For me it is is a throw up betweem every mmorpg besides EQ and DAOC vs Modern warefare. MMORPGs wasted my time but MW2 wasted a ton of my money and took away features. I paid 60 bucks played it for 2 days, beat most of spec ops and never played it again.
Blue Dragon was fun
That said, probably the most recent for me is FFXIII, I've at least liked every other non-online entry in the main series quite a bit to date, but man alive, I don't think there was a single moment during which I was enjoying myself with that game. It's tied with Super Paper Mario for my fastest sell-back ever.
Bioshock 2 (played it for about 3 hours)
ARG MW2 pisses me off so much.. Over 60 bucks with TAX.. At the most the damn game should have just been an xpack.
Nothing to show for it, except for all those hours of really cheap entertainment right? I mean its not like I have anything to show for it after I get done watching a tv show and damn my cable bill is over $100 a month.
For me it would have to be Madden. I bought 2006 and 2010 and despite how much I love football I just can't find the fun in these games.
Finished it and traded it in for £35 or something later that day.
But on topic, probably CS:S. I really never got what people liked so much about it, although I probably went in too late.
I played it all of 30 minutes expecting great things but it just didn't do anything for me. I even earned 1 lousy 20 point achievement so I can't even remove it from my history.
With internet it is about $150. I also have netflix. If it was just me I would prolly cancel it, but it is worth it to keep the wife occupied while I am gaming.
It's the first game in my life ever that I can't trade in because it apparently has a scratch.
The game works perfectly,runs flawless without a hitch. But I can't trade it in. It is sitting there,laughing at me.
A terrible game on my shelves just laughing and making faces.
Because each video it releases is damn tempting me to resub.
Did they do that big big upgrade that makes the graphics even better? I bought AION, played with the goons for a month. Then EVERYONE quit lol
I should have known the $40 price point was a trap
PSN - sumowot
I asked for and received it as a Christmas present last year. I got half way through it and realized that I was using black hole, pegasus, USB, and SCUBA to solve every puzzle.
It's such a great concept... just horrible implementation.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Infinite Undiscovery. God dammit, tri-Ace. At least they've finally made something good with Resonance of Fate.
I might catch some flak for this, but I kind of regret importing Demon's Souls. I found it more frustrating than fun.
I've seen a variety of places that have " repairing services " to remove superficial scratches. Would be great if it would allow you to finally be rid of it.
Of course with the first one I took about a year long break and came back, finished, and loved it, so let's hope for that.
Feeling I shouldn't have bought SoulSilver because I'm already losing interest and I really could have used that money elsewhere.
The "making of" was absolute crap. A shitty video of people talking to a a camera. You made the fucking game, you couldn't throw up some art or gameplay so i don't have to look at your ugly mugs the whole time?
The "soundtrack" was garbage. No actual songs from the game, just 3 shitty techno remixes of classic songs.
I liked the game okay, but not as much as I expected to. Should have rented it instead.
The Big Daddy Statue is fairly boss though. Luckily I didn't get a broken one.
Shattered Horizons.. Game looks great and I thought it would be really cool but the limited weapons, map and pointless game play. Killed it. Wish I would have got the game for 7 bucks when it was on steam instead of 20. Also, the game makes me really sick to play.
No. I just wanted to say something witty. My witty bar was getting low.
But seriously, DAMN THOSE TETRIS DREAMS. Always have the worst sleeps after playing that game... but with a tinge of nostalgia. Ti-83 Tetris wars with the communication cable, no wonder I failed Math 12.
PSN - sumowot
Of all of my gaming purchases, that was the one I regret the most. That $0.25 could have been a gumball, or one third of a can of soda.
This is a true story.
Because every other video game you play gives you something to show for completing it? It's all recreation. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to play 8 hours a day for an MMO to be fun. You just have to play with people you like.
Honestly I could make a big long list about games and systems I wish I never bought because I used to buy anything and everything.
Atari Jaguar
Sega Nomad
and so on.
Ironically getting Everquest was what stopped my pointless console spending spree. It saved me money in the long run.
I guess a more recent example would be Mirror's Edge. Even though I got it on a Steam sale for 5 dollars, I'd rather have that 5 dollars and get a pizza, because I would enjoy that pizza much more than the negative fun that game provided.
I know it gets some serious love around these parts, but I pretty much hated everything about it. I played up until the middle of the 2nd area (swamp) before I straight up quit because I wasn't enjoying myself at all.
This is rare for me since I usually finish every single game I buy.
Wow this is the wrongest statement I've ever read. ever
both ended up as games that i really didn't play much. I still haven't finished the 4th campaign in L4D, and stopped playing bioshock because i got sick of the controls/you-got-hit effects
Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy
Game doctor works great...
I bought one for 20 bucks to play HD movies on my computer. It works but no free software to play the movies.
I had an Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive.
It was mostly used as an external DVD drive for my netbook.
lol What WWF games are good?
Damn I didn't even know that got released. I'm sorry.
I'll also add L4D2 to my list. It's not even cause I played L4D1 and thought 2 was just an "expansion." I, in fact, never played L4D1, but I just barely spent any time on 2, and bought it for full price. Then what, a few weeks later, they take like half off for the Christmas sale. I guess that's my fault for buying in November and not waiting, but if I had waited pretty much everyone would have played through the campaigns already...
I only bought it because I had fond memories of playing one of the N64 ones at a friend's house having four player matches when I was young.
I thought I could recreate some of that magic with my roommates, only this time with created characters!
Boy was I wrong.
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391