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Have a Ticket/Need a Ticket Thread

Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
edited March 2010 in PAX Archive
Here's the thread for selling/giving away your PAX tickets or finding tickets once preregistration closes. Use the following formats:


Your Name
Your Location
Best Contact Method
How many tickets you have
How much you are asking
What type of payments you take (legal trade only)
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc)

If you are looking for a ticket, use this format:


Your Name
Your Location
Best Contact Method
How many tickets you need
What you are willing to pay
How you are able to pay
Preferred method of receiving tickets

Please everybody, stay honest and don't be a dick ;-)

If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, make sure you make special arrangements to take care of those tickets. You can do so by e-mailing Cathy Glickstein, she is the senior registrations manager over at Reed. She can also handle address changes and the like, so if you sell your tickets before packets go out, you should be able to have mailed tickets transferred as well.

Note from Khoo: We've gotten a report from two buyers of the same seller that feel their transaction is... suspect. We're still looking into it, but people - please do not pay for these tickets unless you have received the physical badge. Have them to COD. Meet them at the show. Just be smart about it. Thanks!


Moe Fwacky on


  • Blade FusionBlade Fusion Timmins, ONRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Hey all,


    Blade Fusion (Taylor C)
    Timmins, Ontario, Canada
    PM me here or Email dockboy at gmail dot com <--This email addy is monitored all day
    3 Tickets in possession
    Early-bird 3-day Face Value ($45 each)
    Paypal only
    I will forward the barcode receipts to you via email once payment is received

    I have emailed Cathy on the issue of these being will-call receipts.

    Cheers :D

    Blade Fusion on
  • SomeguySomeguy Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Have 0 tix, many offers already. I'm sure one will pan out.

    Cape Cod, MA
    Email xxx
    2 Tickets (Three day badges)
    Early-bird price ($45 each)
    Paypal or cheque by mail if you've been around the forums a while
    Email PDFs

    Someguy on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2010
    don't forget to indicate whether you HAVE tickets or NEED tickets

    Moe Fwacky on

  • JizzamesJizzames Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    James Payne
    Annapolis, MD
    Jizzzames at gmail dot com
    One 3day
    Paypal or whatever is preferred
    Email / SnailMail

    Jizzames on
  • DaNerdDaNerd Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Ian Irwin
    New York City
    Ian.Da.Nerd AT gmail DOT com
    Two (2) three-day passes
    Starting at face price of $50
    Paypal would be easiest but I'm open to other methods
    Via mail would be nice, but picking up at will call would be fine.

    DaNerd on
    Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
  • kstrike155kstrike155 Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    NEED tickets.

    Name: Brian
    Location: Boston (Malden, MA)
    Best Contact Method: Email, KStrike155 AT AOL DOT COM
    How many tickets you need: THREE (3) 3-day tickets please
    What you are willing to pay: $65 each.
    How you are able to pay: PayPal (cash/check if meeting physically)
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Dropoff, Meetup, or MAIL

    Thank you to anybody that can help!

    kstrike155 on
  • HierophantHierophant Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    NEED Tickets. I bought my plane ticket yesterday but was waiting on my girlfriend to confirm her availability before ordering at the same time :(

    Name: Mike
    Location: Austin, TX
    Best Contact Method: Email, austin_stoker25 at excite dot com
    How many tickets you need: 2 (2) 3-day tickets if possible
    What you are willing to pay: $60 each
    How you are able to pay: PayPal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Email (if transferrable) or Mail

    Thanks, I hope someone can save us!

    Hierophant on
  • implicitdimplicitd Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    NEED TICKET - my friends are going and I was going to get one today but was a few hours late - d'oh!

    North Carolina
    Best Contact Method : email [email][/email]
    How many tickets you need : One 3-day Pass
    What you are willing to pay : $65
    How you are able to pay : Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets : e-mail but I'm not picky

    Thanks if anyone can help!

    implicitd on
  • TrousersTrousers Registered User new member
    edited February 2010

    Columbia Maryland
    mkerch1 AT umbc DOT edu
    1 3-day Pass
    What are you willing to pay: $55-65 USD
    How are you able to pay: PayPal or in person
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: e-mail, snail-mail, or in person

    I was on the fence due to possible conflicting schedules, and I'd appreciate any help I can get!

    Trousers on
  • EkkosangenEkkosangen Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Ekkosangen on
    <+Arco> You can totally bone with a baby in there. If you bump up against something, just apologize to the little dude and adjust.
  • Dr. JoeDr. Joe Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Latham, NY
    Email removed
    Two (2) 3-day passes
    $75 (each)
    Email preferred, but I'm open to whatever method ensures I end up with the passes :)

    Dr. Joe on
  • DarcDarc Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    No more need.

    Darc on
    There are 10 kinds of people; Those who read Binary, and Those who don't.

