So MicroSoft decides to do a little crosspromotion of a new IP, and puts a Halo 3 demo/beta in with their newest sci-fi/action game, Crackdown -- and
hell breaks loose on the IntarWeb. Why exactly does this set people off?
Is it because MicroSoft charges money for a beta? That I can kinda see. But you get a fully playable, admittedly non-Halo game with this demo -- doesn't that sweeten the deal?
Is it because Halo-fans simply cannot abide any other game sharing discspace with their precious Halo? If so, I recommend psychiatric counseling, or maybe just growing up.
Why? Why, why, why are people freaking out over the fact that MicroSoft has the unbelievable nerve [shakes fist in impotent rage] to release the beta multiplayer subsection -- that's right, a beta
* fragment of Halo 3 -- bundled with one of their new releases? Does it friggin' matter?
Face it, they could bundle that demo with Hello Kitty's Island Adventure, and the very people who bitch would preorder that sucker anyway. So why all the venom? Is it to lessen the pain of being a little fanboy beeoytch?
Seriously, I want to know. 'Cos my first reaction when I heard that dedicated fans
** would be able to playtest the demo was: "Cool". In fact, I still think it is cool. It's an option, take it or leave it.
I really don't get the haters. But I wish MS had bundled the beta with Viva Pinata. That would have been cool.
* And we all remember that betas usually are... less than perfect, right?
** Defined as "anyone with 60 bucks in their pocket come feb. 20"
They put a beta demo in with some other game or something? Big deal. I like it when devs/pubs do that anyway.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
Where Madness and the Fantasical Come to Play
I think you summed it up pretty well.
Not here. Here:
"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy!"
~ Dr. Emilio Lizardo
Not to my knowledge.
I can't think of any instance of people complaining about this, at least not here, but I don't pay close attention to Halo happenings. Nor do I see why it's a big deal. Who cares?
It's not even a demo of a game. It's the kind of thing you boot up one time, think to yourself, "Hey, that's kind of neat," and turn it off and forget about it.
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
All of them.
AC:WW 4123-7787-3459 (Mataxia, Durotar)
MPH 0730-8208-0867 (Mataxia)
MKDS 2062-1959-3943 (Mataxia)
edit: I thought the topic had something to do with Irrational Games for a while, like they were snubbing Bioshock for Crackdown.
Not to mention the sign up that happened on Bungie's site a month or two ago, PLUS they're giving out a ton of codes to gaming sites to give away too. People complain because they love to complain. :P
I guess I just got caught off-guard. There sure are a lot of lamers at the official X-box boards! :shock:
"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy!"
~ Dr. Emilio Lizardo
you should be thankful they are making it this easy.
"Laugh while you can, monkey-boy!"
~ Dr. Emilio Lizardo
I love this forum
Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten
Oh and Zone of the Enders is awesome but short. I sold the MGS2 Demo for $50 and kept Zone of the Enders. Yes... someone wanted to play MGS2's demo and not get ZOE... and they were willing to pay the same amount as they would have buying ZOE with the demo.
did you sell it on eBay?
See, humans will bitch about anything.
No. I sold it to someone working at Gamestop the day after it came out. They still had copies of ZOE for sale as well. If I had thought of it at the time I would have charged him gas money for making me drive back home to pick up the demo. I feel I made the right choice though.
Edit: Oh shit, you are going to correct my grammar Toad? Thats a full time job sir. Wait til I start spelling the word 'probably' as 'probaly' or'probally' because I seem to do that alot. Anyways language changes, so if I continue typing and speaking the way I do the MLA will have no choice but to conform to my ways. Don't be the MLAs bitch.
Looks like no Halo 3 MP Beta in Deutschland.
Taramoor on Youtube
exactly. do not underestimate Halo's mainstream popularity.