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PAX East 2010 Connections Thread (no creeps allowed)

psychonifkinpsychonifkin Registered User new member
edited April 2010 in PAX Archive
I just wanted to start a thread dedicated to anyone who would like to keep in touch with people they met at pax east. If anyone is interested in doing so just post a facebook link or something and if you talked to me or saw me around and wanted to talk feel free to add me on facebook,i was walking around in a labcoat with drawings all over it and had duct tape roses.

psychonifkin on


  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Great idea. Just change the thread title to:

    "PAX East 2010 Connections Thread (no creeps allowed)" and we're golden.

    Goose! on
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2010
    I wonder if Adam and/or Mike from our Sunday game of Munchkin are here.

    If so, hey!

    Sterica on
  • klokateer9047klokateer9047 A.K.A Captain Freezeezy Long island,NYRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    If anyone was at the street fighter 4 tournament and had a match with me(I was fat,playing as dan and had a tunnel snakes shirt on) feel free to add me on xbl:klokateer9047

    klokateer9047 on

    Xbox live:Wonderboy9047

    @Astonishingmike on twitter

  • DruVirusDruVirus Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hey there! Virus here!

    I was an Enforcer this year, one who wore a Bulbasaur hat around and was usually constrained to the Handheld Lounge. If you saw me, linked up with me via Pokewalker, traded with me, or just .. love Pokemon, hit me up on here! Or my facebook : /pokemontrainer.

    Also, I was a member of Team Green! ;D SO, .. yeah!

    DruVirus on
    Virus ; COLOR="Green"]!Chikorita Gold[/COLOR] -- PAX East PokeCrawl
    COLOR="Blue"]!Ravenclaw[/COLOR] House -- PAX Prime Tri-Wizard Drinking
    PAX Pokemon League Dark Gym Leader
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Looking for the people who were heading west to Rochester, met some at the rest stop and suggested to go to Millennium (local tabletop game store) but I'm sure I've met several others on the way.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • DaNerdDaNerd Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the kid with the long hair who stayed in the Sheraton lobby until 5am Thur/Fri, and was often there playing Munchkin, Magic or Settlers of Catan.

    I was also the Enforcer with the shutter shades.

    DaNerd on
    Buy a small corporation and use it to manufacture love. Then give the love to her at a bulk discount
  • crimsong19crimsong19 New YorkRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the 10th Doctor in the blue raincoat and the black suit on Friday. Medium height (a little under 5 and a half feet). With a red backpack and a video camera.
    And I ran into a Roger Workman in a blue jumpsuit with a Dharma wrench logo near the coat check around 11:15/11:30 PM on Friday night and had a short chat about Lost with him. Anyone?

    crimsong19 on
    PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
  • insidiousinsidious Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the long haired fat guy in the light brown sweatshirt who sucked at tf2 as blindhammer611, made fun of the opening 30 mins of heavy rain, and sang a song he didn't know in rbn.

    insidious on
  • kaleeditykaleedity Sometimes science is more art than science Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I basically ran the beatles rock band station for a few hours on saturday and floating around rb2/beatles freeplay throughout pax. I was the guy forcing everyone to do expert vox on harmonies (sorry!) and having way too much fun. I floated around everything but I met the most people there. Dayum, some of you are good as expected.

    I met way too many awesome people to keep track of. Hit me up with a pm or something for any reason.

    ed: introduced self as kyle, wore pax shirts

    kaleedity on
  • w00dm4nw00dm4n Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    The female Enforcer who was working the Closing Ceremony,was i 271 or 371? (i'm the guy with blue merch hat)

    w00dm4n on
  • capnjackcapnjack Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Met this guy named Wil. We shared the same interests, and he told me stories about growing up as a gamer and becoming a gamer parent. Was totally cool and made my PAX experience even more amazing.

    I really like you Wil, and I think we should be friends. Let's hang out.
    I was the guy in the 4th row, right side.

    capnjack on
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."
    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
  • GHoooSTSGHoooSTS Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Shout out to Gavin and Tim, even if you were stalking us on Sunday. I was the brown haired Canadian with the big Jew nose. Maybe we'll see you guys next year.

