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Card Games at PAX

Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am,I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
edited September 2010 in PAX Archive
I haven't really seen any kind of thread for the kinds of card games people will be playing at PAX. This is my third year, so I already understand about the WotC buy-in games and some of the small stuff on the show floor. That's now what I want.

My buddy and I have been getting some WoW TCG cards recently, splitting booster boxes, and part of my appeal to start collecting for the game was RAID DECKS. A big part of my childhood was birthday parties with friends when we all played Magic, and we would do big games of 3v3 or that kind of thing. Now, being that it's just the two of us that play, we haven't been able to play with a group for a raid deck yet, and this makes me sad face. :(

That being said, in my previous PAXing, I didn't check out the board/card game building a whole lot. So for all I know, everyone is playing raid decks all the time during PAX, or maybe nobody plays and this will get some games going for us.
So, is there raid decking for us to enjoy? Do you have a raid deck that you'd like to run for a group to play with? My friend and I would like to raid your deck, so let's make a plan.

XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
Custom Special on


  • John_FN_SeilerJohn_FN_Seiler Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I dont play WOW TCG, but I thought I would put this here.

    I play Vs. System (MArvel, DC) I'll bring a couple of decks. If anybody wants to play, let me know.

    John_FN_Seiler on
    Listen to Spoiler Alert on KSUA 91.5FM at Every Tuesday 8 PM-10PM (9-11 PM Pacific). It's a Talk show about games, movies, comics, wrestling, TV and everything in between.
  • 2VipeRS2VipeRS Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    You will find random people playing card games across the hall (especially towards the evenings), so I just walked up started a convo, and next thing you know it... I was playing with them xD Great fun!

    2VipeRS on
    '08 & '09 CCST Survivor (just barely)
  • aragorn18aragorn18 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Cryptozoic will be there running events for the WoW TCG. But, they usually don't have organized raid deck events. However, you could at least go to the area where they're having the WoW events and see if anyone is interested. That would be your best bet to find other players.

    aragorn18 on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    aragorn18 wrote: »
    Cryptozoic will be there running events for the WoW TCG. But, they usually don't have organized raid deck events. However, you could at least go to the area where they're having the WoW events and see if anyone is interested. That would be your best bet to find other players.

    Is Cryptozoic a forumer? And I assume they have a WoW TCG booth on the floor somewhere, but they probably only do tutorial-type games to show people how to play?

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Cryptozoic's tournament information should be released soon!

    There are brief details found on

    Specifically, Cryptozoic Employee Ben Hameem posted on 8/13:

    "We've been holding off [until] the release of the main PAX schedule so we could adjust ours if needed to make the timing perfect. If it doesn't get released by the beginning of the week we'll push out the Cryptozoic schedule.

    We will have both a booth in the exhibit hall, and a big area in the gaming area. Tournaments will run from noon until midnight, with a big event at 7pm on Friday and Saturday. We'll also be running League and Landro's Wheel again. "

    Well, now that the PAX schedule is out, I'd expect some sort of formal announcement to come from Cryptozoic about their WoWTCG activities in the coming days.

    As far as other card games, e.g. Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, The Spoils, etc., to my knowledge there are no other structured, sanctioned card game tournaments. I would highly recommend using the Looking For Group methods to find non-sanctioned, pickup games:

    1) We'll have a whiteboard in the Tabletop HQ, where you'll be able to write "LFG Pokemon TCG, im Room 302 - send text to 555-5555" or

    2) via twitter, tweet a message like "LFG Pokemon TCG, in Room 302 #ttlfg"

    3) Walk into any of the Tabletop Freeplay rooms and set up shop with your cards at a table! Strike up conversations with others, bring some extra decks, and invite them to play!

    We'll have signs reminding people to search for the #ttlfg hashtag in Twitter to find open games, and we'll be encouraging people to utilize these methods to find like-minded players and get their game on.


    Lackey on
  • hyrulehero96hyrulehero96 The Hero of Rhyme Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    please please someone else have a poke'mon tcg deck! i love playing the video game and all but seriously i brings me cards every year and its just me and my friends playing. I got a few decks so anyone that wants to do battle lets make it happen!

    hyrulehero96 on
    Slim, Relax, Fine Wine At The Qfc, On A Snowy Saturday Night

    My Body Is always Reggie
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Fine, fine, I'll build and bring a pokemon deck too to take on you punks.

