My girlfriend is going. She would (85% chance) be going even if I weren't.
You're not likely to find "chicks" at these things. You'll find some obnoxious grrls and some female geeks. If they're a grrl, they're either hooked up with another grrl, engaging in some sort of renegade empowerment behavior, or both. If they're a geek, they're probably spoken for. If they're a geek and not spoken for (the woman of our dreams), you'll never know she's looking
My girlfriend is going. She would (85% chance) be going even if I weren't.
You're not likely to find "chicks" at these things. You'll find some obnoxious grrls and some female geeks. If they're a grrl, they're either hooked up with another grrl, engaging in some sort of renegade empowerment behavior, or both. If they're a geek, they're probably spoken for. If they're a geek and not spoken for (the woman of our dreams), you'll never know she's looking
Well shoot if you see some hot nerdy girl who isnt with a dude (or is for that matter) whats the harm in asking? I mean if she is with someone just say oh, ok and walk let it go.
SuperFlyTNT on
"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully"
-Helem Boesch-
There shouldn't be any harm in asking (though the grrls will make it painful for you, no doubt). Ask away. The geek girls should let you down gently if they are spoken for.
Jackpot is when they ask you. You have to be SLY. Or lucky. Or have a massive ... wallet.
I sure hope you're joking because that has to be one of the most racist things I've heard all day.
One way to look at it is that he is just expressing his/her personal preferences regarding attractiveness in relation to the ethnicity of 'hot nerd girls'. Nothing overtly racist in that, everyone forms some personal preferences in what they find to be attractive (as I'm sure jdjensen was mainly speaking of the physical attributes).
Don't go to meet chicks. Go to lose at tournaments and have me kill your new D&D character.
No, no, not you, i will kill it(If i get enough cash for the airplanetickets...:roll: ), you can have the leftovers!
Hot nerdgirls are normaly refered as (h!x0rz.
sage_ich_nicht on
"Fairy tales don't teach children that monsters exist.
Children already know that monsters exist.
Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed."
G. K. Chesterton
"Fairy tales don't teach children that monsters exist.
Children already know that monsters exist.
Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed."
G. K. Chesterton
In hopes of preventing the thread to be derailed even further (sorry, I guess it kinda was my fault) let me explain what I meant.
One guy asked for hot nerd girls, the other guy suggested finding an Asian girl. I mentioned that was racist because it was suggesting that every single Asian girl is both hot and a nerd, something I'm sure that not all Asian girls would agree with. Considering Asia is a large continent, that stereotype encompasses a lot of people and only applies to a fairly small portion of that population, which makes it a very skewed encompassment of many different cultures as if they were all the same thing.
Anyways, I stand by my thoughts of "Go for the fun" but if you happen to stumble across a hot nerd girl to hang with that'd be cool to, ne?
*laugh* You'll need to forgive Ice. He's a friend and just trying to cause me trouble. (Notice the titles?)
But you have to admit, the main problem is that too many (please note: NOT ALL - only many) attractive american girls think that gaming is somehow "beneath" them. The slightly more cultured asian folks don't have this strange sense of shame associated with video games that so many of us honkies do.
But but I'm not biased: I'm happy with any hot gaming gals that may present themselves.
Aeren on
-- Well, yeah, I suppose I'd like to have someone to worship me. --
*laugh* You'll need to forgive Ice. He's a friend and just trying to cause me trouble. (Notice the titles?)
But you have to admit, the main problem is that too many (please note: NOT ALL - only many) attractive american girls think that gaming is somehow "beneath" them. The slightly more cultured asian folks don't have this strange sense of shame associated with video games that so many of us honkies do.
But but I'm not biased: I'm happy with any hot gaming gals that may present themselves.
This is great. I love all the ladies btw, but yeah my last girlfriend thought video games were stupid etc etc... She was your typical american woman. anyway bottom line PAX will rock hard.
SuperFlyTNT on
"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully"
-Helem Boesch-
I'm sure there are some females who will be present. Hopefully because i've never seen nor heard of a girl who plays video games and i think it would be a change of pace to meet some...especially those who could waste me in my game of choice.
While you may feel as if your manhood is somehow challenged by a female gamer, it turns me on to no end. If I ever meet a hot girl who can kick my ass in Soul Calibur II, I'll be in love.
Aeren on
-- Well, yeah, I suppose I'd like to have someone to worship me. --
Of course there wont be any chicks there! Why would baby chickens go to a convention?
