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Aumni Art.

AumniAumni Registered User regular
edited November 2010 in Artist's Corner
Hi all. I'm going to be putting up a lot of art soon since I'm going back to school to finish my art degree for art.

I've decided that instead of being incredibly picky about my work and always trashing it after I'm finished I would start archiving everything I've done, good and bad online. And since I've tricked Iruka into letting me into the DA group I feel like I'm obligated to actually post some art here. I would appreciate crits as I'm always looking to get better at arting.

So, art:

2/14/10 : Done over the course of 6 hours. Learned a lot about brushes/masks and shortcuts for workflow in photoshop.

2/15/10 : Done in about 30 minutes while waiting for a friend to pick me up. Restricted myself to hard round brush.
sketch21510.jpg Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
Aumni on


  • earthwormadamearthwormadam ancient crust Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I'm not the resident proportion expert around here (senior cake) by any means, but I can tell that the PS brushy thing is not adding anything positive to the first image. In my opinion there's only one brush worse than that fake grassy brush, and it's that fake leafy brush. If you want to achieve something similar take the time and effort to do it without shortcuts! Besides that it looks okay despite coming off pretty flat.

    The second one I really can't offer much advice on besides I don't think building your character without the surrounding environment is a good way to go about doing it. Build them both up simultaneously so that they seem like they have some sort of relationship with each other.

    earthwormadam on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Thanks for the advice :)

    Definitely agree with you on the photoshop brush thing, but it was fun to play around with.

    And I will need to build environments with my color studies because it definitely seems like it would help from the lighting aspect alone.

    I'm glad to be producing art again and should have some more work by the end of this week. :)

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Keep this thread alive with some sketchbook...stuff. Hopefully I'll have something more impressive this weekend. With color.


    Edit: Huh, looking at these online I notice that I draw my chins slightly jutted out on 3/4ths....gotta fix that.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • nakirushnakirush Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Isn't it weird how all these things jump out at you as soon as you post? It happens to me all the time.

    If you want some good insight into drawing heads, check out Riven Pheonix's stuff. It's amazing how anatomy begins to make sense when he explains it.

    nakirush on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I've been working on a lot of practice stuff since my last update all, I figure I'll throw these color studies up because this page needs some color. I'll hope to apply what I've learned from these color studies on some more finished products. I've learned a tremendous amount of stuff about coloring since my first masterpiece in the first post.

    Color studies! Done about 30-45 minutes each.



    This spring break week I will be doing a lot of color/figure studies, so i hopefully will have a few more updates.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • StrokerXStrokerX Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Ilike the studies on the pad. keep it up!

    StrokerX on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited June 2010

    Acrylic on Canvas.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Update on the drawing I posted in doodles.

    Starting to come together.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Roughly took me 30 hours. Learned a lot. Will be much quicker next time. Feedback definitely welcome.

    [Updated image 3 posts down]

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • SabSab Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I like where you're going with it. My only problem is that since the central figure is so important you might want to go back, get some reference, and really put a lot of work into the face. Right now it looks very plastic, it's rendered too much like everything that surrounds it. The rendering on her bone hand is excellent, the color really works with the BG colors, maybe use a slightly more flesh toned version of that color for her face and make her have a bit of an alabaster look. The real key is reference though. Her expression isn't bad but it could be better.

    Other than that maybe think about knocking down the saturation of all those yellows, saving it for key spots, but leave the value and level of detail where it's at. You really don't want all those super saturated yellows drawing the viewers eye away from the figure, especially the "lights" in the corner. Those lead the eye right off the page.

    Sab on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Thank you for the feedback. I knew the color was dense but I couldn't place where I needed to pull it back. I will go back in and work on the face too, I really want to make this piece work!

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Ok, tweaked saturation and detailed face more.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • SabSab Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    You could keep working forever on this, so at some point it's up to you when to call it quits, but it has certainly improved.

