Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
I wonder why you only had a stroller and not some other sort of baby transport device? I saw lots of parents with their little ones in back packs (& front carry packs) and various other types of baby carrying devices. Not trying to be nasty or anything, but we've known for awhile this was going to be packed, the show had been sold out for ages. A stroller just doesn't do as well in a crowded indoor venue.
So yes they could have made sure announcements went out to everyone about every possible thing you should not bring. But in some cases you really gotta help them out and just think.
And really you should cosplay as Luke with your baby dressed as yoda on your back. It would rock.
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
I wonder why you only had a stroller and not some other sort of baby transport device? I saw lots of parents with their little ones in back packs (& front carry packs) and various other types of baby carrying devices. Not trying to be nasty or anything, but we've known for awhile this was going to be packed, the show had been sold out for ages. A stroller just doesn't do as well in a crowded indoor venue.
So yes they could have made sure announcements went out to everyone about every possible thing you should not bring. But in some cases you really gotta help them out and just think.
And really you should cosplay as Luke with your baby dressed as yoda on your back. It would rock.
because the average 4 month old is still learning to hold their neck up, kinda hard to put in a backpack/harness type thing when theyre like that. we have slings and stuff, cant really use them yet. aside from that, a small compact stroller (which we have) takes up less room than the average attendee
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
I wonder why you only had a stroller and not some other sort of baby transport device? I saw lots of parents with their little ones in back packs (& front carry packs) and various other types of baby carrying devices. Not trying to be nasty or anything, but we've known for awhile this was going to be packed, the show had been sold out for ages. A stroller just doesn't do as well in a crowded indoor venue.
So yes they could have made sure announcements went out to everyone about every possible thing you should not bring. But in some cases you really gotta help them out and just think.
And really you should cosplay as Luke with your baby dressed as yoda on your back. It would rock.
because the average 4 month old is still learning to hold their neck up, kinda hard to put in a backpack when theyre like that. we have slings and stuff, cant really use them yet. aside from that, a small compact stroller (which we have) takes up less room than the average attendee
Hopefully it won't be as big of an issue next year in the bigger convention center for 2011. I don't have kids myself but I know that a stroller regardless is more convenient because it helps with also toting baby stuffs.
But they do sell those front slung backpacks for infants. Actually its the baby front pack but a special insert for infants. I saw a woman with one on Saturday, I believe it was. Something like:
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
I wonder why you only had a stroller and not some other sort of baby transport device? I saw lots of parents with their little ones in back packs (& front carry packs) and various other types of baby carrying devices. Not trying to be nasty or anything, but we've known for awhile this was going to be packed, the show had been sold out for ages. A stroller just doesn't do as well in a crowded indoor venue.
So yes they could have made sure announcements went out to everyone about every possible thing you should not bring. But in some cases you really gotta help them out and just think.
And really you should cosplay as Luke with your baby dressed as yoda on your back. It would rock.
because the average 4 month old is still learning to hold their neck up, kinda hard to put in a backpack when theyre like that. we have slings and stuff, cant really use them yet. aside from that, a small compact stroller (which we have) takes up less room than the average attendee
Hopefully it won't be as big of an issue next year in the bigger convention center for 2011. I don't have kids myself but I know that a stroller regardless is more convenient because it helps with also toting baby stuffs.
But they do sell those front slung backpacks for infants. Actually its the baby front pack but a special insert for infants. I saw a woman with one on Saturday, I believe it was. Something like:
I hate strollers at cons. They take up more room than a 350lbs neckbeard and inevitably end up bumping into shins/tables/everything and generally just getting in the way. It's why I skip Sundays at NYCC because avoiding the herd of double wide strollers is just maddening. And then they start piling shit on top of the strollers, making them take up even more room and even harder to get around. I was quite happy that the Hynes kept them out.
double wide strollers I can understand, but a small stroller? its bs, though I dont expect non parents here to understand how much this blows. everyone my wife and I talked to that had a stroller yesterday was pretty upset by this as well.
