Check your accounts and play some video games.
EDIT: List of Names for the Facilitation of the Video-Game-Playing-Ness (people in the beta)
Smart Hero = SmartHero.seplusplus
TheStig = perenold.czar
Brodo Faggins = GIChoe.gichoe
No Great Name = NoGreatName.ballin
XenoZergie = Xenozergie.tirmcdohl
KrunkMcGrunk = Kancho.terrible
Tossrock = Tossrock.ironarc
Inquisitor = Flea.Pious
RedTide = RedTide.hooknladder
BahamutZero =
Wombat! = WombatPA.tabmow
Vivixenne = Vivixenne.vivixenne
LordDave = Monty.jenkins
Here now is the list of people across the pond also playing this video game in foreign languages, such as British English and/or Sweedishese.
Bongi = bonngi.bonngitrs
Wimble = zax.zax
Okay so we've got a contest running for 2 spots in the Beta.
"Where were YOU when the Zerg Rush hit?"
Take that concept and do something hilarious or fun with it. Whatever 2 submissions impress or amuse me the most will take the two keys I have to give.
Work for it people!
EDIT III: Multiple entires allowed, but you can only win ONE of the keys.
I have great memories of playing Diablo 2 the summer it came out, and Warcraft 3 the summer that it came out.
You're adorable.
scuse me while I
I guess I was already opted-in but didn't get in.
Well that may not be true. However, I am extremely jealous and hope that they haven't sent out all they're going to yet.
See you on the intertronz! =D
Will murder anyone for that juicy e-mail to come sooner
I should probably fix that before it expires in like, 12 days.
Also, I really hope this doesn't come out till Q4. I would feel terrible about missing all the release craziness because I was in Iraq.
You say this about every beta.
This is basically your trademarked catchphrase.
You are a hated man, Roboface.
will be all over this once I get a chance
goddammit I can't remember my login details
I usually overplay betas and then I am tired of them by the time the game comes out. Like TBC, I played that for a while and then was like whelp, this isn't even coming out for another fucking year
add me ingame NoGreatName.ballin
I have now updated it with a terabyte of free space lolol