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • ploogleploogle Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll bring a deck of MTG for sure!

    ploogle on
    If you can't handle me at my Worcestershire, you don't deserve me at my Bestershire.
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll certainly have some Magic decks with me as well, and after I'm done my Enforcer shifts, I'll be floating through the Tabletop Freeplay rooms looking to get in some games, Magic or otherwise.

    Lackey on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Lackey wrote: »
    Cryptozoic's tournament information should be released soon!

    There are brief details found on

    Specifically, Cryptozoic Employee Ben Hameem posted on 8/13:

    "We've been holding off [until] the release of the main PAX schedule so we could adjust ours if needed to make the timing perfect. If it doesn't get released by the beginning of the week we'll push out the Cryptozoic schedule.

    We will have both a booth in the exhibit hall, and a big area in the gaming area. Tournaments will run from noon until midnight, with a big event at 7pm on Friday and Saturday. We'll also be running League and Landro's Wheel again. "

    Well, now that the PAX schedule is out, I'd expect some sort of formal announcement to come from Cryptozoic about their WoWTCG activities in the coming days.

    As far as other card games, e.g. Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, The Spoils, etc., to my knowledge there are no other structured, sanctioned card game tournaments. I would highly recommend using the Looking For Group methods to find non-sanctioned, pickup games:

    1) We'll have a whiteboard in the Tabletop HQ, where you'll be able to write "LFG Pokemon TCG, im Room 302 - send text to 555-5555" or

    2) via twitter, tweet a message like "LFG Pokemon TCG, in Room 302 #paxttlfg"

    3) Walk into any of the Tabletop Freeplay rooms and set up shop with your cards at a table! Strike up conversations with others, bring some extra decks, and invite them to play!

    We'll have signs reminding people to search for the #paxttlfg hashtag in Twitter to find open games, and we'll be encouraging people to utilize these methods to find like-minded players and get their game on.


    Wow...thanks for all the great info Lackey!
    This is why I ask questions, because there is always someone out there who knows way more about it than me. I guess I'll just be roaming tabletop a lot more this year and asking questions at the Crypto booth.
    Little more than two weeks....

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • EnigmasEnigmas Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    While I'm not a player of the CCGs, I will have Chrononauts, Monty Python Flux and Set in my bag for random line play.

    Also, I feel the table top rooms can be more fun than going to the "scheduled" events. Playing one or two games with people lets you get to know people better than just wandering the halls or sitting next to people at panels.
    But then, I'm slightly biased, being a regular of the local board game group at Gamma Ray Games.

    Enigmas on
    3DS: 4871-3908-4971
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    Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
    Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
  • WhitewolfjmWhitewolfjm Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I will be bringing Dungeoneer (

    I have Dragons of the Forsaken Desert, and Realm of the Ice Witch.

    Looking forward to this,

    Whitewolfjm on
    3DS Friend Code: 0275-8881-6723
    3DS Friend Name: Whitewolfjm
    Pokemon Y In-game name: Superman
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Ok, my M:tG Mono-Green beatdown deck, check. White Life Gain Wall, Check.

    Pokemon....hrm, I need something a little more flavored than my current theme deck. *Will need to hit the card shop tonight.*

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • ZecroZecro Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll bring my two pokemans deck of base set cards (few of which are tournament legal anymore). Hell, I'll even bring a pokemans play mat.

    Zecro on
  • FatherFletchFatherFletch Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Lackey wrote: »
    I'll certainly have some Magic decks with me as well, and after I'm done my Enforcer shifts, I'll be floating through the Tabletop Freeplay rooms looking to get in some games, Magic or otherwise.

    What makes you think you will get a break?

    FatherFletch on
    Tabletop Manager
    Rolling Old School Dice since '04
  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I just got notice that my review copy of the Back to the Future card game is in the mail. It's from Looney Labs (famous for making Fluxx). I'll definitely be bringing this and getting random line people to play so I get a good set of impressions to base my write-up off of.

    Gundabad on
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    So, I am a retard for the artwork on the wow tcg... However I am just way too blonde to really fully comprehend how to play. I have like 2 binders full of random ass cards (I wont lie, I play wow, I like my in game lewts) BUT, I was hoping I could find someone whos very good at explaining to.. empty minded people how to play.. I will be there with my boyfriend all 3 days, so if any of you had time to actually sit down and show me the ropes, that'd be so freakin sweeeeeet.

