I would like to make you aware that I am Jacob Wilson, and I have photo ID to prove it. The reason I got called over was that my father required some "assistance" with registration. Seriously send me an email if you need further proof.
I would like to make you aware that I am Jacob Wilson, and I have photo ID to prove it. The reason I got called over was that my father required some "assistance" with registration. Seriously send me an email if you need further proof.
nuh uh. You are trying to fool us. Your location says NS, when we all know that the real Jacob Wilson lives in the shadow of the statue.
Which is weird, I know, because I'm a chick, but here's the thing: my parents hated me.
Themiscyra on
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Just kidding. I'm a high priest of the Jacobian faith. He will come back to us on the third day of waiting in line to forgive us of our sins and cure our aching asses from that tough as hell concrete!!!
GoblinBard on
klokateer9047A.K.A Captain Freezeezy Long island,NYRegistered Userregular
edited March 2010
I think jacob wilson should either make his way into a PA strip or be a mascot for pax east only.
One of the funniest things I've seen on that messyboard text thing while waiting in line for the concert (Friday night).
In our hearts.
nuh uh. You are trying to fool us. Your location says NS, when we all know that the real Jacob Wilson lives in the shadow of the statue.
Which is weird, I know, because I'm a chick, but here's the thing: my parents hated me.
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
PAX East Unboxing Parody
Xbox live:Wonderboy9047
@Astonishingmike on twitter
Just kidding. I'm a high priest of the Jacobian faith. He will come back to us on the third day of waiting in line to forgive us of our sins and cure our aching asses from that tough as hell concrete!!!
Xbox live:Wonderboy9047
@Astonishingmike on twitter
Wandering through life, fighting to be found.
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
If I make and wear a "I'm Jacob Wilson" shirt to Pax East 2011, would people remember?
PSN: Quintonious
That would be pretty funny if hundreds of people showed up with those shirts on.
sounds like a kickass band name
oh, and i'm so down for dropping like $25 and making a ton of "jacob wilson" buttons
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
Yeah, you can join me, The Silly Goose In the Utilikilt, at the bar of Things from PAX That Will Never Be Lived Down.
Drink it up man, Drink it Up!
however now it is hella lulz.except for all weekend people asked "find jacob?"
Wait, you were that Enforcer? Prove it, what was your name tag?
Personally, I think you should embrace memehood.
(results may vary)