What are you going to do for the next PAX (East or Prime)?
What I learned: The train is only good for 3-4 hour rides, other then that the time lost is worse.
An early Friday arrival is best. Leaving late Sunday is good too.
Bring Baby Powder
Bring a Bucket to sit on crip walking every time you get up after a long stint on the concrete floors isn't fun. Plus you can hold stuff in it.
Always always always have Cash.
I need to either be lighter or younger. Pretty sure I stand a better shot as losing weight than age though. By Sunday my feet and legs were pretty well shot.
Lindsay Lohan on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
edited March 2010
I am switching to more modern Army issue boots. And maybe some that are big enough. These blisters are b-a-n-a-n-a-s!
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
Booking a hotel room as soon as the dates are announced.
Setting aside more cash for swag.
Getting into the queue room on Day 1 at least two hours before opening.
Setting aside more time for demos and tabletop gaming.
Themiscyra on
PAX EAST 2011 Omegathon Finalist - PAX East 2012 Omeganaut After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Completely rearranging my schedule. Less time demoing and more time on the show floor, so to speak. Or spread the demos out over 3 days instead of demo for 2 and walking around for 1.
-Off Wed to Mon, day up front for travel, day on back end for travel and unwind
-start prepping weeks in advance with walking, feet were killing us friday and saturday night
-get a DS of some form, was very jeolous of those around me, have always been curious but haven't had a portable game unit since grey/white gameboy
-plan out meals better, maybe bring food rather then spending big bucks on restaurant food
-meet more people, play more games with strangers, need to kick and scratch my way out of this anti-social shell
I need to either be lighter or younger. Pretty sure I stand a better shot as losing weight than age though. By Sunday my feet and legs were pretty well shot.
Yeah, PAX really revitalized my desire to lose weight. My current goal is to drop at least a shirt size by next year's PAX East, and I think I can do it.
Most of my planning went well, but there's a few more things I could improve on:
-Look into getting a huge meeting room at the Sheraton for pre and post PAX events for the community
-Find more 18+ (not 21+) places to grab some food and entertainment at
-Kick back and relax a bit more. I was far too wound up at PAX East 2010.
I need to either be lighter or younger. Pretty sure I stand a better shot as losing weight than age though. By Sunday my feet and legs were pretty well shot.
Yeah, PAX really revitalized my desire to lose weight. My current goal is to drop at least a shirt size by next year's PAX East, and I think I can do it.
Back to the gym tomorrow morning, dammit!
To make it worse I was chosen to go to Florida by my company on an all expense paid vacation - so 40 coworkers and spouses on the beach/pool at the end of May. I really need to get myself down to just 1 x in my shirt size
* Wear a Costume (40k was not properly represented at PAX)
* Buy official PAX apparel on Day 1
* Take that Friday off from work. (going down to PAX at 5 was nice because i didn't have to use a vacation day, but i sure missed out on things)
* Bring My laptop with me
* Bring Drinks (a 6 pack of soda was much cheaper than 1 drink at the event. They did not stop you from bringing external food)
* Bring a pack of sorts to hold all SWAG and needed items.
1. Actually practicing for tournaments I plan on entering. (I lost by quite a margin at ALL of them)
2. Making sure I know how to play Assassins before signing up for it.
3. Prioritizing a bit better
-Because of my delay in decision making/prioritizing events, I missed the X-play signing, PA signing, Naughty Dog panel, and IGN bar party. Boo me.
4. Learn demos of tabletop games early as they sell out of stuff REALLY fast!
5. Buying merch on day one, hour one. Period. Likely to be nothing left on hour two.
I went up on the Train that went 2 hours earlier. Was still quite a few people headed up to PAX on that train since who I was going with wanted to get to Boston earlier so we could scope it out in the day light and so We had more options to switch hotel rooms if we got one other then we requested. (They put us in a single bed room but going back an hour later we got switched to a double bed, and in the South Tower at the Sheraton so even closer to the goodness)
I think my friend and I realized that next year we need to either A) Email wizards early to sign up for the D&D sessions we want to take part in or Go there first thing to sign up.
I need to either be lighter or younger. Pretty sure I stand a better shot as losing weight than age though. By Sunday my feet and legs were pretty well shot.
Yeah, PAX really revitalized my desire to lose weight. My current goal is to drop at least a shirt size by next year's PAX East, and I think I can do it.
Back to the gym tomorrow morning, dammit!