    If you wanted to keep working on this, some suggestions:
    Detail the hair a bit more. Right now it's a little out of perspective and more of a yellow mass. Look at lit hair, there's usually pretty definitive areas of highlight and shadow.

    See that ball of yellow to the left of her? I suggest making it the same orange as can be found below her.

    Again, these are all suggestions to do with as you would. I would at least try taking out those lights shining down on her in the background. As a viewer we don't necessarily need to see the source light so long as the object that is being lit is defined clearly enough.

    I say these things specifically because she is the focus and there's really no point in filling the image with things that are not directly related to her (like the egg thing.)

    Try cropping the image a bit more on the sides, don't be afraid to cut off part of the hand (so long as it's not cut at a knuckle, wrist, or some other joint you should be good) and a more vertical piece will make it seem more intense.

    I really like the slimy shiny rendering at the bottom.

    I know I'm giving a lot of suggestions, I hope you don't feel like I'm trying to make it into my art or w.e. In the end it's up to you so don't feel pressured to do all this stuff.

    One more thing, heh, why not have some rim light showing off a sexy (or monstrous) leg? Also, with her shoulders held up like that, she looks a little thick around the middle. It might be a design thing you're going for, I don't know, but if someone shoulders are lifted like that I would expect to see a little more definition around the ribs.

    I like the colors, it has a very putridly horrifying kind of feel without getting too gross.

    Sab on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Wow Sab, I really appreciate the time you've taken to analyze this piece.

    I think I will stop at this juncture though because like you said I could go at it for so much longer. The problem with this picture was that it was just a doodle that I kept piling detail on with no real direction at first which definitely added a lot of uncessary time, and muddled the end result a bit - which led to a lot of retweaking.

    So the next piece I think will be approached in a more logical method.

    But thank you so much, I will definitely consider some of these things going forward!

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I really love the slimy pod on this, but the girl lets it down, there's a few large anatomical flaws with the head placement, stomach and hips. Also it looks like there is a breast sitting beneath her elbow when it should be completely hidden from view.

    The pod though is fucking superb, you did a great job on it. To be honest I'd wipe the girl and try again, she's just too far gone to fix.

    Mustang on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Thanks Mustang!

    I didn't think he girl's anatomy was TOO far off, looking at it now maybe her right(our left) shoulder is a bit high and the torso a bit long. I used this for the pose reference:
    (may have to turn it until she's looking directly at the camera.)

    So now I'm going to fix that stuff

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • earthwormadamearthwormadam ancient crust Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Cool colors as the others have said! Also the girl looks cool until you look down past the boobage. The way the ass juts out is just impossible and she has no middle.

    Also all the bad scifi movies I've watched has taught me that little goo strands droop a little when being pulled apart like that. Even though they're little stands they still have weight and get pulled downward as something opens up such as this.

    earthwormadam on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Cool colors as the others have said! Also the girl looks cool until you look down past the boobage. The way the ass juts out is just impossible and she has no middle.

    Also all the bad scifi movies I've watched has taught me that little goo strands droop a little when being pulled apart like that. Even though they're little stands they still have weight and get pulled downward as something opens up such as this.

    Noted! I've been touching up her anatomy and I'll redo the slime.

    Thanks guys :)

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Ok so I tried working on her anatomy - I roughed in her legs and where her tummy muscles should be, lowered her right shoulder be several inches and the finger on her hand - does this still look really off to you guys?


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • SabSab Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Since I have some free time :P


    Sab on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Sab thank you for the draw over. I worked on the anatomy some more and I think she's pretty decent, gonna start rendering details unless someone yells "OMG SHE HAS NO X". I also clipped a little bit off the main image and it works better. Been spending WAAAY too much time with this and I need to get something else out.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Baby, very early doodle, version of the next thing I'm working on. Playing with the Rule of 3s


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Bah, posted this in the sketch thread but it should be here.


