So this is going to be my first PAX (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and actually this is one of my first times posting here but anyway I have the following to ask of you all, just a small favor, really:
I cannot stress this enough. I'd hate for PAX to make news again for the wrong reasons (, and trufthfully I'd hate to get sick and pretty much ruin my otherwise perfect weekend. PAX will have upwards of 60K people crammed into close proximity and with compromised immune systems, no less (all junk food and no sleep, makes jack a sick boy). Safety first, folks!
Most CVS's and Walgreen's are stocked up on both shots and you can just google them. I can post the links later if necessary. If anyone wants to post some more health tips so we don't all become grumpy, miserable infecteds--besides the seemingly obvious tips (WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS! >.<)-- please be my guest.
That is all. Thanks you for your time.
2) I dont do flu shots, and many others dont as well.
And, also, fuck that. I'm totally posting the obvious:
1) Wash your damn hands. A lot. Make trips to the bathrooms just to wash your hands. Wash them after you've coughed or sneezed. Wash them before and after shaking a bunch of people's hands. Wash them before and after eating. Wash them for no reason at all. Wash. Your. Hands.
2) Cough/sneeze into your sleeve or your shirt collar, not your hands. If you must cough into your hands, try to have some facial tissue to do it into, and not just bare skin. In either case, wash your hands immediately after, and never just do it into the air.
3) Consider bringing some Emergen-C, Airborne, Zycam, or other such immune system boosting fandanglement (yeah I just made it up, so what, wanna fight about it?), and don't forget to take it.
4) Get as much sleep as you can. I know this is the hardest weekend of the year to legitimize shutting down for a few hours, but your body needs it for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is that it keeps your immune system in good shape. Ideally we should all be getting at least 6 hours a night. Ideally.
5) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Not only does this keep your body functioning the way it should, but will also prevent you from getting headaches and dramatically increase the effectiveness of any caffeine/energy drinks you might imbibe. Bring a refillable water bottle or a Camelbak and drink all day long.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
On the lighter side, hell, it's just Flu. You feel sick, and then, generally, you get better. It's not like we're looking at the possibility of airborne ebola or some other horrible hemmoragic fever, with PAXers bleeding out of their rectums left and right.
Never stopped me from getting the flu man.
Oh I get it, just only immediately after they make me get the shot.
Just imagine how many other people played that demo before you. So wash your hands carry some hand sanitizer or wipes around just don't go all Monk on us and you should be fine.
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks
#paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
I do it because I have a kid in daycare, and if she gets sick, then I get sick from staying home taking care of her...that's a lot of time off work. The side benefit is PAX-plague resistance +5.
No dudesweat.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Same people also think that we are ruled by lizard people and such. If you think that vaccinations are out to kill you i will laugh when you get sick and DIE.
Oh really a friend of a friends doctor and this is supposed to sway me how? H1N1 vax is the same as the flu vax PERIOD. They used the same methods and testing standards. With some tens of millions of doses given we have seen no side effects more so than with normal flu vax. Want to prove me wrong go to pub med and start reading.
So if david icke and his lizards ruling the world theory is good enough for you then by all means listen to him. Be smart wash your hands don't touch your mouth and use common sense.
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks
#paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
First of all, to all the people who are saying you rarely get sick and have really strong immune systems...there is still a chance you'll get sick if you don't at least follow the common sense rules Arco posted. That goes especially for sleeping the right amount. I got the flu after PAX Prime '09, though it was no where near as severe as my roommates (including my bf, who has a ridiculously strong immune system) because I made a conscious effort to get enough sleep. I actually may have been fine if I'd been able to get proper sleep upon arriving home...had a full day of classes following a late arriving plane so it wasn't very fun.
Also, as far as the various vaccines are concerned, I'd say it's really up to the individual, and I'd recommend talking to a doctor if you're unsure. Some people can get very sick from vaccines, and it can be ineffective for others. Another thing to consider is that the seasonal flu in Texas may not be the same as the flu from North Dakota or New Jersey or even the UK for that matter.
In the end, there will be many people in a small area which increases risk of disease, especially respiratory disease. So my recommendations are these:
1. Follow the common sense guidelines posted by Arco, it'll help you fight off any disease, be it flu, the cold, pneumonia, though it won't save you from the bumping uglies
2. Don't can kill off the normal flora that way, and they're your first line of defense against pathogens
3. Get the vaccine if you are at an increased risk and your doctor deems it safe for you; otherwise, whatever...I'm not getting it since I was exposed at PAX Prime '09, and I have a huge phobia of needles and a suspicion of any vaccine that hasn't been out on the market for a few years
4. I feel I must repeat this one because it really is important...use common sense: wash your hands, get good sleep, stay hydrated.