To make it worse I was chosen to go to Florida by my company on an all expense paid vacation - so 40 coworkers and spouses on the beach/pool at the end of May. I really need to get myself down to just 1 x in my shirt size
Hmm...maybe we should make a thread about it? We can't be the only fatties who want to drop tons before the next PAX East.
Things to do Different at Pax East 2011
* AVOID HYNES. (In the unlikely event that PAX East is there in 2011, I'll just go to Prime instead thankyouverymuch. Hynes was ill-equipped on pretty much every level to handle the crush of people. Also, while Enforcers were with one exception amazingly awesome, the convention center staff were predominantly jerks.)
* Try to find the extra cash to not have to take the red-eye train home.
* Bring somewhat warmer clothes.
* Try to hide location of nearest Starbucks from girlfriend
* Eat at the convention center, rather than waste precious Con time dicking around at slammed restaurants
* Avoid the corned beef hash
* Sign up for D&D sessions earlier
* Bring food items like trail mix, etc, to stave off mealtimes AND save money
* Avoid the Hilton. By Hilton standards, it was a shithole. Had a rotten time. I have never felt so nickel-and-dimed in my life. Awful.
(Best decisions: PAX Train, BYOC, signing up for PlayOn's HDTV raffle)
I need to either be lighter or younger. Pretty sure I stand a better shot as losing weight than age though. By Sunday my feet and legs were pretty well shot.
Yeah, PAX really revitalized my desire to lose weight. My current goal is to drop at least a shirt size by next year's PAX East, and I think I can do it.
Back to the gym tomorrow morning, dammit!
To make it worse I was chosen to go to Florida by my company on an all expense paid vacation - so 40 coworkers and spouses on the beach/pool at the end of May. I really need to get myself down to just 1 x in my shirt size
Hmm...maybe we should make a thread about it? We can't be the only fatties who want to drop tons before the next PAX East.
I say a biggest loser PAX attendee challenge, percentage based. Winner gets 2 3-day passes to next PAX East!
LordDax on
PSN/xFire-LordDax WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
Next PAX I'm going to get a three-day pass for sure!
Also, I want to do a different cosplay as well (anyone have any suggestions? I was Vanille this year and would prefer a character with read hair as I am loathe to dye my hair or get a wig because I'm lazy. But I would like to try a more difficult costume, I think).
And I definitely want to actually be there for the keynote and all the panels I want to see, rather than missing most of them. And I want to spend some time in console freeplay, because I didn't actually play that many games this PAX since I was busy trying to get to panels.
Things to do Different at Pax East 2011
* AVOID HYNES. (In the unlikely event that PAX East is there in 2011, I'll just go to Prime instead thankyouverymuch. Hynes was ill-equipped on pretty much every level to handle the crush of people. Also, while Enforcers were with one exception amazingly awesome, the convention center staff were predominantly jerks.)
The amount of attendance at Hynes was unprecedented. The wheels are already in motion and PAX East 2011 will be at the BECE.
Pick one or two panels (outside of the Keynote and opening PAX Panel) and limit to those.
Spend more time playing board and table-top games.
No more magic tournaments. I usually do one a year.. But the cost and time to be trounced that hard is not worth it anymore.
Loose more weight. I lost 25lbs before PAX East and it helped tremendously. I had more energy and stamina. However I was still a wretch when it ended.
Look at the sizes of stuff I bought. I took it on face value that when I asked for an XXL I would get an XXL.
Be a bit more outgoing. I brought a number of games that I enjoy playing, but never got a group to play. I need to try a bit more to get folks attention to the awesomeness that is "Give me the Brain" and "Deduce or Die!".
I hope you like text...
This list kinda got away from me, but these are my 'New PAX Resolutions', as well as some of the things I did right this time around.
NOT Get Sick again! I got PAX Pox at every PAX i've been to, and it has to stop! Vitamins, Eating properly, More Hand Sanitizer, maybe a mask if I can find a Gundam or Mortal Combat one. NO Touching other pits of plauge and disease. Iron Guard FTW, Or Vulcan Salute.
Bring Line Games. Played some cool ones in the Queue room, but should have brought a cool card game or travel Catan or something. Zombie Dice would be perfect.
Bring More DS games or just a memory card. Gotta be able to play the games on offer.
Leave my PSP at home. PSP Go at PAX wearing a Zelda T-Shirt is not the way to avoid ridicule.
