Welcome to the Penny Arcadian Warhammer 40,000 League!
OP stolen from Gabriel_Pitt
And dancing titans.
How to play: Everyone who wants to participate, say so in this thread. I will keep a list of the participants, their faction, and their current score in the OP. Also include what country you're in, as I will try and match people in similar time zones to make arranging game times easier. Deadline to opt in will be Sunday, August 1, 5:00 PM U.S. EST. After that, I will post the first match-ups and participants will then have until Sunday, August 8, 5:00 PM U.S. EST to complete their game and post the results in this thread. After that, I'll post the next set of matchups. If there are any late signups that can get their games in before Sunday August 8, I will put them in, just let me know you are interested.
You can download the VASSAL wargaminLg application, along with 40K module and maps from
this link here. Install VASSAL 3.1.14, and check out the user guide to learn how to play on it.
Escalation League Rules:
Time period: 8 weeks, 1 game per week.
Starting points for the first game: 750
Every two weeks the points for the game go up 250.
Army composition: you start with a Core (that you must take every game) of up to 500 points(you can choose less), and 3 optional blocks that you may choose between. A block is up to 250 points(you can choose less) or one unit (if it costs more than 250). The point limit for games is unaffected, so you will have to take fewer points in another block or from your Core to compensate. Every 2 weeks, when the points increase, you may pick 1 additional block. After week 4, you can redo your army lists wit ha 750 point core, and 4 blocks.
Battle force choices: every week your opponent will be chosen by Swiss style, and you choose your battle force AFTER you know who you are facing.
Just to be clear here is a breakdown by week:
Week1: Core +3 blocks. Use the Core and 1 block to make a 750 point (or less) list (obeying the standard force org chart) based on who your opponent is.
Week2: Core +3 blocks. Use the Core and 1 block to make a 750 point (or less) list.
Week3: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1000 point (or less) list.
Week4: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1000 point (or less) list.
Now you may change your list.
You may edit your Core (now up to 750 points) and your blocks to streamline it, or add a more effective unit for the higher points cost battles for the 2nd half of the League.
Week5: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1250 point (or less) list.
Week6: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1250 point (or less) list.
Week7: Core +5 blocks. Use the Core and 3 blocks to make a 1500 point (or less) list.
Week8: Core +5 blocks. Use the Core and 3 blocks to make a 1500 point (or less) list.
Allowed Armies: All standard 40k armies (No Forge World)
Map: There are about 36 different maps included with the VASSAL package above. Randomly pick one to play on. Some of the maps have terrain and cover saves already determined. If not, agree with your opponent before the game how you want to play it.
Mission and Deployment: Use the VASSAL button.
Rule disputes: If something crops up in a game that cannot be conclusively settled, post it here and I'll make a ruling on how it should be played within the league.
Anything that needs to be further clarified? Did I leave anything important out?
This info is out of date, ad is just included for historical purposes.
............................Score......Faction.......Time Zone
Mazzyx..................14.............CSM............GMT -6
PolloDiablo............12..............IG...............GMT -4
Slapnuts................12.............SW..............GMT -4
Sharp101..............11...........SM...............GMT -4
Thelawinator.........11.............IG..............GMT -5
Huntzy...................11.............BA...............GMT -4
Extreaminatus.......10.............DE............GMT -5
Smurfy...................10.............SOB.............GMT -7
Eldercat.................9..............DA.............GMT -5
AtriusNight............8.............ORKS...........GMT -4
Heffling..................8............ORKS...........GMT -5
Gabriel_Pitt...........9.............SM.............GMT -4
Susan....................9............Nec.............GMT -8
RenegadeAce........?..............???.............GMT -?
Week 1 Matches:
Week 2 Matches:
Week 3 Matches:
TheLawinator..D....v.....D.....(Smurfy v PolloDiablo winner)
Eldercat.......D.......v...D.......(Smurfy v PolloDiablo loser)
Week 4 Matches:
...........................Faction.......Time Zone
Mazzyx................CSM............GMT -6
PolloDiablo...........IG...............GMT -4
Slapnuts..............SW..............GMT -4
Sharp101.............SM...............GMT -4
Thelawinator........IG...............GMT -5
Huntzy.................BA...............GMT -4
Extreaminatus......DE..............GMT -5
Smurfy..................SOB.............GMT -7
Eldercat................DA...............GMT -5
AtriusNight...........ORKS...........GMT -4
Heffling................ORKS...........GMT -5
Gabriel_Pitt...........SM..............GMT -4
Susan...................Nec.............GMT -8
RenegadeAce........???.............GMT -?