    Also big ups to the cute woman with the Rebel Alliance flight helmet ushanka, I'll be placing my order for one in a few days.

    And of course huge props to all the guys playing Magic in the lobby of the Sheraton on Thursday night, awesome times.

    GHoooSTS on
  • Hunter RoseHunter Rose Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    My wife was the woman spinning yarn in the Sheraton lobby. I was her husband, in a Jayne hat. She can be reached at and I can be reached through

    We met a number of amazing, funny, and talented people at PAX. We're looking forward to seeing you all next year but we would love to hear from or meet up with you sooner!

    And a shout out to FacelessCog and his wife--you guys were awesome! Thanks for the chocolate and the Aeofel bracelet!

    Hunter Rose on
  • MorlockMorlock Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    My wife was the woman spinning yarn in the Sheraton lobby. I was her husband, in a Jayne hat. She can be reached at and I can be reached through

    We met a number of amazing, funny, and talented people at PAX. We're looking forward to seeing you all next year but we would love to hear from or meet up with you sooner!

    And a shout out to FacelessCog and his wife--you guys were awesome! Thanks for the chocolate and the Aeofel bracelet!

    just wanted to say one of the highlights of the con was waiting in line at the merch booth with you and the other fellows talking about kilts.

    i was the portly black fellow.

    Morlock on
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Met some good people playing tabletop games. In the Friday morning line we busted out Red November with a local guy Nathan, and a cool couple from OH whose names I can't remember. Later that night we met up with a group of guys at the tabletop library and taught them Munchkin. I knew we had done a good job explaining the game when they said "so basically, Munchkin is a game where you just keep cornholing the guy who is in the lead". Would be cool to know who any of these people are maybe on Twitter or their name if they are on forums, so we can get a rematch in next year.

    Gundabad on
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I ended up playing with a number of really great people in BYOC, if you were playing TF2 hit me up (I'm part of the team that won the bridge building contest too.)

    itzerokewl on
  • ZukiZuki Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the lady enforcer with the button-covered hat and sarong patrolling Tabletop on Saturday that gave my enthusiastic unofficial pimping for the game Spirit of the Century. I told a dude wearing a Media yellow badge to buy it for its delicious pulpy mad science goodness. We were going to meet up at 6pm later that night and I was going to run a quick oneshot.

    Sorry I got there late and missed you, dude. Hope you enjoy the game just the same, it's one of my favorites!

    Zuki on
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    To the enforcer that Atlus, DaNerd, Eric, and I found sleeping in the mall at 5am and who joined us on the spot on our trip to Shaw's: hope you had a great PAX, and thanks for joining our party! (did it feel like an RPG to you as well? =) )

    Also, to the guy I was talking to in the Omegathon line, hope you had a good trip back, and I hope you did end up joining the forums! This is the place to be! =)

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • Vaulter85Vaulter85 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    This was my first PAX & it was Epic for me. I had a blast getting to meet those of you that I did. Atlus, Peasant Dave, Broken Angel, def PD, lucazzo, Bamboozle, Shoagie, theGreat2nd, ZeroHourHero and so many others that I can't remember at the moment. You are all awesome & it was a pleasure meeting you! Thanks for letting me chill with you all & helping to make my first PAX a welcoming & friendly experience. If you want to keep in touch here's my facebook, I'll also be on the IRC often. :mrgreen:

    Vaulter85 on
    Team Charmander Brofessional
  • thespianthespian Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I am the large red/blonde with the bleach and black stripes (and often the bunny ears) who was demoing Looney Labs games for most of the weekend.

    I had promised to run some Chrononauts for people around noon on Sunday, but when I got to the demo area at 12:05 after picking up the games from Compleat Strategist, all the tables were taken, and I was really hungry. I hung out a few minutes to see if anyone showed, but I might have missed you if you were on time or early.

