Oy dere! I was thinking that we should get a big 40k game going at PAX. I'm in the process of building a table for said game (an Ork Space Hulk table), and i'm hoping to have all modular 8'x8' of it done by PAX. I also designed a scenario to go along with it specially for this event. I was also thinking, would anyone be willing to help bulk out the playing area by perhaps making/bringing some appropriate terrain? It would be greatly appreciated. I was also thinking of just leaving the table out for some open-gaming.
You'd better pray I don't bring my Cadian Spider Sentinels or my friend Darren's Titan.
By all means, bring them! I'm making sure to have enough open areas to have tons of stuff, and spider sentinels just seem to fit with a boarding action, don't they?
Now i gotta build a gargant to counter that there titan
A store went out of business about 2 years ago by my house. I bought allmost an entire dark eldar army. I started to paint it but got bored or something. Point is I have a army and I've never used it. Maybe I'll start painting and have it done in time for PAX. Hope you are all looking forward to smiting a noob.
SuperFlyTNT on
"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully"
-Helem Boesch-
I'm more looking forward to the 6+ turn Meat Grinder-type-thing that is the scenario i made to go with the board. Maybe i should actually post the scenario.
BELLY OF THE BEAST (Revised Version)
A space hulk has just appeared in system as part of an invasion force that could threaten your future. You must take pre-emptive action and attemp to cripple the hulk before it can reach it's targets and unload it's terrifying cargo; An Ork WAAAGH!
We'z jus got inter da syztem on da way ter da biggest scrap yoo'z wuz evva gunna see, an now sum gitz 'ave borded da 'ulk an ar tryin' ter keep uz frum gettin dere. Yoo'v been waitin' fer dis skrap fer a gud long while, an yer ain't gunna let sum panzee gitz get 'tween yoo an yer fun, ar ya?
Use the Cityfight core rules (modified), Infiltrators, Deep Strike(modified),Reserves, Defenses, Hidden Set Up, Night Fighting, Boarding Action, Sustained Assault(modified) and Random Game Length special rules.
Cityfight Core Rules Modifications
Tanks may not attempt to enter areas classified as buildings at any time. Also, all barrage and 'indirect' weapons require line of sight to fire due to the possibility of breaching the hull and causing explosive decompression.
Deep Strike Modification.
A unit may only deep strike if it's doing so is acheived through teleportation or similar means. If it has anything to do with flight, the unit may not Deep Strike.
Sustained Assault Modifications
In this battle both Attackers and Defenders may take advantage of the Sustained Assault Rule. Attackers may use it to bring back into play any Troops or Fast Attack choice, while defenders may bring back ANY unit from their armies.
Boarding Action
The scenario is representative of a boarding action during a space battle. As such, an Attacking force may only include light vehicles(walkers, and vehicles with total Armor value 34 or under[count sides once]), and they may not use reserves. Also, at the start of a turn, a D6 is rolled. On a 1 the entire board counts as difficult terrain for that turn(as the ship is struck by opposing fire). On a 2 or higher, there is no effect.
In this battle reserves are used if a player wishes to enter the game after play has begun. The player rolls for each unit in their army, and places what units they can on the table within 6" of their respective board edge. The rest of their force (if any) enters play from the same location the following turn. A player whose army is annihilated may re-enter play in this fashion on their side's next turn, but if they do so, their VP total is reset to zero.
Grand Assault Armoury
The defenders recieve a set amount of defenses that may be placed anywhere in their deployment zone. The attackers each receive 2D6x10 points worth of equipment.
1- The defenders place all of their defenses and hidden unit markers (see mission special rules). They may place them anywhere at least 20" from the attacker's table edge.
2- The attackers allocate any special equipment to their units and then deploy their forces within 6" of their table edge.
3- The defenders uncover their hidden unit markers and deploy their armies on the table before the beginning of their turn. The defenders now begin their first turn.
All objectives in the defenders' deployment zone begin the game controlled by a random defender. The defenders must keep the attackers from destroying certain objective units and from occupying certain objective locations. Objective units are worth VP if destroyed or intact, and objective locations are worth VP to the force that occupies them at the end of the battle. Enemy units are worth VP as normal.
