I'm coming from Baltimore, but I lived in Boston for about 7 years so it's almost like going home. Glad I can finally make it to PAX as I'm originally from Seattle and always had to leave to go back to college before PAX Prime started.
I'm with a group from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I'm going to fly out, some others are taking a car load.
Ha! No kidding? I've been in the fort for 5 years now. I went to PAX 07 and 09 and I won an ESRB facebook contest so they're paying for me and the wife to go to East. The whole trip/food/free console/taxis/hotel/etc... everything. 8-)
Flying out on that thursday and back on the following monday on delta/NWA. EXCITED. :winky:
Windham Maine for me. I'm originally from an island off the coast so if you need someone to hang out and say stuff like ayuh or wicked awesome I'm your guy. For a few beers I might even consider asking you where your pahked your cahr.
We have 4 guys taking a car, leaving at like 1AM on Friday.
I'm flying out of IND friday to BOS on Delta. Flying back on Monday. Perhaps we'll run into each other on the way back.
I'm with a group from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I'm going to fly out, some others are taking a car load.
Ha! No kidding? I've been in the fort for 5 years now. I went to PAX 07 and 09 and I won an ESRB facebook contest so they're paying for me and the wife to go to East. The whole trip/food/free console/taxis/hotel/etc... everything. 8-)
Flying out on that thursday and back on the following monday on delta/NWA. EXCITED. :winky:
Good to see I'm not the only one from the south making it up to this thing (not that I seriously thought that I would be). Comin in from Little Rock, Arkansas.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]
twitter: acumen101 | fb: fb.com/acumen101
Steam: acumen101 | xbl/psn: caseBlaster101
But it is cheaper to fly out of Chicago (and the flights are direct) so a buddy and I are driving up to Chicago and flying out of there.
[ XBL: NemesisFuzz | PSN: Deefuzz ]
Ha! No kidding? I've been in the fort for 5 years now. I went to PAX 07 and 09 and I won an ESRB facebook contest so they're paying for me and the wife to go to East. The whole trip/food/free console/taxis/hotel/etc... everything. 8-)
Flying out on that thursday and back on the following monday on delta/NWA. EXCITED. :winky:
I visited Manchester back in 08' to catch a Champions League game at Old Trafford. Red Devils fan if you couldn't guess.
I'm coming from Fresno, California.
Most Man. U fans don't live in Manchester!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Live - MrObersmith
PSN - Obersmith
PAX Seattle last September 09 was my first PAX. Excited to be back!
Also, I can count to "boat".
I previously lived in the other student ghetto of Boston, Mission Hill.
I feel like the next time I move I should hit Somerville/Medford so I can hit the student ghetto trifecta.
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
Starring Wesley Snipes?
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
Just moved back from CA
Thought about driving it, opted for the 70 minute flight instead.
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
Traveling by aeroplane.
i don't know many of them WHO refer to Man U as the Red Devils either.
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
I'm flying out of IND friday to BOS on Delta. Flying back on Monday. Perhaps we'll run into each other on the way back.