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Aumni Art.



  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2018
    Had some fun arting today. Did some quick sketching for warm up then some tonal practice with creating space.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • barcsbarcs ireland Registered User regular
    those tonal pieces are fantastic!

  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited May 2019
    WIP. Drawing a coworker's DND character.
    I put this in the doodle thread but probably should be here:

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited May 2019
    Update on the DND character. Tried to work out a few different textures, do some dramatic lighting, and more playing with colors. Need to finish horns/hair/table stuff.

    Also I need to improve the heck out of my process. Got to do better in the planning stages before I re-render the same thing 50 times after redraws.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Gonna call this done for now. Learned a lot! Going to watch some tutorials on processes and work on mine a bit. Thanks for stopping in!
    vZjEcYAm.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Some morning warmups with a palette.

    QcRR0qhh.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited June 2019
    Played around in Aseprite this weekend to get a feel for working at the pixel's tough! But it's a cool way to learn how to distill information down in a picture.


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Trying to get a full figure going on this WIP for a friend's DND character. Feet are a weakness, going to learn a lot from this one:

    1vDmZBO.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2019
    More faces. Will post all of them together when I hit 50!


    Gotta stay in the mid values more on those brighter pictures. Going to spend a lot of time on color me thinks.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited July 2019
    All the faces. Exercise done!


    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    A doodle of a zombie sewing and a few fashion 'gestures'. Need moar practice!

    hHif8HZl.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Tried to do some anime. Messed up her leg I think but otherwise I like how it turned out:


    Also started doing a yokai a day:

    sVVZg6kl.jpg Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Did some armor studies today
    Doodled Kitsune
    J2700aGl.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Cat and dog studies.

    lwuxkiCl.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    8hHUEfDl.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    edited August 2019
    Last two days I've been in a huge rut. I don't like how my stuff looks. I've been doing studies and playing with different brushes and taking the time to just LOOK at art. Hopefully later this week I'll have a few other more interesting pieces, but for now a quick dump of some of the things I've been working on.

    Something built out of a doodle

    Some hand studies


    DND characters



    Will be doing some art parent studies next week. This week I've been kinda unable to really produce as I want to.

    Aumni on Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    More nonsense
    wwD6gyxl.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    rvn23y9l.png Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    You are tackling some pretty intense angles and compositions, but I wonder if a little time on lighting and materials in a more focused way would make it easier for you to unify everything. Your studies are starting to feel like they are pushing you in the right direction.

    The armor/knights are nice, and I feel like they show a slightly higher level of edge control since you were trying to figure out hard surfaces. You also ditched the black outline with a little more confidence. I think if you spend the time on light and materials for a sec, you'll perhaps have more control and feel more pleased with how your painting process is coming along.

    Overall, I feel like you have a knack for poses and as you tackle anatomy and general studies, you're going to have a ton of fun pushing your limits. It wont take much to get a little material studying under your belt and refine your rendering process a bit.

  • AumniAumni Registered User regular
    Thanks Iruka, that's a huge help! I've been doing some hair studies and it definitely is pushing me to work on lighting more.

    Edge work has been my most frustrating struggle recently and I've been blaming it on brushes a lot, but I think lighting and material work will be a good solution.

    I've been battling with my thoughts on how to handle line work for a while as well - should it be loose and covered with a kinda impressionist painterly deal? Or would slowing down and producing very clean lines be more beneficial for me? I think once I can stabilize on an approach it will boost edgework, and give me space to do some solid detailing.

    Thanks again Iruka! Battlenet: Aumni#1978 GW2: Aumni.1425 PSN: Aumnius
  • IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    No problem! Brushes can be half the battle, but I wouldn't underestimate just restricting your self to a basic hard and a basic soft round brush. You can truly get a lot done with very little. Refining rendering can be a very fiddly process though, you have to be patient enough to go through and clean things up.

    Some artists do it really efficiently by masking off their hard edges with selections, it might be worth sitting down and watching some process videos from artist you admire, if you can find any.

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