    Sarahstrasza on
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Gundabad wrote: »
    I just got notice that my review copy of the Back to the Future card game is in the mail. It's from Looney Labs (famous for making Fluxx). I'll definitely be bringing this and getting random line people to play so I get a good set of impressions to base my write-up off of.

    I'll have to actively seek you out for a round, game sounds pretty heavy.

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • FatherFletchFatherFletch Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    So, I am a retard for the artwork on the wow tcg... However I am just way too blonde to really fully comprehend how to play. I have like 2 binders full of random ass cards (I wont lie, I play wow, I like my in game lewts) BUT, I was hoping I could find someone whos very good at explaining to.. empty minded people how to play.. I will be there with my boyfriend all 3 days, so if any of you had time to actually sit down and show me the ropes, that'd be so freakin sweeeeeet.

    Stop by TT HQ in room 213. We will do what we can to help you find an instructor.

    FatherFletch on
    Tabletop Manager
    Rolling Old School Dice since '04
  • aragorn18aragorn18 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    So, I am a retard for the artwork on the wow tcg... However I am just way too blonde to really fully comprehend how to play. I have like 2 binders full of random ass cards (I wont lie, I play wow, I like my in game lewts) BUT, I was hoping I could find someone whos very good at explaining to.. empty minded people how to play.. I will be there with my boyfriend all 3 days, so if any of you had time to actually sit down and show me the ropes, that'd be so freakin sweeeeeet.

    Stop by TT HQ in room 213. We will do what we can to help you find an instructor.
    Also, stop by the Cryptozoic booth in the Exhibition Hall. They will have people doing demos. There will also likely be starter tournaments for people who just learned the game.

    aragorn18 on
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Lackey wrote: »
    I'll certainly have some Magic decks with me as well, and after I'm done my Enforcer shifts, I'll be floating through the Tabletop Freeplay rooms looking to get in some games, Magic or otherwise.

    What makes you think you will get a break?

    O, mighty Taskmaster, I must have been mistaken! It was foolish for me to imply. I.. don't know what came over me-- Please! No! Not again! I beseech thee! The scars are only just now healing...

    Lackey on
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Oh awesome possum, sweet. Thanks!

    Sarahstrasza on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I just found a CZE schedule for their buy-ins throughout the weekend at PAX:

    It's not the raid decking I'm interested in, but I may participate in a couple of those for some new cards a little tournament play.

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Quoted from the wowtcg website

    "you can pick up a Class Starter Deck for $5 with the PAX coupon or combo out with a Class Starter Deck and Archives pack for $10. Considering the Class Starter is normally $10.99 and Archives packs are $5.99, that's massive savings and both products have the best Loot cards from the past three years."

    What is this PAX coupon? How do I get it, or do I just get it for being part of pax? Could someone knowledged, fill me in please? Also saw that if you purchase a class starter deck, sign up for the league and pay 10 bucks you get a playing mat. Anyone able to touch on the league as well? Is that something I'd have to be at pax all day every day for? Spectral Tiger playmat. SQUEEEE!

    Sarahstrasza on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Quoted from the wowtcg website

    "you can pick up a Class Starter Deck for $5 with the PAX coupon or combo out with a Class Starter Deck and Archives pack for $10. Considering the Class Starter is normally $10.99 and Archives packs are $5.99, that's massive savings and both products have the best Loot cards from the past three years."

    What is this PAX coupon? How do I get it, or do I just get it for being part of pax? Could someone knowledged, fill me in please? Also saw that if you purchase a class starter deck, sign up for the league and pay 10 bucks you get a playing mat. Anyone able to touch on the league as well? Is that something I'd have to be at pax all day every day for? Spectral Tiger playmat. SQUEEEE!

    Thank you Sarah! I am all over/looking forward to this. I assume this coupon will probably be in the annual grab-bag (usually stickers, buttons, t-shirt, junk, etc and everyone gets one). WE MUST FIND THE COUPONZ.

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I am runnin out of room in my second binder for my wow tcg cards.. gonna need a third soon >.>

    So looking forward to confusing some poor guy/girl in attempting to explain how to play to me. Mwahaha. Victory is mine!

    Grab bags? Where do we get said annual bags? What am I... new?... One would think so. First time goin all three days though anyway. Booyeah!

