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BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
edited April 2010 in PAX Archive

BYOC for PAX east is LIVE


Sorry this took so long, I was hoping BYOC would be sold out by now.

Heres the chart of BYOC:

Groups of 6 or more can PM (or post here, or email me @ where they want to sit and we will reserve the seats for you. What I need from you guys is gamer handles (and/or names) of each person in the group, and what row/seat# you want for the group, also a group/team name that I can put you guys under.
I suggest if you are sitting in a group that you show up as early as possible, cause its likely ill be checking in the seating groups first.

#paforums_pax IRC Group = A1-6
Team Friendslist = A19-24
Lurking Evil = D1-D3
Lurking Evil = D19-22
The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers = G19-25
Medical needs seat = H36


We might have day of pass sales, depending on how many noshows there are, but dont count on it, get your pass now

Previous post contents:

Woo First time on the east coast.

Heres some general info so far:
  • BYOC Will cost $30
  • BYOC reg will be done via Intel's LANFest site again.
  • There wont be a seating chart this year, Seating is first come first serve. So if you want to sit next to your friends be sure to be in line together.
  • BYOC attendees will get to check into BYOC 2h before PAX opening, So you guys can get all situated and get your stuff setup. I will post info where that will be and other instructions later when more things are finalized. Although Just like last year, theres no guarantee the network or Internet will be up and ready before the PAX start time. You guys will also be required to remain in BYOC until PAX opening (no wandering about). This is basically just so you guys can get things setup before the craziness of PAX starts.
  • Since only a few of us PC people from the west coast could make the trip out to Boston for PAX East, The folks over at LPANE are helping us in the PC room this year. Local new england peoples should check them out

Thats it for now, next post will be the FAQ which I'm still updating from relevant questions from last year.

<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
BigRed on


  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Q: Where do I sign up for BYOC LAN?
    A: BYOC Signups will go up around late Jan

    Q: How many BYOC Spots will be available?
    A: Right now it's looking to be like 270-ish, this may change.

    Q: How much does BYOC cost?
    A: $30 in addition to your regular 3day PAX pass.

    Q: What time do you recommend (or require) people show up for BYOC check-in?
    A: Check in will start 2 hours before PAX opening. I aim to have it all complete an hour before PAX opens, to give people an hour to get their stuff hooked up and ready.

    Q: What hours does the BYOC run each day?
    A: Same hours as PAX. The room will have to be cleared at PAX closing. About 30min before closing there will be an in-room announcement to start wrapping up your games or whatever for the night before everyone gets kicked out at closing.

    Q: Do I leave my stuff in the LAN the whole time?
    A: Yes. The room is guarded all during PAX and locked up at night. We are the first ones in and the Last ones out. If you must take your stuff up (like a laptop) you need to Check it out at the security desk as you leave and check it back in when you return.

    Q: What games are typically played?
    A: Whatever is popular this year. TF2, Demigod, COD4/5/6, SupCom, Warcraft3, WoW, Starcraft, CS:S, etc. If you want to play a game you can find others that are up for it as well.

    Q: If I get a spot for the BYOC, I don't need to commit to being in there the whole time, right? Just when I feel like relaxing and playing some games with people?
    A: Correct, you aren't chained to your spot in BYOC. The majority of BYOC attendees are just there in-between the PAX events that they want to go see.

    Q: Can I bring my 30+ something inch monitor/TV?
    A: The max monitor size is 24" due to power and space constraints.

    Q: Can I bring a laptop with my desktop?
    A: Yes as long as you stay within your 30" of table space. Although remember you only get one network port per seat.

    Q: Can I bring a switch to increase that?
    A: NO! No outside networking devices are allowed. Any spotted will be removed.

    Q: Do I need to bring a network cable?
    A: Yes. You will need a network cable to hook your computer up to the network switch at your table. Bring around a 25ft cable otherwise, depending where you are sitting, the switch may be out of your cables reach.

    Q: Can I bring *insert friend/Girlfriend/spouse/random person here* in BYOC with me?
    A: No, Sorry. To ensure the security of everyone's personal equipment in a busy area such as PAX, only BYOC attendees are allowed into the BYOC room.

    Q: Is there Internet in BYOC?
    A: Yes there will be, although it will be locked down to prevent things like torrenting and throttled so not one person can use up all the bandwidth.

    Q: But... how am I supposed to get my computer there?
    A: Drive it! An alternate option which I have used to attend LANs that are far away, is to ship yourself your computer/monitor to your hotel you are staying at. If you call them and say you have a package coming they will hold it for you until you check-in. Just ship it back to yourself when PAX is over.

    Q: Can I bring my xbox/playstation/nintendo console?
    A: Sorry, no consoles allowed in here. This is a PC LAN. You cant being a console in addition either, those things use up a lot of power.