The player(s) with the highest VP total at the end of the game will be declared victor. If the board is free of defenders at any time, the game ends and the attacker(s) with the highest VP total wins. The same applies for the defenders.
[the number of victors is currently subject to change, depending on if/how many prizes are available at the con.]
Units which are forced to fall back will do so towards their own table edge by the shortest route possible.
-Power Field Generator
Front Sides Rear
14 14 14
Structure Points- 3
Power Fields - 2
The Power Field generator is worth 750 VP if destroyed, and 500 or 750 VP if occupied for the attackers and defenders respectively.
-Fuel Storage Tanks
Front Sides Rear
12 12 12
The fuel storage tanks in one of the various launch bays are used to refuel ork attack craft launched from the hulk. If destroyed, they would put a major dent in the hulk's ability to launch attack craft at opposing ships. They are automatically fedtroyed by penetrating hits, and by glancing hts on a d6 roll of 4+
The Fuel Storage Tanks are worth 200 VP if destroyed, 100 VP if occupied by attackers, and 200 VP if occupied by defenders at the end of the game.
Moredakka Mega-Shoota(Gatling, Mega, Long Barrel Big Shoota w/ 9 identical Co-Axial weapons)
2 Twin-Linked Anti-Aircraft Kannons
4 TL-Big Shootas
10 Big Shootas
4 Rokkit Launchas
Gutbusta Kannon(Long Barrel, Titan Killer, Mega Blast Kannon)
Gaze of Mork(Gatling Mega-Zzap Gun)
Chainfist(War Machine CCW)
The gargant codenamed Harbinger is rumored to be the command gargant for the incoming WAAAGH!'s warlord. It's destruction is priority one.
Harbinger will take one turn to activate, in which it may do nothing.
For each structure point removed, the responsible party recieves 200 VP. Whomever destroys the gargant also recieves an extra 300 VP in addition to any for removing structure points. If it is still intact at the end of the game, the defender in control of it recieves 1000 VP.
The armoury is worth 400 VP if occupied (multiple forces may gain VP from this-if there are attackers and defenders occupying it at the game's end, it is contested and only worth 50 VP to involved parties.
[I originally had given this structure points, but i feel it would work better just as a terrain objective]
-Hangar Control Room
The hangar control room is worth 200 VP if occupied.
-Telly-porta Room 41
Telly-porta Room 41 is worth 300 VP if occupied.
- Mek's Shop/Dok's Lab
Each are worth 150 points to the occupying force at the game's end.
Each 2'x 2' section of the board is worth 10 VP to the force occupying it. (for example, if the attackers occupy 6 sections, each attacker gets 60 extra VP)
NOTE- As in Grand Assault, an area that is captured does not require troops to stay in it to be occupied. If such an 'occupied' area is entered by an opposing force with no resistance nearby, it is immediatly captured.
What do you think of that scenario? It's been revised multiple times to achieve the best balance, but it still needs playtesting.
Have you tried your scenario? Cause umless I'm readying it wrong it sounds like the Attacker gets owned. THe defender gets a free gargant and the attacker can't bring heavy armor?
Damn you people. Now I'm going to have to get the new rules and paint my army up.
No the scenario hasn't been playtested, and is technically still WIP. Now that i look at it, it is unfair to the attackers (mind you, it was written under the assumption the defenders would be hugely outnumbered, like in Grand Assault) and mostly because of the fluffy rules too! As for the gargant, the defenders only get it if i can manage to build it AND the table.
As for the light vehicle restriction, i'm thinking of dropping that, among other things. This is most definately not what it will look like by the time PAX rolls around. Mind you, i'm thinking of making this one of those huge open areas inside the hulk...... big enough for titan duels, just because :twisted:
Ppl should sign here with their armies and stuff
. I for one, will have my 1.5k Eldar at the ready. Jeez, I haven't played the game in over 7 months...better frshen up
Consider that the defender is the ork who devised the strategy that led to the fall of Skar-uz in the EOT campaign. The pwn4ge will not be what you imagine it to be.
You'll probably still pwn me really badly though I've played maybe 2-3 games since EOT ended. I'm rustier than an ork trukk!
Something always scared me about Warhammer. People spending hundreds of dollars on plastic figurines they paint themselves and then keep in a closet for months on end as no one ever plays Warhammer.