I have to agree that strollers don't belong in a crowded space like that at all. The problem was them apparently not letting parents know in advance that they weren't allowed. However the solution is not to allow them. Also perhaps to realize that strollers don't belong in such a crowded, busy space and leave it at home in lieu of other more crowd friendly options. I get it, you're a parent and you want to bring your kid along. But everyone else doesn't deserve to be repeatedly inconvenienced by strollers getting in the way.
I have to agree that strollers don't belong in a crowded space like that at all. The problem was them apparently not letting parents know in advance that they weren't allowed. However the solution is not to allow them. Also perhaps to realize that strollers don't belong in such a crowded, busy space and leave it at home in lieu of other more crowd friendly options. I get it, you're a parent and you want to bring your kid along. But everyone else doesn't deserve to be repeatedly inconvenienced by strollers getting in the way.
so am I ok to be annoyed and inconvenienced by bigger people that kept bumping into us, should we tell them to stay home? my daughter cant help the fact that she cant walk or hold her neck up yet.
While vision's reference to huge neckbeards was more acrimonious then necessary, I don't see how that justifies your comparison. Am I to infer that you're ok with skinny people bumping into you? The real issue is the number of people crowded into a confined area which is already going to cause people into close proximity and often brushing against or bumping into people as they walk around. And you want to bring strollers into that mix and make attendees dodge around strollers in an already busy and crowded space.
While vision's reference to huge neckbeards was more acrimonious then necessary, I don't see how that justifies your comparison. Am I to infer that you're ok with skinny people bumping into you? The real issue is the number of people crowded into a confined area which is already going to cause people into close proximity and often brushing against or bumping into people as they walk around. And you want to bring strollers into that mix and make attendees dodge around strollers in an already busy and crowded space.
my point is if my daughter has to be moved around via stroller for the most part, and she takes up the same amount of space as some people, how is it any different? I mean really?
Dude, let it go. As a parent, I have to agree with the stroller ban. They're large, unwieldy, and do get in the way in the case of a fire evacuation. If you're going to bring an infant (do you really want to expose a 4 month old to that level of noise?), I highly recommend the appropriate front pack. Much easier to evacuate you and your child safely in the event of an emergency, and your kid doesn't have to stare at people's asses all day.
You also need to consider that, historically, there aren't that many babies at PAX. Likely, no one thought about putting out a stroller notice because there's never been a need.
I mean, I get it, it sucks, but at the same time, if you think it through, I'm sure you'll understand why.
Ok, then I compare them to a wheelchair, which I was in. That better? I could see not wanting a ton of strollers around, but having people use better awareness of their surroundings helps too. Like when people would decide to come to a stop as a group right in front of me so now I'm blocked in by them and had to try to get the flow on one side or another to let me in because yelling excuse me wasn't being heard?
Just saying...it's supposed to be an inclusive convention. So maybe it means paying a little more attention where you're going and what's around you?
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Strollers exist mostly below waist level. This makes it extremely difficult for people to see in a crowded space. There's a very big difference between bumping into people and tripping over things. One has almost no impact while the other could lead to an actual fall/injury. Not only that, but think of what would happen if a larger fellow tripped over your stroller and fell onto your child.
Sure, they could have been more explicit on exactly what you could or could not bring, but in the end, strollers (and rolling luggage, etc.) really have no place at a crowded convention.
Ok, then I compare them to a wheelchair, which I was in. That better? I could see not wanting a ton of strollers around, but having people use better awareness of their surroundings helps too. Like when people would decide to come to a stop as a group right in front of me so now I'm blocked in by them and had to try to get the flow on one side or another to let me in because yelling excuse me wasn't being heard?
Just saying...it's supposed to be an inclusive convention. So maybe it means paying a little more attention where you're going and what's around you?
You don't have other practical alternatives to a wheelchair. A parent with an infant does.
That's weird, I saw a bunch of strollers at PAX. Not sure which day, though. They might have locked them down on Sunday.