    Q: Do I get a concert wristband if im in the seperate BYOC line?
    A: Yes! The seperate BYOC line automatically gets everything the Main line gets. All BYOC attendees get the PAX swag bag and concert wristband.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Concert bracelets still guaranteed?

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Concert bracelets still guaranteed?

    I asked PA, waiting on response.

    Q: Do I get a concert wristband if im in the seperate BYOC line?
    A: Yes! The seperate BYOC line automatically gets everything the Main line gets. All BYOC attendees get the PAX swag bag and concert wristband.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    This is awesome! Can't wait for BYOC!

    itzerokewl on
  • sofursofur Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Just to point out; headsets only, no speakers correct?

    sofur on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010

    David Coffman on
  • xoxradiocambodiaxoxradiocambodia Registered User new member
    edited January 2010
    Are there going to be any prized tournaments by chance once the games list is decided????

    xoxradiocambodia on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010
    In the PC area there's really two sets of tournaments/prizes.

    On one hand, there are the official PC Tournaments (which anyone can enter, byoc or not), and we'll be giving out really sweet official PAX medals for those winners. On the other hand we have a series of contests and games exclusively for our BYOC audience. The prizes there tend to be a bit more freeform, and it will depend on what we gather from sponsors. We also expect to have some random drawings from that same prize pool.

    David Coffman on
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    I suppose I could really consider doing BYOC now that I am driving a short distance.

    I have three options.

    1. I could bring my desktop setup, play games, and demo Nvidia's 3D Vision for my pals and BYOC neighbors.
    2. I could bring my laptop for playing games like Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 and TF2.
    3. I could not do BYOC.

    I am going to talk to some of my PAX friends to find out if they are going to BYOC.

    mentok1982 on
    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
    PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
    Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Oh hay, see OP. BYOC Reg is live.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • RdrRdr Rider Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Nice. Now hopefully there will be spots available when I get paid Friday.

    Rdr on
  • CreepoCreepo Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    So, you need to register at the LAN Fest site separately, correct? My PAX ID and pw didn't seem to work there.

    Creepo on
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010
    Creepo wrote: »
    So, you need to register at the LAN Fest site separately, correct? My PAX ID and pw didn't seem to work there.
    Correct, it's a different system entirely.

    David Coffman on
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Just signed up and paid...w00t!

    itzerokewl on
  • CreepoCreepo Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Creepo wrote: »
    So, you need to register at the LAN Fest site separately, correct? My PAX ID and pw didn't seem to work there.
    Correct, it's a different system entirely.

    Cool... I'm in! :rotate:

    Creepo on
  • sarysary 100% pure awesomesauce manchester, nhRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    it's my first pax and i'm a little anxious about making sure i get everything right. so...

    The BYOC website says
    You MUST RESERVE YOUR SEAT to confirm your spot at Intel LAN Fest. Simply paying your balance is not enough. If all seats are filled, those that paid but failed to reserve a seat will be refunded. For instructions on reserving your seat, check the Main Page for your event.
    If you are displayed under "Confirmed" on the BYOC List (check your event's BYOC Page) and a BYOC seat is detailed next to your name, you are in good shape for the event.

    but you say there's no seating chart, there's no instructions on the main page (that I can see, but I've been known to miss the blatantly obvious), and that list linked on the main page is blank.

    Do I need to worry about this? Or am I all set (My balance is indeed $0.00)?

    sary on
    Twitter: @seryseraphical

    PAX East 2012 Omeganaut. Awesomest. Time. Ever.
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    There is no seating chart, seating is first come first served at day of checkin. If you want to sit next to friends be sure you guys are together in line.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    I just registered and payed, paypal said it was from ESPORTSSERVICES LLC, is that the right place?

    Also, is the confirmation email sent to your paypal email or you Intel LANFEST email?

    Knoland on
    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010
    Yep, I've updated the faq, thanks for bringing it to our attention!

    I'll see if there's something wrong with the "confirmed" list.

    "I just registered and payed, paypal said it was from ESPORTSSERVICES LLC, is that the right place?"


    David Coffman on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Registered & Paid! Can't wait.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • benswimmingbenswimming PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Me and my two friends I am bringing have registered and paid also. I just got done building a NEW PC to bring with me to BYOC!

    benswimming on
    PAX EAST 2011 Omeganaut
    Twitter: sweeneyben
    XBL: Disco Ball
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Me and my two friends I am bringing have registered and paid also. I just got done building a NEW PC to bring with me to BYOC!

    Same... except December of last year, unfortunately I was dissapointed to see some new options open up for processors recently (corei7 n' stuff), makes me sad :(. But went with a semi-budgeted machine and AMD (cause they're cheaper than Intel)! Not modded :(, but I like how it looks anyways ;p

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • spydeyspydey Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    I got mine.

    spydey on
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Three questions:
    So just for clarification, unlike last year, we are NOT selecting seat prior to the event(y/n).