    I'm afraid I should have said 1, since with the concert I knew I wouldn't get home until 2:30 and I needed 90 minutes in the morning with Sunday bus schedules and the need to shower.

    Very sorry!

    thespian on
  • capnjackcapnjack Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I'm the guy from the Pokecrawl that remembers everyone's name. I'm Jack, and I'm tall, chubby and have brown hair. We drank like champions that night. PM me if you wanna connect on facebook or something.

    capnjack on
    Q: "You are in the garden. You see a rose bush. You have a fishing rod. Exits are North, South and IN."
    A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
  • cuennascuennas Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    im the dude who stood at the sheraton. brown hair the orange wolf hoodie the black wolf hoodie and the blue h2o hoodie. i was also saying hello to people coming in from the mall to the convention center as well as dancing. i broke a pole in line while we waited to open friday lol shhhhh dont tell anyone.

    cuennas on
  • mei0023mei0023 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the chick in the Shepard outfit, and that crazy woman who showed up at 6:15 AM on Saturday to get Coulton tickets (and tried to do embroidery on my outfit in the cold). All of you guys who were in line with me and my fiance that morning were phenomenal. Inside, the girls who talked Oblivion with my fiance for an hour; you guys are solid. He rarely gets a chance to be talk that much about games, and he positively lit up.

    I also ran into some cool cats while standing around at the JoCo concert. Thanks for the compliments on my earrings! Did the pictures come out?

    Also, to the kids in front of me in line, remember: "Every day I'm with you is the best day of my life." It will carry you far.

    PM me if we ran into one another... way too many cool people around.

    mei0023 on
    XBL: s0ph14 | Currently playing: Bioshock 2 | On tap: Ocarina of Time
  • TheGreat2ndTheGreat2nd Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hi everybody! I don't remember meeting many forumers (or maybe I did but don't remember their handles) but from what I know: vaulter85, atlus parker, broken angel
    i think there's more, but if you recognize me, say hello :)
    facebook link in my sig

    TheGreat2nd on
    I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
  • SpaldingExSpaldingEx Registered User new member
    edited March 2010
    I would like to say thank you to the enforcer who secured the copy of God of War III for me at the console freeplay. I sat on beanbags in the console lounge for an hour saturday night waiting for my number to come up and she gave me the last free copy. Lucky man indeed.

    SpaldingEx on
  • Oldmangloom315Oldmangloom315 [ENFORCER] Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Heya folks,

    I'm the larger bald guy with a decent sized beard. If anything, you may have noticed my futurama full sleeve(in progress).

    I didn't get to socialize as much as I had hoped. Just so much going on.


    I met quite a few upstate NY folks. Trade some gamertags/PSN. If you have pictures of my arm, I'd like to see them.

    For those I didn't meet, see you next year!

    Oldmangloom315 on
  • shadowshipshadowship Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I hope this guy I met at the last day of CON, see this or something.

    We stay at the same hotel (Holiday Inn at Beacon St). I leave the hotel with my friends and speak to him at the train stop. This guy has woren Indiana Jones outfit with black thick rim eye glasses. I do remember he goes to school at ST. Johns and from Syrcause, NY. I know the guy's xbox nickname is something like mono-something.

    If you are that guy, then please PM me asap or AIM me.

    shadowship on
  • Molotov CupcakeMolotov Cupcake Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I spoke to a really sweet girl in the Alienware line about swag and the "fight" with the thief kid who I really liked chatting with!

    ...and a ton of other people.

    I have teal streaks in my hair, wore a Spawn Kill shirt one day, System Shock outfit w/skirt and bolero the next, and a moogle outfit the last day.

    Also, the sweet Enforcer who I spoke to in the X-Play line since I didn't get to ask my question, you're awesome.

