet you $50 you’re doing it wrong. There are some more intermediate and advanced workouts in the lift for when you get past the beginner stage, too.
Workout plans, from beginner to advanced:
Starting Strength (
Crossfit Witchita Falls PA Post Texas MethodWestSidelWendler’s 5/3/1Two Day Heavy Split
How to Bench Press
Learning to Bench Press (start here first!)Dave Tate’s Six Week Bench Press Cure!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh3t6T-nqP0&feature=player_embedded
How to squat
http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:The_Lifts#The_Squat[/url]Your first squats.[/url]
A fantastic how-to video; WATCH IT!Low Bar Squats
How to Deadlift
An expert description of the DeadliftAnother great form video for you!
How to Military Press
Start by reading this and watching these videos!Video 1Video 2
How to Power Clean
Read this!Watch this!! It is fantastic!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssEvAIEfkHs&feature=player_embeddedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCUmi2oqlvA&feature=player_embedded
70sbig.com – New site with simple training methods and motivational words to help you lift the heaviest you can
Bodybuilding.com - Good forum and community for fitness
T-nation.com - While aimed at the 'sweet kegger party bra' crowd, it's still packed with tons of super useful information
Crossfit.com - Not for some people, CrossFit is still probably the toughest fitness program out there
Exrx.net - A fantastic resource, this is a huge database of animated .gifs that show correct form to various exercises
Fitday.com - The website can be slow and some people hate it but I like to use the software to maintain an overview of my general fitness level.
Elitefts.com - Another good strength and conditioning resource. Good articles.
NFS.org - Dietary supplement guide. Products in these lists are guaranteed to contain everything listed on their labels in the quantities listed. Supps are notorious for fucking you over this way, so buy from a good company.
Play Smash Bros 3DS with me! 4399-1034-5444
What spring does with the cherry trees.
where the fuck is the dead animals
It's more for the guys who are overcompensating so much for their various deficiencies that they make lifting weights their entire lives.
It's my favourite site.
(65kg Press today hooray!)
I'm broke
Tonight I think I will have what is left of the blueberry muffin mini-wheats, dry. Maybe I will make some popcorn too.
It felt weird going to the gym yesterday and not coming out feeling like death. Also, I still haven't received a reply from elitefts on my programming questions.
I'm sooo nervous about tomorrow. Since I'm testing my squat max, I think I might go ahead and test my bench max as well... since it's been awhile. Hell.... I might as well just do a mock meet and test my dead also, but that might be too much. We'll see.
you're too broke to afford a lb of ground beef?
or a can of chili?
or even tuna?!
Ya, but If I'm going to do a meet soon, I'm basically going to be doing a 3 lift max anyways.
I'll get my friend to give me the commands (rack, press, blah blah). Just to see how things go. Again, I'll make sure to bring a camera so I can share the happiness/disappointment.
Until I get paid at the end of the week, yes. I have $1.02 in my paypal account at the moment. All the rest of my money is spoken for.
I used to lift weights religiously. I worked out almost 6 hours a day. When I quit I was benching 305, squatting 495(I think, recollection is a little fuzzy. It wasn't 500 but I was almost there) and the last time I deadlifted it was 360, and it tor all the callouses off the palm of my hand. I used to be a hoss, now I am a fatty fatty fat fat.
Ya, I think I might. For squats I'm gonna try something like this:
385 (Previous max)
Then just shoot for the moon on this one, depends how I feel. I REALLY want 425
Bench (with a pause) i'll do:
Deads maybe:
Go for broke
6'5", 119 kg, bench 225kg, squat 275kg.
edit and thank you psyck0 for looking
For reference's sake he's about 5'9'' and is a mound of golf playing pudge, although he's about 18 years removed from being in high school at all so I'm sure his physique has devolved.
Mariusz Pudzianowski. 5 time Worlds Strongest Man winner. Recently fought in MMA. He plays rugby. Supposedly he is like a superstar over there in poland. He has a band, search for it on youtube, its hilarious. He was also on the polish version of dancing with the stars
Culdra- I mean, its POSSIBLE...but prolly not. Even if he did, it was most likely waaaaaay above parallel. I doubt he had any idea how to do a full squat in high school. Unless he played football.... but even then, most highschool football coaches have no idea how to teach the squat.
That's kinda what I thought. Great OP psyck0 BTW, I meant to say that before.