But like some of the other posters have mentioned, why would you want to bring a 4 month-old baby to PAX? I have a six month-old, and wouldn't even consider it. Aside from the chaos and noise, you need to be worried about sickness.
Last year at Prime there was an H1N1 "outbreak". Why would you want to bring a baby to an enclosed space with 60,000 people and risk them getting sick?
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
Ok, then I compare them to a wheelchair, which I was in. That better? I could see not wanting a ton of strollers around, but having people use better awareness of their surroundings helps too. Like when people would decide to come to a stop as a group right in front of me so now I'm blocked in by them and had to try to get the flow on one side or another to let me in because yelling excuse me wasn't being heard?
Just saying...it's supposed to be an inclusive convention. So maybe it means paying a little more attention where you're going and what's around you?
You don't have other practical alternatives to a wheelchair. A parent with an infant does.
Sure...that doesn't change my overall point that people in general need to be more aware of their surroundings. I know there's lots of shiny sparkly things all around to look at, but I still managed not to bang into anyone or catch anyone's toes (apart from one enforcer Saturday night who had on steeltoes, thankfully and, to be fair, I was being pushed by someone else at the time).
Honestly, if you ever have the chance, borrow a wheelchair from a mall during a busy time (like near X-mas) and try getting it from one end to the other. You'll have a better appreciation for what I'm talking about.
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Ok, then I compare them to a wheelchair, which I was in. That better? I could see not wanting a ton of strollers around, but having people use better awareness of their surroundings helps too. Like when people would decide to come to a stop as a group right in front of me so now I'm blocked in by them and had to try to get the flow on one side or another to let me in because yelling excuse me wasn't being heard?
Just saying...it's supposed to be an inclusive convention. So maybe it means paying a little more attention where you're going and what's around you?
You don't have other practical alternatives to a wheelchair. A parent with an infant does.
Sure...that doesn't change my overall point that people in general need to be more aware of their surroundings. I know there's lots of shiny sparkly things all around to look at, but I still managed not to bang into anyone or catch anyone's toes (apart from one enforcer Saturday night who had on steeltoes, thankfully and, to be fair, I was being pushed by someone else at the time).
Honestly, if you ever have the chance, borrow a wheelchair from a mall during a busy time (like near X-mas) and try getting it from one end to the other. You'll have a better appreciation for what I'm talking about.
I appreciate what you're saying, but that still doesn't justify making a crowded situation worse by allowing strollers when other practical, less obtrusive options exist.
That's weird, I saw a bunch of strollers at PAX. Not sure which day, though. They might have locked them down on Sunday.
But like some of the other posters have mentioned, why would you want to bring a 4 month-old baby to PAX? I have a six month-old, and wouldn't even consider it. Aside from the chaos and noise, you need to be worried about sickness.
Last year at Prime there was an H1N1 "outbreak". Why would you want to bring a baby to an enclosed space with 60,000 people and risk them getting sick?
Was excited that on the 3rd day I would bring my 4 month old daughter, rocking out her yoda sweater, maybe get some pics of her with cosplayers/etc. then we get into the hall, make it 5 steps in and are told NO STROLLERS because its a fire hazard.
the enforcer says it was a hynes thing, but I really wish PAX had sent an email or something letting people know this because NOWHERE was it posted about this. So yesterday for the most part was spent just sitting on those cushions because I felt bad leaving my wife with our daughter while I went to the expo hall to check out more games.
other than that I had a great time this weekend, just sucks that the worst day was the one I brought my little girl to.
