Thank you to everyone for making our first PAX a success. It was nice to see gamers enjoying the classic coin-ops we brought to the show.
Gary Vincent
The American Classic Arcade Museum
President, The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246 The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
And Thank You! I enjoyed talking after spending some quality time on on e of your pinball machines. I'm hoping that you will be able to bring more machines next year
Much love for you guys too. I make it a point to get up to Funspot at least a couple times a year. With one of those coupons, two people can go hog wild for an afternoon on just $20.
The retro arcade was one of the highlights of the weekend. As Wheaton mentioned in his keynotes, PAX housed us older gamers who grew up in arcades and younger ones who've never set foot in one. It was really cool to see some of those latter folks getting a hint of what that culture was like (awesome).
I will be up to New Hampshire to see more of you guys soon, for sure.
I would like to echo Gary's comments above. PAX-East was the great experiment for us. While we attend trade events on a regular basis, we have never done an exhibit before. Everything we did at PAX-East seemed to be a smashing success. People loved the games, the ACAM panel with the former GCC programmers went very well, and I think it goes without saying that everyone loved that we could get the first public showing of Crazy Otto since 1981.
The only complaints we heard the entire weekend were when we needed to close the room down at the end of each night.
I'd like to give a special "thank you" to Khahil, Liz, Shervyn, all of the Enforcers (who kicked ass for us) and the entire PAX-East staff for going out of their way to make us feel welcome. I would also like to thank ACAM President Gary Vincent, ACAM BoD members Sarah St. John & Tina Gebhard, and all of our ACAM volunteers. We could not have been successful without all of your hard work. It was a true team effort.
To Wil Wheaton, thank you for all of the compliments you had for our exhibit. It was an honor to give you and your friends a private showing of our games.
To the PAX-East attendees, thank you for all of your kind words. As ACAM is a 501c3 non-profit staffed mainly by volunteers, it is especially rewarding to see how much all of you enjoyed what we brought to the show. An event like PAX-East shows us that all of our volunteer work is recognized and appreciated.
I'm sure we will be back with an even bigger and better display for 2011.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
Thanks for coming! I played Sinistar long long ago and only just learned how to play correctly this weekend. Also mad props to all you guys with the Dragon's Lair skills. That must have been a quarter killer back in the day. can't wait to take a roadtrip up to NH and see what else you guys have!
To Wil Wheaton, thank you for all of the compliments you had for our exhibit. It was an honor to give you and your friends a private showing of our games.
Overheard at the autograph line on Saturday: "Wil Wheaton's still not here?" "No, he's going to be late because they can't break him away from the Asteroids cabinet!"
The ACAM arcade was my favorite part of PAX East! I loved this sooooo much.
Ditto. I had such a blast in there, and played games I'd only ever read about (I played real Pong! ahh!) and discovered new ones (omg, Quantum). Thank you!
I thought it was cool how polite / awesome all the gamer-types who played were, too. No cutting in lines, everyone very respectful about letting others have a whirl - makes me proud to be a part of such a community.
I just wanted to toss my hat into the ring and thank the wonderful crew from ACAM for going to all the trouble of lugging those machines down from NH! I was sure to thank Gary and all the ACAM reps in person (when I saw them), and told them to keep an eye out for me at this year's International Classsic Arcade Game Tournament in June.
For those not in-the-know, the Classic Arcade Game tournament was where some of the movie "King of Kong" was filmed, and they've got tons of plaques up on the wall with all the current record holders. I definitely recommend at least spectating the tournament, as it is really a fun time.
Former employees and owners of General Computer Corporation (GCC) developers of Crazy Otto, Ms. Pac Man, Jr. Pac Man, Food Fight, Quantum and Suoer Missile Attack. They also designed the Atari 7800 console and many carts for the 2600 and the 7800.
CRAZY OTTO!!! Thank you to Steve Golson of GCC for allowing us to showcase this for 3 days at PAX! This was the first time since 1981 that the game was able to be played by the general public.
Gary Vincent
The American Classic Arcade Museum
ACAM Gary on
President, The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246 The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
Woo thanks for sharing all these wonderful games with us (yes even Leprechaun). Can't wait to see what mad, crazy, wonderful cabinets and pinball machines we see next year.
