I was just editing a post of mine, and instead of "Save", the save button had the text "Vote Now".
It still worked like normal, and when I tried to edit again, it said "Save", so this might have just been a one-time glitch, and no actual issue, but I figured I'd report it just in case, in the event that this is either becoming widespread, or a possible indication of a deeper issue.
Evander on
SmasherStarting to get dizzyRegistered Userregular
edited December 2009
It appears to be an issue with Google Chrome. You can find discussion about it here.
naw, this happens to me in safari too, and has for as long as i can remember. i never made a thread about it though because "voting now" just saves my edit so i am lazy.
This is related to the edit button: you can't to disable the 'automatically parse links in text' function when editing.
Example: when I type www.penny-arcade.com, I can disable the parsing on the advanced posts menu, but when I edit my post afterwards it automatically puts a link back in.
Still there for me.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Example: when I type www.penny-arcade.com, I can disable the parsing on the advanced posts menu, but when I edit my post afterwards it automatically puts a link back in.