Now, to answer the question "will there be any girls there?" YES there WILL be, but if I hear anyone mention 'hot nerd girl' i will pummel them to the ground... :twisted:
Now there is nothing wrong with saying "I would fall in love with a girl who could kick my ass at soul caliber" and hell I probably could, but I don’t consider myself hot. There is a lot of time and effort that goes into makeup and choosing the right cloths...and why should I spend that much time to look beautiful when Diablo II or Warcraft...or...Counter Strike or...Sacred...they call to me...
So, how much effort do you put into getting ready in the morning or just looking nice period? Or would you rather play games? I think I know the answer to this why would any women who are hot and well dressed even pay attention to someone who really doesn’t care? Hell, with the way your talking about women, why the hell should I CARE?
I've been playing D&D ever since I was old enough to read. My Dad was the DM in all his games and he held me on his knee when I was a baby. As for computer games? I played all the computer games that came out since 1986, with him or by Marathon, I remember that was a lot of fun. The point is I have been apart of the gaming culture since I was little, and I'm used to hearing 'hot nerd girl' but the way your talking about girls in this forum makes it sound like they are a rare dessert often coveted and held by someone else....
Well I can tell you right now I'm NO dessert...I'm not held by anyone and I'll be damned if anyone ever does. Yeah I'll be there at PAX, I even want to Volunteer if I can, but there is no way I will hang out with someone who actively thinks of women who just happen to like games, as an object.
Or at least, this is the impression I'm getting...correct me if I'm wrong.
By the way, maybe if you guys stopped talking about girls like this, perhaps more of them would be interested in games in general…
I hate to say this... but I think Mayhem is trying to say something!
But I'll be fair: I don't really enjoy listening to that kind of feminist rabble either. Sometimes, Thyrza, people talk about these things in jest. To clarify for you: That means we AREN'T SERIOUS.
You see, we were all making jokes back there about how pathetic we all are, and you feel the need to pop in and start chanting about how we are talking bad about women! A couple of slang terms here and there hardly constitutes chauvanism.
Besides, what's so wrong with looking good for the opposite gender? What's so bad about wanting to attract a boyfriend/girlfriend at some point? Gaming is my favorite pastime, and I'd like a girlfriend who feels the same.
Now, as to your quote: "Well I can tell you right now I'm NO dessert...I'm not held by anyone and I'll be damned if anyone ever does."
Well, maybe you don't like guys much, but what do you expect any of us to do about that? Maybe you don't want to be dependent on a man, but why take that out on us? And, lest you believe that all of us only see women as objects... well. I really don't know what men you have been exposed to, but I can guarantee you that that is a false opinion. (Except for -maybe- Ice... )
So, here's me: Correcting you. Not to be mean, but guys aren't all as bad as you think. We joke, just the same way women do, that's all. So, maybe you should lay off these poor guys. :P
Aeren on
-- Well, yeah, I suppose I'd like to have someone to worship me. --
Now where the hell did I come into this? And no I do not see women as objects...Aeren is just being an ass. So in reply to this, Thyrza, come to PAX, but please don't feel that you were discriminated against when some random guy completely smokes you in game.
Ice1903 on
' I'm not addicted to gambling, I'm addicted to sitting in a semi-circle '
You're not likely to find "chicks" at these things. You'll find some obnoxious grrls and some female geeks. If they're a grrl, they're either hooked up with another grrl, engaging in some sort of renegade empowerment behavior, or both. If they're a geek, they're probably spoken for. If they're a geek and not spoken for (the woman of our dreams), you'll never know she's looking
Well shoot if you see some hot nerdy girl who isnt with a dude (or is for that matter) whats the harm in asking? I mean if she is with someone just say oh, ok and walk let it go.
-Helem Boesch-
Jackpot is when they ask you. You have to be SLY. Or lucky. Or have a massive ... wallet.
We all know what you were thinking, you have to have a massive.....gaming muscle. *flexes gaming muscle*
But why would you go to PAX for chicks? Go for fun, not chicks, and you'll have a better time.
Good call
Of course I am going for fun, just thought what the hell no harm in asking.
-Helem Boesch-
Find an asian.
I sure hope you're joking because that has to be one of the most racist things I've heard all day.
One way to look at it is that he is just expressing his/her personal preferences regarding attractiveness in relation to the ethnicity of 'hot nerd girls'. Nothing overtly racist in that, everyone forms some personal preferences in what they find to be attractive (as I'm sure jdjensen was mainly speaking of the physical attributes).
Hot nerdgirls are normaly refered as (h!x0rz.
Children already know that monsters exist.
Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed."