Dress Up. The Cosplayers at PAX had more fun, and added to the con Enormously. I Collected 2 Doctor Whos and a bunch of steampunk, But I'm gonna be working on my own costume once i get back home. It's gonna be sweet. Or a complete mess.
Participate more in the forums. Got on 2 weeks before PAX and basically lurked except for a little on the Train Alliance.
Make a Solid plan ahead of time. D&D ate up a lot of the sessions I really wanted to go to, as well as valuable looking at stuff and meeting people time. I SO wish PAX was an extra day. Diehard Day tacked on the end, for the people who've come a long way and want to PAX a little more. Freeplay and Expo and maybe some DND. And a long queue to nothing so you can meet new people :P
Print up non-business cards Met so many cool people in line, would have liked to simply hand out a card with contact details on it.
Participate in some of the activities, like Assassins, Badges or even Cookies (I make damn fine cookies)
Participate (Do you See a theme?) in the satellite activities like Pre-Pax Breakfast, Magical Mystery Tour (Train Travel dependant), and other funness outside the Expo itself.
If i didn't suck at Rock Band and FPSs so much, I'd sign up for the omegathon in a heartbeat. The Super Mario strategy in the last round was beyond woeful.
Spend less money. While I'm in the US the money drains away like water in a sieve. I need to fix that badly.
Lose Weight. the PAX merch was fine, as I got to it before i even got my pass, but nothing else went to 4x. I'm going on a cycle tour of the UK, which is gonna suck balls painfully, but should otherwise be a blast, and useful too.
MAYBE find a way to leave my laptop at home. A Macbook Air seems small until you have to cart it around in your backpack, panicking every second that it will be snaffled by some utter bastard. One of those microscopic Sony netbooks, or FSM knows what. If an iPad were more Standalone that would do nicely. Give Me my x86 iPad, Dammit! Edit: Looking at the HP Slate. Looks about the right size, just has to run iTunes DnD Character generator and PAX Forums. Can i deal with Win7 after 2 yrs of OSX?
Things I did differently this PAX
Got a USA Sim card. Really helpful. Saved my bacon. T-Mobile $60 unlimited Data, Text and Voice. Data being the most important, of course. Only 200Kbps on my iPhone , but enough to get maps, email, twitter and timetable updates, as well as buying Paul and Storm CDs in iTunes.
Bought PA Merch Straight Away. Before getting in line for the doors on the first day
Signed up for things I wanted. Pretty Much D&D only, but I'm Learning.
Travelled Light. This is just one stop on a bigger, trip, so only packed essentials. No Books or games, Just PSP GO, iPhone, Laptop, Pants. Kindle on my iPhone and Disgaea on my PSP. And now lots of Merch. Oh Shit.
Smaller 'category' bags inside my main bag. Look at the Eagle Creek 'Pack-It System' as an example. Makes Packing and unpacking a million times easier, and a lot more compact. Zip-loc bags are a good start, though.
EDIT: Drank Lots of water. Kept a Diet Pepsi bottle in my bag and refilled it at every opportunity. Pee is the price you pay for hydration.
Things I Did perfectly from the start, by sheer luck as much as anything:
Went to PAX. Changed My Life. I'm not exaggerating even slightly.
Came on the Geek Train from LA. A TOTAL Blast. Hooked on trains for life after this. Even boring geekless ones.
Followed Wheaton's Law. WL ensures you will have a great time regardless of what happens. Less stress and drama, too.
Brought a contingency bag. Thin-walled khaki duffel bag, rolled up small in my main bag. Excellent for packing in a hurry, travelling light on side trips, and Over-indulging in Merch. This is seasoned traveller shit, and I lucked into it first time.
- If the keynote speaker is worth it, arrive earlier to see it
- See the Scott Kurtz panel if he's doing another one (it was either him or the Saturday concert - hard one to choose between)
- Go see the classic arcade room (can't believe I missed that!)
- Get to the merchandise booth a lot earlier
- Cosplay (I already have something in mind and it's not anime or video game related. I'm crap at creating costumes so this one will be easy but clever)
Both times I've been to PAX, I've spent my entire time in the Exhibition Halls. Next time, I want to play some games, enter a tourney, and try to attend at least one panel.
And for those who didn't do it this time, I strongly encourage two things for future PAXs:
-Attend after parties. They were so much fun! I met some amazing bloggers and got my ass handed to me at Tetris and Street Fighter at the Gamers Gone Wild party.