  • DaNerdDaNerd Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Reposting since details have changed

    Ian Irwin
    New York City
    Ian.Da.Nerd AT gmail DOT com
    Two (2) three-day passes
    $75 Each
    Paypal would be easiest but I'm open to other methods
    What would you prefer?

    DaNerd on
    Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2010
    Ian, you of all people, how could you have not bought your passes?

    Moe Fwacky on

  • DaNerdDaNerd Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I bought a pass, then I became an enforcer and relinquished my pass to a friend. Now two of my other friends failed to buy their passes and so I am their proxy.

    DaNerd on
    Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
  • bub2000bub2000 Registered User new member
    edited February 2010

    Your Name - Gui Arce
    Your Location - Toronto, ONT
    Best Contact Method - gui (dot) arce (at) gmail (dot) com
    How many tickets you need - two 3-day passes
    What you are willing to pay - $65 each
    How you are able to pay - paypal, interac email money transfer
    Preferred method of receiving tickets - email or snail mail or whatever works.

    bub2000 on
  • Soulwraith56Soulwraith56 Registered User new member
    edited February 2010

    Your Name: Sean
    Your Location: Durham, NH
    Best Contact Method: Soulwraith56 AT gmail DOT com
    How many tickets you need: One (1) Saturday Pass
    What you are willing to pay: $30, but willing to negotiate
    How you are able to pay: paypal or cash if close enough
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or in person if close enough

    Soulwraith56 on
  • LevityNYCLevityNYC Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I bought 2 tickets and as of now, I am going solo. My wife was busting my balls about wanting to go (she's not a gamer at all) so I bought 2. I still plan on going alone, so I will hopefully be selling my second pass on here within a few weeks.

    I won't ask for anymore than 51.50, which comes out to 50 bucks after the paypal fees.

    I'll keep it updated when I am 100% certain I am going alone.

    LevityNYC on
  • Jordan the hoboJordan the hobo Bristol, MARegistered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Your Name: Jordan
    Your Location: MA
    Best Contact or pm me here
    How many tickets you need: one 3day pass
    What you are willing to pay: peferably normal price but we shall see
    How you are able to pay: however
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Does not matter
    Reason: A friend of mine forgot to buy a ticket

    P.S Thank you

    Jordan the hobo on
    XBL:Jordan the hobo
    STEAM:Jordan the hobo
  • ShvegaitShvegait Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Need a Ticket

    Your Name: Bob
    Your Location: Philadelphia
    Best Contact Method: email -- shvegait _at_ hotmail _dot_ com
    How many tickets you need: One 3-day.
    What you are willing to pay: $70, will negotiate
    How you are able to pay: Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Snail mail

    Shvegait on
  • Postal KittyPostal Kitty Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Your Name : Melody
    Your Location : Somerville/Boston, MA
    Best Contact Method : text 630-433-7979
    How much you are asking : 1 to 2 full weekend ticks. May not need second one
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only) : Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Human transaction.
    Reason : Didn't sign up fast enough :'( I will at least be drinking with you guys previous to PAX at the Pubcrawl :D

    Postal Kitty on
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Need a Ticket

    Your Name: Melody
    Your Location: Somerville/Boston, MA
    Best Contact Method: Text 630-433-7979
    How many tickets you need: 1 to 2 full weekend tickets
    What you are willing to pay:
    How you are able to pay: Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Human TransactionReason : Didn't sign up fast enough :'( I will at least be drinking with you guys previous to PAX at the Pubcrawl :D


    ZeroHourHero on
  • journies_endjournies_end Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Your Name: Kenneth Sanders
    Your Location: Charleston, SC
    Best Contact Method: phone (call or text): (401)-465-2486; twitter: journies_end; email:
    How many tickets you need: 1 (actually 2 if you can spare it)
    What you are willing to pay: $90 per ticket
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, check, money order, in-person when I arrive in Boston (or if you are locally in SC)
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail, in-person when I arrive in Boston (or if you are locally in SC).


    journies_end on
    Totally pumped for PAX Prime 2010
    Tweet me @journies_end
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2010

    Your Name: Kenneth Sanders
    Your Location: Charleston, SC
    Best Contact Method: phone (call or text): (401)-465-2486; twitter: journies_end; email:
    How many tickets you need: 1 (actually 2 if you can spare it)
    What you are willing to pay: $90 per ticket
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, check, money order, in-person when I arrive in Boston (or if you are locally in SC)
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail, in-person when I arrive in Boston (or if you are locally in SC).


    Are you aware that for $90 you could buy a Friday, Saturday and Sunday pass from the PAX reg site? (at least until saturday passes sell out, which will be soon)

    Moe Fwacky on

  • TheDissolutionTheDissolution Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    Name: Hunter Smith
    Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
    Cell: (757) 403-7032
    How many tickets: One.
    What I'm willing to pay: 60- negotiable
    How I'm pay: Paypal/Mail/Meeting in Boston/Gummy Bears/Whatever
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Email PDFs or Dropoff, Meetup. Anything really.

