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Lugh LamfhadaLugh Lamfhada Registered User regular
edited March 2010 in PAX Archive
I require the input of the west coasters that treked out to East and the east coasters that shlep to Prime. I have limited funds, some of which are already dedicated to seeing me off to GenCon in August. I haven't seen the a full tally of the damages for this week but it should be at least a few thousand, and GenCon is likely to be the same. Would it be worth it to use what remains to go to Prime? I should have enough to do it, but it'll put a serious dent in my savings, enough so that it'll limit what I'll be able to do next year. Suggestions? Comments? Help?

Too much paprika.
Shit! Too much paprika!
Lugh Lamfhada on


  • NijhazerNijhazer Sunnyvale, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I require the input of the west coasters that treked out to East and the east coasters that shlep to Prime. I have limited funds, some of which are already dedicated to seeing me off to GenCon in August. I haven't seen the a full tally of the damages for this week but it should be at least a few thousand, and GenCon is likely to be the same. Would it be worth it to use what remains to go to Prime? I should have enough to do it, but it'll put a serious dent in my savings, enough so that it'll limit what I'll be able to do next year. Suggestions? Comments? Help?

    It is entirely dependent on the people you can bring with you. If more of the friends you want to game with can make it to PAX East than PAX Prime, well, there's your answer. If your friends will go to either show, go to PAX Prime.

    Nijhazer on
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