London PAX Post-Party (Will the PAXing Ever End??)

MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
edited September 2010 in PAX Archive
This thread is now for the London Afterparty. I suggest Poet Bar again, because the guy there was pretty chill, and it has a good vibe (plus a pool table). I'll be back in Friday morning, so would be up for a Friday afternoon/evening drinks thing. Only thing is that it might be a bit packed with cityfolk, so we may want to consider alternatives.

Tuesday, August 31

Pub quiz night and Wii at the Poet Bar!!

The Poet bar has a Wii, a quiz night, and 2-for-1 curries. Geek heaven.

This will be a chance for all London-based PAXers (and general PA folk) to get together for a bit of fun before we cross the pond. We'll be meeting up at a pub in east-central London for a night of drinking and quizzing :)

kropotkin is a star, and will be bringing some forum badges

Planning on Attending:

Original Post:
I don't know how many of us will be coming from London, but here's my idea for a London pre-party/PAX celebration.

I suggest an evening of fun and geekery on Tuesday, August 31. We can make it family-friendly or booze-friendly, depending on who is interested!

Personally, I'd be voting for finding a pub quiz somewhere around central London, and flexing our joint geeky brains.

Anyone out there up for this?

MelesMeles on


  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I would definitely be up for that. First time going to PAX and fist time flying alone so needless to say I am bricking it :D

    Pascual on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Are you registered with the Westward Aviation Networking Group? You might be able to find other people on your flights. I'm ex-LHR on the 2nd on Continental.

    Don't worry, the trans-atlantic flights are easy. You'll need to go online to get your US visa waiver ahead of time, which should all be explained on your airline's website. PM me if you want more info :)

    MelesMeles on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Oh, on the topic of the actual pre-party, are you North, South, East or West? I'm west-ish, near Hyde Park.

    MelesMeles on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll be up for that too. I'll hand out some Forum Badges to those who decide to go.

    kropotkin on

  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Outstanding :)

    Here's a list of the Tuesday night quizzes

    None of the central pubs they listed ring a bell. Anyone been to one of those before and have a preference?

    MelesMeles on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm east London (Waltham Forest)

    Pascual on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm SE London, outer (beyond SE post code)

    kropotkin on

  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    A sort of midpoint would seem to be perhaps Bank/Liverpool Street, if that would work for you guys?

    MelesMeles on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Liverpool Street is perfect for me

    Pascual on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah that's fine for me.

    kropotkin on

  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Do we know exactly where it will be?

    Pascual on
  • JekhtJekht Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Damn would have loved to go to this but me and Tiberius are heading out on the 26th for a week of pre-lash in Vancouver.

    Any of you going to the Pre-PAX bar crawl?

    Jekht on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to this thread. I've been focusing on the Pre-Wizarding Fried Food Extravaganza (which you are all invited to, btw)

    The Poet Bar looks perfect. They even have a Wii!! How could it get any better?

    It is a short walk from Liverpool Street station, and has quiz night and some sort of curry 2-for-1 too!

    MelesMeles on
  • Baka AlBaka Al Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Darn it all.. this sounded like it could have been fun.. but since I will have actually crossed the pond by that point, I'll have to give it a miss D:

    Baka Al on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Baka Al wrote: »
    Darn it all.. this sounded like it could have been fun.. but since I will have actually crossed the pond by that point, I'll have to give it a miss D:

    Sad to see so many flying the US so early before PAX actually starts. I fly on the Thursday, always have to be honest.

    Ah well, we may bump into each other at the show itself.

    kropotkin on

  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Well, I'd encourage all you guys who are leaving early to come hang out at the Tri-Wizard Bar Crawl and the Pre-Wizarding Fried Food Extravaganza :)

    Also, I'll be walking around PAX in a yellow shirt with a UK flag on the arm, so come up to me and say hi :) I'm also going to be packing some cookies for the Cookie Brigade, so I'll be sure to give you some good food too!

    MelesMeles on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    That bar sounds great! I'm also flying out on the Thursday.

    Pascual on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll be there with bells on. Looks like just the 4 of us :)

    kropotkin on

  • EscoBladesEscoBlades Product Marketing Manager at Ubisoft Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Just wanted to post saying this sounds like an awesome idea.

    I'm currently still trying to sort out a visa to the States (i'm Nigerian born, but have lived in the UK for almost 12 years now, so require a visa) If i do get one, then i plan to fly out on Wednesday afternoon. Might be cutting it close, but will update with my plans closer to the time (visa decision depending)

    EscoBlades on
    Product Marketing Manager on Watch Dogs: Legion
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  • EndjinnEndjinn UKRegistered User new member
    edited August 2010
    EscoBlades wrote: »
    Just wanted to post saying this sounds like an awesome idea.