-Start a conversation with a stranger. Most people at PAX won't bite, and we've all got a little bit of awkward in us. Just ask what our favorite part of PAX has been or what our favorite game is, and you've got yourself a long conversation with people that share your interests! I loved meeting people this way.
It's good to see this advice on what you would do differently, because having not gone, I can learn from those of you who did go, and perhaps I can think of what I can do myself.
As for the PAX Biggest Loser thing, I'd definitely talk to the organizers and suggest that, but also make it a per event thing. Like Biggest Loser: East and Biggest Loser: Prime, so that if you want to go to one over another, you can make that choice.
-Make sure to attend all concerts. I missed VGO on Saturday night and kept hearing how awesome it was
-Make sure to spend some sort of time in the console/classic freeplay. I didn't play anything but Steel Battalion at their dedicated room
-Meet more people. It was just me and a buddy, and I met no one at the convention. Hooray for social anxieties! Would have been nice to make some new friends
-Make sure to hunt out more swag. Apparently hoodie codes for XBL were given out somewhere during the con, I didn't know anything about this. Now I see I have missed out.
-Do some after hours stuff. I was just too wiped out, and went back to the room to crash pretty much every night.
-Bring some more gaming stuff with me. Like some vintage handhelds like Game Gear or Lynx, fun conversation starters, and a little something different than the typical DS/PSP crowd.
-Make/bring business cards so people can track me down after the con.
-Lurk less on the boards so I can be more apart of this fine community
-Take more photos!
- Get there a day earlier and leave a day later. I felt rushed getting into Boston Thursday night. If I arrived in the morning I could have spent the day checking out the city instead of jamming it into PAX time. I would also leave a day later. Again, rushed Sunday to get to the airport, missed the closing. Next time I want to get there Wed. night/ Thu. morning and leave sometime on Monday. I should have done it this time; I end up losing vacation time at the end of the year as it is.
- Talk with more people. At my age friends are fading away faster and faster. Less time to spend gaming and more time... doing whatever it is they do with their free time now. It was nice to be around so many people that still find plenty of time for gaming, video, table top, cards, whatever it is. It was nice for a short time to be around other gamers.
- Bring a water bottle... I was seriously parched much of the weekend.
- Bring a camera, durrrrrr
- Learn to play Magic, Settlers and some others that everyone but me were playing
- Play more games! Only spent about an hour in the PC free play room all weekend.
- I like the business card idea that people have mentioned, met some cool people that I'll probably never talk to again.
PAX was sort of a religious awakening to me, the nerd gods spoke to me from their beanbag chairs saying "you need to play wow less, you dont need 5 level 80's... play some new, different games!" So yea, I'll be playing a bigger variety of games so I can play them @ PAX next year
-Make sure to attend all concerts. I missed VGO on Saturday night and kept hearing how awesome it was
-Make sure to spend some sort of time in the console/classic freeplay. I didn't play anything but Steel Battalion at their dedicated room
-Meet more people. It was just me and a buddy, and I met no one at the convention. Hooray for social anxieties! Would have been nice to make some new friends
-Make sure to hunt out more swag. Apparently hoodie codes for XBL were given out somewhere during the con, I didn't know anything about this. Now I see I have missed out.
-Do some after hours stuff. I was just too wiped out, and went back to the room to crash pretty much every night.
-Bring some more gaming stuff with me. Like some vintage handhelds like Game Gear or Lynx, fun conversation starters, and a little something different than the typical DS/PSP crowd.
-Make/bring business cards so people can track me down after the con.
-Lurk less on the boards so I can be more apart of this fine community
-Take more photos!
they were given out in the queue room on sunday afternoon before the closing ceremony, and they seemed to go pretty fast. at least that was the only place/time i saw them being handed out.
Get some athletic tape and wrap your feet before you put on socks/shoes.
Best thing Ive ever done. not a single blister, just sore feet (easily recoverable).
All you gotta do is put tape over the places where you usually get blisters.
Join the PAX Train(12hr drive ftl)
More cash to fund the habit
Create some awesome fan run event
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
You don't want to take the train since you are coming from Baltimore. I did the same thing and It was grueling.
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
On Thursday, I was apprehensive that I'd fall into some sort of stereotype by being nerdy, but by Sunday, I found myself wishing I'd dressed up more.
Setting aside more cash for swag.
