It's come to my attention that Machete comes out Sept 3, which clashes with PAX. Was thinking it would be pretty great to get a large group of PAX folk to all buy tickets to the same show and more or less take over the theater.
looks like there are a couple theaters within walking distance of the convention center, but trying to do this during the show hours would probably be tough, since everyones gonna want to be at the show (for good reason). maybe monday, for the folks that are staying over?
I'm good for whenever. I had planned to hit some art museums on Monday (I know, I'm weird) but they seem to be all closed on Mondays lol. My flight isn't until 10:25pm (sigh) so I definitely have time.
yeah, when we attended in 2008, on monday we hit up the sci-fi museum & experience music project, duck tour, and some other touristy things since we were there. not sure what plans will be like this year, but figured i'd gauge interest.
I was just looking at the cast: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, De Niro, Lindsay Lohan (I hope Michelle gave her some tips on being in jail...), Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Steven Seagal and Don Johnson LOL. This is going to be fun.
basicallygeek on
freakish lightbutterdick jonesand his heavenly asshole machineRegistered Userregular
edited July 2010
I had this idea too. What about a midnight show Thursday night?
Yeah, if there's a nearby theatre doing a midnight showing of this, I will definitely convince my friends to come along to it, so we'll have at least 5 or so.
I'd probably also be up for a midnight showing on Thursday, but I'm a bit hesitant as it's probably the last time I'll have any chance of getting some sleep for the entire weekend. Plus, I haven't finalized my pre-PAX plans yet. While this would be awesome there's also the concert and possibly just following along on the TriWizard as a teetotaler who dislikes Harry Potter.
On the other hand I'm going to be seeing this eventually. That is not even a point of consideration, it is a fact that can be proven with SCIENCE.
yeah, after giving it some thought, i'm kind of on the fence about the whole idea. it would be pretty great to get a big group of PAX folk to take over a movie theater, but there is so much other PAX or Seattle-specific stuff to do in such a short amount of time, do I wanna give up a couple hours for something I could just as easily see when I get back home.
a thursday midnight all paxers show would kick ass, but if that can't happen, what about a thursday whatever the time of the last showing of Scott Pilgrim?
Yes, please.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
I'd be down for that.
Aw, and here I was hoping you half-forgot so I could surprise you by thanking you in person.
I still reread those comics and wear the shirt regularly.
Anyway yes! This is a thing we're doing. And probably drinking earlier.
On the other hand I'm going to be seeing this eventually. That is not even a point of consideration, it is a fact that can be proven with SCIENCE.