If Hothead can't develop the next two games in the series, I think the guys at Penny Arcade should get it developed for the XBL Indie games section. I'd say call up the guys that made Breath of Death VII and get them to make it. You could charge $3 for it, maybe split it up into more episodes.
I think at this point, we the fans are more interested in completing the story and getting all that was originally intended out of this project than anything else. I honestly don't think a web comic series could ever truly do it justice, at least not with how busy Gabe and Tycho are with their regular day to day stuff. I don't care too much about being able to import my old character either.
What do you guys think?
Also, this is my first post. I've been a looooooong time reader, but have only just registered now for the forums. I'm sorry if this discussion has already been brought up.
We would certainly be willing to work with them on more PA RPGs for XBLIG if they approached us, but I doubt they're interested.
EDIT: Note, we're currently working on our next RPG, Cthulhu Saves the World, so if they did approach us about making more PA RPGs, they'd have to wait until we finish up with that first.
Well, it would be awesome if they would want to. As long as your new game doesn't use the phrase "You just got Cthulhu'd", I think you'd get Tycho's vote.
We would certainly be willing to work with them on more PA RPGs for XBLIG if they approached us, but I doubt they're interested.
EDIT: Note, we're currently working on our next RPG, Cthulhu Saves the World, so if they did approach us about making more PA RPGs, they'd have to wait until we finish up with that first.
Holy shit, you guys frequent this forum, I have to say, I love your game I've already made several of my friends own it and I thank you so very very much for making such a fantastic old school rpg. I eagerly await your next game.
EDIT: Note, we're currently working on our next RPG, Cthulhu Saves the World, so if they did approach us about making more PA RPGs, they'd have to wait until we finish up with that first.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Holy shit, you guys frequent this forum, I have to say, I love your game I've already made several of my friends own it and I thank you so very very much for making such a fantastic old school rpg. I eagerly await your next game.