Getting into the queue room on Day 1 at least two hours before opening.
Setting aside more time for demos and tabletop gaming.
After time adrift among open stars
Among tides of light and to shoals of dust
I will return to where I began
Yahoo group GCIACST
Origin story of costume:
- "Dude, where did you get a Bowser costume?"
- "I got drunk and ordered it from China on eBay."
-start prepping weeks in advance with walking, feet were killing us friday and saturday night
-get a DS of some form, was very jeolous of those around me, have always been curious but haven't had a portable game unit since grey/white gameboy
-plan out meals better, maybe bring food rather then spending big bucks on restaurant food
-meet more people, play more games with strangers, need to kick and scratch my way out of this anti-social shell
Yeah, PAX really revitalized my desire to lose weight. My current goal is to drop at least a shirt size by next year's PAX East, and I think I can do it.
Back to the gym tomorrow morning, dammit!
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Did you take the PAX Train with all the other PAXers or just a train by yourself? There's a big difference between the two.
-Look into getting a huge meeting room at the Sheraton for pre and post PAX events for the community
-Find more 18+ (not 21+) places to grab some food and entertainment at
-Kick back and relax a bit more. I was far too wound up at PAX East 2010.
To make it worse I was chosen to go to Florida by my company on an all expense paid vacation - so 40 coworkers and spouses on the beach/pool at the end of May. I really need to get myself down to just 1 x in my shirt size
-Bring cell phone wall charger
-3 day pass!
* Wear a Costume (40k was not properly represented at PAX)
* Buy official PAX apparel on Day 1
* Take that Friday off from work. (going down to PAX at 5 was nice because i didn't have to use a vacation day, but i sure missed out on things)
* Bring My laptop with me
* Bring Drinks (a 6 pack of soda was much cheaper than 1 drink at the event. They did not stop you from bringing external food)
* Bring a pack of sorts to hold all SWAG and needed items.
2. Making sure I know how to play Assassins before signing up for it.
3. Prioritizing a bit better
-Because of my delay in decision making/prioritizing events, I missed the X-play signing, PA signing, Naughty Dog panel, and IGN bar party. Boo me.
4. Learn demos of tabletop games early as they sell out of stuff REALLY fast!
5. Buying merch on day one, hour one. Period. Likely to be nothing left on hour two.
I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
Hmm...maybe we should make a thread about it? We can't be the only fatties who want to drop tons before the next PAX East.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Trying to hang out with members of the gaming community (ex, a dinner). The last two P.A.X. primes I was all by myself.
360Voice Blog
GamerDNA Profile
Playfire Profile Pwned Profile
"I don't know why people ever, ever try to stop nerds from doing things. It's really the most incredible waste of time." - Tycho
* AVOID HYNES. (In the unlikely event that PAX East is there in 2011, I'll just go to Prime instead thankyouverymuch. Hynes was ill-equipped on pretty much every level to handle the crush of people. Also, while Enforcers were with one exception amazingly awesome, the convention center staff were predominantly jerks.)
* Try to find the extra cash to not have to take the red-eye train home.
* Bring somewhat warmer clothes.
* Try to hide location of nearest Starbucks from girlfriend
* Eat at the convention center, rather than waste precious Con time dicking around at slammed restaurants
* Avoid the corned beef hash
* Sign up for D&D sessions earlier
* Bring food items like trail mix, etc, to stave off mealtimes AND save money
* Avoid the Hilton. By Hilton standards, it was a shithole. Had a rotten time. I have never felt so nickel-and-dimed in my life. Awful.
(Best decisions: PAX Train, BYOC, signing up for PlayOn's HDTV raffle)
A: "What do you want from me?!?!?"
I say a biggest loser PAX attendee challenge, percentage based. Winner gets 2 3-day passes to next PAX East!
WoW - US Quel'Dorie - Daxius DwPr(Disc/Shadow) 80
Give Back to those who serve us Become a Black Pie Day Pieoneer!
-- Buy a Goddamn DS. Possibly pick up a 360. Bring Zombie Dice.
-- Bring a reusable grocery bag from home or a smaller-sized backpack (I was golden until I decided to buy the books collection)
-- Bring others. It sucks going by yourself, even to something such as PAX (my wife and daughter came along for the trip, but did non-PAX stuff)
-- Find a way to enjoy 6+ total hours in line while watching others prance along enjoying themselves (see second point above?).
