Now that 3-day badges are gone
Here's the thread for selling/giving away your PAX tickets or finding tickets once preregistration closes. Due to extensive price gouging over PAX East, all passes must be made available at
face value (at current that is
$55 for 3-day passes and $35 for single day passes) + shipping (see shipping information below). Anybody who wishes to sell their passes for more than face value
must do so off site (i.e. ebay, craigslist, etc).
If somebody tries to sell you a pass above face value through this thread or tries to pull the switcheroo in private: Either PM Moe Fwacky or report his post or private message. Appropriate action will be taken to preserve this rule. Note: this also applies to buyers. It is NOT okay to indicate you are willing to pay more than face value. If you want to pay more, go to ebay or craigslist. This thread is for FACE VALUE only on both sides.
Use the following formats in your post:
Your Name
Your Location
Best Contact Method
How many tickets you have
What type of payments you take (legal trade only)
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc)
If you are looking for a ticket, use this format:
Your Name
Your Location
Best Contact Method
How many tickets you need
How you are able to pay
Preferred method of receiving tickets
Please everybody, stay honest and don't be a dick ;-)
If you have or are buying tickets that must be picked up at will call, make sure you make special arrangements to take care of those tickets. You can do so by e-mailing
Cathy Glickstein, she is the senior registrations manager over at Reed. She can also handle address changes and the like, so if you sell your tickets before packets go out, you should be able to have mailed tickets transferred as well.
Changes will only be accepted through August 5. After August 5, no more changes can be made to the registration.
Important Information about Shipping
Some people might try to gouge through shipping, instead of ticket cost. Be sure to check, to make sure you're getting a fair deal. As a rule of thumb, a flat rate, ship domestic envelope is $6, and Express Mail overnight is about $14. PAX passes fit into a standard first class envelope, but weigh a little bit more than a first class stamp will cover. Check the USPS link for international rates, or (for outside the united states) check your local postal service website.
We encourage people to ship COD to ensure fair exchange.
Please report anybody who asks an unreasonable shipping amount.
Your Name: Mathew Preziotte
Your Location: New Brunswick, NJ
Best Contact Method: email:
How many tickets you need: 1 3day pass
What you are willing to pay: $55?
How you are able to pay: paypal, check, kisses
Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail?
Thanks in advance
Kevin Moore
Vancouver, Canada
Need 2 3-day passes
What you are willing to pay: Willing to pay face value
How you are able to pay: In person. I am able to travel anywhere within the lower mainland or even down to Seattle if needed. Otherwise paypal
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person or mail
Flying my friend out from Michigan and forgot to have her get her ticket.
Your Name: Sarah Kuntz
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you need: One - 3-day Pass
How you are able to pay: Cash or Paypal
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Inperson or Mail.
Thanks much!
*Tickets obtained, thanks all!!!*
Your Name: Sean Missal
Your Location: Bellevue, can travel to near anywhere
Best Contact Method: email -
How many tickets you need: 2 3-day passes (if you only have one still let me know please)
How you are able to pay: 55 each
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person, cash
Your Location: Seattle, WADenver, CO
Contact method:
How many tickets you need: One - 3-day Pass
How you are able to pay: Cash or Paypal or check
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Inperson or Mail
I think I have tickets, but it kept white screening on me so I'm just making sure. This is my best friend's birthday present so i don't want to take any chances. Thanks so much!
Jeff Mora
Portland, OR
May need 2 badges
Your Name: Kai-Hwa Yao
Your Location: Mill Creek, WA
Best Contact Method: Email -
How many tickets you need: One 3-Day Pass
How you are able to pay: Cash in person, Paypal or check
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail or in person
You have an email good sir
Your Name: Kerstin Snodgrass (this is actually for my twin sister)
Your Location: Chehalis WA
Best Contact Method: PAX forums, email, will provide everything privately.
How many tickets you need: 1 or 2 (her boyfriend needs one too)
How you are able to pay: Paypal would be prefered.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail please.
I will email Raison but I will leave this up for now.
Jeff Harris
Your Location: Seattle/Fremont
Best Contact Method;
How many tickets you need; Two 3-day passes
How you are able to pay: cash/paypal
Preferred method of receiving tickets; in person, mail ok
Your Name Morgan Heinemann
Your Location North Seattle
Best Contact Method
How many tickets you need 3 (maybe 4) 3-day pass
How you are able to pay cash, check, payal
Preferred method of receiving tickets in person or by mail
Have a nice day!
Thanks Man!
Your Name: Zenna Crawford
Your Location: Portland, Oregon
Best Contact Method: Email --
How many tickets you need : (2) 3-day passes :!:
How you are able to pay : Cold hard Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In Person, You aint no weeble wobble. I'll go to Seattle, even Idaho (Coeur d' Alene/Moscow regions).
Also, I have (2) Friday passes that I will swap for (2) 3-days plus the $20 ea. to bring them up to the $55 FACE VALUE. If that makes sense?
Your Name: William Scribner
Your Location: Columbus, OH
Best Contact Method: email:
How many tickets you need: 1 3day pass
What you are willing to pay: $55?
How you are able to pay: cash preferably, but also paypal
Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail
Richard Hedelund
Lynnwood, WA (Pretty easy to remember, huh?)
