So this year, unfortunately, I will not be attending PAX-E. I'm moving to Seattle in July, so any money that would have gone to that, has gone into the moving fund. But I had an idea a couple of months ago that I wanted to implement this year, that I would like to have at both PAXes.
For those of you that know me, it's a safe bet that when I say "I have an idea" and "at PAX" in the same sentence, it's something silly. For those of you that don't, youtube "bad horse PAX" and you'll get this picture.
So anyway,
I have this inflatable shark...
...and the circumstances as to how I procured said shark will remain a mystery, but it was such a weird item that I actually vocalized "What the hell am I going to do with this?" To which some random person's response was, "Jump It!"
This got the wheels turning. This idea grew into this.
Jump The Shark For Child's Play!
So here's how this works. So far, kaoticrequiem, itzerokewl, and EruditeAphrodite are going to be handling the shark in some way shape and form. It will be traveling to various different places around PAX, including some of the Pre-PAX events (maybe).
Here's the donation table/rules
- $1 per jump per person
- $5 minimum donation (will get you five jumps)
- Donate as much as you want
- Donations are not refundable (you donate $10 dollars, but only need $3 to get the picture you want, you will not get back the extra $7)
- As many people can jump at the same time, so long as the group donation is straight
Not trying to be corporate about it, just trying to be as specific as possible so that there is no confusion.
The best pictures will be posted to our
Flickr Group for all to see. And the best of the best throughout the year will be turned into a collage to be placed up for auction (hopefully) at the Child's Play dinner. (We might also place the shark in the lot as well, as we are planning on getting some of the celebs to sign it.) If not, it will be presented as a gift to Gabe and Tycho.
We will be updating our twitter account,
@SharkJump4CP, with the locations the shark will be at throughout the make sure to go follow it. (It used to be
@TheBigBadBoo, so if you followed last year's Prime Prank, you're following the jump the shark feed)
Lets have some fun folks
I can't volunteer for this, but I will be first in line to jump the shark.
Of course, it is completely obligatory that I have someone's hand to hold while jumping over the shark in tandem.
Like an enforcer or someone with an All Access Badge. Are you getting the All Access this time Moe?
PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
I'm not exactly sure I see the need for this, as I think attendees would be the highest source of donations. I would like to get some PAX celebs, but since they usually mingle as well, that shouldn't be too hard.
However, if getting a super special pass to guard the shark means Khoo would have a higher chance of jumping it...that would be AWESOME!!
Kaoticrequiem and eruditeaphrodite have violunteered to team up to help, but more people willing to take the shark should they want a break (or to get to more restricted areas) might be a good thing.
We're deciding on if we might have a Twitter post or something so that people who haven't found the shark can come and participate in one area of the convention at a given time. Would that be something you guys might like?
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I have this vision in my head that someone will bring a bicycle (or even funnier, a segway) to the shark wearing a leather coat and a wig.
I'm not sure what I do in that situation. Laugh, faint, or beat them over the head with the shark
BTW, if I were to set up just a little blog to post the pictures we take through out the weekend/year, would that be something people would be interested in looking at?
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I'd volunteer to be the person to walk up and get people to jump over it but I'm not really to keen on interrupting people and such.
However, I think rather then just someone walking around with it that if you got a person going to a party of function to volunteer to be that person then you'd make more money for charity.
For example the PAX Dinner or the Pokecrawl or the whatnot.
I can tell you right now that the PAX East 2010 Community DVD would want those pictures and any video we could get of this.
I think RDR is trying to kill himself hes the busiest dude and PAX hasn't even started.
A central spot is good, though needs to be a spot that will not cause issues.
haha, ya I am crazy. But I'm not volunteering to handle the shark. I can try and help organize events for the shark to attend. I wouldn't mind maintaining the shark during the Pre-PAX Dinner and the Pokecrawl, for example. But actually walking around PAX asking people to jump the shark isn't for me.
We got that covered should the need for a centralized location arises
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I'm not nearly responsible enough to take the shark for the entire trip, but I'd be willing to volunteer a couple hours a day to either babysit at a set location or walk around panhandling.
A blog or at least some place to dump the massive amount of photos would probably be welcome and get more people interested. Maybe even pick the 12 best and make a Calendar with profits to go to Child's Play as well.
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what with all the sexy computers.
No...we won't. you have to bring exact pennies...rolled up with one penny missing from each roll, but the total must still equal a whole dollar.
Barring a ton of people paying with $20's in the first few goes, we'll have change.
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Also, the Flickr group has been open for public join if you would like to.
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I AM going to the Mega64 Panel, and would be willing to bring it and ask them to jump/sign it, depending on what is wanted.
Also, I'm bringing a fairly high end (consumer) camcorder, so I can record some footage of the jumps.
PM kaoticrequiem to see if you guys can meet up. He's kind of been the guy who is leading the East charge.
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Again, we would love to have that footage. Upload it to Youtube and we'll be able to d/l and include it on the PAX East Community DVD.
The shark is in place, the handlers are ready, all we need is you guys to start jumping!
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Fuck yes.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
I'll be looking for the shark.
Details are sketchy (since kaoticrequiem doesn't watch g4) but I think it was sessler and the shark got TV time!
I just realized...we need a name for the shark
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It was a pleasure to see you all today. I expect more of you tomorrow! Please follow SharkJump4CP to find out where I'm going. I could use some help getting the shark out there at around 5 or so, since I'm going to be selling stuff for Paul and Storm, so if you're interested in getting the shark out there, lemme know!
Highlights of this batch, a wild Willeth and LewieP, and a headless Enforcer appeared
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PAX East 2015: -Pass [X] -Hotel [X] -Time off[X]
twitter: acumen101 | fb:
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We're glad you liked it!
As a total jumping donation, we raised $115 for Child's Play. A modest donation perhaps, especially compared to the Cookie Brigade's, but I'm proud of everyone who jumped and gave (or gave and didn't jump!) and would like to thank you all. It was a lot of fun, and should be even better once refined come Prime.
Thanks again!
Red B/Gold Professor
[15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
I saw you a couple times in the lobby of the Sheraton, but it's hard for me to jump the shark in my chair (without a ramp) and I was on my way to the convention hall to get on Cookie Brigade duty! (In retrospect, I should have been working the Sheraton lobby, as well! Ah well, just one more thing I'll do better next year.)