PAX Prime 2010 Info and FAQ Thread (ASK QUESTIONS HERE)



  • AlphaTwoAlphaTwo Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Kingkoa wrote: »
    so major nelson event that the main hall is located at benaroya hall? just need to know where to line up
    Yes, that is the correct hall.

    See you there tomorrow.

    AlphaTwo on
  • hockeymask13hockeymask13 Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Sandizzle wrote: »
    Out of curiosity does any one else feel like Blizzard is giving us all the big middle finger by not having a booth this year? I mean last year they handed out left over hand sanitizer, which is hugely generous for a company that charges 11 Million people $15 a month to use their servers. But this year they didn't even show!
    Basically I think they are all a bunch of shaft smugglers who just out'n'out expect that we (gamers) will purchase their product regardless of how they treat us.

    I'm moving to FF14, or AION, or pretty much any other MMO that has the decency to actually treat their customers with a little respect.

    That is all.

    Bite me Blizzard. /rude

    This is largely due to the fact that blizzcon is in October instead of August, so I'm pretty sure they're prepping for that and just didn't have time for pax.

    hockeymask13 on
  • WormdundeeWormdundee Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Page 69 in the PAX handbook thingy says that PAX prime 2011 is from August 27-29. How come it's not on the labour day weekend? Was there a scheduling problem for next year or something?

    More importantly, this means my birthday is no longer during PAX. Say it ain't so.

    Wormdundee on
  • MaxNVMaxNV Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Wormdundee wrote: »
    Page 69 in the PAX handbook thingy says that PAX prime 2011 is from August 27-29. How come it's not on the labour day weekend? Was there a scheduling problem for next year or something?

    More importantly, this means my birthday is no longer during PAX. Say it ain't so.

    I seem to remember something about some fishing conference on Labour Day next year. Apparently they book it like three years ago.

    MaxNV on
  • CougRonCougRon Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Oh, pax isn't on Labor day next year?! Yay, this makes it more likely I can go since it shouldn't interfere with any family vacations.

    CougRon on
  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I think it'll be found that it goes both ways. For some folks (like me) it sucks because if I want to fly back Monday instead of Sunday night then I have to take Monday off instead of having it be a holiday I already get.

    ASimPerson on
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