All right guys. Lets just change this to a challenge league using the results we have to set up the board.
1. Challenge Board
Each participant can be moved up and down the list to show each player's present standing.
2. Challenging
In general, players on each tier may challenge any player on the next higher tier to a match by contacting that person and arranging a time to play. If you are on the bottom tier, you may challenge anyone on the next higher tier. However, if you are on a higher tier, then you may only challenge if you have successfully defended your present position.
3. Bottom Tier
The bottom tier is the lowest tier that is more than half full. If the lowest tier is half full or less than half full, it is counted as part of the tier above, and the second lowest and the lowest tier both are considered the bottom tier. Players who do not have a spot on the board are considered on the bottom tier and must try to fight their way on.
4. Challenge Tokens
When you successfully defend your spot, you get a challenge token, and you may then spend your challenge token to challenge a player on the next higher tier. If you win, your name is switched on the Challenge Board with the name of the person you defeated (but you no longer have a challenge token, and must earn another by defending your new position). If you lose, your opponent gets your challenge token, and you must earn another). Challenge tokens will be denoted by
red names.
5. Champion
The player on the top position is the current champion of the Challenge Board. Each time the champion successfully defends his position, he gets a challenge token, and if he wins four tokens he shall retire as Grand Champion (with his name commended through the ages) and may reenter the Challenge Board with a new army. However, if the champion is defeated, he falls to the bottom tier, and the resulting openings on the Challenge Board are filled randomly by players with challenge tokens.
6. Frequency of Play
You should play at least one game every other week. Unless you are in the top position of the Challenge Board, if two weeks pass without you playing a game, then I will swap your tag with that of a randomly selected player who has a challenge token from the next lower tier (if you have a challenge token, you would not lose it as the result of this swap, but the randomly selected player would). Thus, if you fail to play games, you will keep moving lower until you get to the bottom tier.
7. If Nobody Will Challenge You
If two weeks pass without you receiving a challenge, then I will issue you a free challenge token. If three weeks pass and no challenges have been issued to the top player, they shall retire as Grand Champion, and the two players in the second tier shall be moved to the bottom tier, with the resulting openings filled randomly by players with challenge tokens.
Red players have a challenge token, and may challenge anyone in the tier above them.
Tier 1:
Tier 2: PolloDiablo--
Tier 3: Sharp101--Thelawinator--
Tier 4: Extreaminatus--Smurfy--Eldercat--Dayspring
Tier 5:
Do we get 4 blocks instead?
I've not settled on my list yet, but will probably end up trying out the harlequins.
Every time the points go up you get another block. At week 7 you will have a 500pt core plus 6 250pt blocks to make a 1500 point list from.
The point of the blocks is a sideboard, if you will, to somewhat tailor your army to your opponent. With the core being there to ensure some consistency.
Ok, gunna have to ponder my list. To the armybuilder-mobile!
Daemon Prince
-power fist
2x melta
Greater Demon
Block 1-250 pts.
-power fist
2x flamer
-havoc launcher
Block 2-256 pts
Plague Marines
-power fist
2x flamer
Block 3-255 pts
-3x combi
Block 4-225 pts
3x Obliterators
Block 5-245 pts.
-power fist
2x melta
Block 6-245 pts.
-heavy bolters
Chaos Vindi
Also, I need to get my list together. Good times.
Your army list right now can only have 1 core and 3 blocks in it.
If you plan to go over 250 on a block, you should not be at 500 on your core. By being at 500 points on your core it means you cannot take a block that is over 250 for the first 2 weeks, and you could just add that block on week 3 instead of having a block doing nothing.
I am not saying you CAN'T do it, but the intention was for the blocks to give flexibility to the list. To be switched out at will to better match your opponent, and keep your opponent guessing which extras you are taking.
Edit: Here is a week by week breakdown:
Week1: Core +3 blocks. Use the Core and 1 block to make a 750 point (or less) list (obeying the standard force org chart) based on who your opponent is.
Week2: Core +3 blocks. Use the Core and 1 block to make a 750 point (or less) list.
Week3: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1000 point (or less) list.
Week4: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1000 point (or less) list.
Now you may change your list.