    Redid the head and have begun the helmet, still early though:


    Thanks for your eyes.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Some updates. Been practicing a lot of techniques to hopefully make nice topology. Going to work on the boots/helmet tomorrow.



    Original Sketch for laughs.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Legs are too big.


    Mustang on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, AoB caught that on my turn around sketch. I overcompensated with her boots/baggy pants and then carried it over to later stages. Thankfully, I hope, the model doesn't suffer as badly. Thanks for the eyes mustang - and I need proportions beat over my head so please if you see anything else lemme know as I apparently have horrible eyes for it.

    EDIT -Actually when you crop the image like that it looks like everything is out of whack. Sheesh. I've been doing a buncha gestures from Posemanics and going through Hogarths stuff to fix this problem. If I get less lazy I'll take some pictures and upload those.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Do you do a structural underlay before committing to the visible part of the figure?
    I tended to find that helped me with proportions quite a bit. Cake did an awesome video on figure structure a while back, I'll try to dig up the link.

    EDIT: Ehh maybe not, I thought it was in here, but it's still got some good reading and advices in there anyway.

    Mustang on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Mustang wrote: »
    Do you do a structural underlay before committing to the visible part of the figure?
    I tended to find that helped me with proportions quite a bit. Cake did an awesome video on figure structure a while back, I'll try to dig up the link.

    EDIT: Ehh maybe not, I thought it was in here, but it's still got some good reading and advices in there anyway.

    I generally do the underlay of the torso/head and then commit, which explains a lot. Putting in the long legs cascades down and creates lots of inconsistencies elsewhere. Legs are people too! And thanks for the link!

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010


    Edit: Ignore the helmet, it's still ugly.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Aaaaand I'm outta time for modeling - gonna start texturing and rigging and stuff. Fun times.

    Learned a lot and my next model won't be so ugly!


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    UV Maps Done - Competition is due the 31st so I gotta texture and rig this thing quickly! Learned so much through this process so far including the fact I really enjoy modeling!


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Thank god the deadline was extended. So I took the time to learn rigging properly. I also spent an entire day rendering and baking different maps to see how that whole process works. The right view you can see the Ambient Occlusion baked on. Left shows all the rigging and controls I created.

    I also ended up talking with one of the guys in the contest who has been doing 3d for a while - he pointed me to some great free programs [Sculptris, Xnormals] to help bring my models to the next level. So next model will be even more fun.

    I should have this done by Friday. I hope.


    Learning is fun!

    On the 2d front I'm doing a lot of gesture studies. When this model is done I'll be working back on color/light theory to make a badass dragon for the contest!

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited September 2010

    Some blacks popping where they shouldn't be. I'll fix that in photoshop on the AO maps.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Update on 4 horsemen. Feedback needed/wanted!


    3 and 4 need a lot of work tomorrow. Hopefully I can get it done.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • Arden CaneloArden Canelo Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    I would make the scythe look more scythe like. Curve the handle and add those two grips to it that a harveste....... wait a grim reaper's scythe don't look that way. I would still make it a little more interesting looking if you could as well as the other icons. They look a bit too simple right now. I like death veil lady the most still.

    Arden Canelo on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Yeah I definitely need to spruce up the icons a bit, War's sword especially. Thanks for the eyes.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Ran out of time so War and Conquest are a little blah.

    Booh! Learned a lot and will continue to improve! Crits and feedback definitely welcomed.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • Arden CaneloArden Canelo Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Don't make the BG black for the first symbol, its floating. The third symbol touches the border of the black circle = not good. Still doin good.

    Arden Canelo on
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Well. It's been a while but I started sketching again to get back into art as a hobby. Just building up some basics - I have a bunch of art supplies hanging around so I might start working with oils or color pencils or something. Got a lot of things to work on - hair, hips/legs/feet/hands...and color...perspective...environments...and more.

    So a couple doodles from the last few days


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited June 2018
    Playing with color more.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
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