    Once inside the BYOC room can we not leave at all, or just not go into the rest of the convention?

    Can I use my desktops dual gigabit LAN to hook up my laptop, or would that count as an outside networking device?

    Knoland on
    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Knoland wrote: »
    So just for clarification, unlike last year, we are NOT selecting seat prior to the event(y/n).

    Also, once inside the BYOC room can we not leave at all, or just not go into the rest of the convention?

    There is no seating chart, you dont select your seat before the event.

    Once you are inside the byoc room during initial checkin before PAX opening on friday, you cant leave the byoc room until PAX opens.

    Although if you want to go stand down in the main line after you check your stuff into byoc you are allowed to do that.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • GenXerGenXer Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    All paid up and ready to rock! So excited :D

    GenXer on
    Twitter: @GenXer | Flickr: Gene Eckser | Xbox Live: Gene Eckser
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    BigRed wrote: »
    Once you are inside the byoc room during initial checkin before PAX opening on friday, you cant leave the byoc room until PAX opens.

    Although if you want to go stand down in the main line after you check your stuff into byoc you are allowed to do that.
    Ok, so I can leave to go pick up the room key from my dad? (under 21 RAGE)

    Knoland on
    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Knoland wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    Once you are inside the byoc room during initial checkin before PAX opening on friday, you cant leave the byoc room until PAX opens.

    Although if you want to go stand down in the main line after you check your stuff into byoc you are allowed to do that.
    Ok, so I can leave to go pick up the room key from my dad? (under 21 RAGE)
    BigRed wrote: »
    Once you are inside the byoc room during initial checkin before PAX opening on friday, you cant leave the byoc room until PAX opens.

    So yes, after PAX Opens.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • MRAvidoMRAvido Registered User new member
    edited January 2010
    A couple buddies of mine and I are going down are are looking to see what PC games people are LANing, my friend and i would be interested in a Dom 3 tournament, no prizes, just adventagious ass-kickery, any want in let me know, looking forward too it. gonna be good meetin a more nerds then i can throw a spell at, pace!


    MRAvido on
  • sarysary 100% pure awesomesauce manchester, nhRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    I still can't see the list of attendees... is it just me? All the page says is "BYOC_SEATS" and that's it.

    sary on
    Twitter: @seryseraphical

    PAX East 2012 Omeganaut. Awesomest. Time. Ever.
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010
    It's not just you, we're looking into it.

    David Coffman on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Uhm.. if this is for the BYOC/Freeplay, maybe you should post here. If not, when and where are two very valuable questions.

    Sounds interesting, might have to go... after I buy it ;p

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • HotSakeHotSake Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Sweet, signed up! Look forward to seeing the usual suspects there.

    HotSake on
  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2010
    First-timer for Pax, confirmed my Pax badge registration and BYOC is paid and confirmed.

    Can someone tell me what to expect as far as getting my PC into the BYOC room (when on Friday I should do that), how that room flows to the rest of the convention, etc?

    There is no "event schedule" posted at the PAX site yet, so I honestly have no idea what I'm doing other than, I'm driving 10.5 hours with a PC and a conference badge and staying in a hotel from Thursday night through Sunday.

    [H]olyGeekboy on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Jonathan Coulton is good enough for me ;p. But this is a new coast, meaning a new convention center, so the flow may be different than other years... I looked at a map for this center and noticed it only has about 4 levels (I believe), so at least you don't have to climb 6 levels.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    My girlfriend and I are signed up.

    PeasantDave on
  • MarsCheliosMarsChelios Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    I'm in

    MarsChelios on
  • KnolandKnoland Hungry Hungry Hippo VermontRegistered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Does the BYOC payment confirmation e-mail go through Intel, PayPal, or PAX?

    Knoland on
    PAX EAST 2014: Ticket/Enforcing[x] Hotel [x] Travel [x]
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited January 2010
    Knoland wrote: »
    Does the BYOC payment confirmation e-mail go through Intel, PayPal, or PAX?
    It should go through Intel. When in doubt, just make sure your balance is at zero...before the payment goes through, if you've signed up, your balance will be at -$30.

    David Coffman on
  • JubeiJubei Registered User new member
    edited January 2010
    Ahem, I don't mean to sound like an old-geezer (I'm 30 btw) and it's not such a big deal, but I've never been to a big lan event so I really don't know if it's an issue or not. It just popped in my head so I thought I'd ask. I was wondering therefore if there will be some sort of age-related separation in the LAN area?

    The reason I'm asking this is that well... kids get excited and tend to be loud sometimes (I know I was loud when I was 17). What do you guys think about a sort of segregation between saay.. U-21 and then the rest?

    Just a thought.

    Jubei on
This discussion has been closed.