Anyone remember the movie Groundhog Day? That one waiter liked to paint toy soldiers.
Here's a more finalised version of the scenario i cooked up.
BELLY OF THE BEAST (Final-ish Version)
A space hulk has just appeared in system as part of an invasion force that could threaten your future. You must take pre-emptive action and attemp to cripple the hulk before it can reach it's targets and unload it's terrifying cargo; An Ork WAAAGH!
We'z jus got inter da syztem on da way ter da biggest scrap yoo'z wuz evva gunna see, an now sum gitz 'ave borded da 'ulk an ar tryin' ter keep uz frum gettin dere. Yoo'v been waitin' fer dis skrap fer a gud long while, an yer ain't gunna let sum panzee gitz get 'tween yoo an yer fun, ar ya?
Use the Cityfight core rules (modified), Infiltrators, Deep Strike(modified),Reserves, Defenses, Night Fighting(Modified), Boarding Action, Sustained Assault(modified) and Random Game Length special rules.
Cityfight Core Rules Modifications
Tanks may not attempt to enter areas classified as buildings at any time. Also, all barrage and 'indirect' weapons require line of sight to fire due to the possibility of breaching the hull and causing explosive decompression.
Deep Strike Modification.
A unit may only deep strike if it's doing so is acheived through teleportation or similar means. If it has anything to do with flight, the unit may not Deep Strike.
Night Fight Modifications
Night Fight conditions are only in effect when the entire board counts as difficult terrain under the Boarding Action rules.
Sustained Assault Modifications
In this battle both Attackers and Defenders may take advantage of the Sustained Assault Rule. Attackers may use it to bring back into play any Troops or Fast Attack choice, while defenders may bring back ANY unit from their armies.
Boarding Action
The scenario is representative of a boarding action during a space battle. As such, an Attacking force may not use reserves. Also, at the start of a turn, a D6 is rolled. On a 1 the entire board counts as difficult terrain for that turn(as the ship is struck by opposing fire). On a 2 or higher, there is no effect.
In this battle reserves are used if a player wishes to enter the game after play has begun. The player rolls for each unit in their army, and places what units they can on the table within 6" of their respective board edge. The rest of their force (if any) enters play from the same location the following turn. A player whose army is annihilated may re-enter play in this fashion on their side's next turn, but if they do so, their VP total is reset to zero.
1- Attackers and Defenders each nominate 1 player to be their 'leader' so to speak. The leader may assign other players objectives if they wish. Other than this, the 'leaders' have no other abilities or priviledges.
2- Players may take as much pre-game time to set up their armies in any order they desire.
3- The defenders begin their first turn.
All objectives in the defenders' deployment zone begin the game controlled by a random defender. The defenders must keep the attackers from destroying certain objective units and from occupying certain objective locations. Objective units are worth 300VP/structure point if destroyed or intact, and objective locations are worth 300VP to the force that occupies them at the end of the battle. Enemy units are worth VP as normal.
The player(s) with the highest VP total at the end of the game will be declared victor. If the board is free of defenders at any time, the game ends and the attacker(s) with the highest VP total wins. The same applies for the defenders.
[the number of victors is currently subject to change, depending on if/how many prizes are available at the con.]
Units which are forced to fall back will do so towards their own table edge by the shortest route possible.
-Power Field Generator
Front Sides Rear
14 14 14
Structure Points- 3
Power Fields - 2
-Fuel Storage Tanks
Front Sides Rear
12 12 12
The fuel storage tanks in one of the various launch bays are used to refuel ork attack craft launched from the hulk. If destroyed, they would put a major dent in the hulk's ability to launch attack craft at opposing ships. They are automatically destroyed by penetrating hits, and by glancing hts on a d6 roll of 4+
Moredakka Mega-Shoota(Gatling, Mega, Long Barrel Big Shoota w/ 9 identical Co-Axial weapons)
2 Twin-Linked Anti-Aircraft Kannons
4 TL-Big Shootas
10 Big Shootas
4 Rokkit Launchas
Gutbusta Kannon(Long Barrel, Titan Killer, Mega Blast Kannon)
Gaze of Mork(Gatling Mega-Zzap Gun)
Chainfist(War Machine CCW)
The gargant codenamed Harbinger is rumored to be the command gargant for the incoming WAAAGH!'s warlord. It's destruction is priority one.
