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PAX Meetup at Arisia

undeadundead Registered User regular
edited January 2010 in PAX Archive
First up, I did ask a while ago if it was alright to post about other conventions to meet up with other PAX attendees, and I got an OK, so here goes.

Arisia is coming up in just over a week. Dates are from the 15th - 18th at tthe Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, MA. This started out as a SF/fantasy convention and has turned into an everything con. Gaming is very popular at this one, with board, card, RPGs, LARPs, and some CCGs taking place.
I'll be attending and spending most of my time in gaming (demoing Callateral Damage and a few SJ games). If you're there, stop in and say hi.

Arisia is the only conventioni in the Boston area in January. Next month there are 3 conventions in MA (2 of them dealing only with games), of which only one is in Boston. I'll make another thread for those in February.

As I am, so shall ye be.

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