G. K. Chesterton
Children already know that monsters exist.
Fairy tales teach children that monsters can be killed."
G. K. Chesterton
I'm not even going to dignify that with a response because I don't want to derail any threads in the PAX forum.
I mean: If I prefer an Asian hottie, does that mean I -discriminate- against all the other ones?!? Thereby making me a bad person?
AHHH! Head... hurting... :x
One guy asked for hot nerd girls, the other guy suggested finding an Asian girl. I mentioned that was racist because it was suggesting that every single Asian girl is both hot and a nerd, something I'm sure that not all Asian girls would agree with. Considering Asia is a large continent, that stereotype encompasses a lot of people and only applies to a fairly small portion of that population, which makes it a very skewed encompassment of many different cultures as if they were all the same thing.
Anyways, I stand by my thoughts of "Go for the fun" but if you happen to stumble across a hot nerd girl to hang with that'd be cool to, ne?
But you have to admit, the main problem is that too many (please note: NOT ALL - only many) attractive american girls think that gaming is somehow "beneath" them. The slightly more cultured asian folks don't have this strange sense of shame associated with video games that so many of us honkies do.
But but I'm not biased: I'm happy with any hot gaming gals that may present themselves.
This is great. I love all the ladies btw, but yeah my last girlfriend thought video games were stupid etc etc... She was your typical american woman.
-Helem Boesch-
While you may feel as if your manhood is somehow challenged by a female gamer, it turns me on to no end. If I ever meet a hot girl who can kick my ass in Soul Calibur II, I'll be in love.
Now, to answer the question "will there be any girls there?" YES there WILL be, but if I hear anyone mention 'hot nerd girl' i will pummel them to the ground... :twisted:
Now there is nothing wrong with saying "I would fall in love with a girl who could kick my ass at soul caliber" and hell I probably could, but I don’t consider myself hot. There is a lot of time and effort that goes into makeup and choosing the right cloths...and why should I spend that much time to look beautiful when Diablo II or Warcraft...or...Counter Strike or...Sacred...they call to me...
So, how much effort do you put into getting ready in the morning or just looking nice period? Or would you rather play games? I think I know the answer to this why would any women who are hot and well dressed even pay attention to someone who really doesn’t care? Hell, with the way your talking about women, why the hell should I CARE?
I've been playing D&D ever since I was old enough to read. My Dad was the DM in all his games and he held me on his knee when I was a baby. As for computer games? I played all the computer games that came out since 1986, with him or by Marathon, I remember that was a lot of fun. The point is I have been apart of the gaming culture since I was little, and I'm used to hearing 'hot nerd girl' but the way your talking about girls in this forum makes it sound like they are a rare dessert often coveted and held by someone else....
Well I can tell you right now I'm NO dessert...I'm not held by anyone and I'll be damned if anyone ever does. Yeah I'll be there at PAX, I even want to Volunteer if I can, but there is no way I will hang out with someone who actively thinks of women who just happen to like games, as an object.
Or at least, this is the impression I'm getting...correct me if I'm wrong.
By the way, maybe if you guys stopped talking about girls like this, perhaps more of them would be interested in games in general…
…just a suggestion.
I hate to say this... but I think Mayhem is trying to say something!
But I'll be fair: I don't really enjoy listening to that kind of feminist rabble either. Sometimes, Thyrza, people talk about these things in jest. To clarify for you: That means we AREN'T SERIOUS.
You see, we were all making jokes back there about how pathetic we all are, and you feel the need to pop in and start chanting about how we are talking bad about women! A couple of slang terms here and there hardly constitutes chauvanism.
Besides, what's so wrong with looking good for the opposite gender? What's so bad about wanting to attract a boyfriend/girlfriend at some point? Gaming is my favorite pastime, and I'd like a girlfriend who feels the same.
Now, as to your quote: "Well I can tell you right now I'm NO dessert...I'm not held by anyone and I'll be damned if anyone ever does."
Well, maybe you don't like guys much, but what do you expect any of us to do about that? Maybe you don't want to be dependent on a man, but why take that out on us? And, lest you believe that all of us only see women as objects... well. I really don't know what men you have been exposed to, but I can guarantee you that that is a false opinion. (Except for -maybe- Ice...
So, here's me: Correcting you. Not to be mean, but guys aren't all as bad as you think. We joke, just the same way women do, that's all. So, maybe you should lay off these poor guys. :P
I know you can handle it.
I had to pick on a man,---_Editted_---, but a man nonetheless.
And you're still a Jerk.
Oh well. You're still a jerk.