Harbinger will take one turn to activate, in which it may do nothing.
Unlike other objective units, Harbinger is worth VP calculated from a cost of 1800pts
-Hangar Control Room
-The Hangar
The hangar control room is worth 200 VP if occupied.
-Telly-porta Room 41
-Torpedo Room 3
- Mek's Shop/Dok's Lab
NOTE- As in Grand Assault, an area that is captured does not require troops to stay in it to be occupied. If such an 'occupied' area is entered by an opposing force with no resistance nearby, it is immediatly captured.
Thoughts? Concerns? Death threats?
de4dmeta1 on
ShogunHair long; money long; me and broke wizards we don't get alongRegistered Userregular
edited April 2004
Does Gabe even play Warhammer? I thought Tycho did...dunno about Gabe though.
I'd love to come, however the thing is in Washington, and unfortunatley, I'm on the other side of the country. If I could come, I'd love to stomp some ass or get my ass stomped with either a 2k Space Wolf force or a 2k Necron force.
I'd almost say the breaks would be unnecessary. Stuff dies really really fast once you break the 2500 point/side barrier; turns are long but they're intense. (Maybe every two /game/ turns - that is, two attacker turns and two defender turns - but even then, I'd only go for 15 minutes. If you've got enough people playing, you can just nominate someone to handle your army while you grab a drink and a urinal.)
If I can get out there from Memphis - unlikely - I'll bring as many of my Nids as I can get painted (although I'm not really sure whose side they'd fight for.)
Are you guys still planning on doing this, or were you allowed to do this? I've got about 2000 points of Tau, and if you could put this together it'd be interesting, although you do realise this would overall be a game going upwards of 4-6 hours, right? If I did join, I'd just bring in a few crisis/broadside/stealth suits, and the min. of firewarriors - just so I could have played along, but be assured of getting annhilated within an hour or two so I could wander off to other booths.
I'd still love to do this, but there's no way I'll be able to finish the table I was wanting to bring and still be able to pay for PAX.
Seeing as the tabletop room is open for play for the whole expo, I say we commandeer a table for a few hours. The only question is which hours. Sound good?
Just to quickly field this, what size table are you looking for? We could try to set aside one or you can just hijack some with a volunteers assistance. Lemme know, either here or PM. Thanks.
Well, a 4'x4' is the bare minimum, bigger if we have big armies/more than 4 players coming. A good 8'x4' of table space would do quite well, unless we have a huge turnout.
Now that I think about it, an 8'x4' table would be perfect. If we don't need all of it, we just use half and let other people use the other half if need be. Of course, there's always the possibility we'll need 2 tables, but that's only if we want a battle of Epic-40k proportions. I'll say an 8'x4' table, and just commandeer others if need be.
What kind of tables do you have? Typical open plain green grass type stuff, cityfighting, or linen tablecloth?
THIS BIT TO PEOPLE WANTING TO PLAY: We need to decide on a point limit for the battle. Any ideas? I'm thinking 1500-2000 points, but unlimited is definately a possibility :twisted: . I'd like you folks' opinion on this.
By all means, bring them! I'm making sure to have enough open areas to have tons of stuff, and spider sentinels just seem to fit with a boarding action, don't they?
Now i gotta build a gargant to counter that there titan
-Helem Boesch-
BELLY OF THE BEAST (Revised Version)
A space hulk has just appeared in system as part of an invasion force that could threaten your future. You must take pre-emptive action and attemp to cripple the hulk before it can reach it's targets and unload it's terrifying cargo; An Ork WAAAGH!
We'z jus got inter da syztem on da way ter da biggest scrap yoo'z wuz evva gunna see, an now sum gitz 'ave borded da 'ulk an ar tryin' ter keep uz frum gettin dere. Yoo'v been waitin' fer dis skrap fer a gud long while, an yer ain't gunna let sum panzee gitz get 'tween yoo an yer fun, ar ya?
Use the Cityfight core rules (modified), Infiltrators, Deep Strike(modified),Reserves, Defenses, Hidden Set Up, Night Fighting, Boarding Action, Sustained Assault(modified) and Random Game Length special rules.