Also, I want to do a different cosplay as well (anyone have any suggestions? I was Vanille this year and would prefer a character with read hair as I am loathe to dye my hair or get a wig because I'm lazy. But I would like to try a more difficult costume, I think).
And I definitely want to actually be there for the keynote and all the panels I want to see, rather than missing most of them. And I want to spend some time in console freeplay, because I didn't actually play that many games this PAX since I was busy trying to get to panels.
The amount of attendance at Hynes was unprecedented. The wheels are already in motion and PAX East 2011 will be at the BECE.
Spend more time playing board and table-top games.
No more magic tournaments. I usually do one a year.. But the cost and time to be trounced that hard is not worth it anymore.
Loose more weight. I lost 25lbs before PAX East and it helped tremendously. I had more energy and stamina. However I was still a wretch when it ended.
Look at the sizes of stuff I bought. I took it on face value that when I asked for an XXL I would get an XXL.
Be a bit more outgoing. I brought a number of games that I enjoy playing, but never got a group to play. I need to try a bit more to get folks attention to the awesomeness that is "Give me the Brain" and "Deduce or Die!".
Also, I can count to "boat".
Also, getting peoples Steam IDs would have been a good idea
This list kinda got away from me, but these are my 'New PAX Resolutions', as well as some of the things I did right this time around.
Things I did differently this PAX
Things I Did perfectly from the start, by sheer luck as much as anything:
- See the Scott Kurtz panel if he's doing another one (it was either him or the Saturday concert - hard one to choose between)
- Go see the classic arcade room (can't believe I missed that!)
- Get to the merchandise booth a lot earlier
- Cosplay (I already have something in mind and it's not anime or video game related. I'm crap at creating costumes so this one will be easy but clever)
And for those who didn't do it this time, I strongly encourage two things for future PAXs:
-Attend after parties. They were so much fun! I met some amazing bloggers and got my ass handed to me at Tetris and Street Fighter at the Gamers Gone Wild party.
-Start a conversation with a stranger. Most people at PAX won't bite, and we've all got a little bit of awkward in us. Just ask what our favorite part of PAX has been or what our favorite game is, and you've got yourself a long conversation with people that share your interests! I loved meeting people this way.
As for the PAX Biggest Loser thing, I'd definitely talk to the organizers and suggest that, but also make it a per event thing. Like Biggest Loser: East and Biggest Loser: Prime, so that if you want to go to one over another, you can make that choice.
-Make sure to spend some sort of time in the console/classic freeplay. I didn't play anything but Steel Battalion at their dedicated room
-Meet more people. It was just me and a buddy, and I met no one at the convention. Hooray for social anxieties! Would have been nice to make some new friends
-Make sure to hunt out more swag. Apparently hoodie codes for XBL were given out somewhere during the con, I didn't know anything about this. Now I see I have missed out.
-Do some after hours stuff. I was just too wiped out, and went back to the room to crash pretty much every night.
-Bring some more gaming stuff with me. Like some vintage handhelds like Game Gear or Lynx, fun conversation starters, and a little something different than the typical DS/PSP crowd.
-Make/bring business cards so people can track me down after the con.
-Lurk less on the boards so I can be more apart of this fine community
-Take more photos!
[ XBL: NemesisFuzz | PSN: Deefuzz ]
- Talk with more people. At my age friends are fading away faster and faster. Less time to spend gaming and more time... doing whatever it is they do with their free time now. It was nice to be around so many people that still find plenty of time for gaming, video, table top, cards, whatever it is. It was nice for a short time to be around other gamers.
- Bring a camera, durrrrrr
- Learn to play Magic, Settlers and some others that everyone but me were playing
- Play more games! Only spent about an hour in the PC free play room all weekend.
- I like the business card idea that people have mentioned, met some cool people that I'll probably never talk to again.
PAX was sort of a religious awakening to me, the nerd gods spoke to me from their beanbag chairs saying "you need to play wow less, you dont need 5 level 80's... play some new, different games!" So yea, I'll be playing a bigger variety of games so I can play them @ PAX next year
they were given out in the queue room on sunday afternoon before the closing ceremony, and they seemed to go pretty fast. at least that was the only place/time i saw them being handed out.
Get some athletic tape and wrap your feet before you put on socks/shoes.
Best thing Ive ever done. not a single blister, just sore feet (easily recoverable).
All you gotta do is put tape over the places where you usually get blisters.