    Sarahstrasza on
  • Sandstorm JenniferSandstorm Jennifer Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    For a fun, quick card game, we'll be playing Poo and Hecho in room 212 all weekend. Poo - yes, it is a game of monkey's flinging Poo - won the Origins Award this year for best card game. It's a great game for passing time while waiting in line, too - and a great way to meet people, as folks seeing you playing a hand of Poo can't help but want to join in the monkey fun. ;)

    Sandstorm Jennifer on
  • Kilo147Kilo147 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    If any of you are up for a real game, I'll be bringing my Borg deck for the Star Trek CCG 1st Edition to mop the floor with all comers. Also, POGs. I lack a costume or anything awesome, just look for the guy with an E-cigarette that smells of lovely cinnamon candy. Or the guy randomly challenging people to POG matches. That works too.

    Kilo147 on
    PAX '04
    PAX '11

    Tango down, Kilo147 out.
  • aragorn18aragorn18 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I am runnin out of room in my second binder for my wow tcg cards.. gonna need a third soon >.>

    So looking forward to confusing some poor guy/girl in attempting to explain how to play to me. Mwahaha. Victory is mine!
    Sarah, if you're interested, my friend who is coming into town is one of WoW TCG's best demoers. Back when Upper Deck had the license and they had an organized demo team, they used to fly him all over the country to demo the game. If you're interested, drop me a private message and we can hook up some time.
    Grab bags? Where do we get said annual bags? What am I... new?... One would think so. First time goin all three days though anyway. Booyeah!
    Goodie bags are handed out in the line before the convention starts.

    aragorn18 on
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    So.. I SORT of understand how to play wow tcg now. There's still some things I.. don't know or get confused over. I couldn't really get a demo from the ladies at the crypto area because it was noisy and I have a slight ear infection. Tomorrow I am hoping to spend a lot of my time down by landro's wheel at the tables, If I could sucker someone into showing my boyfriend, his friend and I how to REALLY play wow tcg.. that'd be super duper swell.. we plan to be there from open to near convention close time. :-D

    Sarahstrasza on
  • Goodfella2487Goodfella2487 Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Got the Ally mage starter deck and 3 boosters. I'll be at room 305 playing in the league around 11am tomorrow morning. Text me at 908-227-0746 whenever and we can meet up/play.

    Goodfella2487 on
  • XarthanXarthan Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Sweet, I found out about this AFTER the floor closed so I missed out on the deal, but I think I will pick it up tomorrow. I already play the Real WoW too much, dunno if this is a good idea, hahaha.

    Xarthan on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Zarthan, since you play WoW, you should at least go spin Landro's Wheel.
    It's in the Hidden Level. Basically you get a free spin just for going, which gets you a tcg loot card, with a scratch-off code that's redeemable in-game for an item.
    Some cards are trinkets like fireworks or pets, some are mounts, etc.

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • SarahstraszaSarahstrasza Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I won a turtle mount, and my boyfriend won a bear mount. But I already have the fishin turtle mount. My kingdom plus 1, for an ethereal plunderer. lol.

    I also play wow, religiously. I pretty much eat sleep hit the gym and play wow until wash rinse repeat. lol. I thought I knew how to play but, there's a LOT of loopholes still, so yeah. time to fix that!

    I will be runnin around in full color, and totin around my windrider plushie. Chances are i'll be alone or be stuck with two duders.

    Sarahstrasza on
  • KaneKane Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Totally missed out here! Picked up a TON of WoW. They had the "con special" open to everyone as many times as you wanted instead of just one per person on Sunday. I got a total of 5 starters and packs of the foils. LOVE the game. Same basic rules as Vs. as well oddly enough. Easy jump from Magic to WoW as well. Hopefully next year I can get some play time in!

    Kane on
  • Custom SpecialCustom Special I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    Yeah, my buddy and I each got a starter and archives pack. However, when I opened the archives pack I was a little disappointed. Yeah, foil is neat. But it's just old cards. I thought it would be a new mini-set, with it's own symbol so that it was usable in block games. But it's just shiney old cards, and you only got 9 cards for FIVE DOLLARS, essentially. Not cool, trickery I say.

    Custom Special on
    XBL: F4ll0utBP | STEAM | PSN : CustomSpecial | Bnet: F4ll0ut#1636
  • XarthanXarthan Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    haha yeah, well I ended up getting a paladin and rogue deck. I also did the beginners tournament and picked up a warlock deck.

    Didn't get any awesome loot cards, maybe the sandbox tiger was cool.

    Xarthan on
  • KaneKane Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    I went to spin the wheel...and got the friggin special! Ended up with the turtle mount. :)

    Kane on
This discussion has been closed.