Cityfight Core Rules Modifications
Tanks may not attempt to enter areas classified as buildings at any time. Also, all barrage and 'indirect' weapons require line of sight to fire due to the possibility of breaching the hull and causing explosive decompression.
Deep Strike Modification.
A unit may only deep strike if it's doing so is acheived through teleportation or similar means. If it has anything to do with flight, the unit may not Deep Strike.
Sustained Assault Modifications
In this battle both Attackers and Defenders may take advantage of the Sustained Assault Rule. Attackers may use it to bring back into play any Troops or Fast Attack choice, while defenders may bring back ANY unit from their armies.
Boarding Action
The scenario is representative of a boarding action during a space battle. As such, an Attacking force may only include light vehicles(walkers, and vehicles with total Armor value 34 or under[count sides once]), and they may not use reserves. Also, at the start of a turn, a D6 is rolled. On a 1 the entire board counts as difficult terrain for that turn(as the ship is struck by opposing fire). On a 2 or higher, there is no effect.
In this battle reserves are used if a player wishes to enter the game after play has begun. The player rolls for each unit in their army, and places what units they can on the table within 6" of their respective board edge. The rest of their force (if any) enters play from the same location the following turn. A player whose army is annihilated may re-enter play in this fashion on their side's next turn, but if they do so, their VP total is reset to zero.
Grand Assault Armoury
The defenders recieve a set amount of defenses that may be placed anywhere in their deployment zone. The attackers each receive 2D6x10 points worth of equipment.
1- The defenders place all of their defenses and hidden unit markers (see mission special rules). They may place them anywhere at least 20" from the attacker's table edge.
2- The attackers allocate any special equipment to their units and then deploy their forces within 6" of their table edge.
3- The defenders uncover their hidden unit markers and deploy their armies on the table before the beginning of their turn. The defenders now begin their first turn.
All objectives in the defenders' deployment zone begin the game controlled by a random defender. The defenders must keep the attackers from destroying certain objective units and from occupying certain objective locations. Objective units are worth VP if destroyed or intact, and objective locations are worth VP to the force that occupies them at the end of the battle. Enemy units are worth VP as normal.
The player(s) with the highest VP total at the end of the game will be declared victor. If the board is free of defenders at any time, the game ends and the attacker(s) with the highest VP total wins. The same applies for the defenders.
[the number of victors is currently subject to change, depending on if/how many prizes are available at the con.]
Units which are forced to fall back will do so towards their own table edge by the shortest route possible.
-Power Field Generator
Front Sides Rear
14 14 14
Structure Points- 3
Power Fields - 2
The Power Field generator is worth 750 VP if destroyed, and 500 or 750 VP if occupied for the attackers and defenders respectively.
-Fuel Storage Tanks
Front Sides Rear
12 12 12
The fuel storage tanks in one of the various launch bays are used to refuel ork attack craft launched from the hulk. If destroyed, they would put a major dent in the hulk's ability to launch attack craft at opposing ships. They are automatically fedtroyed by penetrating hits, and by glancing hts on a d6 roll of 4+
The Fuel Storage Tanks are worth 200 VP if destroyed, 100 VP if occupied by attackers, and 200 VP if occupied by defenders at the end of the game.
- Gargant [codename] Harbinger
Gargant Harbinger
Front Sides Rear
14 14 12
Structure Points - 4
Power Fields - 3
Speed - Lumbering
Moredakka Mega-Shoota(Gatling, Mega, Long Barrel Big Shoota w/ 9 identical Co-Axial weapons)
2 Twin-Linked Anti-Aircraft Kannons
4 TL-Big Shootas
10 Big Shootas
4 Rokkit Launchas
Gutbusta Kannon(Long Barrel, Titan Killer, Mega Blast Kannon)
Gaze of Mork(Gatling Mega-Zzap Gun)
Chainfist(War Machine CCW)
The gargant codenamed Harbinger is rumored to be the command gargant for the incoming WAAAGH!'s warlord. It's destruction is priority one.
Harbinger will take one turn to activate, in which it may do nothing.