Oh man I hadn't even thought of that, and there was an announcement prior to PAX East about a break out of the Norovirus in the area. And unlike H1N1, hand sanitizers won't even help against the Norovirus.
the wheelchair argument ends up on barely higher ground than my original issue, we had asked about wheelchairs and the enforcer told us they all have an escort at all times as per the convention center. which has got to suck for the wheelchair bound folks that came out.
and I brought my daughter sunday at the risk of being sick (which really is anytime we leave the house), because it was the shortest day and I didnt want to miss day 3 and have her with a sitter all day again.
at least the intelgameon guy took a pic of her hanging out with me and my wife on the beanbags wearing her yoda hoodie and holding some intel gear:
the wheelchair argument ends up on barely higher ground than my original issue, we had asked about wheelchairs and the enforcer told us they all have an escort at all times as per the convention center. which has got to suck for the wheelchair bound folks that came out.
and I brought my daughter sunday at the risk of being sick (which really is anytime we leave the house), because it was the shortest day and I didnt want to miss day 3 and have her with a sitter all day again.
at least the intelgameon guy took a pic of her hanging out with me and my wife on the beanbags wearing her yoda hoodie and holding some intel gear:
I NEVER heard about needing an escort in wheelchair from anyone (and I was in one the whole time, apart from early morning late night after picking it up or dropping it off at the First Aid room), unless I was trying to go someplace generally not supposed to go (like being escorted up to main theater a few minutes before doors opened or somesuch. If that was an actual rule, it was never enforced and I'm not sure how they remotely could, as if they did, they'd have a lawsuit pretty damned fast, methinks.
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
the wheelchair argument ends up on barely higher ground than my original issue, we had asked about wheelchairs and the enforcer told us they all have an escort at all times as per the convention center. which has got to suck for the wheelchair bound folks that came out.
and I brought my daughter sunday at the risk of being sick (which really is anytime we leave the house), because it was the shortest day and I didnt want to miss day 3 and have her with a sitter all day again.
at least the intelgameon guy took a pic of her hanging out with me and my wife on the beanbags wearing her yoda hoodie and holding some intel gear:
I NEVER heard about needing an escort in wheelchair from anyone (and I was in one the whole time, apart from early morning late night after picking it up or dropping it off at the First Aid room), unless I was trying to go someplace generally not supposed to go (like being escorted up to main theater a few minutes before doors opened or somesuch. If that was an actual rule, it was never enforced and I'm not sure how they remotely could, as if they did, they'd have a lawsuit pretty damned fast, methinks.
maybe the enforcer that was telling us this (yesterday around id say 9:30am right by the rockstar booth doors to hall) was full of crap? not sure.
I NEVER heard about needing an escort in wheelchair from anyone (and I was in one the whole time, apart from early morning late night after picking it up or dropping it off at the First Aid room), unless I was trying to go someplace generally not supposed to go (like being escorted up to main theater a few minutes before doors opened or somesuch. If that was an actual rule, it was never enforced and I'm not sure how they remotely could, as if they did, they'd have a lawsuit pretty damned fast, methinks.
maybe the enforcer that was telling us this (yesterday around id say 9:30am right by the rockstar booth doors to hall) was full of crap? not sure.
My guess is maybe they meant what I was saying...before show hours or somesuch. Otherwise, I'm not sure what they meant.
gilby123 on
"Where would we be without the agitators of the
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Not to sound like a jerk here but, couldn't you carry the kid? Ii know 8 straight hours is a no go, but carry him through the expo hall with your wife for an hour, go sit on beanbags for an hour, repeat? All the panels and shows all had seats. All the game rooms had chairs. Yes a notice about strollers ahead of time would have been nice. But I can't feel bad that you "missed" anything because you couldn't bare the weight of a 4 month old for a little while. Forgive me if theres some other condition I'm not aware of, missing arms, scoliosis, etc.. don't mean to be rude if that's the case.