5. Have fun and don't stress...stress=lowered immune system
but frankly, i'm a student, and i've not gotten flu this year. which is surprising as hell. EVERYONE gets flu.
People I've lived with have had the Swine, so I have a feeling I could b ok.
Basically, I'm not getting the shot. If I get flu, i wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm from a different continent dudes.
Lord help me, I chose !Squirtle
When the Andromeda Wars end and the entire population of earth is enslaved to the Saturians holographic power structure, don't come crying to me just because you had your H1N1 vaccine. You and your ilk are first against the wall.
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
Not trying to sway anyone's opinion, just giving my own 2 cents. Stop the hate. If you can't figure out that other people (aka Jezo and Atlus) are being facetious then you should really just take a breather.
I declined both.
I will however be using hand sanitizer while I'm there and washing my hands. But I don't think you should try to make people get flu shots if they don't want to.
I drank more snobawls last pax than water, didnt eat often, got little sleep, and even shared straws/cups with a ton of enforcers who did get sick.
Yeah... I think im fine without a flu shot.
Also, the link in the OP is a liiiittle bit exaggerated. 100 people out of a crowd of 75K is pretty low. There was a much more severe outbreak that same weekend at Washington State University, and that hardly made the news.
That being said, common sense is best for everyone. Arco's guidelines are excellent.
I am normally a healthy individual but got my butt kicked by this flu, was sent to the ER, got pneumonia, out of comission for nearly 2 weeks. So for those of you saying "its just the flu and I'll get over it" should really reconsider that postion. Flu ain't fun.
And, yes. I am a little paranoid. =p
Just saying, I won't be taking my chances. Both vaccines aren't that cost prohibitive and frankly a little needle prick isn't the most painful thing in the world either.
and if only 100 people out of 60K get the Flu or even the Swine Flu, something tells me that I would be one of them!
Also, if you've already had the seasonal flu this year, you won't be getting it a second time.
I'll be doing what I always do and thats what Arco said. I suggest everyone follow those basic tips which is really common sense.
Not to be nitpicky but yes you can have multiple instances of the flu in one season. The flu as we know it, isn't just one virus, but several different types of viruses, all of which you can catch.
On another unrelated note: I'm not trying to be a drug dealer! I don't wanna push drugs on you: I don't work for a pharmaceutical, lol. We can all agree its an individual choice whethor or not to get the vaccine(s), that's why my first post was "PLEASE CONSIDER GETTING YOUR FLU SHOT"
That is all. Have a lovely day!
edit: whoops, Usagi already mentioned that xD
I'd be more concernered with the avian swine flu.
As stated, don't be an idiot. Maintain a proper diet and take care of yourself, your immune system will be fine.
Persons B and C, being normal people, do get sick.
Person D has the deadly Motaba virus.
Person D shakes hands with person A, who shakes hands and shares straws with persons B and C.
Now everyone but person A is dead.
Wash your hands, cover your mouth, hydrate, don't share drinks, up your intake of vitamins and minerals, get lots of sleep, shower every day, and be a responsible PAXer for the benefit of all.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it directly (washing your hands after doing most things is important), but if you're handling money, be sure to. I worked at a bank for a few years and money is, by far, one of the biggest carriers of nasty crap out there.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Which is why you get high on it. :winky:
Which is why I lick all my money.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Now that's what I call extra bang for your buck! *rimshot*
That being said, if you are someone who does over sanitize, and does not expose themselves to germs ever, you might want to consider getting a flu shot, since it'll be more important for you.
And use common sense like eveyone else has been saying. Wash your hands before you eat, after using the bathroom, get a good amount of sleep, and maybe boost up on your Vitimin C intake.
Seriously, try not to over sanitize, it's crazy people.
tl;dr read zezspecs' post. I agree with them.
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks
#paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
So look in the end it is all about being aware of your surroundings and enjoying yourself. Make some extra steps to wash your hands more and if you find yourself surrounded by germy people, get a med mask. And this is not just advice for those who want to stay healthy, but those of you who are sick, take the time and precautions so that it stays with you. I hope you all enjoy the new Eastside PAX and you come to enjoy the Westside PAX too.