we're playing a matinee show while PAX East is in town!
saturday, march 27 - boston, at cafe 939, 939 boylston street. (right across the street from PAX!) with vintage VJ/DJ delights, courtesy of videodrome! doors at 4 pm. $10, all ages! and it's a pretty small venue, so you might wanna think about getting advance tickets. (also, not an official PAX event, meaning, a. you don't need a PAX badge to get in, and b. you can't use a PAX badge to get in.)
I'm sure many of you would like to know about this!
EDIT: Seems like they don't allow photography or filming, so I guess we won't be. Still gonna be a fun show though!
i wish they were playing at pax itself, now I gotta make sure I wont miss any panels if I go to this.
krztov on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited March 2010
Yeah I'm hoping they don't start playing right away or some other band comes up first so I can head over after the Red vs Blue panel without missing anything. I'm at least thankful they're doing it earlier in the day before the PAX concerts.
Man, how is this not an official PAX thing? Freezepop has played PAX before. Freezepop is _from_ Boston... this boggles my mind... but yes... I will be getting tickets... oh yes...
a lil' backstory for everyone who was like "OMG they're not at PAX, whaaaat?": the PAX folks juggle their lineup and rotate out bands every few years, and it's our turn to sit this one out.
Smells fishy... like I'm hoping they're on good terms and whatnot... Frontalot has played _every_ PAX... and Freezepop > Frontalot I think (not to say I don't like Frontalot, I just dig on Freezepop more).
I don't count myself as a Frontalot fan myself, but PA harbors a Frontalot affinity. I'd be surprised if he didn't find himself in the band lineup at any given PAX.
I don't count myself as a Frontalot fan myself, but PA harbors a Frontalot affinity. I'd be surprised if he didn't find himself in the band lineup at any given PAX.
When someone writes a song for your website, you're gonna want him around.
I too am not a huge fan of Frontalot, but I like him ok. But it would just seem weird for there to be a PAX without him.
Like I said though, surprised they didn't book Freezepop to appease the hometown fans. If they had a PAX in my city and there was a band from my city with international video game cred (RockBand, GH, Frequency) and PAX cred... I'd be a little bummed if they weren't playing a show.
Because those of us in Boston can see Freezepop without it being PAX weekend. They play shows in Boston throughout the year.
I don't think its a big deal of they play at PAX or not. I think they don't have as strong ties to PA as Frontalot does so they made way for new bands that have never played at PAX before.
Kudos to Freezepop for putting a show on right across the street though for so cheap.
I guess so. One way or the other, I'm pumped to have a chance to see them live. Before the schedule was announced I thought they were a lock, then they weren't there and I was like "crap", then they announced the show and I was like "word".
Had them ship my tickets by USPS, hopping they get here in time!*
*They most likely will, but still...
Yeah I did "pick up at ticketmaster retailer" not realizing that did not mean any ticketmaster retailer. Closest place to me I can pick my tickets up is about 300 miles away. So will go out and pick them up as soon as I land in Boston Thursday morning.
When someone writes a song for your website, you're gonna want him around.
Frontalot wrote Don't Stop Believin'?! I didn't know Neal Schon had a new stage name...
Getting back on topic, Coldbrew says he messaged Freezepop about what time they were going to actually start performing. They say around 4:30 or so, so for those of you with tight schedules, this is the latest you should show up.
You know what? I read that, but the Ticketmaster listing is "Freezepop and special guests" but I guess VJs and stuff count as guests! I think I'll duck out of the CollegeHumour panel around 4:20 and make my way across the street.
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited March 2010
Yeah that was the answer to the question I had asked them. I was curious about the "other guests" as well, but they said it's just them. I just hope they don't close the doors at any point after the show starts.
we're playing a matinee show while PAX East is in town!
saturday, march 27 - boston, at cafe 939, 939 boylston street. (right across the street from PAX!) with vintage VJ/DJ delights, courtesy of videodrome! doors at 4 pm. $10, all ages! and it's a pretty small venue, so you might wanna think about getting advance tickets. (also, not an official PAX event, meaning, a. you don't need a PAX badge to get in, and b. you can't use a PAX badge to get in.)
I'm sure many of you would like to know about this!
EDIT: Seems like they don't allow photography or filming, so I guess we won't be. Still gonna be a fun show though!
where did you see about photography? bringing my rebel to pax for photos, wouldnt want to have to bring it home just for this.
krztov on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
Q: What is acceptable behavior for attending a show at Cafe 939?
A: We ask for a few basic courtesies. Please silence your mobile device or anything on your person that may unexpectedly make noise. Photography and audio or video recording are prohibited. While we encourage patrons to visit our neighbors at the Cactus Club for dinner and drinks, please be advised that intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the venue. We ask that patrons be mindful of their language and conduct, as young music lovers are present.
Q: What is acceptable behavior for attending a show at Cafe 939?
A: We ask for a few basic courtesies. Please silence your mobile device or anything on your person that may unexpectedly make noise. Photography and audio or video recording are prohibited. While we encourage patrons to visit our neighbors at the Cactus Club for dinner and drinks, please be advised that intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the venue. We ask that patrons be mindful of their language and conduct, as young music lovers are present.
ah, i missed that somehow. will call the venue tomorrow, maybe theyll allow camera as long as i dont take photos, my wife really wants to go to the show as well.
krztov on
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
edited March 2010
Yeah we really wanted to film it, but oh well. They will probably be at PAX Prime later this year anyway.
I bought tickets on ticketmaster the day they went on sale. However now I'm worried that the tickets won't make it to my house in time before I leave up to Boston since ticketmaster said they were shipped out 2 days ago.
That reminds me to take a note of the place's number so I can call it to find out when box office is open.. you also might be able to pick them up on the Friday or something too...
As their site says, it's a small venue. If you want in on this, get your tickets asap!
Stupid ticket master wouldn't take my credit card for like 3 trys. -,-
Got my ticket. Can't wait
PAX East Unboxing Parody
a lil' backstory for everyone who was like "OMG they're not at PAX, whaaaat?": the PAX folks juggle their lineup and rotate out bands every few years, and it's our turn to sit this one out.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
When someone writes a song for your website, you're gonna want him around.
I too am not a huge fan of Frontalot, but I like him ok. But it would just seem weird for there to be a PAX without him.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
I don't think its a big deal of they play at PAX or not. I think they don't have as strong ties to PA as Frontalot does so they made way for new bands that have never played at PAX before.
Kudos to Freezepop for putting a show on right across the street though for so cheap.
Tickets purchased!!
PAX East Unboxing Parody
*They most likely will, but still...
Yeah I did "pick up at ticketmaster retailer" not realizing that did not mean any ticketmaster retailer. Closest place to me I can pick my tickets up is about 300 miles away. So will go out and pick them up as soon as I land in Boston Thursday morning.
Frontalot wrote Don't Stop Believin'?! I didn't know Neal Schon had a new stage name...
Getting back on topic, Coldbrew says he messaged Freezepop about what time they were going to actually start performing. They say around 4:30 or so, so for those of you with tight schedules, this is the latest you should show up.
PAX East Unboxing Parody
PAX East Unboxing Parody
where did you see about photography? bringing my rebel to pax for photos, wouldnt want to have to bring it home just for this.
Link to the FAQ page
Quoting where it mentions photography:
ah, i missed that somehow. will call the venue tomorrow, maybe theyll allow camera as long as i dont take photos, my wife really wants to go to the show as well.
PAX East Unboxing Parody