Shervyn on
A man who could afford $50 had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in 10 yrs' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a $100 on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. -Vimes
No, thank you. It was very cool to get some free play time with classics the way they're meant to be played. I think it's only the second time I've ever seen Joust 2 in person.
birru on
thorgotthere is special providencein the fall of a sparrowRegistered Userregular
edited April 2010
I quite enjoyed your room.
Oone question; the pong machine had a quirk where the ball would often disappear from the bottom and reappear at the top, or vice versa.
Is this a feature or a bug? If it's a feature you should probably hang a note on the machine because we were quite confused.
I walked in the room on Sunday. I hear the sequal to to David Bowie's Major Tom on the stereo (can't remember the name of the song), I hear the old sounds, I see the old lights. I felt like a 10 year-old in an arcade back in Chicago loooooong ago.
Thank you so much for bringing the games and next time I hope to spend some more time in the room.
Incidentally, a few requests:
Since you brought Dragon's Lair this year, how about Space Ace next year?
Buck Rogers arcade game is nice, but if you're going to go with a sit down, it has to be the original Star Wars arcade game.
Oone question; the pong machine had a quirk where the ball would often disappear from the bottom and reappear at the top, or vice versa.
Is this a feature or a bug? If it's a feature you should probably hang a note on the machine because we were quite confused.
I was not aware we were having issues with Pong. It is a recent aquisition for us and it went through a complete overhaul prior to the show. I'll make a note to check it out.
Thank you for your feedback.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
I walked in the room on Sunday. I hear the sequal to to David Bowie's Major Tom on the stereo (can't remember the name of the song), I hear the old sounds, I see the old lights. I felt like a 10 year-old in an arcade back in Chicago loooooong ago.
Thank you so much for bringing the games and next time I hope to spend some more time in the room.
Incidentally, a few requests:
Since you brought Dragon's Lair this year, how about Space Ace next year?
Buck Rogers arcade game is nice, but if you're going to go with a sit down, it has to be the original Star Wars arcade game.
We currently have six laserdisc games in our facility -- Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, M.A.C.H. 3, Cliff Hanger, Astron Belt & Us Vs. Them. We also have several more in various states of restoration. I hope to have at least one of them finished before our 12th Annual International Videogame Championship event in June. I think bringing Space Ace to PAX-East next year is a "no-brainer" decision.
One of the goals that I had for the ACAM exhibit at PAX-East was to present versions of all cabinet types. I wanted to have a mix of uprights, cockpits, cabarets and cocktails. Unfortunately, cockpits and cocktails take up entirely too much room in the truck, and once Gary started mapping out how to get the most amount of games on the truck, it became clear we could not do that. This is a mistake that I recognize now, and in the interest of providing more games to play at PAX-East, I had to rethink my position on representing all cabinet types. As a result, we only brought one cockpit and the rest were uprights.
We do have a Star Wars upright and cockpit. The upright is on the ACAM floor, but the cockpit was put in storage as it is in need of an overhaul. Same goes for our Star Trek cockpit which several people asked me about during the show. Since we operate as a 501c3 non-profit that exists solely on tax-deductible donations & a weekly charitable Bingo game, we can't fix these games until the funds become available.
Oh, and the Bowie song you mentioned is called "Space Oddity."
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
If anyone runs across internet coverage of ACAM at PAX could you PM me the links?
Gary Vincent
The American Classic Arcade Museum
ACAM Gary on
President, The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246 The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
I had a blast playing all the old classics I'd hear my parents go on for hours about! When Galaga came to VC, my mother and I spent way too much time playing it but to play it in an actual cabinet again was far more fun. I spent too much time at the Quantum cabinet too. I'm a sucker for the classics even though I didn't grow up with them. Thanks again and I hope to see you at PAX East 2011!
Let me pull those back up and correct the issues. I'll get to it later today. Sorry about that.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
Thanks Gary!
Always a pleasure to see you, gary.
-nick from magfest
I will be up to New Hampshire to see more of you guys soon, for sure.
The only complaints we heard the entire weekend were when we needed to close the room down at the end of each night.
I'd like to give a special "thank you" to Khahil, Liz, Shervyn, all of the Enforcers (who kicked ass for us) and the entire PAX-East staff for going out of their way to make us feel welcome. I would also like to thank ACAM President Gary Vincent, ACAM BoD members Sarah St. John & Tina Gebhard, and all of our ACAM volunteers. We could not have been successful without all of your hard work. It was a true team effort.
To Wil Wheaton, thank you for all of the compliments you had for our exhibit. It was an honor to give you and your friends a private showing of our games.
