I think this article does a great job of describing the experience. Highly recommended.
mspencer on
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
In the past I know I've seen new Enforcers seem to arrive in groups, AND I know PRD has a ton on her plate right now, both PAX-related and otherwise. It might be a couple weeks, or it might be later tonight.
If you're waiting to find out if you're going to be an Enforcer before you buy tickets, please don't. Buy them ASAP. If you're accepted, I'm positive you can return the passes. If you wait to find out first, you might find that one or two of the single-pass days has sold out while you were waiting. X__X
mspencer on
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
There usually are. PRD tries really hard to put us where we want within reason, to schedule us around the times we want to be off to see things, and otherwise make our Enforcing experience the best it can be.
Even after the schedule has seen its last revision, if something comes up at the last minute it may be possible find another Enforcer to swap with, with the permission of your department managers.
I need to make it clear, though, that I'm not saying these things always happen. Plus even if you end up scheduled at the same place and time, the dynamic nature of the convention might mean you start the shift working together and then one of you gets peeled away to help with a line management crisis, or to help set something up for an exhibitor or speaker or vendor.
Just have realistic expectations. Managers and organizers really do care about putting you where you'll most enjoy helping and where you'll be best able to contribute. But at the same time, we love PAX and our attendees as much as we care for each other; the needs of the convention need to win.
mspencer on
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
KK, I knew about the deadline but with the speed of the three day badges being sold out I supposed there are still a couple of peeps like myself who would still like to apply and positions still open.
A couple of questions. Even if I have a 3day pass is it still too late to apply? Are there still positions available or are you all filled up?
In general I'd say it never hurts to ask, as long as you're prepared for what the answer will probably be. Sometimes circumstances change -- but the reason for cutting off applicants once passes sell out is a good one and I think it's important that you understand the reasoning and can explain why your acceptance can still be compatible with that reasoning.
Other than that, previous replies are correct and formally I don't think applications are open any longer.
mspencer on
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
I had bought 2 three day passes. how do i do a refund?
To answer the rest of that you can get them refunded at the show by dropping by the registration area, but as mentioned earlier, its better to do a public service and sell them at face value to one of the needy folks in the ticket thread. It's always better to sell your tickets rather than just getting a refund, so that two more people who don't have tickets will be able to attend.
To answer the rest of that you can get them refunded at the show by dropping by the registration area, but as mentioned earlier, its better to do a public service and sell them at face value to one of the needy folks in the ticket thread. It's always better to sell your tickets rather than just getting a refund, so that two more people who don't have tickets will be able to attend.
Did end up selling them on the forums. Thought If i got refunded that someone would be able to buy them via registration. The guy who's buying them is extremely excited to be getting tix.
I think this article does a great job of describing the experience. Highly recommended.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Finally it has come
lets check this out
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw
I made my brother do his right away :P
7 PAX veteran
If you're waiting to find out if you're going to be an Enforcer before you buy tickets, please don't. Buy them ASAP. If you're accepted, I'm positive you can return the passes. If you wait to find out first, you might find that one or two of the single-pass days has sold out while you were waiting. X__X
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Even after the schedule has seen its last revision, if something comes up at the last minute it may be possible find another Enforcer to swap with, with the permission of your department managers.
I need to make it clear, though, that I'm not saying these things always happen. Plus even if you end up scheduled at the same place and time, the dynamic nature of the convention might mean you start the shift working together and then one of you gets peeled away to help with a line management crisis, or to help set something up for an exhibitor or speaker or vendor.
Just have realistic expectations. Managers and organizers really do care about putting you where you'll most enjoy helping and where you'll be best able to contribute. But at the same time, we love PAX and our attendees as much as we care for each other; the needs of the convention need to win.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
Hoping you're just posting late, but applied earlier.
And I should add, if you made the deadline, best of luck!
Well you could post them in the ticket thread on the forums, there are plenty of people wanting to buy some.
There are also a lot of enforcers on the enforcer forums looking to pick some up for friends/family
The suspense is killing me
EDIT: Looks like I will be joining the ranks.
Nope Now would not be a good time to apply as Robert said:
Better luck next year?
Do we need our three-day passes still?
No, ma'am. You will get a black badge. Like Red said above, consider selling them to your fellow [E] or here on the forums (for face value).
Will do sir!
In general I'd say it never hurts to ask, as long as you're prepared for what the answer will probably be. Sometimes circumstances change -- but the reason for cutting off applicants once passes sell out is a good one and I think it's important that you understand the reasoning and can explain why your acceptance can still be compatible with that reasoning.
Other than that, previous replies are correct and formally I don't think applications are open any longer.
XBL Michael Spencer || Wii 6007 6812 1605 7315 || PSN MichaelSpencerJr || Steam Michael_Spencer || Ham NOØK
QRZ || My last known GPS coordinates: FindU or APRS.fi (Car antenna feed line busted -- no ham radio for me X__X )
To answer the rest of that you can get them refunded at the show by dropping by the registration area, but as mentioned earlier, its better to do a public service and sell them at face value to one of the needy folks in the ticket thread. It's always better to sell your tickets rather than just getting a refund, so that two more people who don't have tickets will be able to attend.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!