    Shame I don't think I'll be able to make it.

    I'm flying out on the Wednesday with a mate, first time going to PAX can't wait.

    Endjinn on
    Live: Prophet25o1
  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    This actually kinda makes me wish I had decided to study in London rather than Edinburgh. Maybe if I can get away from my studies (and scrape together some funds), it might be fun to take a trip up that way if you have any future gatherings.

    zezspecs on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    zezspecs wrote: »
    This actually kinda makes me wish I had decided to study in London rather than Edinburgh. Maybe if I can get away from my studies (and scrape together some funds), it might be fun to take a trip up that way if you have any future gatherings.

    Definitely. I'm hoping to make a little PAX community in the UK (since right now we seem pathetically under-represented!)

    MelesMeles on
  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    zezspecs wrote: »
    This actually kinda makes me wish I had decided to study in London rather than Edinburgh. Maybe if I can get away from my studies (and scrape together some funds), it might be fun to take a trip up that way if you have any future gatherings.

    Definitely. I'm hoping to make a little PAX community in the UK (since right now we seem pathetically under-represented!)

    That would be quite awesome since I will be living in the UK for the next four years before returning back to the states. It's hard to find gamers in my program (or should I say programme? I'm dreading writing papers), and I love meeting fellow nerds.

    zezspecs on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    zezspecs wrote: »
    That would be quite awesome since I will be living in the UK for the next four years before returning back to the states. It's hard to find gamers in my program (or should I say programme? I'm dreading writing papers), and I love meeting fellow nerds.

    The UK 'nerd' fraternity is quite vibrant I'll have you know, you just need to know where to look! A little off topic here Moe I know, so please forgive me! Don't move this post - PWEEEEZE!

    Anyway if you're looking to hook up with fellow gaming nerds who reside in the Old World then you should pop along to the following:

    Rllmuk - The UK's answer to NeoGAF only less elitist (not that hard really). They have regular meet ups across the UK.

    EuroGamer - The hub around which many UK gamer's organise their gaming activities. They also have an expo in the autumn at the end of September. It is by no means PAX, but it's better than nothing.

    Unified Gamers Network
    - A gathering of UK based podcasters that do their very best to uphold the spirit of video games with a very British bias.

    There, now back to PAX - IT'S GREAT! REALLY IT IS! OH YES INDEEDY. I am going to this Pre PAX meet up thingy, I hope others are too, yes.....*I really hope that's enough to bring this thread topic back on target, it's either that or Mr Fwacky bans me for life*

    kropotkin on

  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for you info! It's just hard to find gamers when you're in a veterinary school...

    Enjoy PAX and the Pre-PAX meetup and I will definitely try to make any others that I hear of!

    zezspecs on
  • JekhtJekht Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm dissappointed that I'l miss the London meet.

    Anyone want to do a Post-PAX night out in central London around Friday 10th? I'm sure I can find a few PAXers who don't post here to join.

    Not meant as a thread jack, just seems this is the place for London PAX orientated meets. I can always start a thread if people are interested.
    Also cheers for those websites, going to look into them.

    Jekht on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yes, let's definitely have a Post-PAX meetup! No need to start a new thread :)

    I'm in for the 10th or 11th. We could hit a dim sum place on Saturday if people have friday night plans.

    MelesMeles on
  • JekhtJekht Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Depends whether people would want to hit up some bars or just grab some food. Also there's always a LAN cafe in the HMV off Leicster Square.

    Jekht on
  • PiggoPiggo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm up for coming, would be cool to see some of you before jetting off.
    And I just invited myself to your Pre-Wizarding food meet too MelesMeles, so i'll see you there too.

    Piggo on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Is there a time we're thinking of meeting up?

    Pascual on
  • zezspecszezspecs ScotlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I still have to figure out a couple details, but I may make the journey from Edinburgh to London for something Post-PAX. Friday or Saturday work for me since I have don't have classes that Friday, which means plenty of travel time (plus no class that following week since it's induction week for all the normal students, which means I can have guilt-free non-studying fun that weekend).

    zezspecs on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Ok I just rang the poet bar and they actually don't have a quiz on the 31st. We could still go for a few drinks, what do you guys think?

    Pascual on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yes let's just meet up :)

    kropotkin on

  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    What time will be good with you guys?

    Pascual on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    How does 7pm sound to everyone?

    Pascual on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Sounds good, I'm up for that!

    MelesMeles on
  • PiggoPiggo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Fine by me, see you there.

    Piggo on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll be there with bells on! (minus the bells)

    Pascual on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Pascual wrote: »
    I'll be there with Bells in my shot glass! (minus the bells)

    Fixed that for ya.

    MelesMeles on
  • PascualPascual Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I've made a facebook page for the event if we need to contact each other.

    Pascual on
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