Not to sound like a jerk here but, couldn't you carry the kid? Ii know 8 straight hours is a no go, but carry him through the expo hall with your wife for an hour, go sit on beanbags for an hour, repeat? All the panels and shows all had seats. All the game rooms had chairs. Yes a notice about strollers ahead of time would have been nice. But I can't feel bad that you "missed" anything because you couldn't bare the weight of a 4 month old for a little while. Forgive me if theres some other condition I'm not aware of, missing arms, scoliosis, etc.. don't mean to be rude if that's the case.
no conditions, so no worries there.
but its a matter of we wouldve had to pay to check the stroller and our bags to carry her, and considering theres a long line to do pretty much anything at pax, it wouldve sucked. if they had said outright no strollers, we probably wouldve either skipped sunday or had the babysitter watch her one more day. i spent maybe 5 mins in the expo hall on sunday because of this
most of those dont work well when your child still cant maintain neck stability still, aside from that, why buy something for an expo when I havent been told I cant use a stroller?
most of those dont work well when your child still cant maintain neck stability still, aside from that, why buy something for an expo when I havent been told I cant use a stroller?
But why would you even bring a baby that young to a convention in the first place? I understand that you'd like to visit, but exposing an infant of that age to the common cold, flu and the more worrisome norovirus that has been floating around Boston is a really terrible idea.
That aside, it's really a very common thing to have a "no strollers" policy at conventions of all types, regardless whether it's a comic/gaming convention or something more mundane like a home expo or whatnot - it's just really dangerous for all involved.
whether attendees think strollers should/shouldnt be allowed is irrelevant at this point, its the fact that neither pax nor hynes posted this so I showed up to enjoy my last day at pax and was pretty much denied a chunk of it.
most of those dont work well when your child still cant maintain neck stability still, aside from that, why buy something for an expo when I havent been told I cant use a stroller?
Uh, if you look at those they specifically explain that infants without head control face the wearer.
problem solved
I already agreed with you that not getting the info out is a problem. That doesn't change my strong opinion that strollers don't belong at the con.
I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but it seems common sense to me that you wouldn't bring a stroller to that kind of environment. You'd been there the previous two days so you KNEW it was crowded. From my perspective it seems like you just expect everyone else to deal with the inconvenience you (and other parents if strollers are allowed) would inflict on attendees.
Forget inconveniencing others. You really want your infant to be that low to the ground in crowded conditions where people might trip and fall on him/her?
It's right there in the name. Strollers are for Strolling. Not Convention Crowd Shuffling.
He also admits he just didn't feel like getting a sitter either. Which is what one would normally do with an infant for this kind of thing, You don't bring the infant for the infant's enjoyment, they get nothing positive from going, you bring the infant to show off your infant decked out in something geeky which is just selfish.
Yeah, but I'm willing to meet parents at a compromise in a situation like this. I don't have a problem with parents bringing their infants as long as they take some reasonable steps to keep from inconveniencing others. The chest carriers are one practical option for achieving this reasonable compromise.
He also admits he just didn't feel like getting a sitter either. Which is what one would normally do with an infant for this kind of thing, You don't bring the infant for the infant's enjoyment, they get nothing positive from going, you bring the infant to show off your infant decked out in something geeky which is just selfish.
yeah it couldnt have to do with paying for a sitter, way to make up facts. we had a sitter for friday and saturday which is how we were there all day + kotaku party friday, and there for most of the concerts saturday, so dont assume what you dont know.
Protip: Being a parent means giving up on some of the things you want for the good of your children. If you couldn't afford the sitter, and were unwilling to get a frontpack carrier, perhaps you should have spent the day at home with your baby?
I have two kids. I've missed many events due to this. I know where you're coming from, but dude, any way you slice this, you're breaking Wheaton's Law. You're a dick to everyone else by pushing around the stroller, and you're a dick to your kid for exposing them to all the noise and germs. Don't be a Dick. Father up. Other cliches.
Most parents are reasonable and I'm cool with, but krztov seems like exactly the sort of entitled parent that gives other parents a bad name. Which is a shame.
Protip: Being a parent means giving up on some of the things you want for the good of your children. If you couldn't afford the sitter, and were unwilling to get a frontpack carrier, perhaps you should have spent the day at home with your baby?
