If the DS can have its own thread, so can the PSP! I primarily play single player games on my PSP. So I'm not sure what is often played multiplayer standing around at PAX. I'm looking to pick up a couple games before heading to Boston. Any suggestions?
I don't like PvP (at all) so can't help you much there. I know that a few of us have Dissidia, which has pretty good head to head battling. If you're an FF fan you should get that regardless.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Phantasy Star Portable
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
DaNerd on
Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Phantasy Star Portable
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
I believe I see a pattern here. I'll be sure to bring my PSP and 3 copies of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
I guess I forgot a copy, since it's 4 person co-op.
DaNerd on
Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
OnmitsuI'm just a birdieCa-caw, ca-caw!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
I'm pretty sure the answer is...
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Or something like that. I might also bring Lumines, Warhammer 40k Squad Command, and FF Tactics, though I expect monster hunter to be the most common psp game by far. Anyone up for pwning a Lao Shan?
If by Lao Shan you mean Fatalis, then yes! Lao fights are so long and boring.
DaNerd on
Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
OnmitsuI'm just a birdieCa-caw, ca-caw!Registered Userregular
edited February 2010
Alright, sounds good. I personally mentioned lao shan because I figure 4 badass hunters pounding on it should actually kill the bastard with due speed. Maybe. Time I busted out the game and started training again.
Can we switch this to "misc" like the DS thread was? Cause I won't be at PAX until Prime, but I'll be bringing Dissidia and Lumines at the very least, not sure what else; have to go through and see what I have is multi-player.
So i've sensed a theme here. Looks like I should pick up MHFU before PAX. Anyone a fan of Puzzle Quest? Any other suggestions? Or is the PSP not worth it at the con?
Oh, and if someone can tell me how, I'll change the category to "Misc" and add the "X" on PAX
I think that it's totally worth it to bring the PSP, I just think the trend will be towards more modern games. ( Like MHFU ) Puzzle Quest just isn't in a lot of people's minds any more. ( especially since it was so glitchy in the beginning, it put a few people off )
Gaus on
Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
I picked up Blazblue today. Haven't even played the portable one, so I need to get my skills up very quickly.
Also was planning on bringing Gran Turismo, Lumines I & II, and if someone actually has a random copy kicking around NHL 07, which is by far the best portable hockey game since NHL 2002 (which was basically NHL 94 on the GBA)
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I got FF tactics but I haven't really played it... do you know if it's just random generic units or leveled ones?
ninja_blade on
karate here. [taps his head] Karate here. [taps his heart] Karate never here. [points to his belt] Understand?
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I got FF tactics but I haven't really played it... do you know if it's just random generic units or leveled ones?
Oh man, that's one of the downfalls of the game. In PvP or Co-op it doesn't scale up or down your characters... meaning that if you play someone substantially higher level than you its impossible, and even if you're doing co-op the monsters are rated based on the highest level character... meaning it would be horribly hard... even if not for PAX, you really should play it though, it's an amazing version of an already awesome game.
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I got FF tactics but I haven't really played it... do you know if it's just random generic units or leveled ones?
Oh man, that's one of the downfalls of the game. In PvP or Co-op it doesn't scale up or down your characters... meaning that if you play someone substantially higher level than you its impossible, and even if you're doing co-op the monsters are rated based on the highest level character... meaning it would be horribly hard... even if not for PAX, you really should play it though, it's an amazing version of an already awesome game.
I've passed the PS1 version, it is good, but my PSP is what I do when there's nothing else. I love my psp don't get me wrong, but God of War 3 is out...not to mention the time killer (final fantasy 13)
ninja_blade on
karate here. [taps his head] Karate here. [taps his heart] Karate never here. [points to his belt] Understand?
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I got FF tactics but I haven't really played it... do you know if it's just random generic units or leveled ones?
Oh man, that's one of the downfalls of the game. In PvP or Co-op it doesn't scale up or down your characters... meaning that if you play someone substantially higher level than you its impossible, and even if you're doing co-op the monsters are rated based on the highest level character... meaning it would be horribly hard... even if not for PAX, you really should play it though, it's an amazing version of an already awesome game.
I've passed the PS1 version, it is good, but my PSP is what I do when there's nothing else. I love my psp don't get me wrong, but God of War 3 is out...not to mention the time killer (final fantasy 13)
PSP is for playing at work... I was at a customer service job when I picked up my copy of Tactics for PSP, so it took me about a week or two of playing at work to get a solid play through, complete with sidequests, etc. I love the PSP for the re-releases of games I used to love (looking at you Dracula X Chronicles/Symphony of the Night specifically).
I really hope I can bump into someone to play a matchup of FF Tactics... I'm one of the only people in my circle of friends with a PSP and have never had a chance to try PvP Tactics... meaning I'd probably get my ass kicked, but it would still be fun to see what its like.
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
I think everyone is going to be meeting up in the handheld lounge. ( you probably can't miss it since it's the loonng hallway with the windows looking out onto the street. )
Also wanted to say that I just picked up Eye of Judgment portable and hope to see some people to battle.
Gaus on
Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
I didn't think about Street Fighter Alpha. I'll be picking it up this weekend.
So, is it mainly we'll link up in the handheld gaming lounge? I was thinking that it would just be a matter of seeing *someone* broadcasting a game at any point during the convention.
Not sure how many of you have played it but Resistance: Retribution is down to 20$ here in Canada (assuming it might be even cheaper in the USA)... its pretty fun (very Goldeneye/Perfect Dark actually) and has a couple multiplayer modes... anyone bringing theirs?
That's the great part about PSP games... I can bring my whole Library and take up almost no space in my bag...
Okay, so I got Sreet Fighter Alpha and am finding the smaller D-Pad to be a complete bear to pull off some characteras supers (Vega, Guile, etc.).