You may edit your Core (now up to 750 points) and your blocks to streamline it, or add a more effective unit for the higher points cost battles for the 2nd half of the League.
Week5: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1250 point (or less) list.
Week6: Core +4 blocks. Use the Core and 2 blocks to make a 1250 point (or less) list.
Week7: Core +5 blocks. Use the Core and 3 blocks to make a 1500 point (or less) list.
Week8: Core +5 blocks. Use the Core and 3 blocks to make a 1500 point (or less) list.
Smurfy, evenings work well for me, late evenings better still, just let me know when you're available and I'll make my schedule work. I'm also quite new to the VASSAL program, so I may need a day or so to poke it and make it work like it should. Lookin' forward to it!
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Vet Squad
3 plas
Vet Squad
3 melta
500 on the dot
Block 1
Vet Squad
3 melta
Block 2
4 flamer
Infantry Squad
Commissar with power weapon
Infantry Squad
Power weapon on sergeant
Block 3
2 scout sentinels with HK missiles
Edit: This is MK 2 that I changed before the first game.
Core-500 pts.:
-power fist
2x melta
Greater Demon
Block 1-250 pts.
-power fist
2x flamer
-havoc launcher
Block 2-245 pts.
-power fist
2x melta
Block 3-246 pts.
-power fist
2x flamer
And Eldercat got my race wrong, I'm trying some SW out, must I reveal them here?
I'm available most weeknights after 6pm EST.
I'm also available all day tomorrow.
Big Mek, KFF - 85 Points
12x Ork Boyz, Slugga/Choppa, Nob, Pk, Trukk - 142
12x Ork Boyz, Slugga/Choppa, Nob, Pk, Trukk - 142
Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plants, Grot Riggas, Big Shoota - 130
Detachment 1 - Elite:
15x Burna Boyz - 225
Detachment 2 - Elite:
15x Loota Boyz - 225
Detachment 3 - Elite:
6x MegaNobz, Kombi Skorcha, Kombi Rokkit - 250
Detachment 4 -
HQ: Big Mek, Shokk Attack Gun (Timspork!) - 95
Elite: 5x Loota Boyz - 75
Elite: 5x Loota Boyz - 75
For later in the seasons, can you combine blocks? For example, if I wanted to take a nobz squad in a 1500 pt army, they usually run around 500 pts. Or is part of the block breakdown to avoid deathstar type units?
Sounds good. And I don't think you have to reveal your list; my Necron list is a bit more self-explanatory than most, and could probably have been guessed in its entirety .
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Also, a clarification question: After week 4, can my core be more than 500 points if my my blocks have points to compensate?
Farseer, spear, Fortune, runes of warding (103)
5 Pathfinders (120)
5 Pathfinders (120)
Wraithlord, Bright Lance, Missile Launcher and flamers (155)
(498 total)
9 Harlequins with 7 kisses, 2 fusion pistols, Death Jester and Shadow Seer (250)
9 Harlequins with 7 kisses, 2 fusion pistols, Death Jester and Shadow Seer (250)
Wraithlord, Lance and Launcher, 2 flamers (155)
1 War Walker, 2 Bright Lances (90)
We'll see how it does. If nothing else it should be something a bit different :P
I have a hankering to kick Lawinator's butt, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Vassel is paying favorites.
Platoon 1
3 squads with missile launchers
Platoon 2
3 squads with grenade launchers
Ratling Squad
3 ratlings
Block 1
Block 2
3 Scout Sentinels w/ Multilasers, Smoke Launchers
Block 3
Hull Heavy Flamer
Heavy Flamer Sponsons
Extra Armor
Sly Marbo
Everything is either 500 or 250 on the dot. I don't know how effective any of this is, but I'm willing to experiment.
Yes, I would like to have all the lists posted in this thread, just to keep people honest.
Dark Eldar Lord (Archon)
~Shadow Field
~Splinter Pistol
~Combat Drugs
~Crucible of Malediction
5 Incubi
Warrior Squad x10
~Poisoned Blades
Splinter Cannon x2
Total: 111
Block 1
~x3 Disintigrators
Warrior Squad x13
~Dark Lance x2
Block 2
~Poisoned Blades
Splinter Cannon x2
Block 3
~Wych Weapons
~Plasma Grenades
- Agonizer
- Animus Vitae
~Screaming Jets
Can we rewrite our core force after week 4 to be more than 500 points if we have fewer points in our blocks to compensate?