    TheDissolution on
  • Yeah I Wrote ThatYeah I Wrote That Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Your Name: Mike Weaver
    Your Location: Milford, CT
    Best Contact Method: weava83 at gmail dot com
    How many tickets you need: just 1
    What you are willing to pay: 65
    How you are able to pay: paypal preferred.
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: snail mail, pickup in boston, or local arrangement if you are nearby

    Yeah I Wrote That on
  • OnmitsuOnmitsu I'm just a birdie Ca-caw, ca-caw!Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Are you aware that for $90 you could buy a Friday, Saturday and Sunday pass from the PAX reg site? (at least until saturday passes sell out, which will be soon)

    Quoted for Truthery. I notice some folk looking to pay up to $75 for a 3 day pass... Even if you're working a minimum wage job, that's... two hours of work away from the 90 for three one day passes. I don't mean to patronize, but isn't the extra cash gonna be worth it? It's a pretty small amount of money, and really, to paraphrase an old penny-arcade comic... "But where this is concerned, something that actually matters, fifteen bucks becomes some impossible barrier."
    Just one less Beef Supreme Chupacabras with Siesta Tortatos, amirite? *shoots a look at some friends*

    Onmitsu on
    Man, even Dora the Explorer thinks you're slow.
  • ThePersonThePerson Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Need a ticket. I'm not using the form as I don't want my personal info in on here, but I'll give the info to anyone who can assist. Saturday passes are sold out, so I can't just buy one of each day. I'll pay more if you can sell to me sooner.

    Your Name: Censored.

    Your Location: Censored

    Best Contact Method: email.

    How many tickets you need: 1.

    What are you willing to pay: 100+ per ticket.

    How you are able to pay: Paypal, check, money order, however you want it.

    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail!

    ThePerson on
  • All Night DinerAll Night Diner Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Your Name: Alex May
    Your Location: Delaware
    Best Contact Method: E-Mail,
    How many tickets you need: 1
    What you are willing to pay: $90+
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, Mail, Whatev
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail, in Boston if need be

    All Night Diner on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2010
    I'll repeat this again, because you may not have seen it. If you're willing to pay $90 for a 3 day pass, you should just buy three single day passes (one for each day). The cost for those is $90, and it's guaranteed, gets mailed to you, etc. As far as I know, Saturday passes haven't sold out yet. But they are going fast.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ThePersonThePerson Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Saturday passes say they are sold out on the registration page :(

    ThePerson on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2010
    Hmm, must have just happened. Carry on, then.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • Krieger12Krieger12 Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Your Name: John
    Your Location: Boston
    Best Contact Method: E-Mail,
    How many tickets you need: 1 one day(Sat)
    What you are willing to pay: $40-45
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, Cash in person
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail or in person

    Krieger12 on
  • SteppoSteppo Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Sold to Krieger.

    Steppo on
  • Krieger12Krieger12 Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Steppo - I'll take that ticket.

    Thank you.

    Krieger12 on
  • LevityNYCLevityNYC Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Its looking more and more likely that I'll be selling 1 of my 3 day passes. When I know for sure during the next few weeks, ill post again. I know a few of you already sent me a PM about it, but I haven't responded to any of them as I'm still not 100% sure if I'll be selling it.

    LevityNYC on
  • Soulwraith56Soulwraith56 Registered User new member
    edited February 2010

    Your Name: Sean
    Your Location: Durham, NH
    Best Contact Method: Soulwraith56 AT gmail DOT com
    How many tickets you need: One (1) Saturday Pass
    What you are willing to pay: $30, but willing to negotiate
    How you are able to pay: paypal or cash if close enough
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or in person if close enough

    I would like to note that I am only looking for one saturday pass now. I bought individual passes for each day, but my friend was too late in getting a saturday pass. Please help me out here!

    Soulwraith56 on
  • AboganzaAboganza Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Your Name: Mitchell
    Your Location: Boston (Cambridge)
    Best Contact Method: email: aboganza <AT>
    How many tickets you need: 1 SATURDAY PASS
    What you are willing to pay: 40 (negotiable)
    How you are able to pay: meet up , or paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or meet up

    Aboganza on
  • Z3r0TZ3r0T Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Need 3-DAY PASS
    Your Name: Bobby
    Your Location: Fort Bragg, Ca
    Best Contact Method: or via PM
    How many tickets you need: 1 3-DAY PASS
    What you are willing to pay: 90-100 negotiable
    How you are able to pay: meet up, or paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or meet up

    Z3r0T on
  • SledgeHammerDSledgeHammerD Registered User new member
    edited February 2010
    Your Name: Darryl
    Your Location: Huntsville, AL
    Best Contact Method: email: dneyman <AT> or PM me.
    How many tickets you need: 1 SATURDAY PASS
    What you are willing to pay: 40 (negotiable)
    How you are able to pay: paypal preferred
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or meet up

    SledgeHammerD on
This discussion has been closed.