This week off has been a beautiful thing. I hadn't had a week off in about 5 months and it's been nice, all shoveling snow and eating too many cookies. I'm back on the iron wagon next week which will be sweet because I feel great.
(actually looking at it I'm still three sessions short of a full year, but fuck it, I deserve a break)
Bodyweight - 66kg --> 70kg (almost all of this came over the last few weeks, actually)
Squat - 115kg (5kg down on target)
Deadlift - 152.5kg (better than I'd hoped)
Press - 65kg
Bench Press - 85kgx5 (haven't bench pressed for a couple months. Picking it back up in the New Year)
Chins - 35kg
Dips - 50kgx2 (too uncomfortable to hang any more from the belt 8-))
Power Clean - 80kg (form still sucks)
I do have my numbers from Jan 09, but they're on my laptop, and I left that at work. They were all starter 5x5 numbers anyway, so don't really show actual progress.
Good year. Missed maybe half a dozen sessions, and no real injuries. If only every part of my life was going so well :P
I knew a freshman who could squat like that. He even won a weightlifting competition at a football camp the summer before his sophomore year. They used those little level beeping mechanisms you attach to your thighs, and had a judge to assure that they did the full squat. I don't recall the exact weight he lifted, but he beat out every other player from 17 different schools. At 15 years old he was about 6.5 feet tall and weighed 325. That same year we had another guy on our team who was the same age win in the bench category, and we won the tug-o-war competition using the youngest guys from our school. To be honest that entire group of kids were freaks. They were all lifting heavier weight in their first week of training than the rest of us could after years of training.
But our football coaches were former personal trainers.
Tony(the squat winner) later went on to get a full ride to the College of the Siskiyous, but he died of a coke overdose the summer before his first term. Actually, he died on his birthday.
Current weight: 80kg
Goal weight: 85kg
Lift goals:
Deadlift/Squat/Bench/Press, 200/160/120/80
Current lifts (estimated):
Deadlift/Squat/Bench/Press, 145/110/85/61
I don't know about anyone else, and I haven't lifted in a few years, but I preferred them over the standard bar for deads. I felt it was more comfortable, and I was getting a more even workout by being centered in the middle of the weight.
I don't know what you crazy kids are into nowadays.
6,000-8,000 calories a day. With that, I should also be drinking a protein shake (I went with Monster Milk) 4 times a day. And I should cut out long cardio (but she said she understands I need to keep doing sprintwork) from my workout routine.
This will be interesting to see what happens.
It was all I could do to keep my weight at 205. This Chinese buffet by my house also worked out well. But I had to fill both sides of the styrofoam box, and close it as fast as I could. The employees there always got a kick out of it. That is the only restaurant that I went to often enough to be a regular, and have a "usual". But they tore it down, and it is a car wash now.
Wow. I would find it difficult to do that without eating large amounts of trash.
I think I'm at around 4000 a day or a bit under at the moment. And even that requires a fair bit of effort, because I don't eat a lot of high-cal junk food (the bag I take to work is fairly large and is reserved mostly for food, which I constantly munch throughout the day. Yay for sedentary job).
It seems 4000 is about maintenance for me, because I don't appear to be gaining or losing weight. So I'll need to push more food down to make it up to 85kg, but I'm happy to put that concern on the backburner for now.
Two homemade large waffles, 5 eggs, two turkey/lettuce/cheese/tomato sandwhiches and protein shake 1, nuts + bagel w/ cream cheese, protein shake two, work out (upper body, weighed in at 193!), 2.5 steaks (fillet mignon), some bread, 3rd protein shake, ceasar salad. (I am missing something, but yeah when I entered it all in I was at around 6,800).
I am about to explode. This is... fuck awful. Oh well, hopefully in a week I will get used to this kinda diet.
I'm so stoopid
Also, nice OP.
Whenever you feel nervous just yell out "BIG MAN! GONNA PUMP IRON!" That should shake away the butterflies. It also helps to listen to Running With the Devil by Van Halen.
What? It's a good song.
With the lower bar position, it is okay to lean forward more, but the knees should not go forward of your toes more than an inch or so. Bar positions and accompanying body positions go in a continuum - low bar = lean forward a bunch, no knees forward - high bar = both moderately - front squat = keep forward lean to a minimum, knees go pretty far forward. So you are half right.