To the PAX-East attendees, thank you for all of your kind words. As ACAM is a 501c3 non-profit staffed mainly by volunteers, it is especially rewarding to see how much all of you enjoyed what we brought to the show. An event like PAX-East shows us that all of our volunteer work is recognized and appreciated.
I'm sure we will be back with an even bigger and better display for 2011.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
was a lot of fun getting to play these games again!
Overheard at the autograph line on Saturday: "Wil Wheaton's still not here?" "No, he's going to be late because they can't break him away from the Asteroids cabinet!"
Ditto. I had such a blast in there, and played games I'd only ever read about (I played real Pong! ahh!) and discovered new ones (omg, Quantum). Thank you!
I thought it was cool how polite / awesome all the gamer-types who played were, too. No cutting in lines, everyone very respectful about letting others have a whirl - makes me proud to be a part of such a community.
Thanks for letting us play, ACAM!
For those not in-the-know, the Classic Arcade Game tournament was where some of the movie "King of Kong" was filmed, and they've got tons of plaques up on the wall with all the current record holders. I definitely recommend at least spectating the tournament, as it is really a fun time.
Thanks, and see you soon!
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
Our room at PAX East
The crowd in our room!!!
Outside our door
Wil Wheaton playing our Sinistar.
Former employees and owners of General Computer Corporation (GCC) developers of Crazy Otto, Ms. Pac Man, Jr. Pac Man, Food Fight, Quantum and Suoer Missile Attack. They also designed the Atari 7800 console and many carts for the 2600 and the 7800.
CRAZY OTTO!!! Thank you to Steve Golson of GCC for allowing us to showcase this for 3 days at PAX! This was the first time since 1981 that the game was able to be played by the general public.
Gary Vincent
The American Classic Arcade Museum
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246
The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
Oone question; the pong machine had a quirk where the ball would often disappear from the bottom and reappear at the top, or vice versa.
Is this a feature or a bug? If it's a feature you should probably hang a note on the machine because we were quite confused.
Thank you so much for bringing the games and next time I hope to spend some more time in the room.
Incidentally, a few requests:
Since you brought Dragon's Lair this year, how about Space Ace next year?
Buck Rogers arcade game is nice, but if you're going to go with a sit down, it has to be the original Star Wars arcade game.
Yahoo group GCIACST
I was not aware we were having issues with Pong. It is a recent aquisition for us and it went through a complete overhaul prior to the show. I'll make a note to check it out.
Thank you for your feedback.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
We currently have six laserdisc games in our facility -- Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, M.A.C.H. 3, Cliff Hanger, Astron Belt & Us Vs. Them. We also have several more in various states of restoration. I hope to have at least one of them finished before our 12th Annual International Videogame Championship event in June. I think bringing Space Ace to PAX-East next year is a "no-brainer" decision.
One of the goals that I had for the ACAM exhibit at PAX-East was to present versions of all cabinet types. I wanted to have a mix of uprights, cockpits, cabarets and cocktails. Unfortunately, cockpits and cocktails take up entirely too much room in the truck, and once Gary started mapping out how to get the most amount of games on the truck, it became clear we could not do that. This is a mistake that I recognize now, and in the interest of providing more games to play at PAX-East, I had to rethink my position on representing all cabinet types. As a result, we only brought one cockpit and the rest were uprights.
We do have a Star Wars upright and cockpit. The upright is on the ACAM floor, but the cockpit was put in storage as it is in need of an overhaul. Same goes for our Star Trek cockpit which several people asked me about during the show. Since we operate as a 501c3 non-profit that exists solely on tax-deductible donations & a weekly charitable Bingo game, we can't fix these games until the funds become available.
Oh, and the Bowie song you mentioned is called "Space Oddity."
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
Gary Vincent
The American Classic Arcade Museum
579 Endicott Street North - Laconia, NH 03246
The first 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and display of classic coin-operated amusements
Gary, this is everything that I have been notified of.
Arcade Heroes:
Wired Magazine
Arcade Heroes -- 2nd Story:
Some pictures of us in the PAX-East photo gallery:
RacketBoy Podcast
Modern Day Pirates -- Top 10 things to do @ PAX-East:
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246
Hmmm... How did that happen? o_O
Let me pull those back up and correct the issues. I'll get to it later today. Sorry about that.
Mike Stulir
Board of Directors
The American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot
579 Endicott Street North
Laconia, NH 03246