I've not given the BlazBlue series a whole lot of time. Would I be better to give that a try? Does BlazBlue's special/ultra/whatever moves translate to the PSP d-pad better?
That's not entirely fair to BlazBlue... I played tons of GG on the PS2... and found that BB is about 78% more approachable for newbies... they take the overall feel of GG and tweak it a little bit for BB making it much easier for someone to get into, but still having that high level of skill to actually master it (and even then, I would argue that mastering all the characters would be almost impossible, I've had the game for about a year and play on a regular basis and can only really say I'm "good" with Noel and Arakune).
But I also have never played either on PSP, I tend to grip the PS controller 'arcade style' and also have a tournie stick for play at home, these tendencies and preferences wouldn't transfer over too well on the PSP I think... but that's just me.
PSP Games I will have in my bag:
Resistance Retribution
Lumines II
Does Crisis Core have a multiplayer element? I seem to remember there was a trade thing or something.
Monster Hunter Freedom (haven't started 2, don't own Unite)
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (because someone mentioned it)
Do you have a high level game at FFT? I only have an endgame (pre Helm's Deep mind you, but still very high level, Dark Knights, Dancers, etc) save and would love someone to be around that level to play with or against...
I was thinking Tekken? Wireless Tekken on PSP is pretty sweet. Wait, 6 is out. Nevermind. I only have 5 on PSP. Hmmmm. I'm bringing it and FFT and Lumines. @REMGS on Twitter if you're down.
Man... I only have Lumines II... please tell me some of you guys have it... I've seen most of you post Lumines... but never the "II" part... such a good game... I was asked a question by a friend of mine with less-than-legal PSP (mine is not modded so no worries there)... do hacked versions of games work multiplayer with legal systems? If nobody knows we'll find out pretty quickly at PAX, but until then he nor I are sure.
Man... I only have Lumines II... please tell me some of you guys have it... I've seen most of you post Lumines... but never the "II" part... such a good game... I was asked a question by a friend of mine with less-than-legal PSP (mine is not modded so no worries there)... do hacked versions of games work multiplayer with legal systems? If nobody knows we'll find out pretty quickly at PAX, but until then he nor I are sure.
So games do and some don't. Most do though.
Gaus on
Professional assassination. It's the highest form of public service. - Chiun
Phantasy Star Portable
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
I believe I see a pattern here. I'll be sure to bring my PSP and 3 copies of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Or something like that. I might also bring Lumines, Warhammer 40k Squad Command, and FF Tactics, though I expect monster hunter to be the most common psp game by far. Anyone up for pwning a Lao Shan?
Also - Did anyone mention Monster Hunter Freedom Unite yet?
Oh, and if someone can tell me how, I'll change the category to "Misc" and add the "X" on PAX
does anyone have street fighter, or Star wars battlefront?
Also was planning on bringing Gran Turismo, Lumines I & II, and if someone actually has a random copy kicking around NHL 07, which is by far the best portable hockey game since NHL 2002 (which was basically NHL 94 on the GBA)
And I would think Lumines II over Lumines, if I recall correctly there's a few extra game modes in II... but I could be wrong.
Is there a meetup or something for PSP gaming, or are we just crossing our fingers and hoping we're next to eachother in line (best way to pass time in line!).
PAX East Unboxing Parody
I got FF tactics but I haven't really played it... do you know if it's just random generic units or leveled ones?
Oh man, that's one of the downfalls of the game. In PvP or Co-op it doesn't scale up or down your characters... meaning that if you play someone substantially higher level than you its impossible, and even if you're doing co-op the monsters are rated based on the highest level character... meaning it would be horribly hard... even if not for PAX, you really should play it though, it's an amazing version of an already awesome game.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
I've passed the PS1 version, it is good, but my PSP is what I do when there's nothing else. I love my psp don't get me wrong, but God of War 3 is out...not to mention the time killer (final fantasy 13)
PSP is for playing at work... I was at a customer service job when I picked up my copy of Tactics for PSP, so it took me about a week or two of playing at work to get a solid play through, complete with sidequests, etc. I love the PSP for the re-releases of games I used to love (looking at you Dracula X Chronicles/Symphony of the Night specifically).
PAX East Unboxing Parody
I think everyone is going to be meeting up in the handheld lounge. ( you probably can't miss it since it's the loonng hallway with the windows looking out onto the street. )
Also wanted to say that I just picked up Eye of Judgment portable and hope to see some people to battle.
So, is it mainly we'll link up in the handheld gaming lounge? I was thinking that it would just be a matter of seeing *someone* broadcasting a game at any point during the convention.
That's the great part about PSP games... I can bring my whole Library and take up almost no space in my bag...
PAX East Unboxing Parody
I've not given the BlazBlue series a whole lot of time. Would I be better to give that a try? Does BlazBlue's special/ultra/whatever moves translate to the PSP d-pad better?
But I also have never played either on PSP, I tend to grip the PS controller 'arcade style' and also have a tournie stick for play at home, these tendencies and preferences wouldn't transfer over too well on the PSP I think... but that's just me.
PSP Games I will have in my bag:
Resistance Retribution
Lumines II
Does Crisis Core have a multiplayer element? I seem to remember there was a trade thing or something.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
It's my favorite fighter on the PSP.
Monster Hunter Freedom (haven't started 2, don't own Unite)
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (because someone mentioned it)
Do you have a high level game at FFT? I only have an endgame (pre Helm's Deep mind you, but still very high level, Dark Knights, Dancers, etc) save and would love someone to be around that level to play with or against...
PAX East Unboxing Parody
PAX East Unboxing Parody
Currently playing: MvC3
Other games: SSF4, Smash Bros Brawl, Pokemon HG, Magicka
So games do and some don't. Most do though.