For each structure point removed, the responsible party recieves 200 VP. Whomever destroys the gargant also recieves an extra 300 VP in addition to any for removing structure points. If it is still intact at the end of the game, the defender in control of it recieves 1000 VP.
The armoury is worth 400 VP if occupied (multiple forces may gain VP from this-if there are attackers and defenders occupying it at the game's end, it is contested and only worth 50 VP to involved parties.
[I originally had given this structure points, but i feel it would work better just as a terrain objective]
-Hangar Control Room
The hangar control room is worth 200 VP if occupied.
-Telly-porta Room 41
Telly-porta Room 41 is worth 300 VP if occupied.
- Mek's Shop/Dok's Lab
Each are worth 150 points to the occupying force at the game's end.
Each 2'x 2' section of the board is worth 10 VP to the force occupying it. (for example, if the attackers occupy 6 sections, each attacker gets 60 extra VP)
NOTE- As in Grand Assault, an area that is captured does not require troops to stay in it to be occupied. If such an 'occupied' area is entered by an opposing force with no resistance nearby, it is immediatly captured.
What do you think of that scenario? It's been revised multiple times to achieve the best balance, but it still needs playtesting.
Damn you people. Now I'm going to have to get the new rules and paint my army up.
As for the light vehicle restriction, i'm thinking of dropping that, among other things. This is most definately not what it will look like by the time PAX rolls around. Mind you, i'm thinking of making this one of those huge open areas inside the hulk...... big enough for titan duels, just because :twisted:
. I for one, will have my 1.5k Eldar at the ready. Jeez, I haven't played the game in over 7 months...better frshen up
PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
Name - Klan Infernoz, led by Skarsnik Kren Zahubu, da Skurge uv Angelis
Army - Orks
Army Size - Every last model i own. (i'm the lead defender)
God my army is small! We're gonna need some more defenders to make this happen, but we've got plenty of time to set that up.
2100 of Cadians
1800 of Necrons
2600 of Tau/Kroot
prepare to be pwn3d.
You'll probably still pwn me really badly though
Anyone remember the movie Groundhog Day? That one waiter liked to paint toy soldiers.
BELLY OF THE BEAST (Final-ish Version)
A space hulk has just appeared in system as part of an invasion force that could threaten your future. You must take pre-emptive action and attemp to cripple the hulk before it can reach it's targets and unload it's terrifying cargo; An Ork WAAAGH!
We'z jus got inter da syztem on da way ter da biggest scrap yoo'z wuz evva gunna see, an now sum gitz 'ave borded da 'ulk an ar tryin' ter keep uz frum gettin dere. Yoo'v been waitin' fer dis skrap fer a gud long while, an yer ain't gunna let sum panzee gitz get 'tween yoo an yer fun, ar ya?
Use the Cityfight core rules (modified), Infiltrators, Deep Strike(modified),Reserves, Defenses, Night Fighting(Modified), Boarding Action, Sustained Assault(modified) and Random Game Length special rules.
Cityfight Core Rules Modifications
Tanks may not attempt to enter areas classified as buildings at any time. Also, all barrage and 'indirect' weapons require line of sight to fire due to the possibility of breaching the hull and causing explosive decompression.
Deep Strike Modification.
A unit may only deep strike if it's doing so is acheived through teleportation or similar means. If it has anything to do with flight, the unit may not Deep Strike.
Night Fight Modifications
Night Fight conditions are only in effect when the entire board counts as difficult terrain under the Boarding Action rules.
Sustained Assault Modifications
In this battle both Attackers and Defenders may take advantage of the Sustained Assault Rule. Attackers may use it to bring back into play any Troops or Fast Attack choice, while defenders may bring back ANY unit from their armies.
Boarding Action
The scenario is representative of a boarding action during a space battle. As such, an Attacking force may not use reserves. Also, at the start of a turn, a D6 is rolled. On a 1 the entire board counts as difficult terrain for that turn(as the ship is struck by opposing fire). On a 2 or higher, there is no effect.
In this battle reserves are used if a player wishes to enter the game after play has begun. The player rolls for each unit in their army, and places what units they can on the table within 6" of their respective board edge. The rest of their force (if any) enters play from the same location the following turn. A player whose army is annihilated may re-enter play in this fashion on their side's next turn, but if they do so, their VP total is reset to zero.