Two (2) three-day passes
Cash, Check, and Paypal. If you're local I'll also buy you a beer. Or if you're local and dry I'll buy you a sarsaparilla. (Offer also applies if you will be attending PAX as well)
In person or by mail.
Your Name: Tyler
Your Location: Minnesota
Best Contact Method: AIM - JustCaLLMeBoxxy
How many tickets you have - (2) 3-Day Pass's
What type of payments you take (legal trade only) - Paypal Only
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc) - I guess ill send the pdf file of the tickets and then change the shipping address of the badges to your house instead of mine.
Your Name - Richard Weschler
Your Location - Seattle Washington
Best Contact Method - Email/gtalk
Phone/Text (954-309-7061)
How many tickets you need - 2 (3 day)
How you are able to pay - paypal or whatever works for you.
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person or Mail
Your Name: Mandy
Your Location: Vancouver-ish, British Columbia
Best Contact Method: E-mail -
How many tickets you need: 1 x 3-day pass
How you are able to pay: Cash in person (will consider PayPal)
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person preferable, will consider mail. I can pick up anywhere in the lower mainland (Vancouver - Chilliwack), or anywhere from Vancouver down to Tacoma (Bellingham, Bellevue, Kirkland, Seattle, etc.)
Your Name: Lindsay
Your Location: Vancouver, WA
Best Contact Method: e-mail -
How many tickets you need: 2 3-day passes
How you are able to pay: Cash in person, check, money-order or PayPal. If you have another way you would prefer, let me know and I'll see what I can work out.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: I can travel anywhere from the Portland OR metro area to Seattle/Tacoma/Kirkland WA. I am also completely willing to have them mailed to me. Contact me if you can get it to me some other way, too, although I'll warn you that my teleporter isn't online yet.
Your Name: Shelby
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: email
How many tickets you need: TWO
How you are able to pay: Paypal, in person
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Email, in person, whatever
Portland, Oregon
Would LOVE (2) 3-day passes (can trade 2 Friday passes for (2) 3-days plus difference to equal $55ea FACE VALUE too)
Will drive to pick up in most of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. WILL pay CASH
Thank you!!!
Your Name: Philip Chi
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: AIM: itsmagusdamnit, MSN:, email:, phone/text: 206.852.1395
How many tickets you need: 2 3-day tickets
How you are able to pay: PayPal, Meet up, cash, anything that moves money from point A to point-You.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail, in-person.
My location: Kelowna, BC Canada
Best Contact Method:
How Many Tickets: 4 3-Day Passes
Able To Pay: PayPal
Prefer to have tickets mailed.
Please contact me with any passes you have to offer. Thanks guys and gals. Group of 4 looking to make the commute for our first PAX.
Your Name: Shelby
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: email
How many tickets you need: 2 3-day passes
How you are able to pay: Paypal, in person, whatever.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Email, in person, whatever.
Your Name: R. Dale Porter III
Your Location: Tacoma, WA
Best Contact Method: email:
phone (due to desperation and NEEDING of said tickets) 253-241-9837 (text please)
How many tickets you need: 2 weekend passes (Fiancée NEEDS PAX tickets)
How you are able to pay: Cash, Paypal if needed
Preferred method of receiving tickets: person (obviously if local) or shipping via whatev
she is going to kill me for procrastinating....D:
Your Name J. McGregor
Your Location: Portland OR
Best Contact Method: email <>
How many tickets you need: one 3-day pass
How you are able to pay: Paypal is great, I can do a check as well.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: by pre-registering, but I messed that up. In person is great, by mail works just fine.
Yeah, I messed up as well. I had been waiting for a month now to have my time off approved, but my boss is not really concerned with my petty desires. This is the one time a year I get to see my mates from around the country so I would love you forever if you could hook me up with a pass.
do you still have those tickets? My fiancee is going to kill me for not getting them on time. she is a PAX nut.
call or text me 253-241-9837. my AIM is maesterleon
email is
do you still have those tickets? My fiancee is going to kill me for not getting them on time. she is a PAX nut.
call or text me 253-241-9837. my AIM is maesterleon
email is
Name: John Gross
Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: email
How many tickets you need: 2 x 3-day-pass
How you are able to pay: Cash, paypal, rupels, Thai Baht, whatever you want that's legal
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Email, in person, Express Mail posting
Many thanks to anyone who's able to help me out. Got friends to take time off and visit Seattle but it became a misunderstanding on who'd buy tickets.
Thanks again.
Joji Tanase
Redmond, WA
2 (maybe 3 or 4?) 3-day pass
Cash, paypal, and Check
In person, but through mail is fine
NEED 2 or 3 TICKET(S) Of Full Day Price
Portland OR
Paypal, or whatever works best for you!
Mail or meet, or whatever works for you!
Your Name: R. Dale Porter III
Your Location: Tacoma, WA
Best Contact Method: Email-
phone-253-241-9837 text plez!
How many tickets you need: 2x
How you are able to pay: paypal/cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: meet up or mail
if you are local, perhaps I could add in a little extra for commute and time :-)
(psst Mod, does that count as scalping if i ask for that? if it does, sorry