I have two kids. I've missed many events due to this. I know where you're coming from, but dude, any way you slice this, you're breaking Wheaton's Law. You're a dick to everyone else by pushing around the stroller, and you're a dick to your kid for exposing them to all the noise and germs. Don't be a Dick. Father up. Other cliches.
unwilling? when did I say I was unwilling, THERE WAS NO NOTICE, I'm not going to leave pax to go shop for a carrier and come back because there were no notices anywhere and I was informed after getting there and getting 5 feet into the hall itself. My daughter doesn't really mind noise, hell, on the T she falls asleep pretty quickly. I spent the most of the day hanging out with her on the beanbags since we couldnt go in. As for the whole dont be a dick mentality, look at this thread. everyone here has been a dick. I just wanted to voice a complaint about lack of notice or signage about something that ruined pretty much 1/3 of the pax weekend for me and my family.
And what you're failing to acknowledge is that it was a really questionable decision to bring a stroller to an event like this. Yes, they could have notified people in advance. However you could have also exercised some common sense and realized a stroller's a really bad idea in such an environment. Which you adamantly refuse to acknowledge, so you're coming across as very entitled.
I would think as a parent that you'd already have a chest carrier for situations where a stroller isn't a good choice.
I wonder why you only had a stroller and not some other sort of baby transport device? I saw lots of parents with their little ones in back packs (& front carry packs) and various other types of baby carrying devices. Not trying to be nasty or anything, but we've known for awhile this was going to be packed, the show had been sold out for ages. A stroller just doesn't do as well in a crowded indoor venue.
So yes they could have made sure announcements went out to everyone about every possible thing you should not bring. But in some cases you really gotta help them out and just think.
And really you should cosplay as Luke with your baby dressed as yoda on your back. It would rock.
because the average 4 month old is still learning to hold their neck up, kinda hard to put in a backpack/harness type thing when theyre like that. we have slings and stuff, cant really use them yet. aside from that, a small compact stroller (which we have) takes up less room than the average attendee
Hopefully it won't be as big of an issue next year in the bigger convention center for 2011. I don't have kids myself but I know that a stroller regardless is more convenient because it helps with also toting baby stuffs.
But they do sell those front slung backpacks for infants. Actually its the baby front pack but a special insert for infants. I saw a woman with one on Saturday, I believe it was. Something like:
either way, lack of notice on this sucked, and it caused the majority of yesterday to suck and be wasted.
so am I ok to be annoyed and inconvenienced by bigger people that kept bumping into us, should we tell them to stay home? my daughter cant help the fact that she cant walk or hold her neck up yet.
just using it as comparison since Vision up there mentioned "350lb neckbeards"
my point is if my daughter has to be moved around via stroller for the most part, and she takes up the same amount of space as some people, how is it any different? I mean really?
You also need to consider that, historically, there aren't that many babies at PAX. Likely, no one thought about putting out a stroller notice because there's never been a need.
I mean, I get it, it sucks, but at the same time, if you think it through, I'm sure you'll understand why.
Just saying...it's supposed to be an inclusive convention. So maybe it means paying a little more attention where you're going and what's around you?
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
Sure, they could have been more explicit on exactly what you could or could not bring, but in the end, strollers (and rolling luggage, etc.) really have no place at a crowded convention.
You don't have other practical alternatives to a wheelchair. A parent with an infant does.
But like some of the other posters have mentioned, why would you want to bring a 4 month-old baby to PAX? I have a six month-old, and wouldn't even consider it. Aside from the chaos and noise, you need to be worried about sickness.
Last year at Prime there was an H1N1 "outbreak". Why would you want to bring a baby to an enclosed space with 60,000 people and risk them getting sick?
Sure...that doesn't change my overall point that people in general need to be more aware of their surroundings. I know there's lots of shiny sparkly things all around to look at, but I still managed not to bang into anyone or catch anyone's toes (apart from one enforcer Saturday night who had on steeltoes, thankfully and, to be fair, I was being pushed by someone else at the time).
Honestly, if you ever have the chance, borrow a wheelchair from a mall during a busy time (like near X-mas) and try getting it from one end to the other. You'll have a better appreciation for what I'm talking about.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
I appreciate what you're saying, but that still doesn't justify making a crowded situation worse by allowing strollers when other practical, less obtrusive options exist.
