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Actors Wanted; Free Ticket to PAX East!

ProlixWagProlixWag Registered User regular
edited February 2010 in PAX Archive
The Critical Threat Theatre company is presenting the world-premiere reading of "Of Dice and Men" by Cameron McNary, a full-length play about what happens to a group of 30-something D&D players when one of them enlists to go to Iraq, at the Penny Arcade Expo East, on Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 pm.

We are currently seeking actors for the reading. Actors must be able to rehearse in Boston on Friday the 26th and Saturday the 27th during the day, and perform on the evening of the 27th. There is no pay, but we will provide you with a free ticket to PAX East.

Breakdowns are available at

Please submit headshots and resumes to


Cameron McNary

Artistic Director

Critical Threat Theatre

ProlixWag on
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