    Molotov Cupcake on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    He's probably not going to check the forums, but I talked to a guy named Tony who went as a Hunter to Anime Boston last year and was in regular clothes at PAX. Anyway, the point is that I forgot to get his contact info - doh! I was the Witch from L4D on friday. If you see this, Tony, you know who you are, and I want to get your info. : )

    There was also a guy that was tall with glasses and longish died pink hair that I traded Pokemon with (a krabby for a ladyba) when I had changed back into normal cloths. I had a medic backpack then. I want your info, too!

    RainbowTunnel on
  • ROFLROFL Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    This is Neku from Saturday and Sunday.

    I'm actually looking for the Enforcer who got my picture bother days (sunday with Joshua). You were really awesome, dude! Send me a message on here or something! seriously!

    ROFL on
  • ZeroHourHeroZeroHourHero Allentown, PARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    To Team Icemen, The ultimate dominator's of Fridays Monday Night Combat tourney:

    We are awesome.

    That is all.


    The Support Dude With Style.

    ZeroHourHero on
  • crimsong19crimsong19 New YorkRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Friday- 10th Doctor with a black suit, a blue raincoat, and red Chucks.
    Saturday- Grey t-shirt with the DeLoreon crashing into the TARDIS.
    Sunday- One of the Intel shits ("Life's a glitch").

    crimsong19 on
    PAX East status: Hotel [X] Three-day passes [] Two one-day passes [X] Cookie recipes [X] Transportation [X]
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I am a tall person and was wearing an enforcer cape.

    That is all.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • DrainDrain [E] Tabletop Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    BigRed wrote: »
    I am a tall person and was wearing an enforcer cape.

    That is all.

    I think you're dreamy! Contact info sent :)

    Drain on
    "I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho
  • zaxytarazaxytara Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was the taller of the Zaxy girls at the PlayOn booth, and was also seen wandering in a white PlayOn hoodie. I met tons of awesome people and got to talk about our fave Hulu shows! If I didn't get your contact info or you want mine, PM me.

    zaxytara on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Drain wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    I am a tall person and was wearing an enforcer cape.

    That is all.

    I think you're dreamy! Contact info sent :)

    how YOU doin'? :winky::winky::winky:

    (Not creepy cause I know him irl)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    You're both creeping me out.

    Goose! on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2010
    I met a few really cool people this year. I'm a very tall, kinda big, guy with short hair and a beard.

    I stood at the "break" in the NVIDIA line near the rock band booth with a cool husband/wife or bf/gf pair and we spent some time chatting about people breaking wheaton's law and jumping ahead of us :P

    I also was pretty early in line for JoCo wristbands, in the first 50 people waiting outside in the cold with a couple of friends, met a cool guy in an awesome black suit full with watch chain.

    I commented in the cosplay thread that I had complimented the great Cerberus Shepard on her outfit and earrings before the saturday concert.

    I've also seen here that a LOT of people seem to be from the Rochester/Syracuse area. I'm from Rochester, and I went to PAX and met up with a friend of mine that lives in the Boston area to go together, and it turns out he knew something like 5 other people that were there from Rochester too so we all hung out. It might be a good thing to meet some of those people for gaming groups in Rochester and planning travel and such to the various PAX events.

    anyhow, PM me if you want to trade any contact info.

    zerzhul on
  • JACQATTACKJACQATTACK New York CityRegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I was there all three days, with a yellow media pass (

    Friday - "Hate You to Death" tee-shirt, with skull & crossbone leggings
    Saturday - "Jesus is Effin' Metal" tee-shirt (ripped), with pleather leggings
    Sunday - "PAX East 2010" tee-shirt (ripped), with pleather leggings

  • strangechameleonstrangechameleon Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    Hello, my name is will. I met this cool girl who i played mario kart ds and super puzzle fighter with; and I briefly chatted with her about anime and how we were both from monmouth county new jersey, and how nj is a suburban wasteland with nothing to do. I'm a doofus and didn't get her contact information. I think it would be swell if we could hang out again. I was the short asian guy with thick ass glasses, bad hair, and black sneakers with black/red shoelaces. peace!


    strangechameleon on
This discussion has been closed.