Oh man I hadn't even thought of that, and there was an announcement prior to PAX East about a break out of the Norovirus in the area. And unlike H1N1, hand sanitizers won't even help against the Norovirus.
and I brought my daughter sunday at the risk of being sick (which really is anytime we leave the house), because it was the shortest day and I didnt want to miss day 3 and have her with a sitter all day again.
at least the intelgameon guy took a pic of her hanging out with me and my wife on the beanbags wearing her yoda hoodie and holding some intel gear:
I NEVER heard about needing an escort in wheelchair from anyone (and I was in one the whole time, apart from early morning late night after picking it up or dropping it off at the First Aid room), unless I was trying to go someplace generally not supposed to go (like being escorted up to main theater a few minutes before doors opened or somesuch. If that was an actual rule, it was never enforced and I'm not sure how they remotely could, as if they did, they'd have a lawsuit pretty damned fast, methinks.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
maybe the enforcer that was telling us this (yesterday around id say 9:30am right by the rockstar booth doors to hall) was full of crap? not sure.
My guess is maybe they meant what I was saying...before show hours or somesuch. Otherwise, I'm not sure what they meant.
world attaching the electrodes of knowledge to the nipples
of ignorance?" - John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun
no conditions, so no worries there.
but its a matter of we wouldve had to pay to check the stroller and our bags to carry her, and considering theres a long line to do pretty much anything at pax, it wouldve sucked. if they had said outright no strollers, we probably wouldve either skipped sunday or had the babysitter watch her one more day. i spent maybe 5 mins in the expo hall on sunday because of this
most of those dont work well when your child still cant maintain neck stability still, aside from that, why buy something for an expo when I havent been told I cant use a stroller?
But why would you even bring a baby that young to a convention in the first place? I understand that you'd like to visit, but exposing an infant of that age to the common cold, flu and the more worrisome norovirus that has been floating around Boston is a really terrible idea.
That aside, it's really a very common thing to have a "no strollers" policy at conventions of all types, regardless whether it's a comic/gaming convention or something more mundane like a home expo or whatnot - it's just really dangerous for all involved.
- Strollers definitely shouldn't be allowed.
Uh, if you look at those they specifically explain that infants without head control face the wearer.
problem solved
I already agreed with you that not getting the info out is a problem. That doesn't change my strong opinion that strollers don't belong at the con.
I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but it seems common sense to me that you wouldn't bring a stroller to that kind of environment. You'd been there the previous two days so you KNEW it was crowded. From my perspective it seems like you just expect everyone else to deal with the inconvenience you (and other parents if strollers are allowed) would inflict on attendees.
It's right there in the name. Strollers are for Strolling. Not Convention Crowd Shuffling.
yeah it couldnt have to do with paying for a sitter, way to make up facts. we had a sitter for friday and saturday which is how we were there all day + kotaku party friday, and there for most of the concerts saturday, so dont assume what you dont know.
I have two kids. I've missed many events due to this. I know where you're coming from, but dude, any way you slice this, you're breaking Wheaton's Law. You're a dick to everyone else by pushing around the stroller, and you're a dick to your kid for exposing them to all the noise and germs. Don't be a Dick. Father up. Other cliches.
unwilling? when did I say I was unwilling, THERE WAS NO NOTICE, I'm not going to leave pax to go shop for a carrier and come back because there were no notices anywhere and I was informed after getting there and getting 5 feet into the hall itself. My daughter doesn't really mind noise, hell, on the T she falls asleep pretty quickly. I spent the most of the day hanging out with her on the beanbags since we couldnt go in. As for the whole dont be a dick mentality, look at this thread. everyone here has been a dick. I just wanted to voice a complaint about lack of notice or signage about something that ruined pretty much 1/3 of the pax weekend for me and my family.
I would think as a parent that you'd already have a chest carrier for situations where a stroller isn't a good choice.