1- Attackers and Defenders each nominate 1 player to be their 'leader' so to speak. The leader may assign other players objectives if they wish. Other than this, the 'leaders' have no other abilities or priviledges.
2- Players may take as much pre-game time to set up their armies in any order they desire.
3- The defenders begin their first turn.
All objectives in the defenders' deployment zone begin the game controlled by a random defender. The defenders must keep the attackers from destroying certain objective units and from occupying certain objective locations. Objective units are worth 300VP/structure point if destroyed or intact, and objective locations are worth 300VP to the force that occupies them at the end of the battle. Enemy units are worth VP as normal.
The player(s) with the highest VP total at the end of the game will be declared victor. If the board is free of defenders at any time, the game ends and the attacker(s) with the highest VP total wins. The same applies for the defenders.
[the number of victors is currently subject to change, depending on if/how many prizes are available at the con.]
Units which are forced to fall back will do so towards their own table edge by the shortest route possible.
-Power Field Generator
Front Sides Rear
14 14 14
Structure Points- 3
Power Fields - 2
-Fuel Storage Tanks
Front Sides Rear
12 12 12
The fuel storage tanks in one of the various launch bays are used to refuel ork attack craft launched from the hulk. If destroyed, they would put a major dent in the hulk's ability to launch attack craft at opposing ships. They are automatically destroyed by penetrating hits, and by glancing hts on a d6 roll of 4+
- Gargant [codename] Harbinger
Gargant Harbinger
Front Sides Rear
14 14 12
Structure Points - 4
Power Fields - 3
Speed - Lumbering
Moredakka Mega-Shoota(Gatling, Mega, Long Barrel Big Shoota w/ 9 identical Co-Axial weapons)
2 Twin-Linked Anti-Aircraft Kannons
4 TL-Big Shootas
10 Big Shootas
4 Rokkit Launchas
Gutbusta Kannon(Long Barrel, Titan Killer, Mega Blast Kannon)
Gaze of Mork(Gatling Mega-Zzap Gun)
Chainfist(War Machine CCW)
The gargant codenamed Harbinger is rumored to be the command gargant for the incoming WAAAGH!'s warlord. It's destruction is priority one.
Harbinger will take one turn to activate, in which it may do nothing.
Unlike other objective units, Harbinger is worth VP calculated from a cost of 1800pts
-Hangar Control Room
-The Hangar
The hangar control room is worth 200 VP if occupied.
-Telly-porta Room 41
-Torpedo Room 3
- Mek's Shop/Dok's Lab
NOTE- As in Grand Assault, an area that is captured does not require troops to stay in it to be occupied. If such an 'occupied' area is entered by an opposing force with no resistance nearby, it is immediatly captured.
Thoughts? Concerns? Death threats?
I'd love to come, however the thing is in Washington, and unfortunatley, I'm on the other side of the country. If I could come, I'd love to stomp some ass or get my ass stomped with either a 2k Space Wolf force or a 2k Necron force.
Shogun Streams Vidya
There will be army size limits in place (2k). Feel free to bring more, but you'll only be in command of 2k at any given time.
I'm also thinking of having breaks every 2 turns just so people don't get burned out from this. How's 1/2 hour breaks sound?
If I can get out there from Memphis - unlikely - I'll bring as many of my Nids as I can get painted (although I'm not really sure whose side they'd fight for.)
Bring PAX on a world tour apecifically to wellington NZ
Seeing as the tabletop room is open for play for the whole expo, I say we commandeer a table for a few hours. The only question is which hours. Sound good?
Now that I think about it, an 8'x4' table would be perfect. If we don't need all of it, we just use half and let other people use the other half if need be. Of course, there's always the possibility we'll need 2 tables, but that's only if we want a battle of Epic-40k proportions. I'll say an 8'x4' table, and just commandeer others if need be.
What kind of tables do you have? Typical open plain green grass type stuff, cityfighting, or linen tablecloth?
THIS BIT TO PEOPLE WANTING TO PLAY: We need to decide on a point limit for the battle. Any ideas? I'm thinking 1500-2000 points, but unlimited is definately a possibility :twisted: . I'd like you folks' opinion on this.